Worksheet Motifs Module 1 vidéo  NOM:
View the video first. Then choose the best answers.
Use a single click to register an answer; a double click on a correct answer will produce confirmation. A double click on an incorrect answer will produce no feedback at all.

1. What is the greeting the man uses?  (in French)
2. Does he ask the student how she is? If so, how? 
3. Does the student understand prénom
4. How does he ask her for her name the second time? Which expression does he use in French? 
5. Does the student understand famille?  
6. What is she studying?          
7. What information does she have to update?        
8. What is the expression he uses for ‘thank you’?        
9. Which arrondissement (#) in Paris does she live in?          

WSmotifs1video   15-jun-07