Richard F. Patterson, Ed.D., R.D.
2123 Stonecenter Lane
Murfreesboro, TN 37128
(270) 303-8445


Ed.D. 1987 -- George Washington University, Washington, DC
Major: Human Resource Development
Support Field: Management Science

M.S. 1972 -- University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Major: Institutional (Food Service Systems) Administration

R.D. 1971 -- Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC
Dietetic Internship

B.S. 1970 -- Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Major: Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Support Field: Nutrition and Dietetics


2015 - Present -- Adjunct Associate Professor; Dietetic Internship Program; Hospitality Management and Dietetics; Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

2012 - 2015 -- Associate Dean for Facilities and Management, College of Health and Human Services, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

1992-2015 -- Associate Professor; Hospitality Management and Dietetics; Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

1986-1992 -- Director, Education, Research, and Quality Assurance; Nutrition Care Directorate; Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Washington, DC

1986-1992 -- Adjunct Associate Professor; Department of Human Nutrition and Food Systems; College of Human Ecology; University of Maryland, College Park, MD

1990-1991 -- Chief, Production and Service Division; Nutrition Care Directorate; Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Washington, DC (additional assignment during Operation Desert Storm)

1980-1983 -- Director, Education and Training/Dietetic Internship Director; Nutrition Care Division; Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, TX

1980-1983 -- Adjunct Professor; Allied Health Education Program; School of Health Professions; Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX

1978-1980 -- Director, Dietetic Internship Program; Nutrition Care Directorate; Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington DC

1978-1980 -- Visiting Lecturer; Department of Food, Nutrition and Institution Administration; College of Human Ecology; University of Maryland; College Park, MD

1977-1978 -- Procurement and Financial Officer; Food Service Division; Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Washington, DC

1976-1977 -- Instructor, Food Service Management; Central Texas College; Augsburg, Germany

1974-1977 -- Director, Nutrition Care Division; U.S. Army Hospital; Augsburg, Germany

1972-1974 -- Chief, Production and Service Branch; Food Service Division; Moncrief Army Hospital; Columbia, SC

1971-1972 -- Staff Administrative Dietitian; Production and Service Branch; Food Service Division; Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Washington, DC

1966-1970 -- Various positions including cook, waiter, cashier, assistant manager and manager in hotels, restaurants and clubs


Western Kentucky University (Undergraduate)

Catering and Beverage Management (Laboratory Course)
Commercial Food Preparation (Laboratory Course)
Cost Control and Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry
Food Service Sanitation
Human Nutrition
Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry
Institutional Management
Internship in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry
Lodging Management
Meeting, Convention and Exposition Management
Menu Planning and Purchasing
Practicum in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Purchasing for the Hospitality Industry
Quality and Service Management in the Hospitality Industry
Restaurant Management
Tourism Planning and Development

Western Kentucky University (Graduate)

Food Service Systems Management

University of Maryland (Graduate Level)

Advanced Food Service Systems Management
Principles and Theories of Management in the Food Service Industry

Southwest Texas State University (Graduate Level)

Advanced Food Service Systems Management
Central Texas College (Community College)

Menu Planning and Food Merchandising


Powers, T., Barrows, C. (2011). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. (10th ed.) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Developed and/or revised internet exercises for 22 chapters

Powers, T., Barrows, C. (2008). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. (9th ed.) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Developed and/or revised internet exercises for 22 chapters

Powers, T., Barrows, C. (2005). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. (8th ed.) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Developed and/or revised internet exercises for 21 chapters

Powers, T., Barrows, C. (2002). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. (7th ed.) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Developed and/or revised internet exercises for 21 chapters

Goeldner, C., Ritchie, J., & McIntosh, R. (2000). Tourism: Principles, Practices and Philosophies. (8th ed.) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Developed internet exercises for 20 chapters and internet related materials for appropriate chapters.

Patterson, R. (1999). Developing Hospitality Courses for Delivery Over the Internet. Frontiers in Southeast CHRIE Hospitality and Tourism Research [Proceedings], 16 - 17.

Powers, T., Barrows, C. (1999). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. (6th ed.) New York: John Wiley and Sons. Developed internet exercises for 21 chapters and internet related materials for appropriate chapters.


