Version 1.0 January 2, 1999
- Allergy Field (PHBR11)
- Analyze Balance (ToM)
- Analyze Opponent (P&P)
- Animal Friendship
- Anti-Vermin Barrier (ToM)
- Assess Value (P&P)
- Banish Flame (F&A)
- Beckon (P&P)
- Bless
- Call Upon Faith (ToM)
- Claws of Velsharoon (P&P)
- Cloak of Dark Power (Menzo)
- Combine
- Command
- Courage (ToM)
- Create Air (SJ)
- Create Water
- Cure Light Wounds
- Dark Path (F&A)
- Detect Evil
- Detect Living (P&P)
- Detect Magic
- Detect Metals and Minerals (P&P)
- Detect Poison
- Detect Snares & Pits
- Divine Bloodline (P&P)
- Ebony Hand (CBoN)
- Emotion Read (ToM)
- Endure Heat
- Entangle
- Excessive Indulgence (P&P)
- Faerie Fire
- Foresight (P&P)
- Fortitude of Uthgar (P&P)
- Frost Fingers (F&A)
- Ice Walk (P&P)
- Invisibility to Animals
- Invisibility to Undead
- Know Age (ToM)
- Know Direction (ToM)
- Know Faction (PH)
- Know Time (ToM)
- Light
- Locate Animals or Plants
- Log of Everburning (ToM)
- Magical Stone
- Magical Tether (P&P)
- Merciful Shadows (DS)
- Mistaken Missives (ToM)
- Morale (ToM)
- Pass Without Trace
- Personal Reading (ToM)
- Precipitation (F&A)
- Protection from Evil
- Protection from Prime (PH)
- Protection from Silver (HBW,PH)
- Purify Food & Drink
- Recover Trail (PHBR11)
- Remove Fear
- Revitalize Animal (PHBR11)
- Ring of Hands* (ToM)
- Rosemantle (RoMD,F&A)
- Sacred Guardian (ToM)
- Sanctuary
- Sea Legs (P&P)
- Sentry of Helm (F&A)
- Shillelagh
- Skeletal Servant (CBoN)
- Snake Charm (P&P)
- Speak With Astral Traveler (ToM)
- Speak With Birds (P&P)
- Spectral Senses (CBoN)
- Spider Climb (FOR2)
- Spidereyes (FOR2)
- Spirit Mask (P&P)
- Stumble (P&P)
- Test of Maat (P&P)
- Treasure Scent (P&P)
- Truemetal (F&A)
- Undead Alacrity (CBoN,Menzo)
- Wailing Wind (F&A)
- Water Sprint (P&P)
- Weathertell (P&P)
- Weighty Chest (ToM)
- Aid
- Alicorn Lance (P&P)
- Amaunator's Uncertainty (F&A)
- Ancestral Blessing (LL)
- Animal Eyes (PHBR11)
- Arm Hammers (P&P)
- Attraction (F&A)
- Augury
- Aura of Comfort (ToM,Rav)
- Bane of Beshaba (F&A)
- Banish Blight (F&A)
- Barkskin
- Battle Song (F&A)
- Beast Claw (F&A)
- Black Talon (F&A)
- Blessing of Vhaeraun (Menzo)
- Bliss (F&A)
- Bone Bite (F&A)
- Calm Chaos (ToM)
- Chant
- Charm Person or Mammal
- Chilling Scythe (F&A)
- Contact Home Power (SJ)
- Create Holy Symbol (ToM)
- Crocodile Tears (P&P)
- Cure Scurvy (P&P)
- Darkfire (FOR2)
- Detect Charm
- Detect Powers (SJ)
- Dictate (PH)
- Dispel Ward (P&P)
- Dissension's Feast (ToM)
- Draw Upon Holy Might (ToM)
- Dust Devil
- Emotion Perception (ToM)
- Enthrall
- Favor of the Goddess (F&A)
- Favor of Shaundakul (F&A)
- Favor of Tymora (RoU,F&A)
- Find Traps
- Fire Trap
- Flame Blade
- Free Will (P&P)
- Frisky Chest (ToM)
- Frost Whip (F&A)
- Glyph of Revealing (F&A)
- Goodberry
- Handfang (F&A)
- Hear Heartbeat (CBoN)
- Heat Metal
- Hesitation (ToM)
- Hold Person
- Horns of Hathor (P&P)
- Hurl Rock (FR11)
- Idea (ToM)
- Impart Knowledge (F&A)
