Forgotten Realms Campaign - established August 15, 2002
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition
Character Played by Chad Cassetty
43 Active Game Sessions, Created on 07/15/2002
Name: Randall Tallstag Alignment: Lawful Good
Male Human Medium Humanoid
Character Level: 22 (ECL 22) XP: 246,228 (MXP: 390)
Primary Class: Paladin 13
Multi-Classes: Cleric 2
Prestige Classes: Knight of the Chalice 7
Ability Base Race Age Inherent Level Magic Temp Total Mod
STR: 14 +0 +0 +4 +2 +4   24 / ____ +7 / ____
DEX: 11 +0 +0 +0 +1 +4   16 / ____ +3 / ____
CON: 14 +0 +0 +0 +0 +4   18 / ____ +4 / ____
INT: 13 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0   13 / ____ +1 / ____
WIS: 15 +0 +0 +0 +1 +0   16 / ____ +3 / ____
CHA: 17 +0 +0 +5 +1 +0   23 / ____ +6 / ____
Armor Class: 35
  touch 14     flat-footed 34
  armor check penalty -6

(+1 Dex, +2 natural, +13 acid resistant black dragonhide full plate armor, +6 heavy fortification heavy steel shield, +3 ring of protection)

BAB: +19/+14/+9/+4
EAB: +1
Grapple: +27
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Speed: 30 ft. (20 ft. base, +10 ft. boots of striding and springing - 6 squares; run triple speed)

Languages: Chondathan, Common, Elven

Saving Throws Base Ability Magic Misc Epic Total
Fortitude +15 +4 +5 +6 +1 +31 / ____
Reflex +5 +3 +5 +6 +1 +20 / ____
Will +8 +3 +5 +6 +1 +23 / ____
Hit Dice: 2d8+8 plus 13d10+52 plus 7d12+28 (218 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
+4 devastating flaming holy longsword
crit. 17-20/x3
+32 +27 +22 +17 melee 1d8+11 plus 1d6 fire plus 2d6 vs. evil
+2 assassin's dagger
crit. 19-20/x2
+29 +24 +19 +14 melee 1d4+9
+1 mighty (+4 Str) composite longbow
crit. 20/x3, 110 ft.
+24 +19 +14 +9 ranged 1d8+5
Dyrnwyn - +4 devastating flaming holy longsword - Lawful Good, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10, Ego 18 - Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Ignan - Can read all languages and read magic and communicate with wielder via telepathy.

Sense Motive +11; Wielder does not need to sleep; Wielder has free use of Blind-Fight feat; 1/day-haste (wielder only, 10 rounds)

 Feats: Armor Proficiency (all), Armor Skin, Blind-Fight (from Dyrnwyn), Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Leadership, Martial Weapon Proficiency (all), Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Power Critical (longsword), Saddleback, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency (all), Weapon Focus (longsword) Acid Resistance: 10
Fire Resistance: 20
Special Notes: critical hits do not deal critical damage 75% of the time
 Skills: Balance -2 (+3 Dex, 0 ranks, -5 armor check), Climb +2 (+7 Str, 0 ranks, -5 armor check), Concentration +17 (+4 Con, 13 ranks), Diplomacy +13 (+6 Cha, 7 ranks), Handle Animal +9 (+4 Cha, 5 ranks), Heal +6 (+3 Wis, 3 ranks), Jump +7 (+7 Str, 0 ranks, -5 armor check, +5 boots of striding and springing), Knowledge (arcana) +3 (+1 Int, 2 ranks), Knowledge (the planes) +22 (+1 Int, 5 ranks [cross-class], 16 ranks), Knowledge (religion) +21 (+1 Int, 20 ranks), Listen +5 (+3 Wis, 2 ranks [cross-class]), Profession (siege engineer) +7 (+3 Wis, 4 ranks), Ride +18 (+3 Dex, 10 ranks, +3 Saddleback, +2 synergy bonus from Handle Animal), Search +1 (+1 Int, 0 ranks), Spellcraft +3 (+1 Int, 2 ranks), Spot +5 (+3 Wis, 2 ranks [cross-class]), Swim +7 (+7 Str, 0 ranks)
 Special Attacks/Qualities:
Censure Demons (Su): 3/day--any demon within 30 feet must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + the Knight of the Chalice's class level + Charisma modifier) or be censured. A censured demon whose Hit Dice are equal to or greater than twice the Knight of the Chalice's class level is stunned for 1 round. Weaker demons are stunned and must succeed on a Will save (same DC) or be sent back to its home plane as if dismissed. Only one demon may be dismissed per use of censure demon. If multiple demons are present, always roll saves for lowest Hit Dice first until one is dismissed or all make their saving throw.
Cleric Abilities: Spontaneous casting.
Courage of Heaven (Su): Immune to fear effects and Enchantments cast or created by evil outsiders.
Fiendslaying (Ex): +3 competence bonus on attack rolls against evil outsiders; +3d6 weapon damage against evil outsiders; +3 competence bonus on Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks against evil outsiders; +3 competence bonus against Will saves from attacking evil outsiders; +3 competence bonus on opposed ability checks against evil outsiders; all spells against evil outsiders are treated as having Spell Focus and Spell Penetration feats.
Feat of Strength (Su): 1/day--As a free action, gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 round.
Paladin Abilities: At will--detect evil; lay on hands 78 hp/day; immune to all disease (including mummy rot and lycanthropy) and fear; aura of courage (10 ft. radius, +4 morale bonus on saves vs. fear); 3/week--remove disease; 12/day--turn undead as 12th-level cleric (combined with cleric levels).
Smite Evil (Su): 3/day--Make a normal attack for +6 hit and +13 damage against an evil foe. If a smite is made against a non-evil foe, extra bonuses are not gained and the smite is expended for the day.
Special Mount (Sp): 1/day--As a full-round action, a paladin may magically call her mount from the celestial realms in which it resides. The mount immediately appears adjacent to the paladin and remains for 2 hours per paladin level; it may be dismissed at any time as a free action. The mount is the same creature each time it is summoned, though the paladin may release a particular mount from service. Each time the mount is called, it appears in full health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously. The mount also appears wearing or carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed. Calling a mount is a conjuration (calling) effect.
 Cleric Domains: Healing and Strength.
 Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3+1; DC 13 + spell level; cast Healing spells at 3rd level): 0-level: create water, detect magic, light, resistance. 1st: bless, command, cure light wounds*, protection from evil. * domain spell.

