Played by Colby Westerfield
10 Games Played
Created 12/09/2010
The Liberati
Female Mul |
Unaligned Medium |
Level 3 |
Class Fighter |
Paragon Path None |
Epic Destiny None |
Theme Gladiator |
Background Ivory Triangle |
Attack |
Damage |
Total |
1/2 Lvl |
Abil |
Class |
Prof |
Feat |
Enh |
Misc |
Total |
W |
Abil |
Feat |
Enh |
Misc |
Misc |
carrikal ♦ brutal 2 ♦ STR vs. AC |
+1d6 on critical |
+10 |
+1 |
+4 |
+1 |
+2 |
+1 |
+1 |
+0 |
1d8+7 |
1d8 |
+4 |
+2 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
sickle ♦ off-hand ♦ STR vs. AC |
+1d6 on critical |
+9 |
+1 |
+4 |
+1 |
+2 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
1d6+5 |
1d6 |
+4 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
unarmed strike ♦ STR vs. AC |
+1d6 on critical |
+6 |
+1 |
+4 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
1d4+5 |
1d4 |
+4 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
Workarea |
Workarea |
Workspace |
Ongoing Effects
Resistances |
None |
Armor Check Penalty
-2-0 armor -2 shield
Acrobatics +1 (+2 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -2 armor),
Arcana +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl),
Athletics +3 (+4 Str, +1 half-lvl, -2 armor),
Bluff +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl),
Diplomacy +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl),
Dungeoneering +2 (+1 Wis, +1 half-lvl),
Endurance +10 (+2 Con, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained, +2 background, +2 racial, -2 armor),
Heal +7 (+1 Wis, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained),
History +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl),
Insight +2 (+1 Wis, +1 half-lvl),
Intimidate +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl),
Nature +2 (+1 Wis, +1 half-lvl),
Perception +2 (+1 Wis, +1 half-lvl),
Religion +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl),
Stealth +1 (+2 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -2 armor),
Streetwise +8 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained, +2 racial),
Thievery +1 (+2 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -2 armor)
Armor Proficiency (cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; light shield, heavy shield),
Dwarven Weapon Training,
Weapon Focus (+1+1 at 1st level, +2 at 11th level, +3 at 21st level damage with axes),
Weapon Proficiency (military melee, military ranged, simple melee, simple ranged)
Combat Features |
- Combat Challenge – Every time you attack an enemy, whether the attack hits or misses, you can choose to mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of your next turn. While a target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn't include you as a target. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place. In addition, whenever a marked enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.
- Combat Superiority – You gain a bonus to opportunity attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier. An enemy struck by your opportunity attack stops moving, if a move provoked the attack. If it still has actions remaining, it can use them to resume moving.
- Dwarven Weapon Training – You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with axes and hammers.
- Fighter Weapon Talent – When using a one-handed weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
- Fixed Enhancement Bonuses – You gain an automatic enhancement bonus of +1 to Attack and Damage rolls as well as a +0 enhancement bonus to all Defenses. On a critical hit, you deal 1d61d6 per fixed enhancement bonus to the attack roll extra damage. This does not stack with other enhancement bonuses and goes into effect even if an item does not have an enhancement bonus of its own.
At-Will Powers |
- Psionic Spark – Psionic ♦ Minor Action ♦ Ranged 5 ♦ Target one flammable object that isn't carried by another creature ♦ Effect You cause the target to catch fire. ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 81.
- Sure Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength +2 vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] damage. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 77.
- Tide of Iron – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Requirement you must be using a shield ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square if it is your size, smaller than you, or one size category larger. You can shift into the space that the target occupied. ♦ Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 77.
Encounter Powers |
- Covering Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and an ally adjacent to the target can shift 2 squares. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 78.
- Disrupting Advance – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 2[W] + ability modifier damage, and you push the target 2 squares. The target and each enemy adjacent to the target at the end of the push are slowed until the end of your next turn. ♦ Advances levels 11 & 21 ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 50.
- Go With the Flow – Martial ♦ Immediate Reaction ♦ Personal ♦ Trigger an enemy within 5 squares of you that you can see move willingly ♦ Target the triggering enemy ♦ Effect You shift half your speed and gain combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn. ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 51.