- Impenetrable Falsehood (F&A)
- Inscribe Speech (P&P)
- Know Alignment
- Lighten Load (ToM)
- Lionheart (P&P)
- Locate Animal Follower (PHBR11)
- Love Bite (F&A)
- Loviatar's Caress (F&A)
- Mace of Xvim (F&A)
- Maskstone (FR11)
- Messenger
- Mind Read (ToM)
- Mindtouch (FOR2)
- Moment (ToM)
- Music of the Spheres (ToM)
- Mystic Transfer* (ToM)
- Nap (ToM)
- Natural Attunement (P&P)
- Nurture (P&P)
- Obscurement
- Poison Touch (F&A)
- Produce Flame
- Rally (ToM)
- Renewed Ability (HBW,PH)
- Resist Fire
- Resist Turning (CBoN)
- Revenance (Menzo)
- Rockburst (FR11)
- Rosetouch (RoMD,R&A)
- Sanctify* (ToM)
- Scent of Vengeance (P&P)
- Silence, 15' Radius
- Slow Poison
- Snake Charm
- Speak With Animals
- Spiritual Hammer
- Stalk (F&A)
- Starflight* (F&A)
- Stormvoice (P&P)
- Swim (P&P)
- Touchsickle (F&A)
- Trip
- Unquestioning Obedience (P&P)
- Warp Wood
- Whip of Flame (F&A)
- Wieldskill (F&A)
- Wind Lash (F&A)
- Withdraw
- Wolfjaws (F&A)
- Wood Sword (F&A)
- Wyvern Watch
- Zone of Truth (ToM,Rav)
- Accelerate Healing (ToM)
- Adaptation (ToM)
- Air Lens (DS)
- Amanuensis (F&A)
- Animal Trick (PHBR11)
- Animate Dead
- Armor of Darkness (F&A)
- Astaroth's Augmentation (P&P)
- Astral Window (ToM)
- Bird of Prey (P&P)
- Blacklight (F&A)
- Call Follower (PHBR11)
- Call Lightning
- Caltrops (ToM)
- Charm of Isis (P&P)
- Chatterbark (PHBR11)
- Chill (P&P)
- Choose Future (ToM)
- Cloudburst (F&A)
- Compel (F&A)
- Conceal Item (Menzo)
- Continual Faerie Fire (FOR2,RoU)
- Continual Light
- Continual Shadow (P&P)
- Corpse Whisper (Rav)
- Create Campsite (ToM)
- Create Food & Water
- Cure Blindness or Deafness
- Cure Disease
- Dance of Pain (F&A)
- Death's Door (CBoN)
- Decay (F&A)
- Detect Ambush (P&P)
- Detect Curse (P&P)
- Determine Final Rest (P&P)
- Dispel Magic
- Dispel Silence (F&A,P&P)
- Dust Shield (P&P)
- Earthenair (F&A)
- Ease Labor (P&P)
- Efficacious Monster Ward (ToM)
- Emotion Control (ToM)
- Exaltation (F&A)
- Extradimensional Detection (ToM)
- Eye of Fire (P&P)
- Eyes of the Undead (Rav)
- Favor of Ilmater (F&A)
- Favor of Yathaghera (P&P)
- Feign Death
- Flame Shield (F&A)
- Flame Walk
- Forceward (F&A)
- Fostered Protection (HBW,PH)
- Frenzy of the Celts (LL)
- Ghost Pipes (P&P)
- Giant Spider (FOR2)
- Glowglory (FR11)
- Glyph of Warding
- Greenwood (F&A)
- Haunted Visions (P&P)
- Helping Hand (ToM)
- Hold Animal
- Hold Metal (RoU2)
- Holy Flail (F&A)
- Home Port (P&P)
- Intensify Sensation (P&P)
- Invisibility Purge (ToM)
- Knight's Move (P&P)
- Know Customs (ToM)
- Lesser Guardian Hammer (FR11)
- Life Drain (CBoN)
- Line of Protection* (ToM)
- Listening Shadow (F&A)
- Locate Object
- Loyal Vassal (P&P)
- Mace of Odo (F&A)
- Magical Vestment
- Mask of Gargauth (P&P)
- Meld Into Stone
- Memory Read (ToM)
- Miscast Magic (ToM)
- Mold Touch (F&A)
- Moment Reading (ToM)
- Moon Blade (F&A)
- Negative Plane Protection
- Phantom Plow (F&A)
- Plant Growth
- Polymorph Plant (PHBR11)
