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Anth 130 Introduction to Archaeology
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2007
Lab 2: Dating Methods


The dating of archaeological materials and sites is important in addressing all academic goals of archaeology. In culture history, dating is required to arrange past events into a chronological sequence. In lifeways reconstruction, dating methods help to determine which artifacts and sites are from the same time period. In culture process, secure sequences of events are important in discerning cause-and-effect relationships in culture change. Therefore, archaeological dating relates directly to the first step of archaeological research design: asking a question.

Archaeological dating itself is part of the seventh step of archaeological research design: artifact analysis. Though dating may be done while in the field, objects often are dated as part of archaeological laboratory analyses. Archaeologists may select from numerous dating methods depending on research question, the nature of artifacts (e.g., material, context) or sites (e.g., stratified or non-stratified), funding, and other factors. In this lab we will consider three types of dating methods: stratigraphy, seriation, and radiocarbon.




Stratigraphy is a relative dating method developed in geology and applied frequently in archaeology. Using three stratigraphic principles, soil strata and midden layers are placed into a chronological sequence from oldest to youngest. Therefore, stratigraphy is used to order events at one particular archaeological site, if the site is stratified.

The law of superposition states that, in an undisturbed sequence of strata, the oldest layers are on the bottom of the sequence and the more recent layers on at the top of the sequence. The law of association states that, in an undisturbed sequence of strata, artifacts and other objects in a particular stratum are about the same age or are contemporaneous. The law of cross-cutting relationships states that any stratum or feature that cuts across another is younger than that stratum.

For example, in the figure below the order of events, from oldest to most recent, is given below.

level 6 deposited  [older soil layers slumped down the slope] (most recent)

level 1 deposited

level 2 deposited

level 7 deposited [this is level 4 soil that was dug from the grave pit]

level 8 deposited [this is level 3 soil that was dug from the grave pit]

grave feature excavated

level 3 deposited

level 4 deposited

level 5 deposited  (oldest)

Image: http://www.meg.uct.ac.za/downloads/Aware/stratigr.htm


Seriation is a relative dating method developed by archaeologists. It is based on changes in artifact assemblages or artifact stylistic attributes: similar assemblages and styles should be close together in time, while dissimilar assemblages and styles should be more separated in time.

In the example below, stylistic variation in glass bottles is illustrated. Note that the width of the curves represents the relative frequency or abundance of each bottle type during a given time interval. At the earliest time period, only Type A and Type C bottles were used, with Type A (90%) being more common than Type C (10%). At the latest time period, only Type D and Type E bottles were used, with Type D being more common. This type of seriation chart can be used to put archaeological sites with bottles into a chronological sequence. For example, a site with 10% Type A, 40% Type B, and 50% Type C bottles would be older than a site with 5% Type B, 20% Type C, and 75% Type D.

Image: http://encarta.msn.com/media_461546925_761572159_-1_1/Seriation.html


Radiocarbon is an absolute dating method that is based on the radioactive decay of carbon-14. This is sometimes referred to as a radiometric dating method. Radiocarbon is used to date organic-based artifacts up to 100,000 years old. The date given by the radiocarbon method is the date that the organism died, which is not necessarily when the organism was used by humans; therefore, radiocarbon is an indirect dating method.

Some carbon isotopes exist in unstable configurations and are referred to as radioactive. The carbon-14 isotope, which has two extra neutrons in the nucleus, is radioactive. It will undergo changes to become a stable substance, nitrogen-14. The process of radioactive decay occurs at a fairly constant rate that is expressed as a half life, or the time it takes half of the radioactive or "parent" element to change into the stable or "daughter" element. For carbon-14, the half life is 5730 years. Once the material becomes stable, it does not change any more.

After one half life, there will be half carbon and half nitrogen; therefore, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen will be equal at 1/2 and 1/2 or 1:1.

After two half lives, half of the remaining carbon will be converted to nitrogen; half of one-half is one-fourth, so the ratio of carbon to nitrogen after two half lives will be 1/4 and 3/4 or 1:3.

After three half lives, half of the remaining carbon will be converted to nitrogen; half of one-fourth is one-eighth, so the ratio of carbon to nitrogen after three half lives will be 1/8 to 7/8 or 1:7. And the process continues until the carbon is gone.

If we calculate the number of half lives that a specimen has gone through, and we multiple that by the half life of carbon-14 of 5730 years, we can calculate the date when the organism died.

Age = number of half lives * length of half life


Students may work in small groups in examining the items displayed in the lab, but each student will complete his/her own answer sheet. Answer sheets will be completed in pencil.


Examine the stratigraphic cross section of a hypothetical site provided in the lab. Events represented in the cross section are deposition of soil or midden layers, creation of cultural features, and construction of structures. Using the principles of stratigraphy, arrange the events into chronological sequence from oldest to most recent. Remember, the oldest event is written on the bottom and the most recent event is written at the top of the list.


There are two seriation scenarios. In the first seriation problem, stylistic variation in a particular type of artifact, tombstones in this case, is used to arrange archaeological sites into a chronological sequence. In the second seriation problem, chronological variation in artifact assemblages is used to arrange archaeological sites into a chronological sequence. List the chronological sequences of the sites from oldest to youngest (left to right). Use the illustration below for the first seriation problem.



There are four radiocarbon problems. In each problem, the amounts of radioactive carbon and stable nitrogen are indicated in some format (e.g., percentages, ratios, weights). Using that data, calculate the number of half-lives the material has gone through. Then insert the number of half lives into the radiocarbon formula to calculate the radiocarbon date. Each answer should have units (years), but standard deviations are not necessary.

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Page composed by Darlene Applegate, darlene.applegate@wku.edu
Last updated on August 28, 2007
All contents copyright (c), 2007. Western Kentucky University.