Partnership Links
Websites Generally Reflecting or Helping to Understand
the Partnership/Care Perspective and Its OppositeContact: Dr. Jan Garrett
Revised: January 25, 2010
Riane Eisler’s Work
rianeeisler.comClick on books and read selected articles
Such as: Roadmap to a New Economics The Tikkun perspective (spiritual and ethical writings) Jim Wallis’ Sojourners site
(a Christianity-inspired care perspective)The Elders
Cognitive Linguistics, Morality, and Politics
George Lakoff on Moral Politics, Strict Father and Nurturant Parent Family Models of Morality
Links to articles and videos by or about the views of George LakoffMore on Care-Focused and Feminist Philosophy
Article on Nell Noddings’ views, with quotes from herRosemary Tong’s encyclopedia article on feminist ethics
(compares care-focused and other forms of feminist ethics)More advanced thinking on moral psychology and feminism
Martha Nussbaum
Martha Nussbaum’s Theory of Capabilities