AxeCharacter SheetAxe
Name Whitebeard Shortstack
Character Dwarf
Player Shane Bradley

Attack Dice Defend Dice Starting Points
Body Mind
4 4 7 3

Weapons: Battle Axe
Armor: Chainmail, Helmet

Body Points

Gold Coins:


Potions & Other Items:

Flask of Purple Liquid (from Quest 6—Legacy of the Orc Warlord)

Quests Completed 5—Melar's Maze, 6—Legacy of the Orc Warlord, 7—The Lost Wizard, 11—Bastion of Chaos, 12—Barak Tor—Barrow of the Witch Lord, 13—Quest for the Spirit Blade, 14—Return to Barak Tor

Defeated Enemies

Chaos Warriors = 2; Fimirs = 2; Goblins = 5; Mummies = 2; Orcs = 4; Skeletons = 8; Zombies = 1