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KEYWORDS: mammals,
Mammalia, zoogeography, biogeography, mammal geography,
mammal biogeography, geographical distribution,
faunas, bibliography, faunal monographs, checklists,
determination keys, bibliographies, systematics,
literature, faunal lists
taxon- and faunal unit-oriented bibliography of (mostly) pre-1993
publications concerning the geographical distribution
of mammals. It includes faunal monographs, checklists,
determination keys, taxonomic revisions, bibliographies,
conservation status reports, field guides, etc.--any
kind of publication that provides information relevant
to the study of area-specific faunas. Its emphasis
is on areal units rather than taxa; nevertheless,
close to half of the references listed are order,
family, genus or species-specific, with a geographical
systematics or conservation slant. Recent literature
(again, through 1992) is more heavily represented
than earlier works, but some "classic" studies have
been included as deemed relevant to purpose. Coverage
is both geographically and linguistically worldwide
(works in about 35 languages are included).
The bibliography is intended to serve several purposes.
It can be used to survey important studies on the
mammals of a given political unit (e.g., "France"
or "California"). It can also be used to identify
works pertinent to the study of taxa representative
of given geographical units, areal or natural (e.g.,
"Neotropics" or "Andes"), or to the distribution characteristics
of the taxa themselves (e.g., "Chiroptera" or "Felidae").
Beyond these primary goals, it has been designed to
facilitate information retrieval--in particular, to
serve as an aid both to memory and materials retrieval
through interlibrary loan. Journal names have been
abbreviated to save space, but minor words in titles
have not been eliminated. Wherever possible, original
language monograph titles have been given (in transliteration
according to Library of Congress standards, where
Compilation of material for this bibliography ceased in late 1992 (the list was issued shortly thereafter in diskette form), and it has not been updated beyond that date. Thus, it should be kept in mind that some of the geographical and taxonomic systematics terms I used are now beginning to date. Still, the list should serve as a helpful supplement to current electronic search services, most of which have a limited range of coverage backward through time.
To search the bibliography you can use your browser's
"Find on This Page" (Microsoft) function to search
for key terms. When searching for information on geographical
areas, remember that different studies emphasize different-sized
areas. So, and for example, for information on Namibia
studies, one should also search "Southern Africa"
(and perhaps "Africa"--and even "Old World"--as well).
For taxonomic groups, the best results will be obtained
by using formal family- and/or order-level names rather
than common names (because of all the languages involved);
in searching for materials on hares, for example,
the best strategy would be to do two searches, one
on "Leporidae," and one on "Lagomorpha." Such names,
as well as those for geographical units, have been
added to the end of entries which do not incorporate
them into the title part of the citation. Note that
while the terms "Nearctic" and "Neotropics" (and sometimes
"Palearctic") are used as added terms, three of four
of the Old World divisions of the original Sclater/Wallace
regional scheme (i.e., "Ethiopian," "Oriental" and
"Australian") are not (in favor of more generally
used geographical terms such as "Southern Africa,"
"Central Asia," "Europe," "Southeast Asia," "Arabian
Peninsula," "South Asia," etc.).
Important!: Before attempting a second search using the "Find" function on your browser, make sure to de-highlight the last item retrieved from the first search: if you do not, the new search will cover only that portion of the list following the position of that last item.
Questions or comments may be directed to Charles H. Smith by email: charles.smith@wku.edu. Please note that an analogous bibliography on reptiles and amphibians ("HERPFAUN") that I also created in 1993 has also been adapted for the Web, at http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/mamm/HERPFAUN.htm.
Abbott, I., 1979. The past and present distribution
and status of sea lions and fur seals in Western Australia.
West. Austr. Mus., Perth, Rec. 7(4): 375-390. --Otariidae--Indian
Abdusaliamov, I.A., ed., 1988. Krasnaia kniga Tadzhikskoi
SSR [Red Data Book of the Tadzhik SSR]. ANTad SSR, Dushanbe.
336 pp. --Mammalia--Tadzhikistan
Abe, H., 1967. Classification and biology of Japanese
Insectivora (Mammalia). I. Studies on variation and
classification. Faculty of Agric., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo,
J. 55: 191-265. --Japan
Abe, H., 1971. Small mammals of central Nepal. Faculty
of Agric., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, J. 56: 367-423.
Abeljehnthev [=Abelencev/Abelentsev], V.I., 1968. [Mustelidae].
Instytut Zool., ANUkr RSR, Kyiv, Fauna Ukrainy 1(3).
Abeljehnthev [=Abelencev/Abelentsev], V.I., Pidoplichko,
I.G., & Popov, V.M., 1956. Ssavci I [Mammals I.
Insectivora and Chiroptera.]. Instytut Zool., ANUkr
RSR, Kyiv, Fauna Ukrainy 1(1). 446 pp. --Ukraine
Abelentsev [=Abeljehnthev/Abelencev], V.I., Shubin,
V.I., et al. (ed. by Zimina, R.P.), 1978. Surki: rasprostranenie
i ekologiia [Marmots [of the USSR]: distribution &
ecology]. Instit. Geografii, AN SSSR, Moskva. 222 pp.
--Sciuridae--Russia--Soviet Union
Abreu, R.M., Rams, A., & Cruz, J.de la, 1990. El
almiqui (Solenodon cubanus). Algunos aspectos de su
historia, biologia y conservacion. Instit. de Zool.,
Acad. de Cienc. de Cuba, La Habana, Poeyana no. 410.
20 pp. --Solenodontidae--Cuba--West Indies
Achaval, F., Clara, M., & Olmos, A., 2004. Mamiferos
de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias,
Montevideo. 176 pp. --Mammalia
Acosta y Lara, E.F., 1950. Quiropteros del Uruguay.
Mus. de Hist. Natur., Montevideo, Comunicaciones Zool.
3(58). 71 pp. --Chiroptera
Adamakopoulos, P., et al., 1991. [Large mammals of Greece
(carnivores and artiodactyls): current situation, distribution,
habitat: threatened species, protection prospects].
Biol. Gallo-Hellenica 18(1): 107-126. --Carnivora--Artiodactyla
Advani, R., 1982. Species composition, relative abundance
and associationship of Chiroptera fauna with different
rainfall zones in the Indian Desert. Zool. Anz. (Jena)
208(3-4): 276-282. --India--Pakistan
Aellen, V., 1966. Notes sur Tadarida teniotis (Raf.)
(Mammalia, Chiroptera)--systematique, paleontologie
et peuplement, repartition geographique. Rev. Suisse
de Zool. 73(1): 119-159. --Old World
Aellen, V., 1970. Catalogue raisonne des chiropteres
de la Colombie. Rev. Suisse de Zool. 77(1): 1-37. --Chiroptera--Colombia
Aellen, V., & Strinati, P., 1969. Liste des chiropteres
de la Tunisie. Rev. Suisse de Zool. 76(2): 421-431.
Afanas'ev, A.V., Bazhanov, V.S., Korelov, M.N., Sludskii,
A.A., & Strautman, E.I., 1953. Zveri Kazakhstana
[The animals of Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata. 536 pp. --Mammalia
Afanas'ev, A.V., 1960. Zoogeografiia Kazakhstana: no
osnove rasprostraneniia mlekopitaiushchikh [Zoogeography
of Kazakhstan: the distribution of mammals]. Instit.
Zool., ANKaz SSR, Alma-Ata. 258 pp. --Mammalia
Aggundey, I.R., & Schlitter, D.A., 1984. Annotated
checklist of the mammals of Kenya. I. Chiroptera. Carnegie
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 53(5): 119-161.
Aggundey, I.R., & Schlitter, D.A., 1986. Annotated
checklist of the mammals of Kenya. II. Insectivora and
Macroscelidea. Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh,
Ann. 55(14): 325-347.
Aguilera, M., ed., 1985. El estudio de los mamiferos
en Venezuela: evaluacion y perspectivas. Fondo Editorial
Acta Cientifica Venezolana, Caracas. 256 pp. --Mammalia
Ahlen, I., 1977. Faunavard: om bevarande av hotade djurarter
i Sverige [Faunal conservation: on preserving threatened
animal species in Sweden]. Skogshogskolan, Stockholm.
256 pp. --Mammalia
Ahlen, I., & Gerell, R., 1989. Distribution and
status of bats in Sweden. in Hanak et al., eds.: 319-325.
Aimi, M., 1980. A revised classification of Japanese
red-backed voles. Faculty of Sci., Kyoto Univ., Mem.
(Ser. Biol.) 8(1): 35-84. --Arvicolidae--Japan
Airola, D., ed., 1982(?). Mammals. Pacific Southwest
Region, USDA Forest Serv., San Francisco, Northeast
Interior Zone [California], Vol. 4. --Mammalia
Airumian, K.A., ed., 1986. Ekologo-morfologicheskaia
kharakteristika mlekopitaiushchikh i ptits Armenii [Ecological-morphlogical
characteristics of mammals & birds of Armenia].
Instit. Zool., ANArm SSR, Erevan, Zool. Sbornik no.
20. 214 pp. --Mammalia
Alberico, M., 1983. Lista anotada de los mamiferos del
Valle [Cauca, Colombia]. Cespedesia (Cali, Colombia)
12(45-46): 51-72. --Mammalia
Albignac, R., 1973. Mammiferes carnivores. CNRS, ORSTOM,
Paris, Faune de Madagascar 36. 206 pp. --Carnivora--Madagascar
Albuja, L., 1999. Murcielagos del Ecuador. 2.ed. Depto.
de Cienc. Biol., Escuela Politecnica Nac., Quito. 288
pp. --Chiroptera
Albuja V., L., 1991. Mamiferos. in Lista de vertebrados
del Ecuador (Escuela Politecnica Nac., Quito, 203 pp.).
Albuja, L., Ibarra, M., Urgiles, J., & Barriga,
R., 1980. Estudio preliminar de los vertebrados ecuatorianos.
Depto. de Cienc. Biol., Escuela Politecnica Nac., Quito.
143 pp. --Mammalia
Alcasid, G., 1969. Checklist of Philippine mammals.
Dept. of Educ., Republic of the Philippines, Natl. Mus.,
Manila. 51 pp. --Mammalia--Philippines
Alcover, J.A., 1979. Els mamifers de les Balears. Editorial
Moll, Palma de Mallorca. 192 pp. --Mammalia--Balearic
Alekperov, K.M., 1966. Mlekopitaiushchie iugo-zapadnogo
Azerbaidzhana [Mammals of southwestern Azerbaydzhan].
Instit. Zool., ANAz SSR, Baku. 147 pp. --Mammalia--Azerbaijan
Alho, C.J.R., 1982. Brazilian rodents: their habitats
and habits. in Mares & Genoways, eds.: 143-166.
Al-Khalili, A.-K.D., 1990. New records and a review
of the mammalian fauna of the State of Bahrain, Arabian
Gulf. J. of Arid Envir. 19(1): 95-103. --Mammalia
Alkins, M.E., 1979. The mammals of Trinidad. Dept. of
Zool., Univ. of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad,
Occas. Paper no. 2. 75 pp. --Mammalia
Allen, G.M., 1938, 1940. The mammals of China and Mongolia
[2 parts]. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Natur.
Hist. of Central Asia, Vol. XI. 1350 pp. --Mammalia
Allen, G.M., 1939. A checklist of African mammals. Mus.
of Comp. Zool., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Bull. 83.
763 pp. [reprint, 1954] --Mammalia--Africa
Allen, J.A., 1905-1911. The Mammalia of southern Patagonia.
in Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to
Patagonia, 1896-1899 (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
NJ), Vol. III, Part I: 1-213. --Chile--Argentina
Allen, J.A., 1915. Review of the South American Sciuridae.
Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 34(8): 147-310.
--South America
Allouse [=Allus], B.E., 1968. A bibliography of the
vertebrate fauna of Iraq and neighbouring countries:
mammals, second compilation. Iraq Natur. Hist. Mus.,
Baghdad, Publ. no. 25. 36 pp. --Mammalia--Southwest
Almeida, A.V., Arango, S.M., Jurberg, P., & Andrade,
L.M.C., 1987. Bibliografia de tatus (Mammalia, Edentata:
Dasypodidae) 1864-1980. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi,
Belem, Bol. (Ser. Zool.) 3(1): 67-157. --New World
"Alphabetical list of cat species", 1991. in Partridge,
J., ed., Management guidelines for exotic cats (Assoc.
of Brit. Wild Animal Keepers, Eastville): 12-71. --Felidae
Al-Safadi, M.M., 1991. Chiropteran fauna of Yemen Arab
Republic. Mammalia 55(2): 269-274. --Chiroptera
Alvarez, J., Bea, A., Faus, J.M., Castien, E., &
Mendiola, I., 1985. Atlas de los vertebrados continentales
de Alava, Vizcaya y Guipuzcoa (excepto Chiroptera).
