Worksheet Motifs Module 3 video  NOM:
Choose the best answers after viewing the video. Use a single click to register an answer; a double click on a correct answer will produce confirmation. A double click on an incorrect answer will produce no feedback at all.

1. How much is the rent?    
2. How does the landlady address the young woman (would-be renter)? 
3. How does the young woman address her prospective landlady?  
4. Is the young woman a student in high school?
5. What does the young woman like about the apartment?
6. Two other students are mentioned. What are their nationalities? 
7. Are there any restrictions on playing music? If so, specify. 
8. Which utilities are mentioned?
9. Are the utilities included in the rent?  
10. Will the student take the apartment?

WSmotifs3video 15-jun-07