Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition - Troll Crossbreeds
Few races are as hardy, resilient, and adaptive as the terrible trolls. Fortunatly, few races are as repulsive and voracious. Thus, naturally occurring troll crossbreeds are very rare. Trolls are able to interbreed with most humanoid races. Many adventurers are already familiar with the fearsome two-headed trolls, the horrid offspring of a troll and ettin. These monstrousities are just one example of the many trollish half-breeds.

Very Rare
Activity Cycle:
Average (9-10)
Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
No. of Attacks:
3 or 1 weapon
1d4 / 1d4 / 1d6 or by weapon
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses:
Magic Resistance:
M (6.5')
Elite (13)
XP Value:

Half-trolls are a very rare breed, the offspring of a troll and human parent. They almost exclusively are the result of experiments conducted by evil wizards. There are no known cases of trolls and human willingly mating.

Without exception, half-trolls are large ugly humanoids who cannot pass for human. Unlike their trollish parents, their limbs are not gangly and as easily severed. Their thick skin is rubber-like and tinged green or grey, making them appear even less human. Their eyes are not as deeply sunk as troll eyes, and can take the full range of human colors. They have acute night vision, giving them 60' infravision.

Half-trolls are exceptional climbers with a 60% chance of scaling even sheer surfaces. Their hearing is only as good as human, but they have an excellent sense of smell. In fact, half-trolls can track by scent alone with 15% accuracy.

Half-trolls do not have their own language, and depending on their upbringing, they may or may not have the ability to communicate in "trollspeak". Generally, half-trolls speak the same language of their wizard creator (usually common), or the languages of other humanoids they grow up with. Most half-trolls speak common, and perhaps orcish, "trollspeak", goblinish, or giantish. Half-trolls age like a normal human.


Half-trolls are reckless in battle, fearing only fire and acid. They have inherited the trollish ability to regenerate, although at a much slower rate than a full-blooded troll. They can regenerate 1 hp per round, starting three rounds after being wounded. Like a troll, if reduced to 0 hp, they are simply incapacitated until they can heal. They are not able to regenerate damage inflicted by fire and acid, and these are some of the only ways to truly kill a half-troll. If even a piece of a half-troll is not destroyed by fire or acid, it will eventually completely regrow. Half-trolls are even known to regrow a lost head. It is important to note that powerful death spells, such as power word, kill can kill a half-troll despite their regenerative abilities.

Most half-trolls prefer to attack with their natural weaponry, their razor sharp claws and wicked teeth. They are not as coordinated as trolls, and thus they can only attack a single target per round. With proper training, a half-troll can be taught to use weapons and armor. Due to their violent nature, they prefer weapons such as battle axes, morning stars, and two-handed swords. They inflict an additional 3 points of damage when using weapons due to their strength.


Surprisingly, there are half-troll societies on various worlds. It is not uncommon for half-trolls to survive wars that fell their wizard masters. The suddenly freed half-trolls generally flee and start their own community. Due to their vicious nature and powerful natural abilities, half-troll tribes often take control of other humanoids, such as orcs and goblins. In some cases, half-trolls have even come to dominate troll packs.

Half-trolls are fertile, and they do breed true when they mate. Thus, an established tribe can consist of up to 20 adult half-trolls with half again that many children. Few ecosystems can support more than this, so when a tribe gets too large, they split apart. The tribes are dominated by females, who are physically larger than the males (half-troll females have at least 3 hp per hit die). Females may become shamans of dark deities, or even full fledged priestesses. Tribes with such females present are especially dangerous.

The lairs of half-trolls are usually a whole lot neater and organized than troll-holes. While still not cozy by human standards, the higher intelligence of half-trolls is generally evident. When they can, half-trolls prefer to overtake the burrows of other humanoids and enslave the former owners. Almost without exception, their homes are underground, as they do not like sunlight.


Generally, half-trolls are ravagers and destroyers. They will eat anything from beetles to humans to rotting carcasses. It seems that they have not inherited taste buds from their human parentage. Sometimes, half-trolls will breed with pure trolls, and the resulting offspring is always a troll. Rarely, half-trolls will mate with a human or humanoid slave, resulting in an extremely ugly, but otherwise "normal" member of that humanoid race.

