

Medium humanoid (half-elf), chaotic good

Warlock 2

Initiative +2+2 Dex modifier

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Wisdom (Perception) 1010 + Wis modifier


Armor Class 1210 plus +2 Dex plus +x armor

Hit Points 15 (2d8+22d8 warlock, +2 Con)

Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Inspiration 0

Proficiency Bonus +2+2 level 2

  88 base, +0 race, +0 level (-1) 1413 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2) 1212 base, +0 race, +0 level (+1) 1514 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2) 1010 base, +0 race, +0 level (+0) 1715 base, +2 race, +0 level (+3)  

Saving Throws Str -1-1 Str plus +0 proficiency, Dex +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Con +1+1 Con plus +0 proficiency, Int +2+2 Int plus +0 proficiency, Wis +2+0 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Cha +5+3 Cha plus +2 proficiency

Skills Acrobatics +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Animal Handling +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Arcana +4+2 Int plus +2 proficiency, Athletics +1-1 Str plus +2 proficiency, Deception +5+3 Cha plus +2 proficiency, History +2+2 Int plus +0 proficiency, Insight +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Intimidation +3+3 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Investigation +2+2 Int plus +0 proficiency, Medicine +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Nature +2+2 Int plus +0 proficiency, Perception +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Performance +3+3 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Persuasion +3+3 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Religion +4+2 Int plus +2 proficiency, Sleight of Hand +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Stealth +4+2 Dex plus +2 proficiency, Survival +2+0 Wis plus +2 proficiency

Condition Immunities sleep

Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant

Armor Proficiencies light

Tool Proficiencies flute

Weapon Proficiencies simple weapons


Light crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4+2 Dex plus +2 proficiency to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+21d8 plus +2 Dex modifier piercing damage.

Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1-1 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6-11d6 plus -1 Str modifier bludgeoning damage, or 1d8-11d8 plus -1 Str modifier bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands.

Unarmed strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +1-1 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 plus -1 Str modifier bludgeoning damage.

Eldritch Invocations

Agonizing Blast When you cast eldritch blast, add your Charisma modifier to damage.

Armor of Shadows Cast mage armor on self at will without expending spell slot or components.

Fey Ancestry Advantage on saves vs. charm.

Fey Presence As an action, cause each creature in 10-ft. cube originating from you to make Wisdom save vs. your warlock spell save DC or be charmed or frightened (your choice) until the end of your next turn. Once used, cannot use again until you finish a short or long rest.

Wanderer Can always recall general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. Can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to 5 other people each day, provided the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.


Spellcasting (Save DC 138 plus +3 your spellcasting ability modifier plus +2 proficiency; Attack Bonus +5+3 your spellcasting ability modifier plus +2 proficiency)

Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, mage hand

Warlock Spells at 1st Level (2 slots): hellish rebuke, protection from evil and good, sleep

Personality Traits I feel far more comfortable around animals than people. I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.

Ideals The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization.

Bonds It is my duty to provide children to sustain my tribe.

Flaws I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.

Equipment light crossbow with 20 bolts, quarterstaff, backpack, belt pouch, component pouch, crowbar, hammer, hempen rope (50 ft.), hunting trap, lucky rabbit's foot, pitons (10), rations (10 days), set of traveler's clothes, tinderbox, torches (10), waterskin 10 gp

Successes Failures

Race Half-Elf; Gender Female; Height 5'10"; Weight 188 lbs.; Hair Black; Eyes Brown; Skin Tanned Caucasian; Age 22; Religion Lurue; Background Outlander; Homeland Forest of Lethyr; XP Earned 301 of 900

Defeated Enemies None

History Years ago deep in the Forest of Lethyr a small tribe of elves became convinced their people were dying out on the face of Toril. In desperation they began to interbreed with some of the human rangers and druids in the region. They raised these half-breeds as full members of their tribe and taught them it is their duty to repopulate the world with elven blood, even if diluted with human heritage. Michna is a powerful warlock dedicated to the archfey Lurue. She uses her powers to defend the natural realm whenever possible. She is exotic and beautiful in appearance, blending the best of human and elven traits. She has thorn-like black tattoos crawling down her shoulders and arms and across her back.