HMD-583 -- Foodservice Systems Management
Western Kentucky University
Department of Applied Human Sciences
Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

Instructor: Dr. Richard F. Patterson, R.D.
Homepage: and
Department Office: 270-745-4352

Office Hours -- Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

I do not maintain an office at WKU so I have no set office hours. Contact me via email with any questions you may have and, if we can't resolve the issue via email, we can arrange to meet in person or on the phone.

Course Description

A combined didactic and supervised practice course that focuses on foodservice systems management in an institutional setting. Students will progress through a variety of planned food management experiences at approved training sites. Students will utilize analytical and decision-making skills for designing foodservice management systems and for solving management and operational problems. (3 credit hours)


Admission to the WKU Dietetic Internship Program

Recommended Texts and Reading Materials

  • Gregoire MB. Food Service Organizations, A Managerial Systems Approach, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. (any edition will be sufficient).
    - or -
    Payne-Palacio, J. and Theis, Monica Foodservice Management: Principles and Practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. (any edition will be sufficient.

  • National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. ServSafe Coursebook. Chicago, IL: National Restaurant Association; most recent edition is best but any edition will be OK.

  • Molt M. Food for Fifty, 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. (any edition will be sufficient)

  • Additional readings will be posted on BlackBoard.

    Course Objectives

    Terminal Performance/Outcome Objective: The intern will be able to plan, organize, coordinate, staff, direct, and control a food production and distribution system.


    To successfully complete this course the student will be expected to meet the following competencies for entry-level dietitians:

    CRDN 1.6: Incorporate critical-thinking skills in overall practice.
    CRDN 2.1: Practice in compliance with current federal regulations and state statutes and rules, as applicable and in accordance with accreditation standards and the Scope of Nutrition and Dietetics Practice and Code of Ethics for the Profession of Nutrition and Dietetics.
    CRDN 2.3: Demonstrate active participation, teamwork and contributions in-group settings.
    CRDN 2.7: Apply leadership skills to achieve desired outcomes.
    CRDN 2.8: Demonstrate negotiation skills.
    CRDN 3.9: Coordinate procurement, production, distribution and service of goods and services, demonstrating and promoting responsible use of resources.
    CRDN 3.10: Develop and evaluate recipes, formulas and menus for acceptability and affordability that accommodate the cultural diversity and health needs of various populations, groups and individuals.
    CRDN 4.1: Participate in management of human resources.
    CRDN 4.2: Perform management functions related to safety, security and sanitation that affect employees, customers, patients, facilities and food.
    CRDN 4.3: Conduct clinical and customer service quality management activities.
    CRDN 4.4: Apply current nutrition informatics to develop, store, retrieve and disseminate information and data.
    CRDN 4.5: Analyze quality, financial and productivity data for use in planning.
    CRDN 4.6: Propose and use procedures as appropriate to the practice setting to promote sustainability, reduce waste and protect the environment
    CRDN 4.7: Conduct feasibility studies for products, programs or services with consideration of costs and benefits.
    CRDN 4.8: Develop a plan to provide or develop a product, program or service that includes a budget, staffing needs, equipment and supplies

    Method of Instruction

    1. Supervised practice rotations in a food production and distribution operation
    2. Guest speakers
    3. Student projects
    4. Case studies
    5. Field trips
    6. BlackBoard assignments

    Course Requirements

    1. Each intern will complete a ten-week (approximately 40 hours per week) supervised practice experience in an approved food production and distribution facility. The ten-week supervised practice will consist of experiences (as a minimum) in the following areas:

      1. Administration/financial management - 40 hours (1 week)
        1. Menu/production planning, forecasting

      2. Production and Service - 240 - 280 hours (6 - 7 weeks)
        1. Cold food preparation area
        2. Hot food preparation area
        3. Patient tray assembly area or room service as appropriate
        4. Food receiving, storage, and distribution
        5. Cafeteria
        6. Warewashing to include dishroom/pot and pan area
        7. Bake shop (if available)
        8. Catering (if available)
        9. Quick service, take out areas (if available)

      3. Staff relief - 80 - 120 hours (2 - 3 weeks)

        Note: Time in each area is approximate and will vary depending on the needs of the facility at the time.

    2. Interns will complete the following projects (as a minimum) within the ten-week period. Some projects may be combined (e.g. sanitation and safety inspection) and additional projects may be assigned by the preceptor. The timing of the projects and due dates will be coordinated with the preceptor.

      1. Manage a special event meal
      2. Menu planning and recipe standardization project
      3. Conduct a physical inventory
      4. Conduct a sanitation inspection
      5. Conduct a safety inspection
      6. Conduct a guest/patient satisfaction survey (choose either guest or patient survey based on preceptor recommendation)
      7. Conduct an employee inservice training
      8. Prepare a make or purchase analysis of a menu item
      9. Conduct a taste panel for a new menu item
      10. Complete a continuous Quality Improvement project
      11. Complete an equipment project

    3. All interns must be ServSafe certified prior to starting their supervised practice in the production and service area.

