Documents Important to the History of Ethical Thought

Modified March 3, 2010

1. The Code of Hammurabi (Babylonian, 1795-1750 B.C.)

2. The Ten Commandments (Hebrew Scriptures, first millennium B.C.)

3. The Golden Rule (major religions, various times since antiquity)

4. The Magna Carta (England, 1215)

5. Arbroath Declaration (Scotland, 1320); Original Latin Version

6. Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen [American] Colonies (1776)

7. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (France, 1789)

8. Bill of Rights (United States, 1789)

9. International Humanitarian Law: Geneva Conventions (1949)

10. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

11. United Nations Convention Against Torture (1987; Wikipedia article)

12. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979)

13. The Earth Charter (2000)

14. Charter for Compassion (2009)