

Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Paladin 2

Initiative +0+0 Dex modifier

Senses passive Wisdom (Perception) 1210 + Wis modifier


Armor Class 1910 plus +0 Dex plus +6 armor plus +2 shield plus +1 fighting style (defense) (chain mail, shield)

Hit Points 18 (2d10+22d10 paladin, +2 Con)

Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Inspiration 0

Proficiency Bonus +2+2 level 2

  1615 base, +1 race, +0 level (+3) 1110 base, +1 race, +0 level (+0) 1312 base, +1 race, +0 level (+1) 98 base, +1 race, +0 level (-1) 1413 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2) 1514 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2)  

Saving Throws Str +3+3 Str plus +0 proficiency, Dex +0+0 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Con +1+1 Con plus +0 proficiency, Int -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Wis +4+2 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Cha +4+2 Cha plus +2 proficiency

Skills Acrobatics +0+0 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Animal Handling +2+2 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Arcana +1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Athletics +3+3 Str plus +0 proficiency, Deception +4+2 Cha plus +2 proficiency, History -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Insight +4+2 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Intimidation +2+2 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Investigation -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Medicine +4+2 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Nature -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Perception +2+2 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Performance +2+2 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Persuasion +2+2 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Religion -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Sleight of Hand +0+0 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Stealth +2+0 Dex plus +2 proficiency (disadvantage due to armor), Survival +2+2 Wis plus +0 proficiency

Languages Celestial, Common

Armor Proficiencies all armor, all shields

Tool Proficiencies playing card set, thieves' tools

Weapon Proficiencies martial, simple


Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5+3 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+31d6 plus +3 Str modifier piercing damage. Thrown

Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5+3 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+31d8 plus +3 Str modifier piercing damage.

Unarmed strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5+3 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 41 plus +3 Str modifier bludgeoning damage.

Criminal Contact You have ties to a reliable and trustworthy liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.

Divine Smite When you hit a creature with a melee attack, may expend one paladin spell slot to deal extra radiant damage (2d8 damage for 1st level slot plus 1d8 per additional level to maximum of 5d8). Against undead or fiend add additional 1d8.

Divine Sense (31 plus +2 Cha uses) As an action, within 60 ft., sense location and type of any celestial, fiend, or undead and presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated with hallow spell. Regain all uses after long rest.

Fighting Style (Defense) Gain +1 bonus to AC when wearing armor.

Lay on Hands (105 x paladin level pool) As an action, touch creature and expend points from pool healing 1 hp per point expended. Alternately, spend 5 points to cure target of one disease or poison. Has no effect on undead or constructs. Regain entire pool after long rest.


Spellcasting (Save DC 128 plus +2 your spellcasting ability modifier plus +2 proficiency; Attack Bonus +4+2 your spellcasting ability modifier plus +2 proficiency)

1st level (2 slots): bless, cure wounds, divine favor

Personality Traits I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy. I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.

Ideals There is a spark of good in everyone.

Bonds I'm guilty of a terrible crime. I hope I can redeem myself for it.

Flaws When faced with a choice between money and my friends, I usually choose the money.

Equipment chain mail, shield, javelins (5), morningstar, alms box, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, blocks of incense (2), candles (10), censer, crowbar, holy symbol of Torm, rations (2 days), set of dark common clothes including a hood, tinderbox, vestments, waterskin, 15 gp

Successes Failures

Race Human; Gender Female; Height 5'8"; Weight 128 lbs.; Hair Blonde; Eyes Brown; Skin Caucasian; Age 25; Religion Torm; Background Criminal; Homeland Cormyr; XP Earned 301 of 900

Defeated Enemies None

History Raised an orphan on the streets of Suzail, Monera fell in with the local criminal underground, a dangerous association in the city of the king! Due to her beauty, Monera was used in several scandalous situations to blackmail various nobles and officials. As she grew older she came to regret her involvement and seek a way out of her lifestyle. This led her to the church of Torm the True. She took up the mantle of holy crusader and set out to fight the injustices of the world. Her past, however, continues to haunt her. She has many contacts in Suzail in the criminal underworld and far too many officials who know her as less than the champion of good she aspires to become. This drives her to travel far and wide from her homeland. Having nothing as a child, Monera is greatly tempted by the promises of wealth, and her greatest struggle is fighting off greed and desire for material possessions.