    4. Students will be required to complete assignments posted on BlackBoard which will include readings in the textbook and journals, case studies, and problem analysis.

    5. The last two or three weeks in the foodservice systems management (FSSM) rotation all interns will provide staff relief. An intern will not be allowed to begin the Staff Relief Rotation with poor performance in any of the FSSM areas. If this is the case, the intern will be asked to commit additional time to the supervised practice rotation in question until all parties are assured that the intern will perform satisfactorily in the Staff Relief. The number of weeks in staff relief (either 2 or 3) will be determined by the FSSM preceptor. Facilities where a bake shop, quick service and/or catering are available, and the preceptor deems these areas as a good learning experience for the intern, there is a week the preceptor can use to provide these experiences.

    6. All internship requirements must be completed -- they are not optional. Interns who fail to successfully complete any project or rotation must redo the project or rotation until it is evaluated as satisfactory (80%).

    Intern Expectations

    1. If any day(s) of training are missed, they must be substituted.

    2. The intern needs to be flexible with working hours. For example, in some cases the workday may need to begin at 6:00 am and at other times the intern may need to start later and end the day at 6:30 or later. The intern is also expected to work weekends and/or holidays in accordance with the schedule provided by the preceptor.

    3. A day is considered a minimum of 8 hours of supervised practice; breaks and lunch are in addition to the 8 hours.

    4. The intern is expected to arrive when scheduled. If an emergency arises that makes the intern late, the intern should immediately inform the preceptor. If an illness prevents the intern from reporting to supervised practice, the preceptor and DI Director should be called prior to reporting time.

    5. All interns must adhere to the professional dress and behavior guidelines in the internship handbook at all times during the supervised practice experiences.

    6. All interns will read, understand and conform to the professional Code of Ethics guidelines established by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In addition, it is the student's responsibility to comply with the AND Standards of Practice for the Profession of Dietetics.

    Attendance Policy

    1. Absences not previously approved by the facility where the intern is assigned will be reported to both the primary preceptor and the Internship Director. Following the facility policy, the appropriate staff at the facility is to be notified before the time you were scheduled to be on duty. Should you become ill on the job, notify the primary preceptor before leaving the building. All time missed must be made up in the facility.

    2. Absences from any class or scheduled event must be approved in advance if possible and reported to the Internship Director. Unexcused absences will result in a lower letter grade in the course.

    3. Both the primary preceptor and the CPD Director must approve any special requests in advance. Time missed must be made up at a time convenient to the facility. Special requests regarding the schedule are to be kept at a minimum. Your schedule is planned in advance so that you can schedule other activities around the experience and the class. Make any special requests in writing to the CPD Director as much in advance as possible using the Schedule Deviation Approval Form.

    Evaluation and Determining Course Grade

    The grade for this course will not be determined by effort -- how hard you had to work on the course requirements or how many hours you had to work. The grade will be determined based on achievement and performance -- your meaningful accomplishments. Grades when submitted are final and will not be changed unless there was a computational error or other error on the part of the instructor.


    1. Manage a special event meal. Write a menu, cost out the menu, prepare a purchase order, schedule employees, choose decorations, etc. for a special event (brunch, buffet, catering meal, theme meal, etc.).

    2. Menu planning and recipe standardization project. Prepare, test, improve, and standardize a recipe. Prepare a written report describing the steps taken in the standardization of the recipe. Discuss and make recommendations for incorporating the recipe into your assigned facility's production schedule and menu.

    3. Conduct a physical inventory. Conduct a complete physical inventory of all food items in the facility. Cost out the inventory and determine the total value of inventory on hand.

    4. Conduct a sanitation inspection. Review the recommended cleaning and sanitizing procedures for all pieces of equipment used in your assigned foodservice facility. Complete the "Sanitation Task Sheet." Review previous sanitation inspection reports for your facility. If a sanitation inspection occurs in your facility while you are on duty, ask your primary preceptor if you may observe the inspection.

    5. Conduct a safety inspection. Review the recommended safety procedures for all pieces of equipment used in your assigned foodservice facility. Complete the "Safety Task Sheet." Review previous safety inspection reports for your facility.

    6. Conduct a guest/patient satisfaction survey. Develop or utilize an existing guest or patient satisfaction survey. Conduct the survey and summarize the results.

    7. Conduct an employee inservice training. Conduct an employee in-service training session for foodservice personnel. Topics for the in-service will be assigned by the preceptor. Dietetic interns will coordinate presentation date and time in advance. Multiple presentations for each shift may be necessary to train all available employees.

    8. Prepare a make or purchase analysis of a menu item. Conduct an analysis of a selected product to determine cost effectiveness of producing on-site or purchasing a ready-made product.

    9. Conduct a taste panel for a new menu item. Conduct a taste panel for a new menu item. This panel can be accomplished in conjunction with the special event meal.

