Setup for Open Table - January 25, 2007


The Shredder wants to finish the turtles once and for all. He and his cronies have taken to the sewers to dump a vicious poison within. Shredder knows it will kill the turtles, along with a huge portion of the population above. He figures the sacrifice is worth it to be rid of the turtles forever.

The turtles and their allies must fight their way through Shredder's Foot Clan Ninja robots and minions, such as Bebop, until they can find old Chrome Dome himself. The Shredder carries the antidote to the poison, which Donatello can use to make enough of the liquid to "purify" all the water in the sewers.


  1. Lethal vs. Non-Lethal Damage
    • The turtles and friends are heroes, and as such will not deal lethal damage to living foes.
    • The player characters may deal lethal damage to any Foot Clan Ninja robot, but not to any living foes.
    • A living foe rendered unconscious from non-lethal damage is defeated.
  2. Firearms
    • The turtles and friends may attempt to use firearms captured from enemies against robot foes; however, none of them are trained to use such and are generally better off using traditional ninja weapons and martial arts.
  3. Shell Shock
    • A turtle or friend rendered unconscious or dead is "Shell Shocked" and removed from play. The controlling player may bring in the same character, fully restored, on the next round or switch to an idle hero.
    • There is no limit to the number of times a player can recover from Shell Shock.
  4. Power-Ups
    • All player characters benefit equally from all power-up items, including humans who use mutagen items.