- Incredible Toughness – No Action ♦ Personal ♦ Trigger you start your turn ♦ Effect You end any ongoing damage or any dazed, slowed, stunned, or weakened condition currently affecting you. ♦ Advances levels 11 & 21 ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 20.
- Savage Sweep – Martial, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Close burst 1 ♦ Target Each creature you can see in burst. ♦ Attack Primary Ability vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + ability modifier damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. ♦ Advances levels 13 & 23 ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 51.
Daily Powers |
- Comeback Strike – Healing, Martial, Reliable, Weapon ♦ Std ♦ Melee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you can spend a healing surge. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 78.
Special Features |
- Born of Two Races – You can take feats that have Dwarf as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for muls), as long as you meet any other requirements.
- Tireless – You need to sleep 6 hours in a 72-hour period (instead of a 24-hour period) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.
Miscellaneous Information |
Taken from family at young age. Used as slave labor until a slave rito showed her ability to fight. Sold to gladiator trainer. Won fame and eventually freedom in the ring. Now traveling to put past behind her.
- Why did you become an adventurer? To gain my freedom.
- Where did you learn your class skills? Gladiator ring, gladiator training.
- How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Taken from slain enemies, reminds me of what it took to become free.
- What's the worst event in your life? None of it has been great.
- What's the best event in your life? Gaining freedom.
- Do you have survivng family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? No clue. No.
- What is your biggest fear? Not sure yet.
- What makes you laugh out loud? Rain.
- What makes you angry? Slavery.
- What talent would you most like to have? Juggle.
- What is your opinion of the Sorcerer Kings? Some are bad, others not so much.
- What would be your theme music? The theme to Roots.
Languages Common, Dwarven
Home Region Ivory Triangle
Height 5 ft. 9 in. | Weight 220 lb. | Age 24 | Skin Tan | Hair None | Eyes Brown
Personality Traits SocialReserved, Hopeful, Suspicious | Decision PointsAdaptable, Pragmatic, Thoughtful | Dire StraitsBrave, Stoic, Unshakable.
Mannerisms Quiet, slow to smile.
Appearance Bald, tattoos, tanned, frown lines.
Tattoos, Scars, or Piercings Slave tattoos and a few picked up on the gladiator circuit.
Last Played March 8, 2011
Defeated Enemy Record |
Baazrag Gnawer, Elf Archer, Grizzled Veteran Human Gladiator (Arden), Human Bandit (2), Human Slave (4), Jhakar Trapjaw, Mul Fighter (Brianna the Bloody), Mul Legbreaker, Silt Runner Slasher (2), Ssurran Poisonscale Collector, Zombie, Zombie Rotter
Equipment & Possessions |
□ Daily Item Powers Per Day
Magic Items Equipped
ARMSheavy shield of protection (arm slot; +2 shield; -2 check; 15 lb.) (daily powerstandard action; You and an adjacent ally gain resist 10 to all damage until the end of your next turn.) (680 gp),
RING (left)None,
RING (right)None,
WAISTbelt of vigor (lvl 2; waist slot; +1 item bonus to your healing surge value) (520 gp)
Magic Items Carried None
Exotic Fruits
fruit of healing (lvl 5; minor action; Eat this fruit and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.) (50 gp)
Nonmagical Items
backpack (2 gp),
bedroll (1 sp),
belt pouch (1 gp),
carrikal (+2 proficiency; 1d8 damage; axe; brutal 2; 6 lb.) (15 gp),
fire kit (1 gp),
gouge (+2 proficiency; 2d6 damage; axe, spear; brutal 1; 12 lb.; two-handed superior melee) (30 gp),
heavy shield (+2 shield; -2 check; 15 lb.) (10 gp),
hempen rope (50 ft.) (1 gp),
scale armor (+7 armor; -1 speed; 45 lb.; armor slot) (45 gp),
sickle (+2 proficiency; 1d6 damage; light blade; off-hand; 2 lb.) (2 gp),
□ surival day (5 gp),
□□□□□ torches (bright light 5 squares; 1 hour duration; 1 lb.) (1 sp)
pp 0,
gp 289,
sp 0,
cp 0
Other Wealth None
Debt None
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
Phoenix Gaming Club
Bowling Green, KY