It stands to reason that the muddy brown blood of a half-troll would be useful in the creation of regenerative or healing magical items. It is unknown if any wizards have had an opportunity to experiment with it, as after incinerating a half-troll, their isn't much blood to collect.

PC Half-Trolls:

If the DM allows, half-trolls can be played as a character race. Most likely, they are either survivors of a fallen wizard's armies, or they have escaped from a powerful sorcerer (who may be looking for them). If allowed, half-troll PCs have the following traits:

Ability Score Range
Strength 10/19
Dexterity 12/20
Constitution 8/18
Intelligence 3/16
Wisdom 3/17
Charisma 3/12
Class Restrictions
Fighter 12
Cleric* 9
Shaman* 7
Thief 8
* = Females only.

PC half-trolls add +1 to strength and +2 to dexterity while reducing wisdom -1 and charisma by -2. Extreme ability scores allow higher level advancement if that optional rule is used. Half-trolls all suffer from the monstrous appearance trait, and many suffer from bestial rage and bestial appetite as well. Half-trolls are generally superstitious, having a great fear of fire and fire-like creatures, including salamanders, fire giants, and red dragons. As rain generally quenches flames, they see rain as a good omen and are even more reckless when fighting in wet weather.

A half-troll will age like a normal human and generally are fully grown by age 14 + 1d4 years. Male half-trolls may be multi-classed fighter/thieves, and females may be fighter/clerics or fighter/shamans.

Height and Weight
In Inches In Pounds
Male Base Height Female Base Height Modifier Male Base Weight Female Base Weight Modifier
72 80 1d12 150 175 6d10

Thief Skill Adjustments
Pick Pockets Open Locks Find/Remove Traps Move Silently Hide in Shadows Detect Noise Climb Walls Read Languages
+5% -5% +5% +15% -5%

Activity Cycle:
Low (5-7)
Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
No. of Attacks:
3 or 1 weapon
1d4+1 / 1d4+1 / 1d6 or by weapon
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses:
Magic Resistance:
M (6')
Elite (14)
XP Value:

Trorcs are, as their name implies, the offspring of trolls and orcs. Occasionally, trorcs will be the offspring of trolls and hobgoblins. While maybe misnamed, they are identical to the orcish strain in all respects. Much like half-trolls, trorcs are generally the result of meddling by evil priests or wizards. Trolls and orcs share no love for each other, and the idea of them willingly mating is unheard of.

Trorcs are exceedingly ugly humanoids that strongly favor their trollish heritage. They are short and stocky like orcs, but their skin is rubbery and in trollish hues. Their thick limbs are difficult to sever, and their powerful build makes them horrendously strong. It is unknown if they inherit their stupidity from their troll or orc parent, but they are notoriously dumb. The stocky build of trorcs makes them somewhat less agile than a troll, and thus they climb at only 55% chance of success. They have deep set black eyes with infravision out to 90 feet. Like orcs, they suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls in sunlight due to the sensitivity of their eyes.

Trorcs are more common than half-trolls, as wizards experimenting on orcs and trolls draw less attention than those using humans in their schemes. Still, they are by no means commonly occurring creatures. There is no natural language of the trorcs, and they most often speak common, orcish, or "trollspeak". Some have been encountered with the ability to communicate in hobgoblinish or giantish. Few trorcs live very long, as casualties are usually high. However, if allowed to live unmolested, a trorc could live to be around 60.


Trorcs never wear armor in combat, as it hampers their mobility. They instead rely on their naturally thick skin and regenerative powers. Three rounds after being wounded, a trorc begins to regenerate 1 hp per round. They are unable to regenerate the damage caused by fire or acid, and they will avoid fighting creatures using such against them.

Trorcs usually attack in groups and try to bring down one opponent at a time. Sometimes they are smart enough to attack spellcasters first, but usually they converge on whichever opponent is nearest. Trorcs prefer to fight with their natural weaponry, sharp claws and fangs; however, they can be taught to use weapons. The most success has been in training them with small missile weapons, such as spears and throwing axes, that they can launch in the first round and then enter melee with their natural attack forms. If a trorc does enter melee with a weapon, it inflicts an additional 4 points of damage due to their tremendous strength.


