Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
Encounters Pre-Generated Character
DDE7: Beyond the Crystal Cave
DMs - Jeff Carlisle & Charles Plemons
Campus Cards & Games
Male Half-Elf |
Good Medium |
Ranger (Rogue Multiclass) 5 |
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin; Deity Melora; Theme Fey Beast Tamer; Height 5 ft. 8 in.; Weight 145 lb.; Age 26; Hair Brown; Eyes Green
Attack |
Damage |
Total |
1/2 Lvl |
Abil |
Class |
Prof |
Feat |
Enh |
Misc |
Total |
W |
Abil |
Feat |
Enh |
Misc |
Misc |
frost battleaxe +1 ♦ versatile ♦ STR vs. AC |
on critical +1d6 cold |
+8 |
+2 |
+3 |
+0 |
+2 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
1d10+4 |
1d10 |
+3 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
rapier ♦ STR vs. AC |
+8 |
+2 |
+3 |
+0 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
1d8+3 |
1d8 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
longbow ♦ load free ♦ DEX vs. AC |
range 20/40 |
+7 |
+2 |
+3 |
+0 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
1d10+3 |
1d10 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
unarmed strike ♦ STR vs. AC |
+5 |
+2 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
1d4+3 |
1d4 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
Workspace |
Ongoing Effects
Resistances |
None |
Armor Check Penalty
-0-0 armor -0 shield
Acrobatics +5 (+3 Dex, +2 half-lvl, -0 armor),
Arcana +4 (+0 Int, +2 half-lvl, +2 fey beast tamer),
Athletics +10 (+3 Str, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained, -0 armor),
Bluff +2 (+0 Cha, +2 half-lvl),
Diplomacy +4 (+0 Cha, +2 half-lvl, +2 racial),
Dungeoneering +4 (+2 Wis, +2 half-lvl),
Endurance +8 (+1 Con, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained, -0 armor),
Heal +9 (+2 Wis, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained),
History +2 (+0 Int, +2 half-lvl),
Insight +6 (+2 Wis, +2 half-lvl, +2 racial),
Intimidate +2 (+0 Cha, +2 half-lvl),
Nature +9 (+2 Wis, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained),
Perception +4 (+2 Wis, +2 half-lvl),
Religion +2 (+0 Int, +2 half-lvl),
Stealth +10 (+3 Dex, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained, -0 armor),
Streetwise +2 (+0 Cha, +2 half-lvl),
Thievery +10 (+3 Dex, +2 half-lvl, +5 trained, -0 armor)
Action Surge,
Armor Proficiency (cloth, hide, leather),
Lethal Hunter,
Sneak of Shadows,
Weapon Proficiency (military melee, military ranged, simple melee, simple ranged)
Combat Features |
- Hunter's Quarry – Once per turn as a minor action designate the nearest enemy you can see. Once per round, when you hit your quarry with an attack, deal +1d8+1d6 at level 1 thru 10 increased to 1d8 due to Lethal Hunter feat damage. Hunter's quarry remains until end of encounter, until quarry is defeated, or you designate a different target.
- Prime Shot – If none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, you receive a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that target.
- Two-Blade Fighting Style – You can wield a one-handed melee weapon in your off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon.
At-Will Powers |
- Hit and Run – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. ♦ Effect If you move in the same turn after this attack, leaving the first square adjacent to the target does not provoke an opportunity attack from the target. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 105.
- Twin Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee or Ranged weapon ♦ Requirement You must be wielding two melee weapons or a ranged weapon. ♦ Target one or two creatures ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC (melee; main weapon and off-hand weapon) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged), two attacks ♦ Hit 1[W] damage per attack. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 105.
Encounter Powers |
- Healer's Gift – Healing ♦ Std ♦ Melee 1 ♦ Target one dying creature ♦ Effect The target can spend a healing surge. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook 3, pg. 169.
- Off-Hand Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ Minor Action ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Requirement You must be wielding two melee weapons. ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC (off-hand weapon) ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage (off-hand weapon). ♦ Reference Martial Power, pg. 43.
- Pressing Strike – Primal, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Effect Before the attack, you shift 2 squares. You can move through an enemy's space during the shift, but you can't end there. ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 51.
- Shadow Wasp Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee or Ranged weapon ♦ Target One creature that is your quarry. ♦ Attack Strength vs. Reflex (melee) or Dexterity vs. Reflex (ranged) ♦ Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (ranged). ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 107.
