Online Resources (Articles)

This page revised September 21, 2012

I. Ancient Greek and Roman (Pre-Augustine)

The Philosophers

1. "Xenophanes," by James Lesher (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

2. John Burnet's Early Greek Philosophy (1920), an excellent book entirely online.

3. "Heraclitus," by Daniel Graham (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

4. "Plato--Ethics and Politics," by Eric Brown (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

5. "Speusippus" (Academy head after Plato), by Russell Dancy
     (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

6. Aristotle (articles in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; scroll down)

7. D. S. Hutchinson, Introduction to The Epicurus Reader

8. The Stoic Place (vast array of Stoic-related materials)

9. "Epictetus," by Dr. Keith Seddon (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

10. "Cicero," by Edward Clayton (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

11. "Plotinus," by Edward Moore (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

12. "Ancient Greek Skepticism," by Harald Thorsrud