AxeCharacter SheetAxe
Name Blaven the Blue
Character Wizard
Player Casey Scruggs

Attack Dice Defend Dice Starting Points
Body Mind
1 3 4 6

Weapons: Dagger, Staff
Armor: None

Body Points

Gold Coins:


Potions & Other Items:

Artifact—Spell Ring
Artifact—Wizard's Cloak

Quests Completed 5—Melar's Maze, 6—Legacy of the Orc Warlord, 7—The Lost Wizard, 8—The Fire Mage, 14—Return to Barak Tor

Defeated Enemies

Chaos Warriors = 0; Fimirs = 0; Gargoyles = 0; Goblins = 0; Mummies = 0; Orcs = 0; Skeletons = 0; Zombies = 0