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What the SEC Does

Office of Chief Accountant

Division of Corporate Finance

SEC has the legal authority to prescribe accounting principles and procedures for companies under its jurisdiction. Authority granted by Congress via the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

SEC lacks funding, expertise and personnel to develop accounting standards.
Has delegated the rule-making (standards-setting) to private sector accounting bodies.

             Policy Statement of the Securities and Exchange Commission: "Reaffirming the Status of the FASB as a Designated Private-Sector Standard Setter"

SEC has influenced financial accounting and reporting practices through

Staff Accounting Bulletins reflect the Commission staff's views regarding accounting-related disclosure practices. They represent interpretations and policies followed by the Division of Corporation Finance and the Office of the  Chief Accountant in administering the disclosure requirements of the federal securities laws.

Common Forms filed by registrants with the Commission.
Form 10-K
              This is the annual report that most reporting companies file with the
              Commission. It provides a comprehensive overview of the registrant's
              business. The report must be filed within 90 days after the end of the
              company's fiscal year.  
Form 10-Q
              The Form 10-Q is a report filed quarterly by most reporting
              companies. It includes unaudited financial statements and provides a
              continuing view of the company's financial position during the year.
              The report must be filed for each of the first three fiscal quarters of
              the company's fiscal year and is due within 45 days of the close of the quarter.

Form 8-K

              This is the "current report" that is used to report the occurrence of
              any material events or corporate changes which are of importance to
              investors or security holders and previously have not been reported by
              the registrant. It provides more current information on certain
              specified events than would Forms 10-Q or 10-K.

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