Trorcs can be found in almost any climate on any world. They are fertile and can breed with other trorcs, trolls, half-trolls, and most humanoid and demi-human races. The resulting offspring is always a trorc. On worlds were trorcs have been freed of their creator, they are generally the dominant humanoid race. They overrun the strongholds of other humanoids and either enslave or eat the former occupants.

A full size trorc tribe can have up to 300 adult males and twice that number in women and children. Unlike troll societies, the males are larger and dominate the tribe. For every 100 trorcs, there will be a leader with 6 HD and three bodyguards with at least 2 hp per HD. There will also be a shaman (up to 5th level) for every 150 trorcs encountered. Most trorc communities (60%) have a pack of 2-12 trolls living with them as well.

Travellers tell of a moon in a far off crystal sphere that is completely dominated by trorcs. This moon has hundreds of tribes and is populated by many thousands of these half-breeds. If the goblinoid armies could find this moon, there would perhaps be a shift in the balance of power in wildspace. The elves have heard of this moon, and it is rumored that they will pay handsomely for information as to its location.


Trorcs have inherited all the bad habits of both their filthy parents. They tend to destroy any ecosystem that they stay in too long. These carnivores can eat just about anything and will strip an area bare of wildlife rather quickly. If food becomes scarce, these ravenous beasts will not hesitate to raid humanoid and human settlements for food. Many small villages have disappeared in such attacks.

Trorcs, although difficult to control, are greatly sought after as slaves. Their tremendous healing powers make them the ideal warriors. An evil being will pay up to 100 gp per trorc child. Adults are generally too difficult to "tame" and are not much use to anyone.

Very Rare
Activity Cycle:
High (13-14)
Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
No. of Attacks:
1 or 1 weapon
1d4 or by weapon
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses:
Magic Resistance:
30% resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells
M (5')
Elite (14)
XP Value:

Perhaps the most exotic of trollish crossbreeds, the trell are offspring of trolls and elves. Certainly, there are no naturally occuring trell; all existing trell have been created by some evil being. Unlike most troll crossbreeds, trell are sterile and cannot produce children with any race.

Trell lean heavily upon their elven heritage with regards to appearance. Physically, trell look like elves, with slight frames, fine features, and pointed ears. Their flesh color ranges from green, mottled green, to grey, and it is soft and supple, not rubbery as a troll. Trell eyes are always jet black, and their teeth are sharp and jagged. Often, a trell that does not reveal its teeth can pass for an exotic sylvan elf.

Trell have very keen eyesight enabling them to see in the dark (infravision 60'). The light and nimble frame of the trell allows them to climb as well as a troll (80% chance of success). There is no trell language, but they can often speak common, "trollspeak", orcish, or goblinish. It is rare for trell to know the elvish tongue.


Despite their elven appearance, trell have inherited much from the trolls. They have not gained the tough trollish flesh, so their natural armor class is 10. However, upon the third round after being wounded, trell regenerate 2 hp per round. Trell cannot regenerate damage caused by fire or acid or by death spells such as power word, kill. Trell lack the sharp troll claws, but they can inflict damage with their nasty bite. Most trell prefer to fight with a weapon of some sort instead.

Trell are highly intelligent, and they will not charge headlong into a fray. They are cunning creatures and will use ambush and trickery to bring down their opponents. Trell are very fond of missile weapons such as long bows and crossbows. A common strategy is to set up in an inaccessible location with several pre-loaded heavy crossbows and wait in ambush. The evil trell are also very fond of poison as well. Typically, they use type O poison, but will use type C against very dangerous foes.

Trell inherited some of the magic resistance of the elves, enabling them to resist sleep and charm magics 30% of the time before a saving throw is needed. They did not inherit elven skill with sword and bow, nor did they inherit the stature of the trolls to enable them to hurl large stones.


