The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments in Common Stock
      1. Explain the "Cost Method" of accounting for investments in common stock
      2. Explain the "Equity Method" of accounting for investments in common stock.
      3. What is an "investee?"
      4. What is an "investor?"
      5. Under the equity method, earning of income by the investee has what effect on the investor?
      6. Under the cost method, earning of income by the investee has what effect on the investor?
      7. What is the basis for recognizing income from an investor under the cost method?
      8. What are liquidating dividends?
      9. What effect do liquidating dividends have on an investment accounted for under the cost method?
      10. What is significant influence?  How can significant influence be demonstrated?  What role does it play in selecting a method to be used for accounting for an investment in common stock?
      11. For an investor that can exercise significant influence over an investee, how can the use of the cost method be utilized to smooth or manipulate the investor's income?

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