April 09 "Something Old, Something New, Don't Let Generational Differences Make You Blue", presented to food professionals attending a food and equipment exposition

April 08 "Assessing Communication Skills of Dietetic Students", poster at Kentucky Dietetic Association FNCE

Oct. 06 "Emerging New Genres in Education: The Video Syllabus", presented to university faculty members at E-Train conference

April 05 "Legal Issues in the Management of Human Resources", presented to food service professionals attending a food and equipment exposition

April 05 "Fierce Leadership: How Outstanding Leaders Make Themselves Understood", pre-conference workshop at the Kentucky Dietetic Association

May 04 "Communicating with Students in Online Classes", presented to WKU faculty

May 02 "Cost Control and Purchasing for the Food Service Industry", presented to food service professionals attending a food and equipment exposition.

Apr. 02 "Technology in Education", presented to the Kentucky Dietetic Association.

Sep. 00 "Food Safety and Sanitation as Part of High School Curriculum", regional meeting of FCS faculty.

Oct. 99 "Developing Hospitality Courses for Delivery Over the Internet", Southeast Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education


2014 - 2015 -- President, Southcentral Kentucky Restaurant Association

2005 - 2015 -- Board of Directors, Southcentral Kentucky Restaurant Association

2007 - 2016 -- Board of Directors, Bowling Green Area Lodging Association

2007 - 2012 -- Board of Directors, Kentucky Dietetic Association

2006 - 2007 -- Past-President, Kentucky Dietetic Association

2005 - 2006 -- President, Kentucky Dietetic Association

2004 - 2005 -- President-Elect, Kentucky Dietetic Association

2003 - 2004 -- Chair, Annual Meeting Committee; Kentucky Dietetic Association

2002 - 2004 -- Membership Committee Chair and Member, Board of Directors; Kentucky Dietetic Association

1999-2000 -- President, Southeast Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (SECHRIE)

1998-1999 -- Vice President, SECHRIE

1997-1998 -- Secretary/Treasurer, SECHRIE

1997-1998 -- Chair, Professional Recruitment Committee and Member, Board of Directors; Kentucky Dietetic Association

1997-1998 -- Chair, Recruitment Committee, Western District Kentucky Dietetic Association

1996-1997 -- Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, 1997 Kentucky Dietetic Association Annual Meeting

1993-1995 -- Chair, Logistics and Registration Committee, 1995 CHRIE Annual Meeting, Southeast CHRIE

1991-1992 -- President, District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1986-1992 -- Member, Human Use Committee, Institutional Review Board; Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Washington, DC

1986-1992 -- Chair, Advisory Committee for Army Dietetic Education Programs, Department of the Army, Washington, DC

1986-1992 -- Chair, Curriculum Planning Committee for Army Dietetic Internship Programs; Department of the Army, Washington, DC

1990-1991 -- President-Elect, District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1989-1990 -- Chair, Education and Research Committee; District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1988-1989 -- Chair, Program Committee; District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1985-1988 -- Member, Education and Research Committee; District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1980-1983 -- Member, Program Committee; San Antonio District Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1978-1983 -- Member, Advisory Committee for Army Dietetic Programs, Department of the Army, Washington, DC

1978-1983 -- Member, Curriculum Planning Committee for Army Dietetic Internship Programs; Department of the Army, San Antonio, TX

1978-1980 -- Member, Education and Research Committee; District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association; Washington, DC

1974-1977 -- Member, Program Committee; American European Dietetic Association; Augsburg, West Germany


Dissertation -- Characteristics of Superior Performing Military Dietitians: A Job Competence Assessment; George Washington University; Washington, DC; 1987

Thesis -- Factors Related to Job Satisfaction in Unskilled Food Service Workers; University of Maryland; College Park, MD; 1972


Registered Dietitian, 1971
Licensed Dietitian, Kentucky, 1994
Certified ServSafe Instructor, 1997


International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education
Southeast Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Kentucky Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Western District Kentucky Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
National Restaurant Association
Kentucky Restaurant Association
Southcentral Kentucky Restaurant Association
American Hotel and Lodging Association
Kentucky Hotel and Lodging Association
Bowling Green Area Lodging Association


College of CHHS Outstanding Faculty Award for Advising
Nominated for University Teaching Excellence Award
Outstanding Co-op/Intern Faculty Award
Legion of Merit, U.S. Army
The Order of Military Medical Merit (Inductee)
Army Meritorious Service Medal (2)
Army Commendation Medal (2)
Army Achievement Medal (2)