Sociology of Community

May-June 2008
5:00 - 8:15 MTWRF
143 Grise Hall


Douglas Smith
104 Grise Hall Phone:  (270) 745-2152
Department of Sociology Email:
Western Kentucky University Webpage:
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11057
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1057
Office Hours:  By appointment.


This course provides students with an understanding of community social structures and how they function to create or inhibit community in rural and urban settings. Students will learn the most modern strains of community theory and review effective community and economic development programs. Special attention will be given to integrating community theory with principles of sociology, social psychology and community development. 

Students with Disabilities: 

Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Office for Student Disability Services, Garrett Conference Center Room 101.  The Office for Student Disability Services telephone number is (270) 745-5004, (270) 745-3030 V/TDD.  You should discuss any accommodation you need with them and they will give you a form listing the approved accommodations to give to me to sign. This process should be completed by the end of the second week of class.

Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from me (Dr. Smith) without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services.

Evaluation Criteria:

I.  Attendance (5% of final grade): 

Class attendance is mandatory.  Each absence will reduce the student's semester points by one.  More than 5 absences will result in a grade of 'F' for the semester.

II.  Exams (30% of final grade):

There will be daily in-class quizzes.  These will be brief (5-10 questions), covering materials presented in the previous class meeting and the readings assigned for the day of the quiz.  The quiz may also cover sections of the books that you are to be reading.  Each quiz will be worth 2.5 percent of your final grade.  There will be no make-up quizzes given.

III.  Final (30% of final grade)

IV.  Written Assignments (40% of final grade)

V. Self-Evaluation (5% of final grade)  

Near the end of the course, the student will be asked to perform a self-assessment of their participation in this course. This assessment will be due at the start of the class on the day the course is evaluated. It will not be accepted after the course is evaluated.


NOTE:  Dates and Course materials may be changed at the professor's discretion.

May 19. Introduction and Theories of Contrast

Sociological Views of Community

Stoneall, Linda. 1983. "Classical Theories of Social Change and the Question of Community." Pp. 6-11 in Country Life, City Life. New York: Praeger.
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

Bernard, Jessie. 1973. "Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Rural and Urban Communities." Pp.91-120 in The Sociology of Community. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company.

Christenson, James A. 1984 "Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Testing the Spatial and Communal Hypotheses." Social Forces 63(1): 160-168.

Mechanical and Organic

Pope, Whitney and Barclay D. Johnson. 1983. "Inside Organic Solidarity." American Sociological Review 48(5):681-692.

Sympathetic and Categorical Contacts

Wirth, Louis. 1927. "The Ghetto." American Journal of Sociology 33(1): 57-71.

Folk and Urban

Miner, Horace. 1952. "The Folk-Urban Continuum." American Sociological Review 17(5): 529-537.

Other Early Contrasts

Wirth, Louis. 1938. "Urbanism as a Way of Life." American Journal of Sociology 44(1): 1-24.

May 20. Theories of Contrast 

    Movie:  Dadetown

MAY 21. Human Ecology and Structural Functionalism

Park, Robert E. 1936. "Human Ecology." American Journal of Sociology 62(1): 1-15.

McKenzie, R.D. 1924. "The Ecological Approach to the Study of the Human Community." American Journal of Sociology 30(3):287-301.

Hollingshead, August B. 1948. "Community Research: Development and Present Condition." American Sociological Review 13(2): 136-156.

Maines, David R., Jeffrey C. Bridger, and Jeffrey T. Ulmer. 1996. "Mythic Facts and Park’s Pragmatism: On Predecessor-Selection and Theorizing in Human Ecology." The Sociological Quarterly 37(3): 521549.

Structural Functional Systems

Stoneall, Linda. 1983. "Structural Functionalism: Community as Consensus." Pp. 103-133 in Country Life, City Life: Five Theories of Community. New York: Praeger.

Kasarda, John D. 1974. The Structural Implications of Social System Size: A Three-Level Analysis." American Sociological Review 39(1):19-28.

MAY 22. Network Theory and Capitals Theory 

Network Theory

Granovetter, Mark. 1973. "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology 78(6): 1360-1380.