Soc. de Cienc. 'Aranzadi' Zientzi Elkartea, San Sebastian,
Spain. 336 pp. --Mammalia--Spain
Alvarez, T., 1963. The Recent mammals of Tamaulipas,
Mexico. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence,
Publ. 14(15): 363-473. --Mammalia
Alvarez-Castaneda, S.T., & Alvarez, T., 1991. Los
murcielagos de Chiapas. Instit. Politecnico Nac., Escuela
Nac. de Cienc. Biol., Mexico, D.F. 211 pp. --Chiroptera--Mexico
Alvarez-Castaneda, S.T., & Patton, J.L., 1999-2000.
Mamiferos del noroeste de Mexico. 2 v. CIB, La Paz,
Baja California Sur. --Mammalia
Alvarez del Toro, M., 1952. Los animales silvestres
de Chiapas. Ediciones del Gobierno del Estado, Tuxtla
Gutierrez, Chiapas. 247 pp. --Mammalia--Mexico
Alvarez del Toro, M., 1991. Los mamiferos de Chiapas.
2.ed. DIF-Chiapas/Instit. Chiapaneco de Cultura, Tuxtla
Gutierrez, Chiapas. 133 pp. --Mammalia--Mexico
Amori, G., Cristaldi, M., & Contoli, L., 1984. Sui
roditori (Gliridae, Arvicolidae, Muridae) dell'Italia
peninsulare ed insulare in rapporto all'ambiente bioclimatico
mediterraneo. Animalia (Catania) 11(1-3): 217-269. --Rodentia--Italy
Amr, Z.S., & Disi, A.M., 1988. Jordanian mammals
acquired by the Jordan University Natural History Museum.
Univ. of Jordan Publs. 32 pp. --Mammalia--Jordan
Andera, M., & Horacek, I., 1982. Poznavame nase
savce [Recognizing our mammals [Czechoslovakia]]. Mlada
Fronta, Praha. 254 pp. --Mammalia--Czech Republic--Slovakia
Andersen, K.[C.], 1912. Catalogue of the Chiroptera
in the collection of the British Museum (2nd ed.). Vol.
1. Megachiroptera. Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Natur.
Hist.), London. [reprint, 1966] --Chiroptera--Old World
Anderson, A.E., 1983. A critical review of literature
on puma (Felis concolor). Colorado Div. of Wildl., Ft.
Collins, Spec. Rept. no. 54. 91 pp. --Felidae--New World
Anderson, R., 1984. Guide to Florida mammals. Winner
Enterprises, Altamonte Springs, FL. 56 pp. --Mammalia
Anderson, R.M., 1947. Catalogue of Canadian Recent mammals.
Natl. Mus. of Canada, Ottawa, Bull. no. 102. 238 pp.
Anderson, S., 1972. Mammals of Chihuahua. Taxonomy and
distribution. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York,
Bull. 148(2): 149-410. --Mammalia--Mexico
Anderson, S., 1985. Lista preliminar de mamiferos bolivianos.
Mus. Nac. de Hist. Natur., Acad. Nac. de Cienc. de Bolivia,
La Paz, Zoologia no. 3: 5-16. --Mammalia--Bolivia
Anderson, S., ed., 1986. Macdonald encyclopedia of mammals.
Macdonald, London. 512 pp. --Mammalia
Anderson, S., & Jones, J.K., Jr., eds., 1984. Orders
and families of recent mammals of the world. Wiley-Interscience,
New York, etc. 686 pp. --Mammalia
Anderson, S., Koopman, K.F., & Creighton, G.K.,
1982. Bats of Bolivia: an annotated checklist. Amer.
Mus. Novit. no. 2750. 24 pp. --Chiroptera
Anderson, S., Yates, T.L., & Cook, J.A., 1987. Notes
on Bolivian mammals. 4: the genus Ctenomys (Rodentia,
Ctenomyidae) in the eastern lowlands. Amer. Mus. Novit.
no. 2891. 19 pp. --Bolivia
Anderson, S., Woods, C.A., Morgan, G.S., & Oliver,
W.L.R., 1983. Geocapromys brownii. Mammalian Species
no. 201. 5 pp. --Capromyidae--West Indies
Andrews, P., & Burrell, J., 1981. Tasmania's native
mammals. Tasmanian Mus. & Art Gallery, Hobart. 71
pp. --Mammalia--Tasmania
Andrusaitis, G., ed., 1985. Latvijas PSR sarkana gramata:
retas un iznikstosas dzivnieku un augu sugas [Red Data
Book of the Latvian SSR]. Biol. Instit., Latvijas PSR
Zinatnu Akad., Riga. 525 pp. --Mammalia--Latvia
Angell, T., & Balcomb, K.C. III, 1982. Marine birds
and mammals of Puget Sound. Puget Sound Books, Seattle.
145 pp. --marine mammals--Washington
Angermann, R., 1967. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung
Lepus. IV Lepus yarkandensis Gunther, 1875 und Lepus
oiostolus Hodgson, 1840--zwei endemische Hasenarten
Zentralasiens. Zool. Mus., Berlin, Mitt. 43: 189-203.
--Leporidae--Russia--China--Tibet--Soviet Union--Central
"Animaux sauvages du Togo et de l'Afrique occidentale",
1966. Serv. des Eaux et Forets, Ministere de l'Economie
Rurale, Lome, Republique Togolaise. 44 pp. --Mammalia--Togo--West
Ansell, W.F.H., 1978. The mammals of Zambia. The Natl.
Parks & Wildl. Serv., Chilanga, Zambia. 126 pp.
Ansell, W.F.H., 1989. African mammals 1938-1988 [bibliography].
Trendrine Press, Zennor, St. Ives, Cornwall, England.
77 pp. --Mammalia--Africa
Ansell, W.F.H., & Dowsett, R.J., 1988. Mammals of
Malawi: an annotated checklist and atlas. Trendrine
Press, Zennor, St. Ives, Cornwall, England. 170 pp.
Aranda, M., & March, I., 1987. Guia de los mamiferos
de Chiapas. Instit. Nac. de Investigaciones sobre Recursos
Bioticos, Xalapa, Veracruz. 149 pp. --Mammalia--Mexico
Aranda Sanchez, J.M., 1981. Rastros de los mamiferos
silvestres de Mexico: manual de campo. Instit. Nac.
de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bioticos, Xalapa,
Veracruz. 198 pp. --Mammalia
Archer, M., 1976. Revision of the marsupial genus Planigale
Troughton (Dasyuridae). Queensland Mus., Brisbane, Mem.
17(3): 341-366. --Marsupialia--Australia--Australasia
Archer, M., 1981. Results of the Archbold Expeditions.
No. 104. Systematic revision of the marsupial genus
Sminthopsis Thomas. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New
York, Bull. 168(2): 63-223. --Dasyuridae--Australia--New
Archer, M.A., ed., 1982. Carnivorous marsupials. 2 v.
Roy. Zool. Soc. of New South Wales, Sydney. 804 pp.
Archer, M., ed., 1987. Possums and opossums: studies
in evolution. 2 v. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping
Norton, NSW, & Roy. Zool. Soc. of New South Wales,
Sydney. 788 pp. --Marsupialia
Archer, M., & Clayton, G., eds., 1984. Vertebrate
zoogeography & evolution in Australasia (animals
in space and time). Hesperian Press, Carlisle, West.
Austr. 1203 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Archer, M., Flannery, T.F., & Grigg, G.C., 1985.
The kangaroo. K. Weldon, McMahons Point, NSW. 263 pp.
Argiropulo, A.I., 1940. Sem[eistvo]. Muridae, myshi.
Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Moskva & Leningrad, Fauna
SSSR, Mlekopitaiushchie Vol. 3(5). 169 pp. --Rodentia--Russia--Soviet
Arita, H.T., & Humphrey, S.R., 1988. Revision taxonomica
de los murcielagos magueyeros del genero Leptonycteris
(Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Acta Zool. Mexicana no.
29 (n.s.). 60 pp. --Neotropics
Armstrong, D.M., 1972. Distribution of mammals in Colorado.
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Monogr.
no. 3. 415 pp. --Mammalia
Armstrong, D.M., 1982. Mammals of the canyon country:
a handbook of mammals of Canyonlands National Park and
vicinity. Canyonlands Natur. Hist. Assoc., Moab, UT.
263 pp. --Mammalia--Utah
Armstrong, D.M., 1987. Rocky Mountain mammals: a handbook
of mammals of Rocky Mountain National Park and vicinity.
rev.ed. Colorado Associated Univ. Press, Estes Park,
CO. 223 pp. --Mammalia--Colorado--Rocky Mountains
Armstrong, D.M., Choate, J.R., & Jones, J.K., Jr.,
1986. Distributional patterns of mammals in the Plains
States. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper
no. 105. 27 pp. --Mammalia--Great Plains--United States
Arnold, H.R., 1984. Distribution maps of the mammals
of the British Isles. Instit. of Terrestrial Ecol.,
Huntingdon, England. 58 pp. --Mammalia--Ireland--Wales--England--Scotland--United
Arsen'ev, V.A., & Panin, K.I., eds., 1971. Pinnipeds
of the North Pacific. Israel Prog. for Scientific Translations,
Jerusalem. 274 pp. --Pinnipedia
Arsen'ev, V.A., & Zemskii, V.A., 1986. Atlas of
marine mammals. T.F.H. Publs., Neptune City, NJ. 269
pp. --Pinnipedia--Sirenia--Cetacea
Arzamasov, I.T., et al., 1969. Nasekomoiadnye i ikh
parazity na territorii Belorusii [Insectivora &
their parasites in Byelorussia]. Addzel Zaalogii i Parazitalogii,
ANBel SSR, Minsk. 175 pp.
Asahi, M., 1977. Nihon no honyu dobutsu [Mammals of
Japan]. Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppan-bu, Machida. 236 pp.
Asahi, M., 1980. Nihon no yasei o otte [Pursuing the
wild animals of Japan]. 208 pp. --Mammalia
Ascorra, C.F., Wilson, D.E., & Romo, M., 1991. Lista
anotada de los quiropteros del Parque Nacional Manu,
Peru. Mus. de Hist. Natur., Univ. Nac. Mayor de San
Marcos, Lima, Publ. (Ser. A, Zool.) no. 42. 14 pp. --Chiroptera
Asibey, E.O.A., 1974. The grasscutter, Thryonomys swinderianus
Temminck, in Ghana. in The biology of hystricomorph
rodents (Zool. Soc. of London, Symposium no. 34): 161-170.
--Thryonomyidae--West Africa--Africa
Astley Maberly, C.T., 1965. Animals [mammals] of Rhodesia.
H. Timmins, Cape Town. 228 pp. --Mammalia--Zimbabwe
Astley Maberly, C.T., 1965. Animals [mammals] of East
Africa. D.A. Hawkins, Nairobi. 221 pp. --Mammalia
Astley Maberly, C.T., 1986. Maberly's mammals of Southern
Africa: a popular field guide. Delta Books, Craighall,
South Afr. 347 pp. [a revision of Maberly's "The game
animals of Southern Africa" by Goss, R.] --Mammalia
Atallah, S.I., 1977, 1978. Mammals of the eastern Mediterranean
region: their ecology, systematics and zoogeographical
relationships. Saug. Mitt. 25(4): 241-320; 26(1): 1-50.
--Mammalia--Southwest Asia
Atanassov, N., & Peschev, Z., 1963. Die Saugetiere
Bulgariens. Saug. Mitt. 11(3): 101-112. --Mammalia--Bulgaria
Atkinson, I.A.E., 1985. The spread of commensal species
of Rattus to oceanic islands and their effects on island
avifaunas. in Moors, P.J., ed., Conservation of island
birds: case studies for the management of threatened
island birds (ICBP, Cambridge, England, Tech. Publ.
no. 3): 35-81. --Muridae
Au, D.W.K., Perryman, W.L., & Perrin, W.F., 1979.
Dolphin distribution and the relationship to environmental
features in the eastern tropical Pacific. Southwest
Fisheries Center, La Jolla, Ca, Administrative Rept.
no. LJ-79-43. 59 pp. --Delphinidae--East Pacific Ocean
Aubrecht, G., & Mayer, G., 1986. Liste der Wirbeltiere
Oberosterreichs. Linzer Biol. Beitr. (Linz) 18(1): 191-238.
