Item Descriptions
Jolt Cola Jolt Cola

Duration 5 rounds
Effects +1 bonus attack rolls; +1 dodge bonus to Defense and Reflex saves; increase speed by 30 ft.; make one extra attack at highest attack bonus when using full attack action

Pizza Slice Pizza Slice

Duration Instantaneous
Effects cures 12 hit points of damage
Special A pizza slice is used, as a free action, when square is entered

Pizza Pizza

Duration Instantaneous
Effects cures 18 hit points of damage
Special A pizza is used, as a free action, when square is entered

Green Mutagen Mutagen—Green

Duration 5 rounds
Effects +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity

Blue Mutagen Mutagen—Blue

Duration 5 rounds
Effects +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Red Mutagen Mutagen—Red

Duration 5 rounds
Effects +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution

Rainbow Mutagen Mutagen—Rainbow

Duration 5 rounds
Effects +4 enhancement bonus to Strength; +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks; fast healing 3

Grenade Frag Grenade

Duration Instantaneous
Effects 5-ft.-radius spread; 17 fire damage; DC 12 Ref half; 20-ft. range with 5 range increments

TNT Bundle TNT Bundle

Duration Instantaneous
Effects 20-ft.-radius spread; 35 fire damage; DC 15 Ref half; 40-ft. range with 5 range increments