 Knight of the Chalice Spells Prepared (3/2/2; DC 13 + spell level; caster level 7th): 1st: detect chaos, divine favor x2. 2nd: bear's endurance, undetectable alignment. 3rd: invisibility purge, protection from energy.

 Paladin Spells Prepared (2/2/2; DC 13 + spell level; caster level 6th): 1st: bless weapon, detect undead. 2nd: delay poison, resist energy. 3rd: cure moderate wounds, magic circle against evil.
Spellcasting Record
0-level:   1st:   2nd:   3rd: 1 4th:  

Magical Items: +5 acid resistant black dragonhide full plate armor, +4 amulet of health, +2 assassin's dagger, +4 belt of giant strength, boots of striding and springing, +5 cloak of resistance, Dyrnwyn, +4 gloves of dexterity, +4 heavy fortification heavy steel shield, +1 mighty (+4 Str) composite longbow, ring of major fire resistance, +3 ring of protection

Potions: 2 potions of cure serious wounds, potion of haste, potion of neutralize poison, 2 potions of water breathing

Nonmagical Items: 15 arrows, 5 flasks of oil, flint and steel, grappling hook, hooded lantern, silk rope (50 ft.), silver holy symbol, trail rations (10 days), waterskin

Platinum (pp): 0, Gold (gp): 3,000, Silver (sp): 0, Copper (cp): 0
Biographical Information
 Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
 Weight: 235 lb.
 Age: 27
 Hair: Blonde
 Eyes: Blue
 Patron Deity: Torm
 Company: Brotherhood of the Badger
 Homeland: Cormyr
 Bloodline: 100% Human

 Character Background: Randall Tallstag is an orphan raised by the church of Torm in Cormyr. From an early age he was told tales of paladins and heroics and could think of nothing else when he grew up. He spent time learning the ways of the clergy while champions of Torm trained him in the art of the sword. His natural talent and undeniable charisma made him a star pupil. He was made squire to a renowned paladin. An encounter with a vampire left the paladin dead and Randall alone with the vicious creature. Using his wits, he tricked the creature and impaled it with a wooden limb. The cleasning sun scoured the undead from existence.

After returning with his slain master's corpse, he was promoted to a full paladin, and the knight was raised from the dead. Since that day, Randall has traveled the world on missions of faith. He is a shining beacon of all that it is to be a paladin. He would rather die than dishonor his vows and his deity. As a servant of the god of paladins, he sees perfection as the only option.

His devotion has been rewarded in the form of a celestial heavy war horse, a much more powerful breed than normally found serving as a paladin mount. The intelligent beast goes everywhere with him and they are experts in fighting alongside each other (or as mount and rider).

 Slain Enemy Record: 1 Abyssal Ghoul, 1 Advanced Chimera, 1 Advanced Demon - Maurezhi, 1 Advanced Tomb Tapper, 2 Crawling Claws, 1 Demon - Hezrou, 1 Drow Blackguard, 1 Drow Cleric, 1 Drow Evoker, 1 Drow Evoker/Fighter/Arcane Archer, 2 Drow Fighters, 1 Drow Revenant Fighter/Blackguard/Champion, 1 Drow Revenant Fighter/Wizard, 1 Half-White Dragon Frost Giant Blackguard, 2 Ghasts, 1 Ghost, 1 Keening Spirit Cleric, 1 Orog Fighter, 1 Quth-Maren, 1 Vampire