** Dr. Keeling's Geographic Research class has been among the most beneficial classes taken at WKU with undergrad classes included. He makes you come up with answers to the challenging questions posed in class. Nothing is spoon-fed & that is extremely refreshing! Would enjoy another class from this professor.
** Dr. Keeling does a good job of providing intensive insights into the inviting procedures of graduate studies. He does seem biased with Social Geography with less emphasis on geology. [Professor's response: Yes, you're right. We've made substantial changes in the curriculum beginning in Fall 2002 to incorporate more traditional geoscience and geology (team-teaching, for example, with a geology faculty assigned to the course).]
** This course is very difficult for foreign student to understand. However, this is very beneficial. So, instructor needs to consider who is not American to prepare for class.[Professor's response: I understand your concern. However, this is a graduate-level course at an American university and students are expected and required to be proficient in the English language!]
** I enjoyed this class and your enthusiasm for teaching it, although the first half of the semester with the Sayer readinfs was less enjoyable. [Professor's response: Yes, I tried the Sayer book as an experiment, but it didn't work too well! Unfortunately, students do not have an adequate preparation in the geoscience literature or in the general philosophy of knowledge to really grapple with the issues raised by Sayer. We'll try something else next time!] It was good to be able to hear the guest speakers each week and to gain an idea of the research going on in the Department. I appreciated your detailed evaluation of assgnments.
** This has been an excellent class in terms of getting one to think about scientific writing, how to formulate a research proposal, and how to think critically in general. I feel that I have learned a lot from the instructor in this class.

Grade Distribution: A = 3; B = 2.

Quantitative Responses:
"Overall, my instructor is effective" = 100% Strongly Agreed or Agreed.
"My instructor displays enthusiasm" = 100% Strongly Agreed or Agreed.
"My Instructor is well prepared" = 100% Strongly Agreed or Agreed.

   If you have any comments, you can email the professor directly at:

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Last updated on 2/5/02