F322 troisième examen

I. français → anglais [30%]
    Le Monde.fr avec AFP | 14.11.2017 à 01h02 • Mis à jour le 14.11.2017 à 01h04
Selon un rapport du FBI publié lundi, les infractions motivées par un préjugé contre une communauté ethnique, religieuse ou sexuelle ont augmenté de 26% autour du 8 novembre 2016.
Les Etats-Unis ont connu autour de l’élection de Donald Trump une forte hausse des crimes et délits à caractère raciste ou ciblant un certain groupe social, a révélé lundi 13 novembre la police fédérale américaine.
Selon ce rapport annuel du FBI, les infractions motivées par un préjugé contre une communauté ethnique, religieuse, sexuelle ou autre, ont augmenté d’environ 5% en 2016 par rapport à 2015, de 5 850 à 6 121. Mais si l’on considère seulement le quatrième trimestre (octobre-décembre) de 2016, c’est-à-dire autour de l’élection présidentielle du 8 novembre, alors cette hausse atteint près de 26%.
Six victimes sur dix ont été ciblées en raison de leur race. Mais les crimes motivés par la haine d’une religion ont également connu une hausse en 2016, notamment les faits visant les juifs et les musulmans.
Poursuites fédérales

M. Trump a livré une campagne présidentielle populiste, jouant sur la peur de l’étranger et liant constamment la criminalité aux minorités issues de l’immigration. On lui a reproché d’avoir ainsi enhardi les groupuscules d’extrême droite et d’avoir favorisé les tensions raciales dans le pays.
II. anglais → français [30%]

San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN)
Puerto Rico is asking for help with its efforts to tally deaths from Hurricane Maria.
Héctor M. Pesquera, secretary of Puerto Rico's Department of Public Safety, issued a statement Monday night imploring local funeral home directors to provide the government with more information about possible hurricane-related deaths.
"As I have expressed since the beginning of the emergency, any citizen or relative who has evidence or proof that a death is directly or indirectly related to Hurricane Maria, and still has not been accounted for, can send information for our consideration to investigate," said Pesquera, whose department oversees the count.
The statement follows an investigation into the death toll by CNN, which found dozens if not hundreds of deaths possibly related to the September 20 storm may be uncounted by the government. CNN surveyed 112 funeral homes across the US territory; and funeral home directors identified 499 deaths they claimed were related to Hurricane Maria.
That's nine times the official death toll, which is 55.
We were able to collect information from only about half the island's funeral homes.
"Currently, no funeral home has provided the government with specific information of a death case believed to be related to the event that they believe should be added to those already counted," Pesquera's statement says.
Funeral home directors, however, helped us look into a handful of particular cases in which family members believe their loved ones died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and were not counted by the government.

III. prépositions [30%]
    Prépositions 1-6
IV. Cours et objectifs : Essai [10%]

Review the extent to which we have accomplished each of the course goals as presented on the syllabus. Please be as detailed as possible.

    1. Development of techniques and strategies for translation
    2. Grasp of the challenges and issues of translation
    3. Greater knowledge of the structure of the French language
    4. Greater knowledge of the lexicon of the French language and perhaps of the English language
    5. Improved composition in French
    6. Heightened sensitivity to nuances of structure and diction (style)
    7. Heightened sensitivity to genres and corresponding styles
    8. Preparation: become prepared linguistically to take more advanced French