- Prayer
- Protection from Cold (P&P)
- Protection from Earth (PH)
- Protection from Fire
- Protection from Winds (PH)
- Pyrotechnics
- Random Causality (ToM)
- Rapture (F&A)
- Remove Curse
- Remove Paralysis
- Rigid Thinking (ToM)
- Rites of Istishia (F&A)
- Shadow Sword (F&A)
- Shadowcloak (F&A)
- Shift Glyph (F&A)
- Slow Rot (ToM)
- Snare
- Song of Compulsion (F&A)
- Speak With Dead
- Speak With the Drowned Dead (F&A)
- Speed Rot (F&A)
- Spellweb (FOR2)
- Spike Growth
- Spirit Animal Form (LL)
- Spirit Bind (CBoN)
- Squeaking Floors (ToM)
- Starshine
- Stone Shape
- Storm Shield (F&A)
- Strength of One (ToM)
- Summon Ancestor (P&P)
- Summon Insects
- Summon Lock Lurker (F&A)
- Sunrise (RoMD,F&A)
- Sunstroke (P&P)
- Telepathy (ToM)
- Telethaumaturgy (ToM)
- Thief's Lament (ToM)
- Tree
- Unearthly Choir* (ToM)
- Venom Immunity (FOR2)
- Venom of Varae (P&P)
- Water Breathing
- Water Walk
- Wheel of Bones (F&A)
- Whip of Pain (F&A)
- Whip of Shar (RoU,F&A)
- Windbearer (F&A)
- Zone of Sweet Air (ToM)
- Abjure
- Addition (ToM)
- Advanced Sunshine (F&A)
- Age Plant (ToM)
- Animal Sight (RoU2,F&A)
- Animal Summoning I
- Animal Vision (P&P)
- Anyspell (F&A)
- Assume Undead Form (P&P)
- Attunement (FOR2)
- Azuth's Fedensor (F&A)
- Bad Medicine (LL)
- Blessed Forgetfulness (PH)
- Blessed Warmth (ToM)
- Blood Mantle (P&P)
- Blood Rage (P&P)
- Body Clock (ToM)
- Boon of Lathander (RoMD,F&A)
- Breath of the Elements (PH)
- Briartangle (F&A)
- Call Woodland Beings
- Calm Winds (F&A)
- Cause Insanity (CBoN)
- Censure (RoMD,PftM)
- Chaotic Combat (ToM)
- Chaotic Sleep (ToM)
- Circle of Privacy (ToM)
- Clear Air (F&A)
- Cloak of Bravery
- Cloud of Pestilence (F&A)
- Compulsive Order (ToM)
- Contract of Nephthys (P&P)
- Control Aratha (RoMD)
- Control Temperature, 10' Radius
- Corrupt (F&A)
- Creature of Darkness (F&A)
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Dark Aura (F&A)
- Darkbolt (F&A)
- Dead March (F&A)
- Deadly Dance (F&A)
- Defensive Harmony (ToM)
- Detect Lie
- Divination
- The Doom of Bane (FA1,F&A)
- Doublecoin (F&A)
- Dragon Scales (P&P)
- Duplicate (F&A)
- Endurance of Ilmater (F&A)
- Feat (F&A)
- Feign Undead (Rav)
- Fertility (P&P)
- Find Companion (RoU2,F&A)
- Fire Eyes (FR11)
- Fire Purge (ToM)
- Flock of Birds (P&P)
- Focus* (ToM)
- Foesight (HBW,PH)
- Fortify* (ToM)
- Free Action
- Gauntlet of Winds (F&A)
- Genius (ToM)
- Giant Insect
- Guardian Hammer (FR11)
- Hallucinatory Forest
- Hand of Hoar (P&P)
- Hand of Torm (F&A)
- Heart Blight (CBoN)
- Histachii Brew (P&P)
- Hold Plant
- Hurl Thunderbolt (P&P)
- Ice Blade (F&A)
- Imbue With Spell Ability
- Inverted Ethics (ToM)
- Join With Astral Traveler (ToM)
- Kiss of Torment (F&A)
- Leadership (ToM)
- Lesser Spellsong (FOR2)
- Locate Spirit Animal (LL)
- Lower Water
- Magefire* (F&A)
- Mental Domination (ToM)
- Mirage (P&P)
- Misfire (F&A)
- Modify Memory (ToM)
- Monstrous Illusion (F&A)
- Neutralize Poison