Augee, M.L., ed., 1988. Marine mammals of Australasia:
field biology and captive management. Roy. Zool. Soc.
of New South Wales, Sydney. 140 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Sirenia--Pacific
Aul, J., Ling, H., & Paaver, K., 1957. Eesti NSV
imetajad [The mammals of Estonia]. Zool. ja Botaanika
Instit., Eesti NSV Teaduste Akad., Tallinn. 350 pp.
Aulagnier, S., & Thevenot, M., 1986. Catalogue des
mammiferes sauvages du Maroc. Instit. Scientifique,
Univ. Mohammed V, Ministere de l'Educ., Rabat, Royaume
du Maroc, Trav. (Ser. Zool.) no. 41. 163 pp. --Mammalia--Morocco
Aulagnier, S., Brugiere, D., & Poitevin, F., eds.,
1986. Atlas de repartition des mammiferes: dans l'Allier,
l'Aveyron, le Cantal, la Haute-Loire, la Lozere, et
le Puy-de-Dome. Centre Ornithologique Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand.
182 pp. --Mammalia--France
"Aves y mamiferos de Espana: clasificacion y actitudes...",
1975. 5.ed. Instit. Jungla, Madrid. 324 pp. --Mammalia--Spain
Avila-Pires, F.D.de, & Gouvea, E., 1977. Mamiferos
do Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro,
Bol. (n.s., Zool.) 291. 29 pp. --Mammalia--Brazil
'Awwami, 'A.M., 1978. A bibliography of the Libyan fauna.
Edition Dar Maktabet al Fikr, Tripoli. 77 pp. --Mammalia--Libya
'Awwami, 'A.M., 1979. Systematic list of land vertebrate
animals in the Libyan Arab Republic. Edition Dar Maktabet
al Fikr, Tripoli. 126 pp. --Mammalia--Libya
'Awwami, 'A.M., 1985. Al-Thadiyyat al-Libiyah [Libyan
mammals]. Tarabulus. 221 pp. --Mammalia--Libya
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della Somalia ex-Italiana. Monitore Zool. Ital. Suppl.
74: 102-195. --Carnivora
Azzaroli-Puccetti, M.L., 1987. The systematic relationships
of hares (genus Lepus) of the Horn of Africa. Cimbebasia
(Ser. A) 9(1): 1-22. --Leporidae--East Africa
Bacallado Aranega, J.J., et al., 1984.
Fauna (marina y terrestre) del Archipielago Canario.
Edirca, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Biblioteca
Canaria Vol. 13. 356 pp. --marine mammals--Canary Islands
Bailey, J.W., 1946. The mammals of Virginia; an account
of the furred animals of land and sea known to exist
in this commonwealth with a list of fossil mammals from
Virginia. pub. privately, Richmond, VA. 416 pp. --Mammalia
Bailey, V., 1936. The mammals and life zones of Oregon.
Bureau of Biol. Surv., U.S. Dept. of Agric., Wash.,
D.C., North Amer. Fauna no. 55. 416 pp. --Mammalia
Baird, R.W., & Stacey, P.J., 1989. An annotated
list of the marine mammals of British Columbia. Victorian
Naturalist (British Columbia) 46(2): 12-14. --Cetacea--Sirenia
Baker, A.N., 1990. Whales and dolphins of New Zealand
and Australia: an identification guide. Victoria Univ.
Press, Wellington. 133 pp. --Cetacea--Australasia
Baker, R.H., 1956. Mammals of Coahuila, Mexico. Mus.
of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 9(7):
125-335. --Mammalia
Baker, R.H., 1960. Geographical distribution of terrestrial
mammals in Middle America. Amer. Midland Naturalist
70(1): 208-249. --Mammalia--Central America--Neotropics
Baker, R.H., 1983. Michigan mammals. Mich. St. Univ.
Press, East Lansing. 642 pp. --Mammalia
Baker, R.H., & Greer, J.K., 1962. Mammals of the
Mexican State of Durango. Mich. St. Univ., East Lansing,
Publs. of the Mus. (Biol. Ser.) 2(2): 25-154. --Mammalia--Mexico
Baker, R.J., & Genoways, H.H., 1978. Zoogeography
of Antillean bats. in Gill, F.B., ed., Zoogeography
in the Caribbean; the 1975 Leidy Medal Symposium (Acad.
of Natur. Sci. of Philadelphia, Spec. Publ. no. 13):
53-97. --Chiroptera--West Indies
Baker, R.J., Groen, J.A., & Owen, R.D., 1984. Field
key to Antillean bats. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock,
Occas. Paper no. 94. 18 pp. --Chiroptera--West Indies
Baker, R.J., Jones, J.K., Jr., & Carter, D.C., eds.,
1976, 1977, 1979. Biology of bats of the New World family
Phyllostomatidae [3 parts]. Mus., Texas Tech Univ.,
Lubbock, Spec. Publ. nos. 10, 13, & 16. 218, 364
& 441 pp. --Phyllostomidae
Balcomb, K.C. III, 1987. The whales of Hawaii, including
all species of marine mammals in Hawaiian and adjacent
waters. Marine Mammal Fund, San Francisco. 99 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Hawaii--Pacific
Banfield, A.W.F., 1958. The mammals of Banff National
Park, Alberta. Natl. Mus. of Canada, Ottawa, Bull. no.
159. 53 pp. --Mammalia
Banfield, A.W.F., 1961. A revision of the reindeer and
caribou, genus Rangifer. Natl. Mus. of Canada, Ottawa,
Bull. no. 177. 137 pp. --Cervidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
Banfield, A.W.F., 1974. The mammals of Canada. pub.
for Natl. Mus. of Natur. Sci., Natl. Mus. of Canada,
by Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. 438 pp. --Mammalia
Banks, E., 1978. Mammals from Borneo. Brunei Mus. J.
4(2): 165-242. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Banks, R.C., McDiarmid, R.W., & Gardner, A.L., eds.,
1991. Checklist of vertebrates of the United States,
the U.S. Territories, and Canada. U.S. Fish & Wildl.
Serv., Wash., D.C., Resource Publ. no. 166. 79 pp. --Mammalia
Bannikov, A.G., 1953. Opredelitel' mlekopitaiushchikh
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Mongolian People's Republic]. Mongol'skoi Komissii,
AN SSSR, Moskva, Trudy no. 51. 111 pp. --Mammalia--Mongolia
Bannikov, A.G., 1954. Mlekopitaiushchie Mongol'skoi
Narodnoi Respubliki [Mammals of the Mongolian People's
Republic]. Mongol'skoi Komissii, AN SSSR, Moskva, Trudy
no. 53. 669 pp. --Mammalia--Mongolia
Bannikov, A.G., 1963. Die Saiga-Antilope (Saiga tatarica
L.). A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei
Heft 320. 143 pp. --Bovidae--Asia--Palearctic
Bannikov, A.G., Zhirnov, L.V., Lebedeva, L.S., &
Fandeev, A.A., 1967. Biology of the saiga. Israel Prog.
for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 252 pp. --Bovidae--Asia--Palearctic
Barabash-Nikiforov, I.I., 1962. The sea otter. Israel
Prog. for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 227 pp.
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Barabash-Nikiforov, I.I., 1975. Die Desmane: Familie
Desmanidae (Insectivora). A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt,
Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 474. 99 pp. --Talpidae--Europe
Barbour, R.W., & Davis, W.H., 1969. Bats of America.
Univ. Press of Kentucky, Lexington. 286 pp. [reprint,
1979] --Chiroptera--United States
Barbour, R.W., & Davis, W.H., 1974. Mammals of Kentucky.
Univ. Press of Kentucky, Lexington. 321 pp. --Mammalia
Barnes, L.G., 1985. Evolution, taxonomy and antitropical
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Marine Mammal Sci. 1(2): 149-165.
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importance in India. Arnold-Heinemann Pubs. (India),
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Barquez, R.M., 1987. Los murcielagos de Argentina. Ph.D.
Diss., Univ. Nac. de Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina. 525
pp. --Chiroptera
Barquez, R.M., & Ojeda, R.A., 1992. The bats (Mammalia:
Chiroptera) of the Argentine Chaco. Carnegie Mus. of
Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 61(3): 239-261. --Argentina--Gran
Barquez, R.M., Diaz, M.M., & Ojeda, R.A., 2006.
Mamiferos de Argentina: sistematica y distribucion.
SAREM, Tucuman. 359 pp. --Mammalia
Barquez, R.M., Mares, M.A., & Braun, J.K., 1999.
The bats of Argentina. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock,
Spec. Publ. no. 42. 275 pp. --Chiroptera
Barquez, R.M., Mares, M.A., & Ojeda, R.A., 1991.
Mammals of Tucuman [Argentina]. Oklahoma Mus. of Natur.
Hist., Norman. 282 pp. --Mammalia
Bashanov, B.S., & Belosludov, B.A., 1941. A remarkable
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22(3): 311-315. --Platacanthomyidae--Kazakhstan
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descripcion y vida de los animales en la selva tropical
africana. 2.ed. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
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Bastida, R.O., & Rodriguez, D., 2003. Mamiferos
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Buenos Aires. 206 pp. --marine mammals--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Argentina--Antarctica
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Tatera (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) of north-east Africa
and Asia. Bonner Zool. Beitr. 39(4): 265-303. --Cricetidae--Old
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Biogeography and ecology in Madagascar. Dr. W. Junk,
The Hague, Monogr. Biol. Vol. 21. 765 pp. --Mammalia
Bauer, E.A., 1988. Erwin Bauer's predators of North
America [Carnivora]. Outdoor Life Books, New York. 253
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Bauer, K., et al., eds., 1988. Artenschutz in Osterreich:
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Lebensraume. Osterreichs Gesell. fur Vogelkunde und
Saugetiersammlung des Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Wien. 335
pp. --Mammalia--Austria
Baumann, F., 1949. Die freilebenden Saugetiere der Schweiz.
Verlag Hans Huber, Bern. 492 pp. --Mammalia--Switzerland
Bauza Devessi, R.M., 1986. Mamiferos. in Utilizacion
racional de la flora y la fauna autoctonas del Uruguay
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Bayed, A., & Beaubrun, P.-C., 1987. Les mammiferes
marins du Maroc: inventaire preliminaire. Mammalia 51(3):
437-446. --marine mammals--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Morocco--North
Atlantic Ocean
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terrestres du Quebec, de l'Ontario et des Maritimes.
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Lembaga Biologi Nasional, LIPI, Bogor. 117 pp. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Beck, W.H., 1958. A guide to Saskatchewan mammals. Saskatchewan
Natur. Hist. Soc., Regina, Spec. Publ. no. 1. 52 pp.
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Bee, J.W., & Hall, E.R., 1956. Mammals of northern
Alaska on the Arctic Slope. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ.
of Kansas, Lawrence, Misc. Publ. no. 8. 309 pp. --Mammalia
Bee, J.W., Glass, G.E., Hoffmann, R.S., & Patterson,
R.R., 1981. Mammals in Kansas. Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence,
Public Educ. Ser. no. 7. 300 pp. --Mammalia
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manatus) in the southeastern United States: a compilation
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eds., 1988. Ekologiia i povedenie mlekopitaiushchikh
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pp. --Mammalia
Bekierz, F.W., 1986. Cetacea: Bibliographie uber Wal-Bibliographien.
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Bekoff, M., 1977. Canis latrans. Mammalian Species no.
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Bell, B.D., ed., 1981. Marsupials in New Zealand: proceedings
of the first symposium. Victoria Univ. Coll. of Wellington,
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Bemmel, A.C.V.van, 1949. Revision of the rusine deer
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York. Marginal Media, Fredonia, NY, Bioguide no. 2.
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Benton, A.H., & Stewart, M.M., 1971. Keys to the
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Zool. Parks Board of New South Wales, Sydney. 239 pp.
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Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (Amsterdam) 48(2): 161-186.
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material and methods; results: the genus Epomophorus
Bennett, 1836. Beaufortia 38(5): 75-146. --Pteropodidae--Africa
Bergmans, W., 1989. Taxonomy and biogeography of African
fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 2. The genera
Micropteropus Matschie, 1899, Epomops Gray, 1870, Hypsignathus
H. Allen, 1861, Nanonycteris Matschie, 1899, and Plerotes
Andersen, 1910. Beaufortia 39(4): 89-153. --Pteropodidae--Africa
Bergmans, W., 1990. Taxonomy and biogeography of African
fruit bats (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 3. The genera
Scotonycteris Matschie, 1894, Casinycteris Thomas, 1910,
Pteropus Brisson, 1762, and Eidolon Rafinesque, 1815.
