Sphere of Elemental Fire
  • Level 1
    1. Banish Flame
    2. Log of Everburning

  • Level 2
    1. Darkfire
    2. Fire Trap
    3. Flame Blade
    4. Heat Metal
    5. Produce Flame

  • Level 3
    1. Flame Shield
    2. Flame Walk
    3. Protection from Fire
    4. Pyrotechnics
    5. Sunstroke

  • Level 4
    1. Breath of the Elements
    2. Produce Fire
    3. Smoke Ghost
    4. Stonefire

  • Level 5
    1. Elemental Protection
    2. Fireward
    3. Wall of Fire

  • Level 6
    1. Conjure Fire Elemental
    2. Fire Seeds

  • Level 7
    1. Chariot of Sustarre
    2. Death Chariot
    3. Elemental Breach
    4. Fire Storm
    5. Sphere of Survival