- Oakheart (F&A)
- Oars to Snakes (F&A)
- Passweb (FOR2)
- Plague Curse (CBoN)
- Plant Door
- Plant Lance
- Pride of Nobanion (P&P)
- Probability Control (ToM)
- Produce Fire
- Protection from Evil, 10' Radius
- Protection from Prime, 10' Radius (PH)
- Protection from Lightning
- Rapport (ToM)
- Reaving Blades (F&A)
- Reflecting Pool
- Rejuvenate (DS)
- Repel Insects
- Reveal (F&A)
- Roar of the King (P&P)
- Sarcophagus of Death (P&P)
- Seek Eternal Rest (P&P)
- Seeking Sword (F&A)
- Singing Stone (F&A)
- Skulk (F&A)
- Skull of Secrets (F&A)
- Smoke Ghost (PftM,F&A)
- Snake Skin (P&P)
- Softwood (SJ)
- Solipsism (ToM)
- Speak With Plants
- Spell Immunity
- Sticks to Snakes
- Still Waves (P&P)
- Stone Trap (FR11)
- Stone Walk (Menzo)
- Stonefall (FR11)
- Stonefire (FR11)
- Stormcloak (F&A)
- Striking Wave (F&A)
- Summon Shadow Spirit (P&P)
- Surelock (PS,PH)
- Swirling Scythes (P&P)
- Tanglefoot (ToM)
- Thorn Spray (F&A)
- Thought Broadcast (ToM)
- Thunderstroke (P&P)
- Tongues
- Touch of the Talontar (F&A)
- Touch of the Styx (PH)
- Tree Steed (ToM)
- Uplift* (ToM)
- Veil of Djalice (F&A)
- Wall of Moonlight (F&A)
- Watching Shadow (F&A)
- Waterwall (F&A)
- Weapon Immunity (P&P)
- Weather Stasis (ToM)
- Winds of Akadi (F&A)
- Air Walk
- Age Object (ToM)
- Animal Growth
- Animal Summoning II
- Anti-Plant Shell
- Atonement
- Azuth's Exalted Triad (F&A)
- Barrier of Retention (ToM)
- Battletide (RoZK,F&A)
- Berserk (LL)
- Blast of Pain (F&A)
- Blessed Abundance (ToM)
- Call Dinosaurs (P&P)
- Candle of Calm (F&A)
- Champion's Strength (ToM)
- Chaotic Commands (ToM)
- Circle of Stone (FR11)
- Clear Path (ToM)
- Cloud of Purification (ToM,Rav)
- Commune
- Commune With Nature
- Conjure Elemental (DS)
- Consequence (ToM)
- Control Vapor (FOR2,F&A)
- Control Winds
- Create Minor Helm (SJ)
- Crown of Flame (PH)
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Dance of the Unicorns (P&P)
- Dark Promise (RoZK,F&A)
- Death Magic Shield (F&A)
- Deny Death (F&A)
- Disguise (ToM)
- Dispel Evil
- Divine Investiture (P&P)
- Doom Curse (FR11)
- Earthenport (F&A)
- Earthshake* (P&P)
- Easy March (ToM)
- Elemental Forbiddance (ToM)
- Elemental Protection (PH)
- Enchant Stones* (LL)
- Extradimensional Manipulation (ToM)
- Extradimensional Pocket (ToM)
- Favor (LL)
- Favor of Valkur (P&P)
- Fireward (F&A)
- Flame Strike
- Float (RoU2)
- Flowstone (FR11)
- Forgotten Melody (F&A)
- Gaseous Form (P&P)
- Greater Touchsickle (F&A)
- Grounding (ToM)
- Hammer of Justice (F&A)
- Hard Water (RoU2)
- Illumination (F&A)
- Illusory Artillery (ToM)
- Imbue Undead With Spell Ability (Menzo)
- Impeding Permission (ToM)
- Incarnation of Evil (P&P)
- Insect Plague
- Inverted Magic (HBW,PH)
- Jergal's Mind Probe (P&P)
- Kami Absorption (LL)
- Kiss of Sharess (P&P)
- Magic Font
- Major Curse (P&P)
- Meld* (ToM)
- Memory Wrack (ToM)
- Melisander's Harp (P&P)
- Mindshatter (ToM)
- Minor Wealthtwist (F&A)
- Misfortune (F&A)