Beaufortia 40(7): 111-177. --Pteropodidae--Africa
Bernard, F., 1958. Zoologie pure et appliquee. P. Lechevalier,
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t. III. 214 pp. --Mammalia--Sahara Desert--Algeria
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East Asia wildlife. APA Publs., London, etc. 430 pp.
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Bernard, S.R., & Brown, K.F., 1977. Distribution
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the Interior, Denver, Tech. Note 301. 169 pp. --Mammalia--United
Berry, R.J., 1985. The natural history of Orkney. Collins,
London, The New Naturalist Vol. 70. 304 pp. --Mammalia--Scotland--North
Atlantic Ocean
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Francisco Bay region. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley.
70 pp. --Mammalia--California
Bertram, G.C.L., & Ricardo Bertram, C.K., 1973.
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Soc. of London, Biol. J. 5(4): 297-338. --Dugongidae--Trichechidae
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dell'Emilia-Romagna. Grafis, Casaleccho di Reno, Bologna.
134 pp. --Mammalia--Romania
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Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 394 pp. --Physeteridae
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Best, P.B., 1981. The status of Right whales (Eubalaena
glacialis) off South Africa, 1969-1979. Sea Fisheries
Instit., Dept. of Agric. and Fisheries, Republic of
South Afr., Cape Town, Investigational Rept. no. 123.
44 pp. --Balaenidae--Southern Ocean
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the Amazon. in Sioli, H., ed., The Amazon (Dr. Junk,
Dordrecht, Monogr. Biol. Vol. 56): 371-412. --Mammalia--Brazil--Peru--South
Best, T.L., & Castro, K.G., 1981. Synopsis of Puerto
Rican mammals. Natur. Sci. Res. Instit., Eastern New
Mexico Univ., Portales, Stud. in Natur. Sci. 2(12).
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Bibikov, D.I., 1967. Gornye surki Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana
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Bibikov, D.I., ed., 1985. Volk [wolves]: proiskhozhdenie,
sistematika, morfologiia, ekologiia. Instit. Evoliutsionnoi
Morfologii i Ekologii Zhivotnykh, AN SSSR, Moskva. 606
pp. --Canidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
Bibikov, D.I., 1990. Der Wolf: Canis lupus. 2nd ed.
A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei
Heft 587. 198 pp. --Canidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
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1984- [continuing series]. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi,
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Bigg, M.A., 1988. Status of the Steller sea lion, Eumetopias
jubatus, in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 102(2):
315-336. --Otariidae--North Pacific Ocean
Bigg, M.A., Ellis, G.M., Ford, J.K.B., & Balcomb,
K.C. III, 1987. Killer whales: a study of their identification,
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"Biological survey of Mitchell Plateau and Admiralty
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Mus., Perth. 274 pp. --Mammalia
"The birds and mammals of Shrewsbury [England]", 1989.
British Naturalists' Assoc., Higham Ferrars, Northampton,
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Serv., Northern Region, U.S. Dept. of Agric., Wash.,
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Bisbal E., F.J., 1989. Distribution and habitat association
of the carnivores in Venezuela. in Redford & Eisenberg,
eds.: 339-362. --Carnivora
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do Brasil. Arq. de Biol. e Tecnologia (Curitiba) 27(4):
529-547. --Cetacea--Amazon--Atlantic Ocean
Bjarvall, A., & Ullstrom, S., 1986. The mammals
of Britain and Europe. Croom Helm, London. 240 pp. --Mammalia--British
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Referate und Statements zum gleichnamigen Symposium.
Kilda-Verlag, Greven. 321 pp. --Mammalia--Germany
Blab, J., Nowak, E., Trautmann, W., & Sukopp, H.,
1984. Rote Liste der gefahrdeten Tiere und Pflanzen
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 4.ed. Kilda-Verlag,
Greven. 270 pp. --Mammalia--Germany
Blas Aritio, L., 1974. Guia de campo de los mamiferos
espanoles (para cazadores y amantes de la naturaleza).
2.ed. Omega, Barcelona. 202 pp. --Mammalia--Spain
Blom, A., Alers, M.P.T., Feistner, A.T.C., Barnes, R.F.W.,
& Barnes, K.L., 1992. Primates in Gabon--current
status and distribution. Oryx 26(4): 223-234.
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d'Estudis Andorrans, Perpignan, France. 120 pp. --Mammalia
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of the terrestrial mammals of Palestine. Res. Council
of Israel, Bull. (Sec. B, Zool.) 7: 165-190. --Mammalia--Israel--Jordan
Bodmer, R.E., & Rabb, G.B., 1992. Okapia johnstoni.
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and conservation. Dr. W. Junk, The Hague. 353 pp. --Pongidae--Indonesia
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Meyer, Heidelberg, 586 pp.): 516-545. --Germany
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Zool. Beitr. 29(4): 303-322. --Mammalia
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& Tobago. Zool. Soc. of Trinidad and Tobago, Port
of Spain, Occas. Paper no. 1. 33 pp. --Mammalia
Booth, E.S., 1968. Mammals of Southern California. Univ.
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Islands. Mus. Regionale di Sci. Natur., Torino, Boll.
8(2): 501-515. --Chiroptera--Malta--Europe
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pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
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and dolphins. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 848 pp. --Cetacea--North
Atlantic Ocean--North Pacific Ocean
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117-152. --Procaviidae
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v. Instit. des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles,
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Stone, T., 1992. Wildlife conservation problems in the
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Publ. no. 9. 184 pp. --Mammalia
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1983. Patterns of evolution in Galapagos organisms.
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natural history. Collins, London. 416 pp. --Mammalia--British
Isles--North Atlantic Ocean
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A., 1990. New records of bats (Chiroptera) from Cyprus
and notes on their biology. Myotis 28: 93-100. --Mediterranean
Boyle, L., ed., 1981. The RSPCA book of British mammals.
Collins, London. 242 pp. --Mammalia--British Isles
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Branch, W.R., & Ross, G.J.B., 1988. Marine reptiles
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Lubke et al., eds.: 115-130. --marine mammals--South
Africa--Southern Ocean
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Pacific Ocean
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of Britain and Europe. Easton Press, Norwalk, CT. 221
pp. --Mammalia--British Isles
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ecological approach. Mammalia 54(4): 509-560. --Chiroptera
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the bats of the Bahamas. Caribbean J. of Sci. 23(3-4):
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Indriidae, Daubentoniidae, Megaladapidae, Cheirogaleidae)
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History. Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 2834. 45 pp. --Madagascar
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reptiles, birds and mammals. in Kuschel, G., ed., Biogeography
and ecology in New Zealand (Dr. W. Junk, The Hague,
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central deserts of Australia. Austr. Wildl. Res. 15(1):
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Burton, M., 1976. Guide to the mammals of Britain and
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of New Mexico, Albuquerque. 613 pp. --Mammalia
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K.-L., ed., Proceedings of the International Symposium
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Koenig, Bonn): 53-90. --Nycteridae--Africa
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Cameron, A.W., 1958. Mammals of the islands in the Gulf
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no. 154. 165 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Cameron, A.W., 1962. Mammalian zoogeography of the Magdalen
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Baker, R.J., 1981. Observations on bats from Trinidad,
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Carter, D.C., & Dolan, P.G., 1978. Catalogue of
type specimens of Neotropical bats in selected European
museums. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Spec. Publ.
no. 15. 136 pp. --Chiroptera--Neotropics
Carvalho, C.T.de, 1979. Dicionario dos mamiferos do
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135 pp. --Mammalia--Brazil
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in New Zealand. Heinemann, Auckland, etc. 187 pp. --Cervidae
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LIMUSA, Mexico, D.F. 299 pp. --Mammalia
Ceballos Gonzalez, G., & Miranda, A., 1986. Los
mamiferos de Chamela, Jalisco: manual de campo. Instit.
de Biol., Univ. Nac. Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
436 pp. --Mammalia--Mexico
Ceballos Gonzalez, G., & Navarro Lopez, D., 1991.
Diversity and conservation of Mexican mammals. in Mares
& Schmidly, eds.: 167-198. --Mammalia--Mexico
Cerqueira, R., 1985. The distribution of Didelphis in
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Biogeogr. 12(2): 135-145.
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Occas. Paper no. 38. 129 pp. --Mammalia
Chakraborty, S., 1985. Studies on the genus Callosciurus
Gray (Rodentia--Sciuridae). Rec. of the Zool. Surv.
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mammals, amphibians, and reptiles of the northeastern
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jen min ch'u pan she, Hu-ho-hao-t'e. 285 pp. --Rodentia
Chapman, J.A., & Feldhamer, G.A., eds., 1982. Wild
mammals of North America; biology, management, and economics.
The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore & London.
1147 pp. --Mammalia
Chapman, J.A., & Flux, J.E.C., compilers, 1990.
Rabbits, hares and pikas: status survey and conservation
action plan. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 168 pp. --Leporidae--Ochotonidae--Lagomorpha
Chapman, J.A., Hockman, J.C., & Ojeda C., M.M.,
1980. Sylvilagus floridanus. Mammalian Species no. 136.
8 pp. --Leporidae--New World
Chapman, N., 1991. Deer [in Great Britain]. Whittet
Books Ltd., London. 136 pp. --Cervidae--British Isles
Chapman, N.G., & Chapman, D.I., 1980. The distribution
of fallow deer: a worldwide review. Mammal Rev. 10(2-3):
61-138. --Cervidae
Chapman, W.K., & Aprill, D., 1991. Mammals of the
Adirondacks. North Country Books, Utica, NY. 159 pp.
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Columbia Univ. Press, New York. 277 pp.
Charles-Dominique, P., & Brosset, A., 2001. Les
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Paris. 172 pp. --Chiroptera--Guyana
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frugivores arboricoles nocturnes d'une foret guyanaise:
inter-relations plantes-animaux. Rev. d'Ecol. (La Terre
et la Vie) 35(3): 341-435. --Mammalia--French Guiana
Chasen, F.N., 1940. A handlist of Malaysian mammals;
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Sumatra, Borneo and Java, including the adjacent small
islands. Raffles Mus., Singapore, Bull. no. 15. 209
pp. [reprint, 1958; also see ref. no. 523] --Mammalia--Southeast
Chaturvedi, Y., 1980. Mammals of the Andamans and Nicobars:
their zoogeography and faunal affinity. Zool. Surv.
of India, Calcutta, Rec. 77(1-4): 127-139. --Mammalia--India
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to Pteropus. Mammalia 45(2): 205-238. --Pteropodidae--Chiroptera
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[Rodents of Gansu Province]. Kan-su jen min ch'u pan
she, Lan-chou. 333 pp. --Rodentia--China
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Cherniavskii, F.B., 1984. Mlekopitaiushchie krainego
Severo-Vostoka Sibiri [Mammals of northeasternmost Siberia].
Instit. Biol. Problem Severa, DVNTS AN SSSR, Moskva.
388 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Chernyshev [=Tschernyschev], V., 1958. Fauna i ekologiia
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Vol. 85. 168 pp. --Mammalia
Chestin, I.G., Gubar, Y.P., Sokolov, V.E., & Lobachev,
V.S., 1992. The brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) in the
USSR: numbers, hunting and systematics. Ann. Zool. Fennici
29(2): 57-68. --Ursidae--Russia--Soviet Union
Cheylan, C., 1984. Les mammiferes des iles de Provence
et de Mediterranee Occidentale: un exemple de peuplement
insulaire non-equilibre? Rev. d'Ecol. (La Terre et la
Vie) 39(1): 37-54. --Mammalia--France
Chien Y.-w., Chang C., Cheng P.-l., Wang S., Guan G.-s.,
& Shen S.-z., eds., 1965. [The birds & mammals
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Chikatunov, V.I., ed., 1986. Fauna, ekologiia i zoogeografiia
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135 pp. --Mammalia--Pamir Mountains--Tadzhikistan--Central
Child, G., & Savory, C.R., 1964. The distribution
of large mammal species in Southern Rhodesia. Arnoldia
(Rhodesia) 1(14). 15 pp. --large mammals--Mammalia--Zimbabwe
Chimimba, C.T., & Kitchener, D.J., 1991. A systematic
revision of Australian Emballonuridae (Mammalia: Chiroptera).
