

Medium humanoid (human), neutral

Barbarian 2

Initiative +2+2 Dex modifier

Senses passive Wisdom (Perception) 1010 + Wis modifier


Armor Class 1510 plus +2 Dex plus +3 Con plus +0 armor (unarmored defense)

Hit Points 15 (1d12+31d12 barbarian, +3 Con)

Speed 30 ft.30 ft. base, -0 ft. armor

Inspiration 0

Proficiency Bonus +2+2 level 1

  1514 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2) 1413 base, +1 race, +0 level (+2) 1615 base, +1 race, +0 level (+3) 98 base, +1 race, +0 level (-1) 1110 base, +1 race, +0 level (+0) 1312 base, +1 race, +0 level (+1)  

Saving Throws Str +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency, Dex +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Con +5+3 Con plus +2 proficiency, Int -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Wis +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Cha +1+1 Cha plus +0 proficiency

Skills Acrobatics +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Animal Handling +2+0 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Arcana -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Athletics +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency, Deception +1+1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, History -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Insight +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Intimidation +1+1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Investigation -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Medicine +0+0 Wis plus +0 proficiency, Nature -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Perception +2+0 Wis plus +2 proficiency, Performance +1+1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Persuasion +1+1 Cha plus +0 proficiency, Religion -1-1 Int plus +0 proficiency, Sleight of Hand +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Stealth +2+2 Dex plus +0 proficiency, Survival +2+0 Wis plus +2 proficiency

Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven

Armor Proficiencies light, medium, shields

Tool Proficiencies drums

Weapon Proficiencies martial, simple


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12+21d12 plus +2 Str modifier slashing damage. Heavy | Two-Handed

Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+21d6 plus +2 Str modifier slashing damage. Light | Thrown

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+21d6 plus +2 Str modifier piercing damage. Thrown

Unarmed strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4+2 Str plus +2 proficiency to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 31 plus +2 Str modifier bludgeoning damage.

Danger Sense Advantage on Dex saving throws against effects you can see, such as traps and spells. Cannot be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Rage 2/day—As bonus action, enter rage to gain the following: 1) advantage on Str checks and Str saving throws; 2) +2 damage on melee attacks using Str; 3) resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Cannot cast or concentrate on spells. Rage lasts 1 minute, ends early if: 1) knocked unconscious; 2) your turn ends without you attacking a hostile creature or suffered damage; 3) spend bonus action to end. Once all uses per day utilized, must take long rest before raging again.

Reckless Attack When you make your first attack on your turn, can choose to attack reckless. Gain advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Str during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.

Unarmored Defense While not wearing armor, AC equals 10 + Dex modifier + Con modifier. Can use shield and still gain benefit.

Wanderer Can always recall general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. Can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to 5 other people each day, provided the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

Personality Traits I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them. I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.

Ideals The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization.

Bonds I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.

Flaws There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Equipment greataxe, handaxes (2), javelins (4), staff, backpack, bear tooth necklace, bedroll, belt pouch, hempen rope (50 ft.), hunting trap, mess kit, rations (10 days), set of traveler's clothes, tinderbox, torches (10), waterskin, 10 gp

Successes Failures

Race Human; Gender Male; Height 6'6"; Weight 207 lbs.; Hair None; Eyes Brown; Skin Black; Age 19; Religion Ubtao; Background Outlander (Forester); Homeland Chult; XP Earned 301 of 900

Defeated Enemies None

History Byril Nmembe is the last of his tribe from the steaming jungles of Chult. They were slain mysteriously, and only Byril walked out alive. He has no conscious memory of the events, but his dreams are haunted by visions of violence and horror. When he awakes, he remembers his friends and family dying but has no idea what killed them. He left the jungles and seeks peace and a new home.