- Moon Path (F&A)
- Moonbeam
- Moonweb (F&A)
- Mulch (F&A)
- Mystic Lash (FA1,F&A)
- Passage (FR11)
- Pass Plant
- Plane Shift
- Probing Arm (F&A)
- Quest
- Rage (RoU2,F&A)
- Rainbow
- Raise Dead
- Repeat Action (ToM)
- Revelation (LL)
- Right of Might (P&P)
- Rising Rot (F&A)
- Rune of Power (FR11)
- Sandstorm (DS)
- Scourge (CBoN)
- Seed of Moander (F&A)
- Seedstorm (P&P)
- Sever the Silver Cord (PH)
- Shatter Circle (P&P)
- Shield of Lathander (RoMD,F&A)
- Ship Shield (P&P)
- Shrieking Walls (ToM)
- Soultheft (FOR2)
- Spiderform (FOR2)
- Spike Stones
- Spirit Trap of the Darkbringer (F&A)
- Storm Cone (F&A)
- Summon Spectator (F&A)
- Summon Spider (FOR2,Menzo)
- Talona's Blessing (F&A)
- Telepathic Broadcast (P&P)
- Thoughtwave* (ToM)
- Time Pool (ToM)
- Transmute Rock to Mud
- Tree Healing (F&A)
- Triple Mask (F&A)
- True Seeing
- Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel (ToM)
- Undead Regeneration (CBoN,FOR2)
- Undead Spell Focus (CBoN)
- Undead Ward (ToM,Rav)
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of Shadow (P&P)
- Water of Eldath (F&A)
- Whirlwind of Steel (P&P)
- Wither (F&A)
- Wound (F&A)
- Aerial Servant
- Age Creature (ToM)
- Air Tread (Menzo)
- All-Seeing Crystal Ball (P&P)
- Animal Summoning III
- Animal Transfer (RoU2,F&A)
- Animate Object
- Anti-Animal Shell
- Asphyxiate (CBoN)
- Blade Barrier
- Bolt of Glory (F&A)
- Break Limb (RoU2)
- Celestial Protection (PH)
- Conjure Animals
- Conjure Fire Elemental
- Conjure Water Elemental (F&A)
- Create Ancient Dead (P&P)
- Create Baneguard (FRC,F&A)
- Create Ibrandlin (F&A)
- Create Tree of Life (DS)
- Crown of Brilliance (PH)
- Crushing Walls (ToM)
- Dance of Life* (P&P)
- Dance of the Fallen (F&A)
- Deceive Prying (Menzo)
- Disbelief (ToM)
- Divine Curse (Rav)
- Dolorous Decay (F&A)
- Dragonbane (ToM)
- Dying Curse (P&P)
- Endless Dance (P&P)
- Enduring Ward (P&P)
- False Dawn (RoMD,F&A)
- Fantastic Machine (F&A)
- Find the Path
- Fire Seeds
- Forbiddance
- Gravity Variation (ToM)
- The Great Circle* (ToM)
- Group Mind (ToM)
- Heal
- Heroe's Feast
- Land of Stability (ToM)
- Legal Thoughts (ToM)
- Liveoak
- Luckbolt (F&A)
- Meld of Lolth (Menzo)
- Merge With Nature (F&A)
- Monster Mount (ToM)
- Part Water
- Physical Mirror (ToM)
- Quench the Spirit (F&A)
- Resist Magic (P&P)
- Revenance (P&P)
- Reverse Time (ToM)
- Roots of the Assassin (F&A)
- Sanctify Spirit Host (P&P)
- Seclusion (ToM)
- Silver Tongue and Starry Eyes (P&P)
- Skip Day (ToM)
- Sleep of Dragons (P&P)
- Sol's Searing Orb (ToM)
- Spawn of Tiamat (P&P)
- Speak With Monsters
- Spellsong (FOR2)
- Spider Bite (FOR2)
- Spirit Annihilation (RoZK,F&A)
- Spirit Quest (P&P)
- Spiritual Corruption (P&P)
- Spiritual Wrath* (ToM)
- Spring Mastery (F&A)
- Starharp (P&P)
- Stone Tell
- Striking Shadow (F&A)
- Summon Undead (CBoN)
- Sun Scepter (F&A)
- Sword and Hammer (F&A)
- Swordward (F&A)
- Tentacle of Withering (F&A)
- Transmute Water to Dust
