Schaum Chapter 7 Négation + Order of multitple negative particles

Comblez les lacunes, (copy & paste: à â é ê è ë î ô ù û ç )

A. Rewrite the following sentences completely, changing them to include the proposed negative and making any necessary resulting changes. Underlined segments should be completely replaced.
1. J’ai vu ce film. none : .
2. J’ai vu ce film. never : .
3. J’ai vu ce film. not : .
4. J’ai vu ... . nothing : .
5. J’ai eu un fils only : .
6. J’écrirai des romans. no more : .
7. Jean arrivera demain. No one ... : .
8. L’université écrit aux étudiants. ... [to] no one : .
9. Elle veut du pain et de l’eau. neither ... nor : .
10. Elle a de l’argent. hardly : .
11. Il a visité des monuments et des musées neither ... nor : .
12. La lettre nous encourage! Nothing ... : !
13. Pierre écrit à tout le monde. ... [to] no one : .
14. Georges aime les trains et les avions. neither ... nor : .
15. Vous avez de la chance! none! : !

B. Translate, using multiple negative particles in the proper order.
1. Paul never comes any more. .
2. Paul does not have only one son; he has two. .
3. Actually, no one ever arrives on time, including Paul! .
4. Nothing is ever finished according to Paul. .
5. Paul hardly knows any longer who he can count on. .
6. At the end of the conversation, Paul never added anything. À la fin de la conversation, .
7. Paul's friends have never done anything for him. Les amis de Paul .
8. Of Paul's belongings, there isn't anything left (remaining) any more. Quant aux effets de Paul, .
9. Paul's diploma is not worth a thing any more! Le diplôme de Paul !
10. Paul hardly understands anything any longer. .
11. Paul never forgets a thing! !
12. Nothing will ever change any more; we're stuck! ; on est coincé !