Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition - Dragon Crossbreeds
The COUNCIL OF WYRMS setting introduced a new breed of player characters, the half-dragon. These beings are the natural offspring of shapeshifting dragons and humans or demi-humans. Half-dragons are one of the most interesting crossbreed races, as they allow some of the power and majesty of dragons to be used as player characters in most any campaign.

As presented in the COUNCIL OF WYRMS boxed set and updated in Dragon Magazine #206, only a specific few dragons species may produce half-dragon offspring. Any dragon race that can natural polymorph itself is able to breed with demi-humans. Unfortunately, the list of naturally polymorphing dragons is quite limited. There are many fascinating half-dragon races that didn't get a chance to be explored.

One must assume that the half-dragons already officially presented are the only naturally occurring crossbreeds in the AD&D game worlds. However, in worlds filled with powerful spellcasters and meddlesome gods, a whole lot of things come into being unnaturally. The created half-dragons are every bit as usuable as those natural born, it just takes a little more work to bring them into a campaign.

There are numerous reasons why someone would intentionally create half-dragons. Certainly dragon worshipping sects would see half-dragons as a superior race closer to their gods. It wouldn't take much stretch of the imagination to see the Cult of the Dragon from the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting creating half-dragons who become liches themselves. The world of Krynn has seen the draconian races for many years now. They were created as superior soldiers, and so could a race of half-dragons. The dragon goddess Tiamat may create half-dragons to increase her power in the Prime worlds.

Depending on how prevalent you want half-dragons in your campaign, all could be created magically, or they could be a species unto themselves able to breed and propogate their own race. The latter concept shall be assumed below. It would be up to the DM to decide if they could mate only with other half-dragons of their species, any half-dragon, or humans and demi-humans.

Half-dragons cannot become dual-classed or multi-classed characters. At fifth level, half-dragons gain their claw attacks, and at seventh level they gain their breath weapon. At even-numbered levels (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), half-dragons gain one of their discretionary abilities (either chosen by the player or determined randomly). Demi-human half-dragons lose one of their demi-human racial abilities every time they gain a draconic ability. For demi-humans, they do not gain any more dragon abilities after 6th level. Thus, half-human/half-dragon characters generally end up with more draconic abilities in the long run.

Chromatic Half-Dragons:

The chromatics are the most likely of all dragon types to have half-dragon counterparts. Generally, magical meddling is done for sinister purposes, and the evil dragons are prime subjects. All chromatic half-breeds are generally evil, but like all races, there are a few notable exceptions.


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with jet black hair, black irises, dusky grey to flat black skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 4/18, Con 9/19, Int 6/18, Wis 3/16, Cha 3/18
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Evil
Classes: Cleric 9, Fighter 15, Ranger 8, Mage 10, Thief 12
Discretionary Abilities: Water Breathing (at will); Darkness 15' Radius (twice per day); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Acid; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Spray of Acid 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with sapphire to indigo blue hair, sapphire blue irises, pale blue skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 9/20, Dex 7/19, Con 7/18, Int 7/18, Wis 4/17, Cha 3/16
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Lawful Evil
Classes: Cleric 10, Fighter 14, Mage 12, Specialist Wizard - Invoker 13, Thief 12
Discretionary Abilities: Create or Destroy Water (twice per day); Sound Imitation (at will); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Electricity; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Bolt of Lightning 8' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with olive green hair, emerald green irises, pale to olive green skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 6/19, Dex 7/19, Con 8/18, Int 5/17, Wis 6/18, Cha 3/16
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Lawful Evil
Classes: Cleric 13, Druid 8, Fighter 11, Ranger 10, Mage 9, Thief 10
Discretionary Abilities: Water Breathing (at will); Warp Wood (twice per day); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Gases; 30' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Spray of Poisonous Gas 10' cube, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with orange hair, orange irises, pale orange or yellow skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 6/19, Con 4/18, Int 9/19, Wis 3/17, Cha 3/16
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Neutral Evil
Classes: Cleric 11, Fighter 9, Ranger 7, Mage 11, Thief 13
Discretionary Abilities: Pass Without Trace (twice per day); Neutralize Poison (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Normal Fire; Half-Damage from Poison; Half-Damage from Magical Fire; 30' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Spray of Liquid Sodium 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with indigo hair, violet irises, dark violet to black skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Dexterity, +1, Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 6/18, Dex 9/19, Con 5/18, Int 9/19, Wis 6/19, Cha 3/15
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Neutral Evil
Classes: Cleric 14, Fighter 9, Mage 14, Thief 11
Discretionary Abilities: Predict Weather (twice per day); Affect Normal Fires (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Normal Fire; Immune to Normal Electricity; Half-Damage from Magical Fire; Half-Damage from Magical Electricity; 30' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Spray of Energy 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with scarlet hair, ruby red irises, pale pink to crimson red skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -3 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 11/20, Dex 5/18, Con 7/19, Int 8/20, Wis 3/17, Cha 3/15
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Evil
Classes: Cleric 8, Fighter 15, Mage 14, Specialist Wizard - Fire Elementalist 16, Thief 13
Discretionary Abilities: Affect Normal Fires (twice per day); Pyrotechnics (twice per day); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Fire; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d6/1d6); Breath Weapon (Spray of Fire 10' long, damage 3d6, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with white hair, white irises, white skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 8/20, Dex 4/18, Con 11/20, Int 3/16, Wis 3/16, Cha 3/17
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Evil
Classes: Cleric 6, Fighter 13, Mage 8, Thief 14
Discretionary Abilities: Ice Walking (at will); Gust of Wind (twice per day); Wall of Fog (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Cold; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Spray of Cold 10' Long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with yellow to blond hair, yellow irises, pale yellow skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 4/18, Con 9/19, Int 4/18, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/17
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Lawful Evil
Classes: Cleric 9, Fighter 11, Mage 8, Specialist Wizard - Water Elementalist 9, Thief 11
Discretionary Abilities: Pass Without Trace (twice per day); Water Breathing (at will); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Poison; 30' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Spray of Salt 10' long, damage 2d4, usable twice per day)