Sampson, Robert J. 1991. "Linking the Micro- and Macrolevel Dimensions of Community Social Organization."  Social Forces 70(1): 43-64.

Wellman, Barry and Barry Leighton. "Networks, Neighborhoods, and Communities: Approaches to the Study of the Community Question." 

Community Capitals

Stone, Wendy. 2001. Measuring Social Capital: Towards a Theoretically Informed Measurement Framework for Researching Social Capital in Family and Community Life.  Australian Institute of Family Studies. Research Paper No. 24. 

Colclough, Glenna and Sitaraman, Bhavani.  2005. Community and Social Capital: What Is the Difference?  Sociological Inquiry,  75(4): 474-496.
Emery, Mary and Cornelia Flora. 2006. "Spiraling-Up: Mapping Community Transformation with Community Capitals Framework." Journal of the Community Development Society 37(1):1-16.

MAY 23. Interactional and Interactionist Approaches

Kaufman, Harold F. 1959. "Toward an Interactional Conception of Community." Social Forces 38(1): 8-17.
Wilkinson, Kenneth P. 1970. "The Community as a Social Field." Social Forces 48(3): 311-322.
Unruh, David R. 1980. "The Nature of Social Worlds." Pacific Sociological Review 23:271-296.
Wilkinson, Kenneth P. 1991. "Chapter 1. The Community: An Interactional Approach." Pp. 11-36 in The Community in Rural America. Middleton, WI: Social Ecology Press.
Maines, David R. and Jeffrey C. Bridger. 1992. "Narratives, Community, and Land Use Decisions." Social Science Journal 29(4):363-381.
Smith, Douglas Clayton. 1996. Pp. 7-25 in Power and Process in the Siting of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University

FIRST WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT, DUE MAY 27: "Seven Ways of Viewing A Community" 

Assume you are each of the following characters.  You must prepare seven short typewritten essays, each of 100 words or less (double space) describing "all of the things I would hope to see and/or find in a community if I was the following":

  1. A bird flying high above the community.

  2. An entrepreneurial business person who was considering locating in the community.

  3. An educator who was interested in employment in the community.

  4. A politician who was interested in running for a state-wide political office.

  5. A married parent with three school-age children.

  6. A minister who was considering moving to the community as a pastor.

  7. An artist (actor, musician, painter, sculptor, or writer) who was looking for a place to establish a commune for persons of similar interest.

Dynamics of Community Life


MAY 27. Community, Attachment and Well Being

Wilkinson, Kenneth P. 1979. "Social Well-Being and Community." Journal of the Community Development Society 10(1): 5-16.

Fowler, Stephanie Sayers. 1991. "Community Attachment: A Research Note Examining the Effects of Gender." Southern Rural Sociology 8:59-70.

Molotch, Harvey, William Freudenburg, and Krista E. Paulsen. 2000. "History Repeats Itself, But How? City Character, Urban Tradition, and the Accomplishment of Place." American Sociological Review 65(6):791-823.

Theodori, Gene L. 2001. "Examining the Effects of Community Satisfaction and Attachment on Individual Well-Being." Rural Sociology 66(4):618-628.

Woldoff, Rachael A. 2002. "The Effects of Local Stressors on Neighborhood Attachment." Social Forces 81(1):87-116.

Brehm, Joan M., Brian W. Eisenhauer, and Richard S. Krannich, 2004. "Dimensions of Community Attachment and Their Relationship to Weil-Being in the Amenity-Rich Rural West." Rural Sociology 69(3):405-429.


MAY 29. Community and Dependency

Kaufman, Harold F. and Lois C. Kaufman. [1946] 2008. "Toward the Stabilization and Enrichment of a Forest Community." Pp. 96-111 in Communities and Forests: Where People Meet the Land, edited by R.G. Lee and D.R. Field. Corvalis, OR: Oregon State University.

Cottrell, W.F. 1951. "Death by Dieselization: A Case Study in the Reaction to Technological Change." American Sociological Review 16:358-365.

Lovejoy, Steven B. and Richard S. Krannich. 1982. "Rural Industrial Development and Domestic Dependency Relations: Towards an Integrated Perspective." Rural Sociology 47(3): 475-495.

