Pour mercredi, le 17 avril  

If you have not completed the speaking portion of exam 2, it must be completed before 5:00 am, at the latest, Thursday, April 18.
Become familiar with the vocabulary of vacation (écoutez! destinations, sports, and activities) of Chapter 7, p. 234.
Check your familiarity with that vocabulary against the following interactivité.
Write out in French two activities or sports you used to do, with the imperfect, and two activities or sports you have done, with the passé composé, using the vocabulary of vacation, p. 234, to turn in at the beginning of class.
  exemple: Pendant les vacances, je jouais au volleyball et je lisais des romans. L'année dernière (l'été dernier), j'ai fait du camping et je suis resté avec des amis.
Always be ready for a quiz over assignments, including past assignments.