Ferrous Half-Dragons:

Undoubtedly, the rarest of the dragon breeds are also the rarest of the half-dragons. The half-iron dragons have been presented already, but the other ferrous dragons are new.


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with silver hair, silver irises, silver to white skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 3/18, Dex 7/19, Con 4/18, Int 8/19, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/16
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Evil
Classes: Cleric 12, Fighter 9, Mage 14, Thief 11
Discretionary Abilities: Pass Without Trace (twice per day, only on ice and snow); Shape Ice (once per day, as Stone Shape); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Cold; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Cloud of Freezing Crystals 10' cube, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with deep blue hair, indigo irises, dark blue to indigo skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 5/18, Con 3/18, Int 3/18, Wis 8/19, Cha 3/15
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Lawful Evil
Classes: Cleric 12, Druid 11, Fighter 10, Ranger 9, Mage 9
Discretionary Abilities: Entangle (twice per day); Water Breathing (at will); Improved Phantasmal Force (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Electricity; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Blast of Magnetic Force 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with grey to black hair, grey irises, pale grey to white skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 5/18, Dex 10/20, Con 7/18, Int 3/17, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/17
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Neutral
Classes: Cleric 10, Fighter 13, Thief 15
Discretionary Abilities: Resist Fire (twice per day); Water Breathing (at will); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Acid; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Cloud of Acid 10' cube, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with bright to dark green hair, emerald green irises, dark green skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 3/18, Con 9/19, Int 3/18, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/17
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Neutral Good
Classes: Cleric 12, Fighter 10, Ranger 11, Mage 8, Thief 9
Discretionary Abilities: Detect Good/Evil (twice per day); Sand Cloud (as Fog Cloud) (once per day); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Fire; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Blast of Sand 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)

Gem Half-Dragons:

Gem half-dragons are the rarest of the draconian half-breeds. They are also the only half-dragons who can master the arts of psionics.


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with purple to violet hair, violet irises, pale purple skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +2 Intelligence
Ability-score Ranges: Str 4/18, Dex 3/18, Con 6/18, Int 11/20, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/18
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Neutral
Classes: Cleric 9, Fighter 8, Mage 15, Psionicist 16, Thief 8
Discretionary Abilities: Water Walking (five times per day); Water Breathing (at will); Neutralize Poison (five times per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Poison; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d6/1d6); Breath Weapon (Blast of Force 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with yellow to blond hair, white irises, pale yellow or white skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 5/18, Dex 3/18, Con 4/18, Int 9/19, Wis 3/17, Cha 7/19
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Neutral
Classes: Cleric 7, Fighter 12, Mage 8, Psionicist 12, Thief 11
Discretionary Abilities: Charm Person (twice per day); Color Spray (twice per day); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Cold; 30' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Spray of Crystal Shards 10' long, damage 2d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with emerald green hair, dark green irises, pale green skin
Ability-score Modifiers: -1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom
Ability-score Ranges: Str 3/18, Dex 3/17, Con 5/18, Int 8/19, Wis 7/19, Cha 3/18
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Lawful Neutral
Classes: Cleric 10, Fighter 9, Mage 12, Psionicist 11, Thief 12
Discretionary Abilities: Audible Glamer (twice per day); Flame Walk (at will); Hypnotism (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Sonic Attacks; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Blast of Sonic Vibrations 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with sapphire blue hair, sapphire blue irises, pale to dark blue skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 5/18, Dex 3/18, Con 4/18, Int 9/19, Wis 3/17, Cha 7/19
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Lawful Neutral
Classes: Cleric 10, Fighter 13, Mage 12, Psionicist 9, Thief 8
Discretionary Abilities: Continual Light (twice per day); Stone Shape (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Fear; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d4/1d4); Breath Weapon (Blast of Sound 10' long, damage 2d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with yellow or orange hair, orange irises, pale yellow to orange skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 3/18, Con 3/18, Int 10/19, Wis 3/18, Cha 3/16
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Neutral
Classes: Fighter 15, Mage 9, Psionicist 12, Thief 9
Discretionary Abilities: Protection from Evil or Good (twice per day); Water Breathing (at will); Blink (twice per day); Dragon Fear (once per day); Immune to Cold; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Cone of Dehydration 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)

Metallic Half-Dragons:

Many metallic half-dragons have already been discussed, and there are no modifications to those statistics here. Metallic half-dragons can been created for evil purposes, take the Krynnish draconians as an example.