Most trell are servants to a more powerful being. Very few trell have escaped their masters and live free in the world. There is no trell society, and those encountered in the wilderness are almost always hermits. They are rarely encountered with any other races. Humanoids hate them due to their resemblance to elves, and an elf will attack a trell on sight. Occasionally, a lone trell will be found working with human brigands and outlaws.

Trell are often created by wizards out of curiosity. Many trell become apprentices to their dark masters, and due to their elven heritage, they are quite adept at the magical arts. In fact, many trell become elementalist wizards specializing in fire magics. Such a wizard is extremely dangerous, as fire is a far less effective weapon against them. The chaotic nature of trell also make them lean towards wild magic as well.

Most trell are created from normal trolls and grey or high elves. It is rumored that trell have been born of drow parents as well, and that such children are even more powerful. Such trell are not accepted in drow society either, and if they escape become masters of the Underdark. Half-drow trell have infravision with a range of 90 feet. They do not inherit the innate magical abilities of the drow, but as long as they live in the Underdark, they have magic resistance of 25% plus 1% per level or hit die.


Trell generally live like most mages, reclusive and alone. If servants to a wizards, they have little effect on their ecosystem. A lone trell that has escaped can be as damaging as a troll. Trell are ravenous creatures that prefer the flesh of humans and demi-humans to all other meat.

Wizardly trell often use their own flesh and blood in the creation of magical items. They are able to create potions involved in healing and rejuvenation, and often sell such items or make them for their wizard masters. It is rare for them to need such items themselves, as their natural healing abilities are phenominal.

PC Trell:

Trell can be an intriguing character race, but should only be allowed for experienced players. They have great advantages as a race, but they have many flaws as well. It takes good role-playing to balance these characters. Trell tend towards Chaotic alignments, but PCs can be any except Lawful Good. It is very likely that a trell PC has a powerful sorcerer looking for them.

Ability Score Range
Strength 4/18
Dexterity 13/19
Constitution 8/18
Intelligence 7/18
Wisdom 3/18
Charisma 3/16
Class Restrictions
Fighter 10
Ranger 7
Cleric 8
Mage 12
Thief 14

PC trell add 1 to dexterity and reduce charisma by 2. If the optional rule is used, level limits can be exceeded due to high ability scores. Trell suffer from the bestial appetite trait and often suffer from bestial rage, monstrous dexterity, and monstrous sight as well. Half-drow trell suffer from light sensitivity also. Trell have an intense hatred of elves and will generally try to destroy any encountered. This goes for half-elves as well. Depending on their upbringing, half-drow trell may feel this way about drow as well.

Trell have many multi-class options open to them, and they may be fighter/clerics, fighter/thieves, fighter/mages, fighter/mage/thieves, ranger/clerics, cleric/mages, and mage/thieves. Single class trell wizards can become specialists in elemental fire, elemental earth, wild magic, invocation, necromancy, or alteration.

Height and Weight
In Inches In Pounds
Male Base Height Female Base Height Modifier Male Base Weight Female Base Weight Modifier
61 59 2d6 120 90 4d10

Thief Skill Adjustments
Pick Pockets Open Locks Find/Remove Traps Move Silently Hide in Shadows Detect Noise Climb Walls Read Languages
+5% -5% -5% +5% +20%

  Starting Age   Aging Effects
Race Base Age Variable Maximum Age Range Middle Age1 Old Age2 Venerable3
30 2d12 200 + 5d20 100 134 200
1 = -1 Strength and Constitution; +1 Intelligence and Wisdom
2 = -2 Strength and Dexteriy; -1 Constitution; +1 Wisdom
3 = -1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution; +1 Intelligence and Wisdom

Giant, Troll
Very Rare
Activity Cycle:
Low (5-7)
Chaotic Evil
No. Appearing:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
No. of Attacks:
3 or 1 weapon
1d4+2 / 1d4+2 / 4d4+1 or by weapon
Special Attacks:
Hurling Rocks for 2d6, Kick, Stomp
Special Defenses:
Magic Resistance:
H (14')
Elite (14)
XP Value:

Troll giants are perhaps the most dangerous and terrifying of the troll crossbreeds, being born of a troll and a hill giant. Their tremendous size and regenerative powers makes them a scourge upon the land.