    10. Complete a continuous Quality Improvement project. The preceptor will assign the intern an area to evaluate for improvement. The intern will collect data and develop a method to monitor the area that needs improvement.

    11. Complete an equipment project. The preceptor will assign the intern a piece of equipment to research for replacement/purchase.

    Preceptor Evaluations

    Informal feedback on intern progress is given throughout the entire course by the preceptors. Also, the Program Director will be in communication with the preceptors to stay abreast on the performance of the intern. A formal evaluation of each intern occurs during the mid and final evaluations. The mid-rotation evaluation is required to determine strengths and/or areas needing improvements during the remaining time of the rotation. The final evaluation is required at the end of the rotation to determine successful completion of the rotation. Note: rotations lasting three weeks or less should only complete the final evaluation (not the mid-rotation).

    Grade Distribution

       Total Grade
         15% Blackboard Assignments
         10% Midterm evaluation
         20% Final evaluation
         25% Competency evaluations
         20% Projects during rotations
         10% Staff relief

    Projects (Note: several projects may be completed during the special event meal)
       30% Manage a special event meal
       6% Menu planning and recipe standardization project
       7% Conduct a physical inventory
       5% Conduct a sanitation inspection
       5% Conduct a safety inspection
       7% Conduct a guest/patient satisfaction survey
       6% Conduct an employee inservice training
       5% Prepare a make or purchase analysis of a menu item
       7% Conduct a taste panel for a new menu item
       7% Complete a continuous quality improvement project
       5% Complete an equipment project
       10% Staff relief

    Academic Honesty

    The following list describes the types of academic misconduct that will not be tolerated in any way in this class:

    1. Cheating: Use of an unauthorized "aid" while taking a test, having another person take an exam or quiz in the place of the student, stealing an examination, using group work as an individual student's work, unauthorized use of assistance from a lab or computer technician. Note: If the instructor or an exam proctor sees/finds a paper or electronic device with course information during the exam, this will be considered cheating and the student will receive a zero for the exam and possibly an "F" in the course. It is incumbent on the student to assure that all books, papers, notes, and electronic devices that contain course information are securely stored away -- there is a no tolerance in this area.

    2. Fabrication: Falsifying data in laboratory results, inventing information for a report, falsifying citations to sources of information.

    3. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Aiding another student in committing academic misconduct. This would include, but is not limited to, providing another student with answers for any graded assignment.

    4. Interference: Stealing, changing, destroying, or impeding another student's work. Impeding includes stealing, defacing, or mutilating resources to deprive someone the use of resources.

    5. Plagiarism: Using the ideas, words, or statements of another person without giving credit to that person. A student shall give credit to the work of others if the student uses another person's words, ideas, opinions, or theories or borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative material unless the information is common knowledge. Student work may be checked using plagiarism detection software.

    6. Violation of Course Rules: A student shall follow course rules in the course syllabus when those rules are related to the course content or to the enhancement of the learning process in the course.

    "Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the course work in which the act is detected or a failing grade in the course without possibility of withdrawal. The faculty member may also present the case to the Office of the Dean of Student life for disciplinary sanctions. " -- See the most recent WKU Catalog for additional information. Please note that this policy relates to ALL aspects of the course to include homework, case studies, exams, quizzes, etc. As a minimum, any person found to be cheating will receive a zero on the assignment, a zero for the professionalism grade and the incident will be reported to the Dean of Student life. Please note that this policy relates to ALL aspects of the course to include homework, projects, exams, discussion boards, etc.

    ADA Accommodations

    In compliance with University policy, students with disabilities who require academic and/or auxiliary accommodations for this course must contact the Student Accessibility Resource Center located in Downing Student Union, Room 1074. The SARC can be reached by phone number at 270-745-5004 [270-745-3030 TTY] or via email at Please do not request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a faculty notification letter (FNL) from The Student Accessibility Resource Center.

    Title IX/Discrimination & Harassment

    Western Kentucky University (WKU) is committed to supporting faculty, staff and students by upholding WKU's Title IX Sexual Misconduct/Assault Policy (#0.2070) and Discrimination and Harassment Policy (#0.2040). Under these policies, discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct based on sex/gender are prohibited. If you experience an incident of sex/gender-based discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct, you are encouraged to report it to the Title IX Coordinator, Andrea Anderson, 270-745-5398 or Title IX Investigators, Michael Crowe, 270-745-5429 or Joshua Hayes, 270-745-5121.Please note that while you may report an incident of sex/gender based discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct to a faculty member, WKU faculty are "Responsible Employees" of the University and MUST report what you share to WKU's Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Investigator. If you would like to speak with someone who may be able to afford you confidentiality, you may contact WKU's Counseling and Testing Center at 270-745-3159.

    The schedule and procedures in this course, as outlined in this syllabus, are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances and/or as deemed appropriate by the professor.

    Date last Modified: August 21, 2019