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Fundraiser Frequently Asked Questions

1. What type of fundraisers are offered?

Fruit sales, magazines, and food concessions at football games.

2. Where does the money go?

The money is used to purchase instruments, music, supplies and travel expenses for the band.

3. Who can contribute?

Anyone may contribute. Donations are tax deductible and can be mailed to Bowling Green Band Boosters, P.O. Box 1579, Bowling Green, KY 42102-1579.

4. How do I order magazines?

Two ways:

* Contact the Bowling Green Band Boosters by email at and have a form sent.

* Go online to Great America Online at and fill in the information for the Bowling Green High School Band. You do not need to put in a band member's name to order.

5. Can I renew my magazines any time of the year?

Yes, magazines can be ordered or renewed online throughout the year.

6. When do fruit sales start?

At the end of October.

7. How do I order fruit?

Contact the Bowling Green Band Boosters by email at and we will have a band member contact you.

8. Where does the fruit come from?

The fresh citrus comes directly from the growers in Florida.

9. How do I pay?

Checks, money orders and cash are all accepted. We do NOT take credit cards.

10. How do I pick up my order?

Items are purchased in advance and delivered to your residence by mail or the band members. The date of delivery will be discussed at point of sale if applicable.

11. Can I volunteer as band supporter?

Yes. See any of the board members about volunteer work or email

12. What is the band ID number and what is it used for?

The number is 976464. It is used to order magazines from the Great America Online store at

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