Troll giants resemble trolls almost exactly except for their great height, often towering 14' tall or more. They have large bulk and weigh up to 4,000 pounds. They only have a 40% chance to climb walls, and such walls must be able to support their weight. Their deeply sunk black eyes grant them 60' infravision.

Like trolls, they rarely wear clothes or use weapons. They rely on brute strength to get through their lives. Troll giants speak "trollspeak", and usually some of the giantish tongues. Occasionally, a troll giant will speak ogrish or a dragon tongue as well.


There is little more terrifying than an enraged troll giant. They wade into combat with no regard for their own lives and attempt to destroy everything around them. They can attack multiple opponents at one time without penalty. Troll giants have been known to hurl rocks at passing caravans up to 150 yards away for 2d6 points of damage. They like to play this "game", especially if more than one troll giant is present. They soon tire of it, and will almost always attack in melee once they grow bored. Only the presence of large amounts of fire will stop their charge.

A troll giant can forgo one claw attack each round and attempt to kick an opponent. This only inflicts 1d4 points of damage, but if the target hit is size L or smaller, it must save vs. death magic or be knocked down and backwards for an additional 1d6 points of damage. Troll giants hate very small creatures, and they will often go into fits when combatting them. When in a group of Tiny or Small creatures, a troll giant will start jumping up and down in a rapid frenzy in an effort to squash the little pests. All creatures within ten feet of such a stomping fit are in danger. The giant gets an attack roll against every single creature in the area, but at a -6 to hit penalty. Creatures larger than size S suffer the effects of a kick. Size S and smaller creatures take 2d10 points of damage. A troll giant cannot use any other attack while stomping, and it can only keep up the frenzy for two rounds. It cannot stomp again until a full turn has past. A troll giant will only initiate a stomp against such small creatures. It is a reflex, not a planned attack. If the opponents the giant is stomping have weapons drawn and ready, they get an attack roll at the same -6 penalty as the troll giant risks jumping on their weapons.

Other than a hurled rock, troll giants never use any weapons, nor do they wear armor. They regenerate damage at a rate of 1 hp per round beginning three rounds after being injured. Troll giants do not regenerate damage inflicted by fire, acid, or death magic. Although they are gangly, humanoid opponents cannot sever troll giant limbs. However, giants and giant-kin opponents can. Troll giants have strength equal to that of a hill giant.


Although exceedingly rare, troll giants do sometimes occur naturally. Few wizards desire to create such large and unpredicatable creatures. They are great for mass destruction, but they are also very hard to control. Most troll giants created by wizards either kill their masters or just wonder off.

Troll giants live much like normal trolls, but their burrows are much larger. It is very common for such giants to share their burrows with a troll pack to who they act as a leader. All troll giants are male, and they hate female trolls, eating them whenever possible. Troll giants can mate with female hill giants and ogres, and the result is always another troll giant.

Occasionally, a troll giant will dominate a small tribe of hill giants or ogres. Their superior healing powers makes them more than a match for the "lesser" creatures. Such a tribe is often accompanied by an all male troll pack and they lay waste to the civilized lands around them. Troll giants are very greedy, and they will sometimes lead a giant band against dragons in hopes of acquiring their hordes. Although stupid, they are usually smart enough to leave fire or acid breathing dragons alone.


Troll giants are carnivores and will eat anything they can catch. If food runs scarce, they will eat other giants or trolls without a second thought. Like hill giants, they like the taste of green dragon meat. Fortunately for the giants, they are not very tasty to the dragons.

Troll giants are never found in civilized lands unless they are raiding. Few races will abide the presence of a troll giant due to the danger it presents. For some reason, orcs especially hate troll giants and will hunt them down when encountered. Many troll giants have been fatally surprised when their ogre companions turn on them to aid attacking orcs.

Wizards find little use for troll giants. Their blood can sometimes be used in the creation of healing items. Some adventurers have had the idea of selling pieces of troll giant flesh to wizards. Like trolls, a troll giant can completely regenerate from a piece of flesh, and most such novice adventurers are no longer around to tell of their folly.