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Chivers, D.J., 1986. Southeast Asian Primates. in Benirschke,
ed.: 127-151. --Southeast Asia
Choate, J.R., 1970. Systematics and zoogeography of
Middle American shrews of the genus Cryptotis. Mus.
of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 19(3):
195-317. --Soricidae--New World
Chorn, J., & Hoffmann, R.S., 1978. Ailuropoda melanoleuca.
Mammalian Species no. 110. 6 pp. --Ailuropodidae--China
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birds & mammals [of South Korea]]", 1987. Sallimch'ong,
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Christensen, J.R., & Larrison, E.J., 1982. Mammals
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Univ. Press of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 166 pp. --Mammalia--United
Christensen, P.E.S., Annels, A., Liddelow, G., &
Skinner, P., 1985. Vertebrate fauna in the southern
forests of Western Australia. Forests Dept. of West.
Austr., Perth, Bull. 94. 109 pp. --Mammalia
Churchill, S.K., & Helman, P.M., 1990. Distribution
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in central and South Australia. Austr. Mamm. 13(1-2):
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Cillie, B., 1987. Mammals of Southern Africa: a field
guide. Frandsen Pubs., Sandton, South Afr. 182 pp. --Mammalia
Cimardi, A.V., 1996. Mamiferos de Santa Catarina. Fundacao do Meio Ambiente, Florianopolis. 302 pp. --Mammalia--Brazil
Clark, T.W., 1989. Conservation biology of the black-footed
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of Arizona Press, Tucson. 176 pp. --Mammalia--Southwest
United States
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localities of North African rodents. Mammalia 40(4):
633-670. --Rodentia--North Africa
Coetzee, C.G., 1969. The distribution of mammals in
the Namib Desert and adjoining inland escarpment. Namib
Desert Res. Station, Walvis Bay, Namibia, Scientific
Papers 40: 23-36. --Mammalia
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Coimbra-Filho, A.F., 1990. Sistematica, distribuicao
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Collett, S.F., 1981. Population characteristics of Agouti
paca (Rodentia) in Colombia. Mich. St. Univ., East Lansing,
Publs. of the Mus. (Biol. Ser.) 5(7): 485-601. --Dasyproctidae
Colom-Casasnovos, G., 1978. Biogeografia de las Baleares.
2 v. 2.ed. Instit. de Estudios Balearicos, Palma de
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York. New York St. Mus. and Sci. Serv., Albany, Bull.
416. 78 pp. --Mammalia
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1987. Biogeography of octodontid rodents: an eco-evolutionary
hypothesis. in Patterson & Timm, eds.: 401-411.
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Francais d'Afr. Noire, Dakar, Mem. no. 10. 562 pp. --Mammalia
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The mammals of north-western South Australia. South
Austr. Mus., Adelaide, Rec. 23(2): 75-88. --Mammalia
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243 pp. --Mammalia
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Ocean--North Pacific Ocean
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Henriques, V.Q., 1981. Fauna do Cerrado: lista preliminar
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of British Columbia. 5.ed. Brit. Columbia Prov. Mus.,
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Crawford-Cabral, J., & Mesquitela, L.M., 1989. Indice
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Falls, TX. 261 pp. --Mammalia
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Davis, D.H.S., & Misonne, X., 1964. Gazetteer of
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mammals in Canada. Dept. of Inform., Government of the
Northwest Territories, Yellowknife. 93 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia
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Printers, Caldwell, ID. 400 pp. --Mammalia
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bat, Noctilio leporinus. J. of Mamm. 54(4): 862-874.
Davis, W.B., 1976. Geographic variation in the lesser
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57(4): 687-707. --Noctilionidae--Neotropics
Davis, W.B., 1978. The mammals of Texas. rev.ed. Inform.-Educ.
Div., Texas Parks and Wildl. Dept., Austin, Bull. 41.
294 pp. --Mammalia
Davis, W.B., & Lukens, P.W., Jr., 1958. Mammals
of the Mexican State of Guerrero, exclusive of Chiroptera
and Rodentia. J. of Mamm. 39(3): 347-367. --Mammalia--Mexico
Davison, G.W.H., 1984. New records of peninsular Malaysian
and Thai shrews. Malayan Nature J. 37(4): 211-215. --Soricidae--Thailand--Malaysia
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i Parazitologii, ANTad SSR, Dushanbe, Fauna Tadzhikskoi
SSR Vol. 24(1). 257 pp. --Tadzhikistan--Lagomorpha--Sciuridae
Davydov, G.S., 1988. Mlekopitaiushchie. Gryzuny [Rodents].
Instit. Zool. i Parazitologii, ANTad SSR, Dushanbe,
Fauna Tadzhikskoi SSR Vol. 20(3). 313 pp. --Tadzhikistan--Rodentia
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digest: the official Project Jonah guidebook. Brick
Row Pub. Co., Auckland. 130 pp. --Cetacea--South Pacific
Daze, D., compiler, 1984. A bibliography and research
inventory of vertebrate fauna in Western Australia.
Dept. of Conserv. and Envir., Perth, Bull. 177. 157
pp. --Mammalia
DeBlase, A.F., 1980. The bats of Iran: systematics,
distribution, ecology. Fieldiana Zool. no. 4 (n.s.).
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DeBlase, A.F., & Martin, R.E., 1981. A manual of
mammalogy, with keys to families of the world. 2.ed.
Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, IA. 436 pp. --Mammalia
Decker, D.M., 1991. Systematics of the coatis, genus
Nasua (Mammalia: Procyonidae). Biol. Soc. of Wash.,
Proc. 104(2): 370-386. --Neotropics
"Deer in Australia", 1979. Deer Advisory Council of
Victoria, Fisheries and Wildl. Div. of Ministry for
Conserv., Melbourne. 48 pp. --Cervidae
Defler, T.R., 2004. Primates of Colombia. Conservation
International, Bogota. 550 pp.
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Copenhagen): 133-150. --Mammalia--Denmark
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wildlife: habitat, natural history, and distribution.
Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Serv.,
U.S. Dept. of Agric., Broomall, PA. 491 pp. --Mammalia
De Graaff, G., 1981. The rodents of Southern Africa.
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to Koedoe, 1984. 333 pp. --Mammalia--Botswana--Namibia--South
Dekeyser, P.L., 1955. Les mammiferes de l'Afrique noire
francaise. 2.ed. Instit. Francais d'Afr. Noire, Dakar,
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Dekeyser, P.L., & Villiers, A., 1956. Contribution
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ecologiques et biogeographiques sur la faune de l'Adrar.
Instit. Francais d'Afr. Noire, Dakar, Mem. no. 44. 222
pp. --Mammalia--Mauritania
Delany, M.J., 1975. The rodents of Uganda. Brit. Mus.
(Natur. Hist.), London. 165 pp. --Rodentia
Delany, M.J., ed., 1985. Yorkshire mammals. Univ. of
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Delany, M.J., 1989. The zoogeography of the mammal fauna
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DeMaster, D.P., & Stirling, I., 1981. Ursus maritimus.
Mammalian Species no. 145. 7 pp. --Ursidae--Canada--Alaska--Russia--Arctic--Arctic
Dendaletche, C., 1990. Animaux sauvages des Pyrenees.
Editions Milan, Toulouse. 167 pp. --Mammalia--Spain--France
De Silva, P.H.D.H., 1987. Cetaceans (whales, dolphins
and porpoises) recorded off Sri Lanka, from the Arabian
Sea and Gulf, Gulf of Aden and from the Red Sea. Bombay
Natur. Hist. Soc., J. 84(3): 505-525. --Cetacea--Indian
De Villiers Pienaar, U., Rautenbach, I.L., & De
Graaff, G., 1980. The small mammals of the Kruger National
Park--a checklist and atlas. Natl. Parks Board of Trustees,
Pretoria. 149 pp. --Mammalia--South Africa
De Villiers Pienaar, U., Joubert, S.C.J., Hall-Martin,
A., De Graaff, G., & Rautenbach, I.L., 1987. Field
guide to the mammals of the Kruger National Park. C.
Struik, Capetown, for Natl. Parks Board of Trustees
of the Republic of South Afr. 176 pp. --Mammalia--South
Dias, J.A.T.S., 1981. Abecedario dos mamiferos selvagens
de Mocambique: componentes de major vulto da fauna terrestre.
2.ed. Instit. Nac. do Livro e de Disco, Maputo. 271
pp. --Mammalia--Mozambique
Dilworth, T., ed., 1984. Land mammals of New Brunswick.
T. Dilworth, Fredericton. 228 pp. --terrestrial mammals--Mammalia
Dippenaar, N.J., & Meester, J.A.J., 1989. Revision
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Wagler, 1832 (Mammalia: Soricidae). Transvaal Mus.,
Pretoria, Ann. 35(1): 1-47. --Africa
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in Italia", 1981. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Roma. 185 pp. --Mammalia--Italy
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and biology of desert antelopes. Christopher Helm, London.
238 pp. --Bovidae--Old World
Dixon, J.S., 1938. Birds & mammals of Mount McKinley
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Wash., D.C., U.S. Natl. Park Fauna Ser. no. 3. 236 pp.
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Dixson, A.F., 1981. The natural history of the gorilla.
Columbia Univ. Press, New York. 202 pp. --Pongidae--Central
Dobrinskii, L.N., ed., 1982. Dinamika populiatsionnoi
struktury mlekopitaiushchikh i amfibii [Dynamics of
the population structure of mammals & amphibians
[in the Ural Mountains]]. UNTS AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk.
100 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Dodds, D.G., 1983. Terrestrial mammals. in South, G.R.,
ed., Biogeography and ecology of the island of Newfoundland
(Dr. W. Junk, The Hague, etc., Monogr. Biol. Vol. 48):
509-550. --Mammalia
Dohl, T.P., et al., 1985. Cetaceans of central and northern
California, 1980-83: status, abundance, and distribution.
Pacific OCS Region, Minerals Mngmnt. Serv., U.S. Dept.
of the Interior, Los Angeles. 284 pp. --Cetacea--North
Pacific Ocean
Dolan, P.G., 1989. Systematics of Middle American mastiff
bats of the genus Molossus. Mus., Texas Tech Univ.,
Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 29. 71 pp. --Molossidae--New
Dolgov, V.A., 1967. [Distribution & number of Palaearctic
shrews (Insectivora, Soricidae)]. Zool. Zhurnal 46(11):
1701-1712. --Palearctic
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Univ., Moskva. 319 pp. --Soricidae--Old World
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Convention, Lausanne, Switzerland, Convention on Intern.
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,
Identification Manual Vols. 1 & 1a. 279 & 199
Domico, T., 1988. Bears of the world. Facts on File,
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Donaldson, C., compiler, 1986. Wombats: a selective
bibliography. Dept. of Envir. and Planning, Adelaide,
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Donkin, R.A., 1985. The peccary--with observations on
the introduction of pigs to the New World. Amer. Philosophical
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Donoso-Barros, R., 1975. Contribucion al conocimiento
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Chile. Gayana (Ser. Zool.) no. 36. 127 pp. --Cetacea--Southeast
Pacific Ocean
Donovan, G.P., Scientific Editor, 1980. Sperm whales.
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Dorst, J., & Dandelot, P., 1972. A field guide to
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1977. Mammals of Pennsylvania. 4.ed. Pennsylvania Game
Commission, Harrisburg. 283 pp. --Mammalia
Dowsett, R.J., & Dowsett-Lemaire, F., 1989. Liste
preliminaire des grandes mammiferes du Congo. Tauraco
Res. Rept. (Ely, Cambridge, England) no. 2: 20-28. --large
Dowsett, R.J., & Dowsett-Lemaire, F., 1990. Les
mammiferes de la foret de Nyungwe (Rwanda): etat des
connaissances. Tauraco Res. Rept. (Ely, Cambridge, England)
no. 3: 111-121. --Mammalia--Central Africa
Dowsett, R.J., & Granjon, L., 1991. Liste preliminaire
des mammiferes du Congo. Tauraco Res. Rept. (Ely, Cambridge,
England) no. 4: 297-310. --Mammalia--Congo
Dowsett, R.J., Harrison, D.L., & Granjon, L., 1991.
Bats (Chiroptera) from the Mayombe and lower Kouilou
(with a checklist for Congo). Tauraco Res. Rept. (Ely,
Cambridge, England) no. 4: 251-263. --Congo
Duchesnay, E.J., 1972. Mammiferes du Quebec. Editions
Hurtubise, Montreal. 124 pp. --Mammalia
Duggan, A., ed., 1983. Reader's Digest illustrated guide
to the game parks and nature reserves of Southern Africa.