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with brown hair, brass irises, tan to brassy skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 4/18, Con 6/18, Int 9/19, Wis 3/17, Cha 7/18
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Good
Classes: Cleric 10, Fighter 12, Ranger 9, Mage 10
Discretionary Abilities: Create or Destroy (twice per day); Speak with Animals (at will); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Fire; 30' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Blast of Heat 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)


Appearance: Normal half-dragon with copper hair, copper irises, tan to yellow skin
Ability-score Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma
Ability-score Ranges: Str 7/19, Dex 4/18, Con 7/18, Int 7/19, Wis 3/17, Cha 3/17
Starting Age: 14 + 1d4 years
Alignment Tendency: Chaotic Good
Classes: Cleric 9, Fighter 12, Mage 10, Thief 10
Discretionary Abilities: Neutralize Poison (twice per day); Spider Climb (at will); Stone Shape (once per day); Dragon Fear (twice per day); Immune to Acid; 60' Infravision
Fixed Abilities: Claw Attacks (1d3/1d3); Breath Weapon (Spray of Acid 10' long, damage 3d4, usable twice per day)

Half-Dragon Classes
Race Fighter Ranger Mage Specialist Cleric Druid Thief Psionicist
Chromatic Half-Dragons
Black 15 8 10 - 9 - 12 -
Blue 14 - 12 13 10 - 12 -
Green 11 10 9 - 13 8 10 -
Orange 9 7 11 - 11 - 13 -
Purple 9 - 14 - 14 - 11 -
Red 15 - 14 16 8 - 13 -
White 13 - 8 - 6 - 14 -
Yellow 11 - 8 9 9 - 11 -
Ferrous Half-Dragons
Chromium 9 - 14 - 12 - 11 -
Cobalt 10 9 9 - 12 11 - -
Nickel 13 - - - 10 - 15 -
Tungsten 10 11 8 - 12 - 9 -
Gem Half-Dragons
Amethyst 8 - 15 - 9 - 8 16
Crystal 12 - 8 - 7 - 11 12
Emerald 9 - 12 - 10 - 12 11
Sapphire 15 - 9 - - - 12 9
Topaz 15 - 9 - - - 9 12
Metallic Half-Dragons
Brass 12 9 10 - 10 - - -
Copper 12 - 10 - 9 - 10 -

Half-Dragon Abilities
Race Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Modifiers
Chromatic Half-Dragons
Black 7/19 4/18 9/19 6/18 3/16 3/18 +1 Str and Con; -2 Wis
Blue 9/20 7/19 7/18 7/18 4/17 3/16 +2 Str, +1 Dex; -1 Wis, -2 Cha
Green 6/19 7/19 8/18 5/17 6/18 3/16 +1 Str and Dex; -1 Int and Cha
Orange 7/19 6/19 4/18 9/19 3/17 3/16 +1 Str, Dex, Int; -1 Wis and -2 Cha
Purple 6/18 9/19 5/18 9/19 6/19 3/15 +1 Dex, Int, Wis; -2 Cha
Red 11/20 5/18 7/19 8/20 3/17 3/15 +2 Str and Int, +1 Con; -1 Wis, -3 Cha
White 8/20 4/18 11/20 3/16 3/16 3/17 +2 Str and Con; -2 Int and Wis, -1 Cha
Yellow 7/19 4/18 9/19 4/18 3/18 3/17 +1 Str and Con; -1 Cha
Ferrous Half-Dragons
Chromium 3/18 7/19 4/18 8/19 3/18 3/16 +1 Dex and Int; -2 Cha
Cobalt 7/19 5/18 3/18 3/18 8/19 3/15 +1 Str and Wis; -2 Cha
Nickel 5/18 10/20 7/18 3/17 3/18 3/17 +2 Dex; -1 Int and Cha
Tungsten 7/19 3/18 9/19 3/18 3/18 3/17 +1 Str and Con; -1 Cha
Gem Half-Dragons
Amethyst 4/18 3/18 6/18 11/20 3/18 3/18 +2 Int
Crystal 5/18 3/18 4/18 9/19 3/17 7/19 +1 Int and Cha; -1 Wis
Emerald 3/18 3/17 5/18 8/19 7/19 3/18 +1 Int and Wis; -1 Dex
Sapphire 5/18 3/18 4/18 9/19 3/17 7/19 +1 Int and Cha; -1 Wis
Topaz 7/19 3/18 3/18 10/19 3/18 3/16 +1 Str and Int; -2 Cha
Metallic Half-Dragons
Brass 7/19 4/18 6/18 9/19 3/17 7/18 +1 Str and Int; -1 Wis
Copper 7/19 4/18 7/18 7/19 3/17 3/17 +1 Str and Int; -1 Wis and Cha