Tawnni's Mist of Shadows (Conjuration/Summoning)
20 yds.
V, S
1 Turn +2 Rounds/level
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
15' Radius +5'/level
Saving Throw:

Casting this spell draws shadow from the Demi-Plane of Shadow into the spell's area of effect. The entire area is considered to have a light level of "shadowy". Magic is treated as being cast in the Demi-Plane itself. The spell itself is not evil, but undead such as shadows and slow shadows are treated as having an extra HD in regards to Turning. The swirling shadows of the mist add a +10% bonus when trying to Hide in Shadows. Creatures adversely affected by sunlight are protected within the mist.

Upon completing this incantation, a small Gate opens in the center of the area of effect. From this, swirling mists composed of shadow billow forth and fill the area in a single round. The mist is stable and doesn't dissipate with wind or bright light. A Dispel Magic can, of course, disrupt it.

This spell was created over a century ago by a necromancer named Tawnni the Dark. She had become a shade, and she realized that bright light was detrimental to her schemes. Thus, this spell was born. Shades within it function at full power. Tawnni shared the spell with some of her most talented of apprentices. If properly researched, it can be made permanent. Also, rumors speak of a Wand of Shadows created by Tawnni that uses this spell (1 charge), Summon Shadows (3 charges), and Shadow Walk (5 charges).