Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
d20 Modern
Last Played August 26, 2006
2 Games Played, Created 08/06/2006
Name Casey Jones |
Reputation +2 |
Male Human |
Medium Humanoid (Human) |
Character Level 11 |
Starting Occupation Athlete |
Classes Strong Hero 10, Tough Hero 1 |
Advanced Classes None |
Hit Dice 10d8+20 plus 1d10+2 |
100% |
75% |
50% |
25% |
Initiative Modifier +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) |
112 |
84 |
56 |
28 |
Action Points |
6 |
Size |
Dex |
Class |
Natural |
Armor |
Deflection |
Dodge |
Morale |
Other |
Defense |
Touch |
Flat-Footed |
+0 |
+2 |
+6 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
18 |
12 |
16 |
Ability |
Base |
Race |
Age |
Inherent |
Level |
Other |
Total |
Mod |
15 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
16 |
+3 |
13 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+0 |
14 |
+2 |
14 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
14 |
+2 |
8 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
8 |
-1 |
12 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
12 |
+1 |
10 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
10 |
+0 |
BAB +10/+5
melee touch +13
ranged touch +12
Grapple +13; Bull Rush +3
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Senses Listen +1; Spot +2
Saves |
Base |
Ability |
Other |
Misc |
Total |
Special |
Fortitude |
+6 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+8 |
Reflex |
+3 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+5 |
Will |
+3 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+4 |
Damage Reduction 1/
Weapon |
Atk |
Full Atk |
Dmg |
Crit |
Type |
mastercraft hockey stick |
melee |
+14 |
+14/+9 |
10 |
20/x2 |
B |
mastercraft baseball bat |
melee |
+14 |
+14/+9 |
9 |
20/x2 |
B |
unarmed strike (lethal) |
melee |
+16 |
+16/+11 |
8 |
20/x2 |
B |
unarmed strike (nonlethal) |
melee |
+16 |
+16/+11 |
10 nonlethal |
20/x2 |
B |
Languages English (speak & r/w)
Combat Martial Arts,
Combat Reflexes,
Heroic Surge,
Improved Brawl,
Improved Initiative,
Power Attack,
Quick Draw,
Simple Weapons Proficiency,
Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Balance +7 (+2 Dex, 3 ranks, +2 synergy Tumble),
Bluff +0 (+0 Cha, 0 ranks),
Climb +6 (+3 Str, 3 ranks),
Computer Use -1 (-1 Int, 0 ranks),
Concentration +2 (+2 Con, 0 ranks),
Diplomacy +0 (+0 Cha, 0 ranks),
Disguise +0 (+0 Cha, 0 ranks),
Drive +5 (+2 Dex, 3 ranks),
Escape Artist +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Forgery -1 (-1 Int, 0 ranks),
Gamble +1 (+1 Wis, 0 ranks),
Gather Information +0 (+0 Cha, 0 ranks),
Intimidate +0 (+0 Cha, 0 ranks),
Jump +11 (+3 Str, 6 ranks, +2 synergy Tumble),
Knowledge (streetwise) +2 (-1 Int, 3 ranks),
Listen +1 (+1 Wis, 0 ranks),
Navigate -1 (-1 Int, 0 ranks),
Repair +2 (-1 Int, 3 ranks),
Research -1 (-1 Int, 0 ranks),
Ride +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Search -1 (-1 Int, 0 ranks),
Sense Motive +1 (+1 Wis, 0 ranks),
Sneak +2 (+2 Dex, 0 ranks),
Spot +2 (+1 Wis, 1 ranks),
Survival +2 (+1 Wis, 1 ranks),
Swim +3 (+3 Str, 0 ranks),
Treat Injury +1 (+1 Wis, 0 ranks),
Tumble +9 (+2 Dex, 5 ranks, +2 synergy Jump)
Armor Check Penalty -0; Swim Check Penalty -0
Permanent Class Skills Balance, Tumble, Drive
Special Attacks & Talents |
Advanced Melee Smash (Ex): The Strong hero receives a +3 bonus on melee damage.
Heroic Surge (Ex): () 3/dayThe character may take an extra move action or attack action in a round, either before or after the character's regular actions. This can only be used once per round.
Improved Ignore Hardness (Ex): The Strong hero ignores 4 point of an object's hardness.
Streetfighting (Ex): Once per round, if the character makes a successful melee attack with an unarmed strike or a light weapon, the character deals an extra 1d4 points of damage.
Equipment & Possessions |
Wealth Bonus +1
Gear golf club bag, mastercraft baseball bat, mastercraft hockey stick
Biographical Information |
Height 6 ft. 2 in.; Weight 217 lb.; Age 23; Hair Black; Eyes Brown
Hometown Manhattan; Heritage 100% Human
Character Level Record |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Strong Hero |
Tough Hero |
Defeated Enemy Record
Bebop, 3 Blue Foot Clan Ninja, 2 Orange Foot Clan Ninja, 3 Pink Foot Clan Ninja, 10 Purple Foot Clan Ninja, Rocksteady, Slash, 3 White Foot Clan Ninja