
Welcome to
CHIP'd 'n STONE CUSTOMS, the virtual home-away-from-home for Chip and Davy's
custom action figures.
What is a custom action figure?
A custom action figure is one which has been modified by whatever
means necessary in order to turn it into someone or something
different. It may involve cutting, sculpting, painting, swapping
part, sewing, or any number of other skills.
What kinds of figures do you customize?
We've customized in various styles. Although Star
Wars and Star Trek were
originally the lines which got us customizing, we moved on to
the Total Justice 5" line of DC
heroes, and then to the not quite 5" line based on the various DC
animated cartoons. Occasionally, you may see a Marvel figure
produced here in either the older 5" Toy Biz style or in the DC
animated style. But currently, both of us are primarily
focused on the DC animated stuff.
What about 6" figures, like DC Direct or Marvel Legends?
Sorry, but we are not interested in customizing in these
scales, although we do own quite a few DC Direct figures.
Could you make me a custom action figure?
Thanks for the requests, but we don't accept commissions. Several other people on the web do commission
work, however, and you can track some of them down on the Delphi
Custom Action Figure Forum.
Where can I find more info on customizing?
There are a few of our favorite customizing websites on the
links page, although we're in no way trying to maintain a
comprehensive list of sites. For more information specific to
customizing, try out the aforementioned Delphi
Custom Action Figure Forum.

is a longtime fan of DC Comics. Right now, he's fond of the various
mini-series counting down to Infinite Crisis, JSA, Teen
Titans, Y: the Last Man, Fables and the set of Seven
Soldiers mini-series. He's also a science-fiction fan,
although apart from Babylon 5 reruns on
DVD, he hasn't found much on TV to satisfy this interest. As
for customizing styles, his favorite has slowly become the animated style. He's been away
from both Playmate's Star Trek and Kenner's Total
Justice lines for a while, but he may one day get back to them. Davy tries to speak French, and he
teaches pre-college math, computers and other stuff for the federal government.
has also forever been a comic fan. He's currently reading Justice League
Unlimited, Teen Titans Go! and Shonen Jump (particularly the
series Shamen King). He's a huge fan of anime (Neon Genesis:
Evangelion and Hunter x Hunter especially), and he also collects foreign films, although no customs
will likely come from them. He prefers customizing in the style of the
animated DC Universe, although he has done work on a few Total Justice
figures to teach Davy a thing or two about painting techniques (which Chip
picked up while painting RPG miniatures). Like Davy, Chip also tries
to speak French, and he currently makes maps for the district health
**Thanks for the requests,
but neither Chip nor Davy take commissions for action figures **
CUSTOMS is owned and maintained by Davy
since 2/3/04
All related characters,
names, and indicia are ©2006 of their respective owners, and are used WITHOUT
permission. All rights reserved.
This webpage ©2005, H. Davis Stone, and may not be
used or replicated by any means without permission.
Animated DC Universe: Alfred,
Arisia, Animal Man, Apache Chief, Aquaman, Black Manta, Bat-boy, boy-bat, Captain Cold,
Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., CM3, Ch'p, Changeling, Cheetah, Composite
Superboy, Cyborg, Dr. Fate, Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hal
Jordan, Kyle Rayner, GL, Green Lantern Corps, GLC, Guardian of Galaxy, Gypsy,
Impulse, Kid Flash, Kilowog, Krypto, Lagoon Boy, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Martian Manhunter,
Mary Marvel, Raven, Ra's al ghul, Robin, Red Tornado, Speedy, Spoiler, Starfire,
Steel, Superboy,
Wildcat, Wonder Girl, Wonder Woman, Young Justice, hawk, dove, harliquin, lilith,
elongated man, zoom, Dawnstar, Sentinel Alan Scott, Hawkman, slo-bo, empress,
star-spangled kid, general
Total Justice or JLA: Atom, Black
Canary, Blue Beetle, Blue Devil, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel,
Firestorm, Maxima, Plastic Man, Rampage, the Ray, Red Tornado, Silver Banshee,
Supergirl Tomorrow Woman, Zauriel, Deathstroke, Jesse Quick, Azbats, Metamorpho,
Star Trek: Andorian, Bolian, Cheron,
Selay, Saurian, Tellarite, Antedian, Pakled, Efrosian Federation President,
Spock, Ilia, Uhura
Star Wars: R5-D4 variant