Mina's Tainted Lineage (Alteration)
V, S, M
Casting Time:
1 Hour
Area of Effect:
1 Lycanthrope
Saving Throw:

This powerful enchantment allows infected lycanthropes to become a true lycanthrope. The new werebeast has the same alignment as a normal true lycanthrope of its type. Non-classed characters will now have the standard HD for its race. A character with a class will lose one level. From then on, he will need twice the normal amount of experience to advance in levels. This does not apply to fighters; they can advance normally (they still lose one level). Multi-classed characters lose a level from each class. Dual-classed characters lose a level from only their active class.

This spell requires a complex ritual. On the night of the full moon, the infected lycanthrope and its sire must be tied down using silver chains (2,000 gp worth). A brazier must be lit containing wolfsbane, belladona, and other herbs (500 gp worth). The heart of the true lycanthrope is then removed using a silver dagger and fed to the infected lycanthrope. From then on, he is in all respects a true lycanthrope.