Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
Encounters Pre-Generated Character
DDE7: Beyond the Crystal Cave
DMs - Jeff Carlisle & Charles Plemons
Campus Cards & Games
Female Eladrin |
Unaligned Medium |
Witch 5 |
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin; Deity Sehanine; Background Sildaine; Height 5 ft. 7 in.; Weight 135 lb.; Age 48; Hair Blonde; Eyes Green
Hit Points |
Healing Surges |
Max HP |
Bloodied |
Surge Value |
Surges/Day |
3610 Con score plus 26 class levels
99 one-quarter hit points
Current HP
Second Wind 1/encounter |
Used □ |
standard action ♦ +2 all Defenses til start turn ♦ spend healing surge |
Death Saving Throw Failures □ □ □ |
Saving Throw Mods +5 racial bonus to saves against charm effects |
Attack |
Damage |
Total |
1/2 Lvl |
Abil |
Class |
Prof |
Feat |
Enh |
Misc |
Total |
W |
Abil |
Feat |
Enh |
Misc |
Misc |
longsword ♦ versatile ♦ STR vs. AC |
+5 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
1d8 |
1d8 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
breath of night ♦ cold ♦ INT vs. Fortitude |
on critical +2d6 |
+9 |
+2 |
+4 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+0 |
1d6+7 |
1d6 |
+4 |
+1 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
witch bolt ♦ lightning ♦ INT vs. Reflex |
range 5; on critical +2d6 |
+9 |
+2 |
+4 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+0 |
1d10+7 |
1d10 |
+4 |
+1 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
unarmed strike ♦ STR vs. AC |
+2 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
1d4 |
1d4 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
Workspace |
Ongoing Effects
Resistances |
None |
Armor Check Penalty
-0-0 armor -0 shield
Acrobatics +3 (+1 Dex, +2 half-lvl, -0 armor),
Arcana +13 (+4 Int, +2 half-lvl, +2 racial, +5 trained),
Athletics +2 (+0 Str, +2 half-lvl, -0 armor),
Bluff +3 (+1 Cha, +2 half-lvl),
Diplomacy +5 (+1 Cha, +2 half-lvl, +2 full moon coven),
Dungeoneering +10 (+3 Wis, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained),
Endurance +2 (+0 Con, +2 half-lvl, -0 armor),
Heal +12 (+3 Wis, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained, +2 full moon coven),
History +10 (+4 Int, +2 half-lvl, +2 racial, +2 Sildaine background),
Insight +5 (+3 Wis, +2 half-lvl),
Intimidate +3 (+1 Cha, +2 half-lvl),
Nature +10 (+3 Wis, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained),
Perception +5 (+3 Wis, +2 half-lvl),
Religion +11 (+4 Int, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained),
Stealth +8 (+1 Dex, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained, -0 armor),
Streetwise +3 (+1 Cha, +2 half-lvl),
Thievery +3 (+1 Dex, +2 half-lvl, -0 armor)
Arcane Familiar,
Armor Proficiency (cloth),
Implement Focus (wands),
Wand Expertise,
Weapon Proficiency (dagger, longsword, quarterstaff)
Combat Features |
- Implement Focus and Wand Expertise – Gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack and damage rolls you make with a wand. Also, you ignore partial cover and superior cover on implement attacks you make with a wand.
At-Will Powers |
- Breath of Night – Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement ♦ Std ♦ Close burst 1 ♦ Target Each creature in burst. ♦ Attack INT vs. Fortitude ♦ Hit 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 91.
- Light – Arcane ♦ Minor ♦ Ranged 5 ♦ Target one object or unoccupied square ♦ Effect You cause the target to shed bright light. The light fills the target's square and all squares within 4 squares of it. The light lasts for 5 minutes. Putting out the light is a free action. ♦ Special You can have only one light cantrip active at a time. If you create a new light, your previously cast light winks out. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 158.
- Witch Bolt – Arcane, Evocation, Implement, Lightning ♦ Std ♦ Ranged 5 ♦ Target One creature. ♦ Attack INT vs. Reflex ♦ Hit 1d10 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. ♦ Sustain Standard Reroll the damage and deal it to the target again. Once the target is out of range, you can't sustain this power. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 91.
Encounter Powers |
- Chameleon's Mask – Arcane, Illusion ♦ Free Action ♦ Personal ♦ Trigger You make a Stealth check. ♦ Effect You make an Arcana check instead, using that result to determine the outcome of the Stealth check. ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 91.
- Fey Step – Teleportation ♦ Move Action ♦ Personal ♦ Effect Teleport up to 5 squares. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 38.
- Glorious Presence – Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Radiant ♦ Std ♦ Close burst 2 ♦ Target Each enemy in burst. ♦ Attack INT vs. Will ♦ Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. ♦ Effect You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 92.