Machlis, Gary E. and Jo Ellen Force. 1988. "Community Stability and Timber-Dependent Communities." Rural Sociology 53(2):220-234. 

Machlis, Gary E., Jo Ellen Force, and Randy Guy Balice. 1990. "Timber, Minerals, and Social Change: An Exploratory Test of Two Resource-Dependent Communities." Rural Sociology 55(3):411-424.

Freudenburg, William R. 1992. "Addictive Economies: Extractive Industries and Vulnerable Localities in a Changing World Economy." Rural Sociology 57(3): 305-332.

Stedman, Richard C., John R. Parkins, and Thomas M. Beckley. 2004. "Resource Dependence and Community Well-Being in Rural Canada." Rural Sociology 69(2):213-234.

Jackson-Smith, Douglas and Gilbert W. Gillespie. 2005. "Impacts of Farm Structural Change on Farmers' Social Ties." Society and Natural Resources 18:215-240.

MAY 30. Space, Industrial Location, and Uneven Development

Tickamyer, Ann R. 2000. "Space Matters! Spatial Inequality in Future Sociology." Contemporary Sociology 29(6):805-813.
Gieryn, Thomas F. 2000. "A Space for Place in Sociology." Annual Review of Sociology 26:463-496.
Wojan, Timothy R. and Glen C. Pulver. 1995. "Location Patterns of High Growth Industries in Rural Counties." Growth and Change 26:3-22.
Dewees, Sarah, Linda Lobao, and Louis E. Swanson. 2003. "Local Economic Development in an Age of Devolution: The Question of Rural Localities." Rural Sociology 68(2):182-206.
Squires, Gregory and Charis Kubrin. 2005. Privileged places: race, uneven development and the geography of opportunity in urban America. Urban Studies 42(1):47-68.
Vias, Alexander C. 2006.  "Population Change, Economic Restructuring, and the Evolving Landscape of Retail Activities in the Rural Great Plains." Southern Rural Sociology 21(2):1-22.

JUNE 2. Growth, Sprawl,  and Sustainability

Molotch, Harvey. 1976. "The City as a Growth Machine." American Journal of Sociology 82(2):309-332.
Maine State Planning Office. 1997. The Cost of Sprawl. Augusta, ME: Maine State Planning Office.
Wismer, Susan. 1999. "From the Ground Up: Quality of Life Indicators and Sustainable Community Development." Feminist Economics 5(2):109-114.
Galster, George, Royce Hanson, Michael R. Ratcliffe, Harold Wolman, Stephen Coleman, and Jason Freibage. 2001. "Wrestling Sprawl to the Ground: Defining and Measuring an Elusive Concept." Housing Policy Debate 12(4):681-717
Bridger, Jeffrey C. and A.E. Luloff. 2001. "Building the Sustainable Community: Is Social Capital the Answer?" Sociological Inquiry 71(4):458-472.
Edwards, Mel and Jenny Onyx. 2007. "Social Capital and Sustainability in a Community under Threat." Local Environment 12(1): 17-30.

Community and Economic Development

JUNE 3. Introduction to Community and Regional Development.

Wilkinson, Kenneth P. 1991. "Chapter 4. Rural Community Development." Pp. 81-100 in The Community in Rural America.  Middleton, WI: Social Ecology Press.
Rubin, Herbert J. and Irene S. Rubin. 2001. "A Thumbnail Sketch of the History of Community Organizing." Pp. 52-73 in Community Organizing and Development, 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Green, Gary Paul and Anna Haines. 2002. "The Process of Community Development in America." Pp. 34-61 in Asset Building & Community Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Morse, Suzanne. 2004. "Building on Community Strengths." Pp. 75-115 in Smart Communities: How Citizens and Local Leaders Can Use Strategic Thinking to Build a Brighter Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Barnett, Camille Cates and Oscar Rodriguez. 2006. "Connections Matter: Using Networks for Economic Development." Public Management 88(2):10-15.
Nancy Stark. 1997-1998. "Nine Strategies for Growing New, Small Firms." Rural Research Report.  Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs. vol 9. issue 4.
Pavey, Jamey L., Allyson B. Muth, David Ostermeier, and Miriam L.E. Steiner Davis. 2007. "Building Capacity for Local Governance: An Application of Interactional Theory to Developing a Community of Interest." Rural Sociology 72(1):90-110.

