by Chip Kraus
I signed up to do Ch'p for a Customizing Listserv Green Lantern Corps group project.  I already had the Meeko the Raccoon from a Pocahontas action figure, and I knew that it would be an ideal base for Ch'p.  My roommate Chip, who likes this particular GL for obvious reasons,  didn't believe me, but after I showed him a picture of Ch'p and reminded him how much he doesn't really look like a chipmunk or squirrel, he jumped right in and finished the figure in one night.  Model Magic was used for his tail and bow tie.  He was painted with acrylics. 

Parts Used:
Base figure: Meeko the Racoon (Pocahontas)
Tail and bowtie: Model Magic
Links in this table will connect you to customs made from other parts of same figure.

See Also:  Green Lantern Corps

Ch'p, Green Lantern and all related characters, names, and indicia are ©2000,  DC Comics (a division of Time-Warner Communications), and are used WITHOUT permission. All rights reserved.

 This webpage ©2000, H. Davis Stone, and may not be used or replicated by any means without permission.