

Medium humanoid (elf), chaotic good

Ranger 2

Initiative +3+3 Dex modifier

Senses darkvision 60 ft.; passive Wisdom (Perception) 1210 + Wis modifier


Armor Class 1410 plus +3 Dex plus +1 armor (leather)

Hit Points 18 (2d10+22d10 ranger, +2 Con)

Speed 35 ft.30 ft. base, +5 ft. wood elf, -0 ft. armor

Inspiration 0

Proficiency Bonus +2+2 level 2

  1515 base, +0 race, +0 level (+2) 1614 base, +2 race, +0 level (+3) 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level (+1) 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level (+0) 1413 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2) 88 base, +0 race, +0 level (-1)  

Saving Throws Str +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency, Dex +5+3 Dex plus +2 proficiency, Con +1+1 Con plus +0 proficiency, Int +0+0 Int plus +0 proficiency, Wis +2+2 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Cha -1-1 Cha plus +0 proficiency

Skills Acrobatics +3+3 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Animal Handling +2+2 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Arcana +0+0 Int plus +0 proficiency, Athletics +2+2 Str plus +0 proficiency, Deception -1-1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, History +0+0 Int plus +0 proficiency, Insight +2+2 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Intimidation -1-1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Investigation +0+0 Int plus +0 proficiency, Medicine +4+2 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Nature +2+0 Int plus +2 proficiency, Perception +4+2 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Performance -1-1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Persuasion -1-1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Religion +2+0 Int plus +2 proficiency, Sleight of Hand +3+3 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Stealth +5+3 Dex plus +2 proficiency, Survival +4+2 Wis plus +2 proficiency

Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan

Armor Proficiencies light armor, medium armor, shields

Tool Proficiencies herbalism kit

Weapon Proficiencies martial weapons, simple weapons


Two-Weapon Fighting You may make an attack with each shortsword.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5+3 Dex plus +2 proficiency to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+31d8 plus +3 Dex modifier piercing damage. Ammunition | Heavy | Two-Handed

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5+3 Dex plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+31d6 plus +3 Dex modifier piercing damage. Finesse | Light

Unarmed strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 31 plus +2 Str modifier bludgeoning damage.

Discovery In your isolation, you have discovered a secret others might one day wish to know.

Favored Enemy (undead) Advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track favored enemy as well as Int checks to recall information about them.

Fey Ancestry Advantage on saves vs. charm. Cannot be magically put to sleep.

Fighting Style (Two-Weapon Fighting) Add ability modifier to damage of second attack.

Mask of the Wild Can attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Natural Explorer Favored terrain: forest. When making Int or Wis check related to favored terrain, proficiency bonus doubled if using a skill in which you're proficient. While traveling an hour or more in favored terrain gain following benefits: 1) difficult terrain doesn't slow group travel, 2) group can't become lost except by magical means, 3) remain alert when engaged in another activity (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), 4) if traveling alone, move stealthily at normal pace, 5) find twice as much food when foraging, 6) while tracking creatures, learn exact number, sizes, and how long ago they passed through.

Trance Don't sleep; instead, meditate semiconscious 4 hours per day.


Spellcasting (Save DC 128 plus +2 Wisdom modifier plus +2 proficiency; Attack Bonus +4+2 Wisdom modifier plus +2 proficiency)

1st level (2 slots): cure wounds, longstrider

Personality Traits I connect everything that happens to a grand cosmic plan. I have been in isolation for so long that I rarely speak, preferring gestures and the occasional grunt.

Ideals Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress.

Bonds I entered seclusion because I loved someone I could not have.

Flaws I let my need to win arguments overshadow friendships and harmony.

Equipment leather armor, longbow with 20 arrows, shortswords (2), backpack, crowbar, hammer, hempen rope (50 ft.), herbalism kit, pitons (10), rations (10 days), scroll case full of your notes, set of common clothes, tinderbox, torches (10), waterskin, winter blanket, 5 gp

Successes Failures

Race Wood Elf; Gender Male; Height 5'7"; Weight 122 lbs.; Hair Brown; Eyes Green; Skin Caucasian; Age 103; Religion Mielikki; Background Hermit; Homeland Cormanthor; XP Earned 301 of 900

Defeated Enemies None

History Rategar is a devotee of Mielikki, the Forest Queen, and he has spent several years living in isolation writing a new religious document of her faith. His years away from civilization have left him a bit out of sorts in social settings. However, he has honed his combat skills to a fine edge. He is particularly talented at fighting with two shortswords at once. When Rategar does speak it is often a new observation about the faith of Mielikki.