JUNE 4. Participation, Leadership and Power

Henderson, Jason. 2002. "Building the Rural Economy with High-Growth Entrepreneurs." 
Morse, Suzanne. 2004. "Growing Leaders." Pp. 181-206 in Smart Communities: How Citizens and Local Leaders Can Use Strategic Thinking to Build a Brighter Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Ryan, Vernon D., Kerry A. Agnitsch, Lijun Zhao, and Rehan Mullick. 2005. "Making Sense of Voluntary Participation: A Theoretical Synthesis." Rural Sociology 70(3): 287-313.
Ohmer, Mary and Elizabeth Beck. 2006. "Citizen Participation in Neighborhood Organizations in Poor Communities and its Relationship to Neighborhood and Organizational Collective Efficacy." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 33(1):179-202.
John L. Tait, Janet Bokemeier, and Joe M. Bohlen. 1988. Identifying the Community Power Actors:  A Guide to Change Agents.  Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Community Development.
Arnstein, Sherry. 1969. "A Ladder of Citizen Participation." JAIP 35(4):216-224.
Donald B. Erickson. 1996.  Working with the Power Constituents in Communities.  Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University.

JUNE 5. Need Assessment and Asset Based Community Development

Ilvento, Tom, Lori Garkovich, Gary Hansen, Ron Hustedde, and Rick Maurer.  No Date.  "Alternative Methods of Community Needs Assessment"
Israel, Glenn D. and Thomas W. Ilvento.  1995.  "Everybody Wins: Involving Youth in Community Needs Assessment" Journal of Extension 33(2)
Melamid, Elan, and Gabriel Brodbar. 2003.  "Matching Needs and Services:  An Assessment Tool for Community-Based Service Systems." Child Welfare 82(4):397-413.
Finifter, David H., Christine J. Jensen; Carol E. Wilson, and Bryan L. Koenig. 2005. A Comprehensive, Multitiered, Targeted Community Needs Assessment Model. Family & Community Health 28(4):293-306.
Mathie, Alison and Gord Cunningham. 2003. "From Clients to Citizens: Asset-based Community Development as a Strategy for Community-driven Development." Development in Practice 13(5):474-486.
Stoecker, Randy. "The Mystery of the Missing Social Capital and the Ghost of Social Structure: Why Community Development Can't Win." Pp 53-66 in Community-Based Organizations: The Intersection of Social Capital and Local Context in Contemporary Urban Society, edited by R. M. Silverman.  Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.

JUNE 6.  Community Based Organizations

Green, Gary Paul and Anna Haines. 2002. "Community Based Organizations." Pp. 62-77 in Asset Building & Community Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Swindell, David. 2000. "Issue Representation in Neighborhood Organizations: Questing for Democracy at the Grassroots. Journal of Urban Affairs 22(2):123-137.
Lenk, Kathleen M., Traci L. Barney, Alexander C. Wagenaar, Linda M. Bosma, and John Vessey. 2002. Can neighborhood associations be allies in health policy efforts? Political activity among neighborhood associations. Journal of Community Psychology 30(1):57-68.
Lyson, Thomas A. 2002. "What Does a School Mean to a Community? Assessing the Social and Economic Benefits of Schools to Rural Villages in New York." Journal of Research in Rural Education 17(3):131-137.
Willis, Mark A. 2004. "Living Cities: Collaborative Investing for Healthy Neighborhoods." Journal of Urban Affairs, 26(2):139-149.
Benjamin, Lehn, Julia Sass Rubin, and Sean Zielenbach. 2004. "Community Development Financial Institutions: Current Issues and Future Prospects." Journal of Urban Affairs 26(2):177-195.

For Further Study:

North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. 2001. Vision to Action: Take Charge Too. 2000. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.

All Contents © 2008, Douglas Clayton Smith
Last Revised: 05/18/2008.