- Sneak Attack – When you have combat advantage against an enemy and are using a weapon from the light blade, the crossbow, or the sling weapon group, an attack you make against that enemy deals 2d62d6 Rogue levels extra damage if the attack hits. You decide whether to apply the extra damage after making the damage roll.
Daily Powers |
- Frenzied Skirmish – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Requirement You must be wielding two melee weapons. ♦ Target One or two creatures. ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC (main weapon and off-hand weapon), two attacks ♦ Special Before or after these attacks, you can move your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage per attack. If an attack hits, the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. If both attacks hit the same target, it is dazed and slowed until the end of your next turn. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 107.
- Jaws of the Wolf – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Requirement You must be wielding two melee weapons. ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC (main weapon and off-hand weapon), two attacks ♦ Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage per attack. ♦ Miss Half damage per attack. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 106.
Special Features |
- Dual Heritage – You can take feats that have either elf or human as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for half-elves), as long as you meet any other requirements.
- Group Diplomacy – You grant allies within 10 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Fey Beast Companion |
Trained Blink Dog ♦ Medium fey beast ♦ Str 14, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
HP your bloodied value ♦ AC 15 + your level, Fortitude 13 + your level, Reflex 13 + your level, Will 13 + your level ♦ Speed 7 ♦ Initiative equals yours, Perception equals yours +2 ♦ Low-light vision
Traits Blinking Pack (teleportation) ♦ Aura 1 ♦ The blink dog or any ally in the aura can use a move action to teleport to another square in the aura.
Standard Blinking Bite (teleportation) ♦ At-Will ♦ Attack Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. AC ♦ Hit 1d8 + one-half your level damage, and the blink dog teleports up to 2 squares.
- Actions – Standard You take standard action to command companion. ♦ Move When you take move action, so can companion or use move action to command companion to move. ♦ Minor Use a minor action to command companion. ♦ Free Companion can take these on its own. ♦ Triggered You must expend same action type, for example to take opportunity attack, you must spend yours. ♦ Independent Actions If uncontrolled, such as you unconscious, companion can take a standard, move, or minor action each turn.
- Death – If you or companion killed, it retreats to Feywild. Call back either through minor action costing a healing surge (companion has your surge value in hp) or a short or extended rest costing a healing surge (companion has full hp).
- Healing Surges – Companion shares your healing surges. When an effect requires companion to use a surge, it is deducted from your total. When you use second wind, companion regains your surge value in hp as well. After short rest, companion regains all hp.
Equipment & Possessions |
Magic Items Equipped
WEAPONfrost battleaxe +1 (PowerAt-Will ♦ Free Action ♦ All damage dealt by this weapon is cold damage. Another free action returns the damage to normal.) (PowerDaily ♦ Free Action ♦ Use this power when you hit with the weapon. The target takes an extra 1d8 cold damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn.) (+1 enhancement attack and damage; +1d6 cold on critical; +2 proficiency; 1d10 damage; axe; versatile) (680 gp),
ARMORmagic leather armor +2 (lvl 6; +2 armor bonus; +2 enhancement AC; weight 15 lbs.) (1,800 gp),
ARMSquickhit bracers (PowerDaily ♦ Minor Action ♦ Use this power when you hit with both your main weapon and your off-hand weapon using one power. Make a melee basic attack with your off-hand weapon.) (When using a power, if you hit one creature with both your main weapon and your off-hand weapon, deal an extra 1d6 damage to that creature.) (lvl 5) (1,000 gp),
NECKcloak of distortion +1 (A ranged attack against you from more than 5 squares away takes a -5 penalty to the attack roll.) (lvl 4; +1 enhancement Fortitude, Reflex, and Will) (840 gp)
□ potion of healing (lvl 5; minor action; Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.) (50 gp)
Nonmagical Items
□□□□□ | □□□□□ | □□□□□ | □□□□□ | □□□□□ | □□□□□ arrows (1 gp),
backpack (2 gp),
bedroll (1 sp),
belt pouch (1 gp),
flint and steel (1 gp),
grappling hook (1 gp),
hammer (5 sp),
hempen rope (50 ft.) (1 gp),
longbow (+2 proficiency; 1d10 damage; range 20/40; bow; load free) (30 gp),
□□□□□ | □□□□□ pitons (5 sp),
rapier (+3 proficiency; 1d8 damage; light blade) (25 gp),
□□ sunrods (bright light 20 squares; 4 hour duration; 1 lb.) (2 gp),
□□□□□ | □□□□□ trail rations (5 gp),
waterskin (4 lb.) (1 gp)
ad 0,
pp 0,
gp 37,
sp 0,
cp 0