Reader's Digest Assoc. of South Afr., Cape Town. 448
pp. --Mammalia
Duguy, R., ed., 1983. Les cetaces des cotes de France.
Soc. des Sci. Natur. de la Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle,
France, Ann., Suppl. 112 pp. --Cetacea--Mediterranean
Sea--North Atlantic Ocean
Duguy, R., & Robineau, D., 1982. Guide des mammiferes
marins d'Europe. Delachaux & Niestle, Neuchatel,
Switzerland. 200 pp. --marine mammals--Pinnipedia--Cetacea--Mediterranean
Sea--North Atlantic Ocean
Duguy, R., & Robineau, D., eds., 1992. Meeressauger.
Teil II: Robben--Pinnipedia. AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden,
Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas Band 6. 309 pp. --Mediterranean
Sea--North Atlantic Ocean--Europe
Dulic, B., 1987. A history of mammalogy in Yugoslavia.
in Sterling, ed.: 63-99. --Mammalia
Dulic, B., & Miric, D., 1967. Mammalia. Slovenska
Akad. Znanosti in Umetnosti, Ljubljana, Catalogus Faunae
Jugosloviae 4(4). 45 pp. --Yugoslavia
Duplantier, J.M., & Granjon, L., 1992. Liste revisee
des rongeurs du Senegal. Mammalia 56(3): 425-431. --Rodentia
Du Preez, J., 1989. Die Tiere in Etoscha [Namibia].
3.ed. Shell Namibia, Windhoek. 71 pp. --Mammalia
Dupuy, A.R., 1980. Les mammiferes sauvages de la Sene-gambie
et des parcs nationaux: conseils aux touristes. Serv.
des Parcs Nationaux du Senegal, Dakar(?). 71 pp. --Mammalia--Senegal--The
Durrant, S.D., 1952. Mammals of Utah, taxonomy and distribution.
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ.
Vol. 6. 549 pp. --Mammalia
Ealey, D.M., 1987. A bibliography of
Alberta mammalogy. Natur. Hist. Section, Prov. Mus.
of Alberta, Edmonton, Occas. Paper no. 8. 400 pp. --Mammalia
East, R., 1988- [continuing series]. Antelopes: global
survey and regional action plans. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland,
IUCN/SSC Action Plans for the Conserv. of Biol. Diversity
nos. 2, 7, etc. --Bovidae--Old World
Eckhardt, R.C., 1972. Introduced plants and animals
in the Galapagos Islands. Bioscience 22(10): 585-590.
--Mammalia--Pacific Ocean
Edberg, E., 1982. A naturalist's guide to the Gambia.
J.G. Sanders, St. Annes, Alderney, Channel Islands.
94 pp. --Mammalia--The Gambia
Eger, J.L., 1977. Systematics of the genus Eumops (Chiroptera:
Molossidae). Roy. Ontario Mus., Toronto, Life Sci. Contrib.
no. 110. 69 pp. --Neotropics
Egorov, O.V., 1967. Wild ungulates of Yakutia. Israel
Prog. for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 204 pp.
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Einarsen, A.S., 1948. The pronghorn antelope and its
management. Wildl. Mngmnt. Instit., Wash., D.C. 238
pp. --Antilocapridae--United States--Nearctic
Einarsson, A., ed., 1980. Villt spendyr [Wild mammals
[of Iceland]]. Rit Landverndar (Reykjavik) 7. 119 pp.
Eisenberg, J.F., 1989. Mammals of the Neotropics. Volume
1. The northern Neotropics. Panama, Colombia, Venezuela,
Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana. Univ. of Chicago Press,
Chicago & London. 449 pp. --Mammalia
Eisenberg, J.F., 1999. Mammals of the Neotropics. Volume 3. The central Neotropics. Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. 609 pp. --Mammalia
Eisenberg, J.F., & McKay, G.M., 1970. An annotated
checklist of the Recent mammals of Ceylon with keys
to the species. Ceylon J. of Sci. (Biol. Sci.) 8(2):
69-99. --Mammalia--Sri Lanka
Eisenberg, J.F., & Polisar, J.R., 1999. The mammal
species of north-central Venezuela. Bull. of the Florida
Mus. of Natur. Hist. 42(3): 115-160. --Mammalia
Eisentraut, M., 1963. Die Wirbeltiere des Kamerungebirges
unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Faunenwechsels
in den verschiedenen Hohenstufen. Verlag Paul Parey,
Hamburg. 353 pp. --Mammalia--Cameroon
Eisentraut, M., 1964. La faune de chiropteres de Fernando-Po.
Mammalia 28(4): 529-552. --Chiroptera--
Eisentraut, M., 1973. Die Wirbeltierfauna von Fernando
Po und Westkamerun. Bonner Zool. Monogr. nr. 3. 428
pp. --Mammalia--Bioko--Cameroon--Equatorial Guinea
Eldredge, L.G., 1991. Annotated checklist of the marine
mammals of Micronesia. Micronesica 24(2): 217-230. --Sirenia--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--West
Pacific Ocean
Eley, R.M., 1989. Know your monkeys: a guide to the
Primates of Kenya. Instit. of Primate Res., Natl. Mus.
of Kenya, Nairobi. 63 pp.
Eliseev, N.V., ed., 1985. Krasnaia kniga RSFSR, zhivotnye
[Red Data Book of the Russian SFSR, animals]. AN SSSR,
Moskva. 455 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Ellerman, J.R., 1948. Key to the rodents of South-West
Asia in the British Museum collection. Zool. Soc. of
London, Proc. 118: 765-822. --Rodentia--Southwest Asia
Ellerman, J.R. (ed. by Roonwal, M.L.), 1982. Mammalia.
Parts 1-2, Rodentia. 2.ed. Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta,
The Fauna of India, including Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon
Vol. 3. 884 pp.
Ellerman, J.R., & Morrison-Scott, T.C.S., 1955.
Supplement to Chasen (1940) A handlist of Malaysian
mammals, containing a generic synonymy and a complete
index. Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London.
66 pp. --Mammalia--Southeast Asia
Ellerman, J.R., & Morrison-Scott, T.C.S., 1966.
Checklist of Palaearctic and Indian mammals, 1758 to
1946. 2.ed. Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.),
London. 810 pp. --Mammalia--Old World
Ellerman, J.R., Hayman, R.W., & Holt, G.W.C., 1940-1949.
The families and genera of living rodents. 3 v. Trustees
of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London. [reprint,
1966, in one volume] --Rodentia
Ellerman, J.R., Morrison-Scott, T.C.S., & Hayman,
R.W., 1953. Southern African mammals, 1758-1951: a reclassification.
Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London. 363
pp. --Mammalia--Southern Africa
Emelianova, L.E., 1985. [A survey of population maps
of mammals published in scientific atlases & scientific
articles]. Materialy k Poznaniiu Fauny i Flory SSSR
(Otdel Zool.) 54 (n.s.): 195-204. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Emmons, L.H., 1990. Neotropical rainforest mammals;
a field guide. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago &
London. 281 pp. --Mammalia--Neotropics
"Encyclopedie des carnivores de France", 1986- [continuing
series with various editors]. Soc. Francaise pour l'Etude
et la Protection des Mammiferes, Nort-sur-Erdre, France.
"Endangered and threatened animal species and subspecies
of U.S., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa,
Guam, and Trust Territory", 1980. Natl. Wildl. Federation,
Wash., D.C. 15 pp. --Mammalia--United States
Engelmann, C., 1938. Ueber die Grossauger Szetschwans,
Sikongs und Osttibets. Zeit. fur Saug. 13(1): 1-76.
--large mammals--Tibet--China
Erdbrink, D.P., 1953. A review of fossil and recent
bears of the Old World, with remarks on their phylogeny,
based upon their dentition. 2 v. in one. J. de Lange,
Deventer, Netherlands. 597 pp. --Ursidae
Erickson, A.W., & Hofman, R.V., 1974. Antarctic
seals. Amer. Geogr. Soc., New York, Antarctic Map Folio
Ser., Folio 18: 4-13. --Pinnipedia--Southern Ocean--Antarctica
Ernits, P., Masing, M., Miljutin, A., & Timm, U.,
1986. [On mammals of eastern Estonia] [2 parts]. Eesti
Ulukid 4: 55-66, 66-77. --Mammalia
Estes, J.A., 1980. Enhydra lutris. Mammalian Species
no. 133. 8 pp. --Mustelidae--North Pacific Ocean
Estes, R.D., 1991. The behavior guide to African mammals;
including hoofed mammals, carnivores, primates. Univ.
of Calif. Press, Berkeley, etc. 611 pp. --Mammalia--Africa
Estrada, A., Lopez-Wilchis, R., & Coates-Estrada,
R., compilers, 1989. Primatologia en Mexico: comportamiento,
ecologia, aprovechamiento y conservacion de primates:
memorias del I Simposia Nacional de Primatologia. Univ.
Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, D.F., Mexico. 233
pp. --Cebidae
Etemad, E., 1978. [The mammals of Iran. Vol. 1. Rodentia].
Natl. Soc. for Protection of Natur. Resources &
Envir., Tehran. 288 pp.
Etemad, E., 1979. [The mammals of Iran. Vol. 2. Carnivora,
Pinnipedia, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla, Cetacea].
Dept. of the Envir., Tehran. 180 pp.
Etemad, E., 1980. [The mammals of Iran. Vol. 3. Chiroptera
& Insectivora]. Dept. of the Envir., Tehran. 193
Eu, G., ed., 1989. East African wildlife. APA Publs.,
London, etc. 391 pp. --Mammalia--East Africa
"Evaluation des effets sur l'environnement d'amenagements
prevus dans le bassin du fleuve Senegal: rapport partiel
sur mammalogie et herpetologie", 1977. ORGATEC Soc.
Afr. d'Etudes Techniques, Dakar. 76 pp. --Mammalia--Senegal--The
Gambia--West Africa
Evans, P.G.H., 1980. Cetaceans in British waters. Mammal
Rev. 10(1): 1-52. --Cetacea--British Isles--North Atlantic
Evans, P.G.H., 1987. The natural history of whales and
dolphins. Christopher Helm, London. 343 pp. --Cetacea
Ewer, R.F., 1973. The carnivores. Cornell Univ. Press,
Ithaca, New York. 494 pp. [reprint, 1985] --Carnivora
Eygenraam, J.A., 1973. De grote landzoogdieren van Nederland.
Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhist. Vereniging, Hoogwoud,
Wetenschappelijke Meded. no. 98. 48 pp. --large mammals--Netherlands
Fa, J.E., ed., 1984. The Barbary macaque:
a case study in conservation. Plenum Press, New York.
369 pp. --Cercopithecidae--Morocco--Algeria
Fa, J.E., 1989. The genus Macaca: a review of taxonomy
and evolution. Mammal Rev. 19(2): 45-81. --Cercopithecidae--Old
Fa, J.E., & Morales, L.M., 1991. Mammals and protected
areas in the Trans-Mexican Neovolcanic Belt. in Mares
& Schmidly, eds.: 199-226. --Mammalia--Mexico
Fairley, J.S., 1984. An Irish beast book: a natural
history of Ireland's furred wildlife. 2.ed. Blackstaff
Press, Belfast. 334 pp. --Mammalia
Fairley, J.S., 1992. Irish wild mammals: a guide to
the literature. rev.2.ed. Clodoiri Lurgan Teo, Inverin,
Galway. 166 pp. --Mammalia--Ireland
Fan Naichang & Shi Yinzhu, 1982. [A revision of
the zokors of subgenus Eospalax]. Acta Theriol. Sinica
2(2): 183-199. --Cricetidae--China
"Fauna i ekologiia nazemnykh pozvonochnykh [terrestrial
vertebrates] Azerbaidzhana", 1965. Instit. Zool., ANAz
SSR, Baku, Trudy Vol. 25. 201 pp. --terrestrial mammals--Mammalia--Azerbaijan
Fay, F.H., 1982. Ecology and biology of the Pacific
walrus, Odobenus rosmarus divergens Illiger. Fish and
Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Wash., D.C.,
North Amer. Fauna no. 74. 279 pp. --Odobenidae--North
Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Fay, F.H., 1985. Odobenus rosmarus. Mammalian Species
no. 238. 7 pp. --Odobenidae--Arctic Ocean--North Atlantic
Ocean--North Pacific Ocean
Fayard, A., Saint Girons, M.-C., & Maurin, H., eds.,
1984. Atlas des mammiferes sauvages de France. Soc.
Francaise pour l'Etude et la Protection des Mammiferes,
Paris. 299 pp. --Mammalia
Feiler, A., 1984. Uber die Saugetiere der Insel Sao
Tome. Staatliche Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Zool.