- Transport Via Plants
- Turn Wood
- Undeath After Death (RoZK,F&A)
- Wall of Thorns
- Waterspout (F&A)
- Weather Summoning
- Wondrous Recall (F&A)
- Word of Recall
- Age Dragon (ToM)
- Akadi's Vortex (F&A)
- Ancient Curse (Rav)
- Animate Rock
- Astral Spell
- Azuth's Spell Shield (F&A)
- Bane (P&P)
- Bladebless (F&A)
- Breath of Life (ToM)
- Call Upon Gargauth (P&P)
- Changestaff
- Chariot of Sustarre
- Cloak of Gaer (Menzo)
- Confusion
- Conjure Air Elemental (F&A)
- Conjure Earth Elemental
- Conjure Nature Elemental (RoZK,F&A)
- Control Weather
- Create Direguard (FRC,F&A)
- Create Treant (F&A)
- Create Undead Minion (RoZK)
- Creeping Doom
- Crown of Glory (PH)
- Death Chariot (F&A)
- Death Pact (CBoN)
- Death Symbol (FA1,F&A)
- Destroy Magedoom (F&A)
- Divine Inspiration (ToM)
- Earthquake
- Elemental Breach (PH)
- Exaction
- Faithful Mount (RoU2,F&A)
- Feline Form (P&P)
- Fire Storm
- Gate
- Gate of Doom (P&P)
- Greater Shield of Lathander (RoMD,F&A)
- Harp of War (F&A)
- Heart of Ice (F&A)
- Holy Word
- Hovering Road (ToM)
- Illusory Fortifications (ToM)
- Istishia's Port (F&A)
- Maelstrom (F&A)
- Mind Tracker (ToM)
- Mist of the Goddess (F&A)
- Moonveil (FA1,F&A)
- Protection from Death (LL)
- Regenerate
- Reincarnate
- Repulsion (FOR2)
- Resplendence of Renewed Youth (F&A)
- Restoration
- Resurrection
- Rune Chant (FR11)
- Sacred Link (F&A)
- Sanctify Crypt (P&P)
- Sanctify Sacred Site (F&A)
- Shadow Engines (ToM)
- Shield of the Archons (PH)
- Spacewarp (ToM)
- Spell Ward (F&A)
- Spellbind (F&A)
- Sphere of Survival (PH)
- Spirit of Power* (ToM)
- Stone Walk (FA1,F&A)
- Succor
- Summon Divine Minion (P&P)
- Sunray
- Symbol
- Tentacle Walls (ToM)
- Timelessness (ToM)
- Timewarp (P&P)
- Tomb Ward (Rav)
- Transmute Metal to Wood
- Tsunami (F&A)
- Tyranny (P&P)
- Uncontrolled Weather (ToM)
- Velsharoon's Death Pact (P&P)
- Wall of Tentacles (FOR2)
- Wealthtwist (F&A)
- Wealthword (F&A)
- Whirlwind (F&A)
- Wind Walk
- Zin-Carla (FOR2)
Source Abbreviation Key |
- CBoN - The Complete Book of Necromancers
- DS - Dark Sun Campaign Setting Boxed Set
- F&A - Faiths & Avatars
- FA1 - Halls of the High King
- FOR2 - The Drow of the Underdark
- FR11 - Dwarves Deep
- FRC - Forgotten Realms® Campaign Setting Boxed Set
- HBW - Hellbound: The Blood War Boxed Set
- LL - Legends & Lore
- Menzo - Menzoberranzan Boxed Set
- PftM - Pages from the Mages
- PH - The Planewalker's Handbook
- PHBR11 - The Complete Ranger's Handbook
- P&P - Powers & Pantheons
- PS - Planescape Campaign Boxed Set
- Rav - Ravenloft® Campaign Setting Boxed Set
- RoMD - The Ruins of Myth Drannor Boxed Set
- RoU - The Ruins of Undermountain Boxed Set
- RoU2 - The Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels Boxed Set
- RoZK - The Ruins of Zhentil Keep Boxed Set
- SJ - Spelljammer Boxed Set
- ToM - Tome of Magic
Italicized spells are reversible.
An asterisk (*) indicates a cooperative magic spell.