- Grim Shadow – Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy ♦ Std ♦ Close blast 3 ♦ Target Each creature in blast. ♦ Attack INT vs. Will ♦ Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. ♦ Effect Each target takes a -2 penalty to Will until the end of your next turn. ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 93.
- Herbal Healing – Arcane ♦ Minor Action ♦ Melee 1 ♦ Prerequisite You must be trained in Heal. ♦ Target One creature. ♦ Effect The target can make a saving throw and use his or her second wind if it is available. ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 93.
- Suggestion – Arcane ♦ Free Action ♦ Personal ♦ Trigger You make a Diplomacy check. ♦ Effect You make an Arcana check instead, using that result to determine the outcome of the Diplomacy check. ♦ Reference Heroes of the Fallen Lands, pg. 203.
Daily Powers |
- Augury – Arcane ♦ Std ♦ Personal ♦ Requirement You must use this power during an extended rest. ♦ Effect You ask a question and receive a vague notion of the future. You might receive a clue as to whether a specific course of action is likely to have positive or negative results. This notion can take the form of a single image, a hint about a danger that might be faced, or just a positive or negative feeling about the current course of destiny. ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 89.
- Charm of Forbiddance – Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic ♦ Std ♦ Ranged 20 ♦ Target One creature. ♦ Attack INT vs. Will ♦ Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. ♦ Miss Half damage. ♦ Effect The target takes psychic damage equal to 2 + your Wisdom modifier whenever it hits or misses you or one of your allies (save ends). ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 92.
- Foe to Frog – Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation ♦ Std ♦ Ranged 10 ♦ Target One creature. ♦ Attack INT vs. Fortitude ♦ Hit The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choosing (save ends). ♦ Miss The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choosing until the end of its next turn. ♦ Effect As a Tiny beast, the target is dazed, and the only actions it can take are to move its speed or shift. All of the target's equipment transforms with it. If it takes damage from any source, this effect ends. ♦ Reference Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild, pg. 94.
Special Features |
- Fey Origin – Considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
- Moon Coven – Full moon coven.
- Trance – You need to spend 4 hours in trance instead of 6 hours sleeping for an extended rest. While in a trance, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Familiar |
Raven ♦ Senses low-light ♦ Speed 2, fly 6(hover) ♦ Constant Benefit You gain a +4 bonus to Perception checks made to find hidden objects. ♦ Active Benefit Raven's Speech: A raven can speak any language you know, and it can converse with other creatures. When it speaks, you hear everything it says and hear everything spoken to it. You can dictate its answers if you so choose.
Equipment & Possessions |
Magic Items Equipped
FEETwavestrider boots (If you begin your turn standing on a solid surface, you can move across liquid as if it were normal terrain. If you are still on liquid at the end of your turn, you fall in.) (PowerDaily ♦ Minor Action ♦ You can move across liquid surfaces as if they were normal terrain until the end of the encounter.) (lvl 4) (840 gp),
HEADcirclet of second chances (PowerDaily ♦ No Action ♦ Use this power when you fail a saving throw. Reroll the saving throw, using the second result even if it's lower.) (lvl 3) (680 gp),
NECKcape of the mountebank +1 (PowerDaily ♦ Teleportation ♦ Immediate Reaction ♦ Use this power when you are hit by an attack. Teleport 5 squares and gain combat advantage against the attacker until the end of your next turn.) (lvl 5; +1 enhancement Fortitude, Reflex, and Will) (1,000 gp),
IMPLEMENTmagic wand +2 (lvl 6; implement (wand); +2 enhancement attack and damage rolls for implement powers; +2d6 on critical) (1,800 gp)
□ potion of healing (lvl 5; minor action; Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.) (50 gp)
Alchemical Items
□ thunderstone (PowerConsumable ♦ Thunder ♦ Standard Action ♦ Make an attack: Area burst 1 within 10; +8 vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the target takes 1d4 thunder damage, is pushed 1 square from the center of the burst, and deafened (save ends).) (lvl 5) (50 gp)
Nonmagical Items
backpack (2 gp),
bedroll (1 sp),
belt pouch (1 gp),
flint and steel (1 gp),
grappling hook (1 gp),
hammer (5 sp),
hempen rope (50 ft.) (1 gp),
longsword (+3 proficiency; 1d8 damage; heavy blade; versatile) (15 gp),
□□□□□ | □□□□□ pitons (5 sp),
□□ sunrods (bright light 20 squares; 4 hour duration; 1 lb.) (2 gp),
□□□□□ | □□□□□ trail rations (5 gp),
waterskin (4 lb.) (1 gp)
ad 0,
pp 0,
gp 28,
sp 0,
cp 0