Neutral Fighter 5

Combat Notes Movement Rate
Armor Class: Hit Points: Damage: Normal 60'
4 30 Encounter 20'
Running 60'
Attack Rolls AC: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Attack Roll Needed:   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20

Abilities Adjustments Saving Throws
16 Str +2 Attack, Damage, Open Doors 10 Death Ray or Poison
8 Int -1 Language(s), Extra Skill Slots 11 Magic Wands
11 Wis +0 Saving Throws vs. Spells 12 Paralysis or Turn to Stone
12 Dex +0 Init., Missile Atk Rolls,    +0     AC 13 Dragon Breath
10 Con +0 Hit Points/Level 14 Rod, Staff, or Spell
7 Cha -1 Reactions Initiative: 1d6

Weapon Mastery ( Total Weapon Choices:   5   )
Weapon Level Ranges Damage Defense Special Effects
Dagger Basic 10 / 20 / 30 1d4
Short Bow Basic 50 / 100 / 150 1d6
Spear Basic 20 / 40 / 60 1d6 Set
Two-Handed Sword Skilled 2d6+1 Stun + Deflect (1)

General Skills ( Total Skill Slots:   5   )
Alertness (12), Escape (12), Intimidation (16), Muscle (16), Riding (Horses) (12)
Common, Neutral

Special Skills and Powers
  • Lance Attack
  • Set Spear vs. Charge

Other Character Notes:
Additional Names and Titles: Race: Human Age: 18
Height: 5'10" Hair: Brown
Weight: 1,800 cn Eyes: Brown
Family Social Standing: Comfortable Ethnicity: Traladaran Home: Specularum
Experience / XP Adjustment: 19,152 of 32,000 / +10% Gender: Male Religion: Church of Traladara

Equipment Carried:
egg of wonder, +1 two-handed sword, Backpack (400 cn capacity) (enc 20; 5 gp), Chain Mail Armor (enc 400; 40 gp), Rope (50' long) (enc 50; 1 gp), Spear (enc 30; 3 gp), Standard Rations (1 week, unpreserved) (enc 200; 5 gp), Tinder Box (enc 5; 3 gp), 6 Torches (enc 120; 1 gp), Waterskin (full) (30 enc; 1 gp)
Equipment Owned Elsewhere:

Carried — pp: 0 | gp: 17 | ep: 0 | sp: 0 | cp: 0 ; At Home — pp: 0 | gp: 0 | ep: 0 | sp: 0 | cp: 0 ; Elsewhere — pp: 0 | gp: 0 | ep: 0 | sp: 0 | cp: 0

Gems: None

Jewelry and Art: None

Encumbrance: 872

Defeated Enemy Record:
Bat, Bugbear, Gnolls (2), Hobgoblin, Hound of the Iron Ring (3), Reaver Cleric of the Iron Ring, Reaver of the Iron Ring (2), Scange Archer, Scange Swordsman, Skeleton (4), Special Ghoul, Stirge (2), Yellow-Fang Goblin (3), Zombie (2)

Character sheet for BECMI / RC Dungeons & Dragons. Phoenix Gaming Club — 2021-2022.
34 Games Played | Last Played on 04/12/2022 | Created on 06/21/2021 | Mercenary