Abhandl. 40: 75-78. --Mammalia
Feiler, A., 1988. Die Saugetiere der Inseln im Golf
von Guinea und ihre Beziehungen zur Saugetierfauna des
westafrikanischen Festlandes (Mammalia). Staatliche
Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Zool. Abhandl. 44: 83-88.
--Mammalia--Fernando Po--Equatorial Guinea--Sao Tome--Principe--Bioko
Feiler, A., 1990. Uber die Saugetiere der Sangihe- und
Talaud-Inseln--der Beitrag A.B. Meyers fur ihre Erforschung.
Staatliche Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Zool. Abhandl.
46: 75-94. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Feiler, A., 1990. Distribution of mammals in Angola
and notes on biogeography. in Peters & Hutterer,
eds.: 221-236. --Mammalia
Feldhamer, G.A., Farris-Renner, K.C., & Barker,
C.M., 1988. Dama dama. Mammalian Species no. 317. 8
pp. --Cervidae
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aus El Salvador [5 parts]. Senck. Biol. 36: 271-285;
37: 69-86, 179-212, 341-367; 38: 1-22.
Felten, H., 1957-1958. Nagetiere (Mammalia, Rodentia)
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39: 1-10, 133-144.
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Lagomorpha, Carnivora und Artiodactyla). Senck. Biol.
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Felten, H., & Storch, G., 1970. Kleinsauger von
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Lampedusa. Senck. Biol. 51(3-4): 159-173. --small mammals--Mammalia--Italy
Felten, H., Spitzenberger, F., & Storch, G., 1971.
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Biol. 52(6): 393-424. --small mammals--Mammalia--Turkey
Felten, H., Spitzenberger, F., & Storch, G., 1973.
Zur Kleinsaugerfauna West-Anatoliens. Teil II. Senck.
Biol. 54(4-6): 227-290. --small mammals--Mammalia--Turkey
Feng Zuo-jian, & Kao Yueh-ting, 1974. [Taxonomic
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a new subspecies]. Acta Zool. Sinica 20(1): 76-88. --Ochotonidae--Tibet--Central
Feng Zuo-jian, & Zheng Chang-lin, 1985. [Studies
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& distribution]. Acta Theriol. Sinica 5(4): 269-289.
Feng Zuo-jian, Cai Gui-quan, & Zheng Chang-lin,
1984. [A checklist of the mammals of Xizang (Tibet)].
Acta Theriol. Sinica 4(4): 341-358. --Mammalia
Feng Zuo-jian, Cai Gui-quan, & Zheng Chang-lin,
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Press], Pei-ching. 423 pp. --Mammalia
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357-361. --Chiroptera--Spain--Portugal
Fernandez Badillo, A., Guerrero, R., Lord, R., Ochoa,
J., & Ulloa, G., 1988. Mamiferos de Venezuela: lista
y claves para su identificacion. Mus. del Instit. de
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Central de Venezuela, Maracay. 185 pp. --Mammalia
Fernando, C.H., ed., 1984. Ecology and biogeography
in Sri Lanka. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr. Biol. Vol.
57. 505 pp. --Mammalia
Festetics, A., ed., 1978. Der Luchs in Europa: Verbreitung,
Wiedereinburgerung, Rauber-Beute-Beziehung. Kilda-Verlag,
Greven, Germany. 356 pp. --Felidae--Europe
Findley, J.S., 1987. The natural history of New Mexican
mammals. Univ. of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 164
pp. --Mammalia--New Mexico
Findley, J.S., Harris, A.H., Wilson, D.E., & Jones,
C., 1975. Mammals of New Mexico. Univ. of New Mexico
Press, Albuquerque. 360 pp. --Mammalia--New Mexico
Finlayson, H.H., 1961. On central Australian mammals.
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species. South Austr. Mus., Adelaide, Rec. 14(1): 141-191.
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& Evans, C.R., 1982. The belugas (Delphinapterus
leucas) of northern Quebec: distribution, abundance,
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57 pp. --Monodontidae--Canada
Fischer, M.S., 1992. Hyracoidea. W. de Gruyter, Berlin
& New York, Handbuch der Zool. 8(58). 169 pp. --Procaviidae--Africa--Middle
East--Old World
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Brown & Associates, Carina, Queensland. 439 pp.
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of New Ireland mammals. Res. and Exploration 7(1): 96-113.
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Fleay, D.H., 1980. Paradoxical platypus: hobnobbing
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Flerov, K.K., 1960. Musk deer and deer. Israel Prog.
for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, Fauna of the
USSR, Mammals Vol. 1(2). 257 pp. --Moschidae--Cervidae--Russia--Soviet
Flint, V.E., Chugunov, IU.D., & Smirin, V.M., 1970.
Mlekopitaiushchie SSSR. Izdatel'stvo Mysl', Moskva.
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Rev. 22(3-4): 151-205. --Leporidae
Flynn, L.J., 1990. The natural history of rhizomyid
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and Biol. Res. Vol. 335): 155-183. --Rhizomyidae--Old
Fokin, I.M., 1978. Tushkanchiki [Jerboas]. Leningradskii
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i Zverei no. 2. 183 pp. --Dipodidae--Old World
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de Tucuman (Argentina). Acta Zool. Lilloana 37(2): 219-225.
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Fooden, J., 1975. Taxonomy and evolution of liontail
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Zool. Vol. 67. 169 pp. --Cercopithecidae--Asia
Fooden, J., 1979. Taxonomy and evolution of the sinica
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of Macaca sinica. Primates 20(1): 109-140. --Cercopithecidae--Asia
Fooden, J., 1980. Classification and distribution of
living macaques. in Linburg, D.G., ed., The macaques:
studies in ecology, behavior and evolution (Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co., New York, etc.): 1-9. --Cercopithecidae--Old
Fooden, J., 1981-1986. Taxonomy and evolution of the
sinica group of macaques [last 4 of 5 parts]. Fieldiana
Zool. nos. 9, 10, 17 & 29 (n.s.). 52, 52, 20 &
22 pp. --Cercopithecidae--Asia
Fooden, J., 1991. Systematic review of Philippine macaques
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Fieldiana Zool. no. 64 (n.s.). 44 pp. --Philippines
Fooden, J., Quan Guoqiang, & Luo Yining, 1987. Gibbon
distribution in China. Acta Theriol. Sinica 7(3): 161-167.
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130 pp. --Mammalia
Foster-Turley, P., Macdonald, S., & Mason, C., eds.,
1990. Otters: an action plan for their conservation.
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Fox, J.L., 1989. A review of the status and ecology
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mountain ungulates of Ladakh, India. Biol. Conserv.
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Mexico and nearby Atlantic waters. Div. of Biol. Serv.,
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D.C. 455 pp. --marine mammals--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Sirenia--North
Atlantic Ocean
Funaioli, U., 1971. Guida breve dei mammiferi della
Somalia. Biblioteca Agraria Tropicale, Istituto Agronomico
per l'Oltremare, Firenze. 232 pp. --Mammalia
Funaioli, U., & Simonetta, A.M., 1966. The mammalian
fauna of the Somali Republic: status and conservation
problems. Monitore Zool. Ital. Suppl. 74: 285-347. --Mammalia--Somalia
Gaffrey, G., 1961. Merkmale der wildlebenden
Saugetiere mitteleuropas. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft,
Leipzig. 284 pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Gagoi, P.C., 1966. Bharatara banariya jantu [Wildlife
of India]. 249 pp. --Mammalia
Gaisler, J., 1970. The bats (Chiroptera) collected in
Afghanistan by the Czechoslovak expeditions of 1965-1967.
Acta Scientarum Naturalium Brno 4(6) (n.s.). 56 pp.
Gaisler, J., 1983. Zoologie obratlovcu [Vertebrate zoology
[of Czechoslovakia]]. Ceskoslovenska Akad. Ved, Praha.
534 pp. --Mammalia--Czech Republic--Slovakia
Gaisler, J., Chytil, J., & Vlasin, M., 1990. The
bats of S-Moravian lowlands (Czechoslovakia) over thirty
years. Acta Scientarum Naturalium Brno 24(9). 50 pp.
--Chiroptera--Czech Republic
Gaisler, J., Madkour, G., & Pelikan, J., 1972. On
the bats (Chiroptera) of Egypt. Acta Scientarum Naturalium
Brno 6(8) (n.s.). 40 pp.
Galkina, L.I., & Nadeev, I.V., 1980. [Some questions
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(Rodentia, Myospalacinae) of western Siberia]. Instit.
Biol., Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, Trudy
44: 162-176. --Cricetidae--Russia--Soviet Union
Gallagher, M., & Harrison, D.L., 1975. The terrestrial
mammals of Bahrain. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., J. 72(2):
407-421. --Mammalia
Gallego Castellon, L., 1982. Mamiferos insectivoros.
Luis Gallego Castellon, Sevilla, Vertebrados Ibericos
Vol. 5. 62 pp. --Insectivora--Spain--Portugal
Gallego, L., 1987. Mamiferos carnivoros. Ed. Bilbilis,
Palma de Mallorca, Vertebrados Ibericos Vol. 8. --Carnivora--Spain--Portugal
Gallego, L., & Alemany, A., 1985. Roedores y lagomorfos.
Antiga Imprenta Soler, Palma de Mallorca, Vertebrados
Ibericos Vol. 6. 63 pp. --Rodentia--Leporidae--Spain--Portugal
Gallego, L., Lopez, S., & Alemany, A., 1984. Mamiferos
cetaceos. Antiga Imprenta Soler, Palma de Mallorca,
Vertebrados Ibericos Vol. 10. 75 pp. --Cetacea--Spain--Portugal--North
Atlantic Ocean--Mediterranean Sea
Gama, M.M.da, 1957. Mamiferos de Portugal: chaves para
a sua determinacao. Mus. Zool. da Univ. de Coimbra,
Coimbra, Mem. e Estudos no. 246. 246 pp. --Mammalia
Gambell, R., 1989. Status of the cetacean populations
of the arctic and subarctic areas. in Rey, L.R., &
Alexander, V., eds., Proceedings of the Sixth Conference
of the Comite Arctique International (E.J. Brill, Leiden,
etc.): 207-251. --Cetacea--North Atlantic Ocean--North
Pacific Ocean
Gamero Idiaquez, I., 1978. Mamiferos de mi tierra [Honduras].
2 v. Lopez y Compania, Tegucigalpa, D.C., Honduras.
427 pp. --Mammalia
Gao Xingyi, & Gu Jinghe, 1989. [The distribution
& status of the Equidae in China]. Acta. Theriol.
Sinica 9(4): 269-274.
Gao, Y., 1985. Classification and distribution of the
musk deer (Moschus) in China. in Kawamichi, ed.: 113-116.
Gao, Y., et al., 1987. [Mammalia, Carnivora]. [Sci.
Press], Pei-ching, [Fauna Sinica] Vol. 8. 387 pp. --China
Gardner, A.L., 1973. The systematics of the genus Didelphis
(Marsupialia: Didelphidae) in North and Middle America.
Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 4.
81 pp. --Central America
Gardner, A.L., ed., 2007. Mammals of South America.
Volume 1. Marsupials, xenarthrans, shrews, and bats.
Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. 669 pp. --Mammalia--Marsupialia--Xenarthra--Soricidae--Chiroptera
Gardner, A.L., & Emmons, L.H., 1984. Species groups
in Proechimys (Rodentia, Echimyidae) as indicated by
karyology and bullar morphology. J. of Mamm. 65(1):
10-25. --South America
Garrett, H., & Keays, C., 1985. New England whales.
Cape Ann Pub. Co., Gloucester, MA. 32 pp. --Cetacea--North
Atlantic Ocean
Gaskin, D.E., 1968. The New Zealand Cetacea. New Zealand
Marine Dept., Wellington, Fisheries Res. Bull. no. 1
(n.s.). 91 pp. --South Pacific Ocean
Gaskin, D.E., 1972. Whales, dolphins and seals: with
special reference to the New Zealand region. Heinemann
Educational Books, London. 200 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--South
Gaskin, D.E., 1982. The ecology of whales and dolphins.
Heinemann, London & Exeter, New Hampshire. 459 pp.
Gaskin, D.E., 1991. An update on the status of the right
whale, Eubalaena glacialis, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist
105(2): 198-205. --Balaenidae--Arctic Ocean--North Pacific
Ocean--North Atlantic Ocean
Gaskin, D.E., Arnold, P.W., & Blair, B.A., 1974.
Phocoena phocoena. Mammalian Species no. 42. 8 pp. --Phocoenidae--North
Atlantic Ocean--North Pacific Ocean
Gasperetti, J., Harrison, D.L., & Buttiker, W.,
1985. The Carnivora of Arabia. Fauna of Saudi Arabia
7: 397-461.
Gaston, A.J., Hunter, M.L., Jr., & Garson, P.J.,
eds., 1981. The wildlife of Himachal Pradesh, Western
Himalayas: report of the Himachal Wildlife Project.
School of Forest Resources, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Tech.
Note no. 82. 159 pp. --Mammalia--Himalayas--India
Gauthier-Pilters, H., & Dagg, A.I., 1981. The camel:
its evolution, ecology, behavior, and relationship to
man. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago & London. 208
pp. --Camelidae
Gautun, J.-C., Tranier, M., & Sicard, B., 1985.
Liste preliminaire des rongeurs du Burkina Faso (ex
Haute-Volta). Mammalia 49(4): 537-542. --Rodentia
Gebhard, J., 1985. Unsere Fledermause [Switzerland].
2.ed. Naturhist. Mus. Basel, Veroffentlichung nr. 10.
56 pp. --Chiroptera
Gedye, A., Wilson, R., Dixon, J.M., & Huxley, L.,
1979. Report on the mammalian fauna of the Murray Valley,
Victoria. Mammal Dept., Natl. Mus. of Victoria, Melbourne.
209 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Gedye, A., Wilson, R., Dixon, J.M., & Huxley, L.,
1979. Report on the mammalian fauna of the Wimmera,
Victoria. Mammal Dept., Natl. Mus. of Victoria, Melbourne.
131 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Genoways, H.H., 1973. Systematics and evolutionary relationships
of spiny pocket mice, genus Liomys. Mus., Texas Tech
Univ., Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 5. 368 pp. --Heteromyidae--Texas--Mexico--Middle
America--Central America
Genoways, H.H., & Jones, J.K., Jr., 1975. Annotated
checklist of mammals of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
IV. Carnivora, Sirenia, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla.
Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 26.
22 pp.
Genoways, H.H., & Williams, S.L., 1979. Notes on
bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Bonaire and Curacao,
Dutch West Indies. Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh,
Ann. 48(17): 311-321.
Genoways, H.H., & Williams, S.L., 1979. Records
of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Suriname. Carnegie
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 48(18): 323-335.
Gentry, A.H., ed., 1990. Four neotropical forests. Yale
Univ. Press, New Haven & London. 627 pp. --Mammalia--Neotropics
"Geological and ecological studies of Qinghai-Xizang
Plateau", 1981. 2 v. Gordon & Breach, Science Pubs.,
Inc., New York. 2138 pp. --Mammalia--Tibet--China
George, W., 1974. Notes on the ecology of gundis (family
Ctenodactylidae). in The biology of hystricomorph rodents
(Zool. Soc. of London, Symposium no. 34): 143-160. --North
Africa--East Africa--Sahara
Gewalt, W., 1976. Der Weisswal [Delphinapterus leucas].
A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei
Heft 497. 232 pp. --Monodontidae--North Atlantic Ocean--North
Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Ghazal, A. al-A., Fartouat, J.P., & Thevenot, M.,
1975. Faune du Maroc: les mammiferes. 2.rev.ed. Instit.
d'Etudes et de Recherches pour l'Arabisation, Rabat.
75 pp. --Mammalia--Morocco
Gibson, J.A., 1984. An atlas of Ayrshire [Scotland]
vertebrates. Ayrshire Biol. Records Centre, Kilmarnock,
Scotland. 136 pp. --Mammalia--British Isles
Gibson, J.A., 1985. An atlas of Lanarkshire [Scotland]
vertebrates. Scottish Wildl. Trust, Glasgow. 103 pp.
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Gibson, J.A., & Mitchell, J., 1986. An atlas of
Loch Lomond vertebrates. Scottish Wildl. Trust, Glasgow.
109 pp. --Mammalia--Scotland--British Isles
Gilbert, F.F., Brown, S.A., & Stoll, M.E., 1979.
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Oil Sands Envir. Res. Prog., Edmonton. 167 pp. --Mammalia
Gill, B.J., 1987. Notes on the birds, reptiles and mammals
of Tongatapu and 'Eua (Tonga). Notornis 34(3): 217-223.
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wolves, jackals, and dogs: an action plan for the conservation
of canids. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 116 pp. --Canidae
Girardin, N., 1978. Les mammiferes de la foret gabonaise.
Ministere de l'Educ., etc., Libreville, Gabon. 105 pp.
Glanz, W.E, & Anderson, S., 1990. Notes on Bolivian
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relationships of the Abrocomidae. Amer. Mus. Novit.
no. 2991. 32 pp. --Bolivia
Glas, G.H., 1986. Atlas van de Nederlandse vleermuizen
[bats] 1970-1984, alsmede een vergelijking met vroegere
gegevens. Zool. Bijdragen (Leiden) no. 34. 97 pp. --Chiroptera--Netherlands
Glatston, A.R., ed., 1989. Red panda biology. S.P.B.
Academic Pub., The Hague. 187 pp. --Ailuridae--Himalayas--China--Burma--Sikkim--Nepal
Glauert, L., 1933. The distribution of the marsupials
in Western Australia. Roy. Soc. of West. Austr., Perth,
J. 19: 17-32. --Marsupialia--Australia
Godin, A.J., 1977. Wild animals of New England. The
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore & London. 304
pp. --Mammalia
Gohar, H.A.F., 1957. The Red Sea dugong. Marine Biol.
Station, Ghardaqa, Egypt, Publ. no. 9: 3-49. --Dugongidae--Egypt--Saudi
Goldman, E.A., 1920. Mammals of Panama. Smithson. Misc.
Collections 69(5). 309 pp. --Mammalia
Goldman, E.A., 1950. Raccoons of North and Middle America.
Fish and Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Wash.,
D.C., North Amer. Fauna no. 60. 153 pp. --Procyonidae--North
Golley, F.B., 1962. Mammals of Georgia; a study of their
distribution and functional role in the ecosystem. Univ.
of Georgia Press, Athens. 218 pp. --Mammalia
Golley, F.B., 1966. South Carolina mammals. Charleston
Mus., Charleston, SC. 181 pp. --Mammalia
Gonzalez, E.M., 2001. Guia de campo de los mamiferos
de Uruguay: introduccion al estudio de los mamiferos.
Vida Silvestre, Soc. Uruguaya para la Conservacion de
la Naturaleza, Montevideo. 339 pp. --Mammalia
Gonzalez, J.C., 1989. Guia para la identificacion de
los murcielagos del Uruguay. Mus. Damaso Antonio Larranaga,
Montevideo, Ser. de Divulgacion no. 2. 50 pp. --Chiroptera
Gonzalez, J., & Roman, J., 1988. Atlas de micromamiferos
de la Provincia de Burgos [Spain]. Jorge Gonzalez Esteban,
Burgos. 154 pp. --small mammals
Goodwin, G.G., 1935. The mammals of Connecticut. Geol.
and Natur. Hist. Surv. of Connecticut, Hartford, Bull.
53. 221 pp. --Mammalia
Goodwin, G.G., 1942. Mammals of Honduras. Amer. Mus.
of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 79(2): 107-195. --Mammalia
Goodwin, G.G., 1946. Mammals of Costa Rica. Amer. Mus.
of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 87(5): 271-474. --Mammalia
Goodwin, G.G., 1969. Mammals from the state of Oaxaca,
Mexico, in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer.
Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 141(1). 269 pp.
Goodwin, G.G., & Greenhall, A.M., 1961. A review
of the bats of Trinidad and Tobago. Amer. Mus. of Natur.
Hist., New York, Bull. 122(3): 187-302. --Chiroptera--West
Goodwin, R.E., 1979. The bats of Timor, systematics
and ecology. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull.
163(2): 75-122. --Chiroptera--Indonesia
Gordon, D.C., 1986. Mammals of Jefferson and Lewis Counties,
New York: their status, distribution, and ecology. David
C. Gordon, Canandaigua, NY. 135 pp. --Mammalia
Gorman, M.L., & Stone, R.D., 1990. The natural history
of moles [includes Chrysochloridae]. Comstock Pub. Associates,
Ithaca. 138 pp. --Talpidae
Gorner, M. & Hackethal, H., 1988. Saugetiere Europas;
Beobachten und Bestimmen. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart.
371 pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Gosalbez, J., 1987. Insectivors i rosegadors de Catalunya.
Ed. Ketres S.A., Barcelona. 241 pp. --Insectivora--Rodentia--Spain
Gottschang, J.L., 1981. A guide to the mammals of Ohio.
Ohio St. Univ. Press & Ohio Biol. Surv., Columbus.
176 pp. --Mammalia
Gouat, J., & Gouat, P., 1984. Repartition et habitat
des goundis en Algerie (Rongeurs, Ctenodactylides).
Mammalia 48(2): 227-238. --Ctenodactylidae--Algeria
Gouat, J., Gouat, P., & Coulon, J., 1984. Repartition
et habitat de Massoutiera mzabi (Rongeur Ctenodactylide)
en Algerie. Mammalia 48(3): 351-362. --Algeria
Grabert, H., 1984. Migration and speciation of the South
American Iniidae. Zeit. fur Saug. 49(6): 334-341. --Platanistidae--Amazon--South
Grant, T.R., 1989. The platypus: a unique mammal. New
South Wales Univ. Press, Kensington, NSW. 73 pp. --Ornithorhynchidae--Australia
Grant, T.R., 1992. Historical and current distribution
of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, in Australia.
in Augee, M.L., ed., Platypus and echidnas (Roy. Zool.
Soc. of New South Wales, Mosman, NSW): 232-254. --Ornithorhynchidae
Grater, R.K., 1978. Discovering Sierra mammals. Yosemite
Natur. Hist. Assoc., Yosemite Natl. Park(?). 174 pp.
Graves, J., & Hall, E., 1985. Arctic animals. Dept.
of Renewable Resources, Government of the Northwest
Territories, Yellowknife. 85 pp. --Mammalia--Canada--Arctic
Green, A.A., 1983. Rodents and bats of Arli and Pendjari
National Parks, Upper Volta and Benin. Nigerian Field
47(4): 185-194. --Rodentia--Chiroptera--Burkina Faso
Green, M.J.B., 1986. The distribution, status and conservation
of the Himalayan musk deer Moschus chrysogaster. Biol.
Conserv. 35: 347-375. --Moschidae--Himalayas--Central
Green, M.J.B., compiler, 1990. IUCN directory of South
Asian protected areas. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland &
Cambridge, England. 294 pp. --Mammalia--South Asia
Green, R.H., 1973. The mammals of Tasmania. pub. privately,
Launceston, Tasmania. 76 pp. --Mammalia
Greenaway, F., & Hutson, A.M., 1990. A field guide
to British bats. Bruce Coleman Books, Uxbridge, Middlesex.
52 pp. --Chiroptera--British Isles
Greenhall, A.M., & Schmidt, U., eds., 1988. Natural
history of vampire bats. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
246 pp. --Phyllostomidae--Neotropics
Greenhall, A.M., Lord, R.D., & Massoia, E., 1983.
Key to the bats of Argentina. Pan American Zoonoses
Center, Ramos Mejia, Argentina, Publ. Especial no. 5.
103 pp. --Chiroptera
Greenhall, A.M., Joermann, G., Schmidt, U., & Seidel,
M.R., 1983. Desmodus rotundus. Mammalian Species no.
202. 6 pp. --Phyllostomidae--Neotropics
Greer, J.K., 1965. Mammals of Malleco Province, Chile.
Mich. St. Univ., East Lansing, Publs. of the Mus. (Biol.
Ser.) 3(2): 49-152. --Mammalia
Griffiths, M., 1968. Echidnas. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
282 pp. --Tachyglossidae--Australia--New Guinea
Grigera, D.E., & Rappoport, E.H., 1983. Status and
distribution of the European hare in South America.
J. of Mamm. 64(1): 163-166. --Leporidae
Grigg, G.[C.], Jarman, P., & Hume, I., eds., 1989.
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Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW. --Macropodidae--Australasia--Australia--New
Grimwood, I.R., 1969. Notes on the distribution and
status of some Peruvian mammals 1968. Amer. Committee
for Intern. Wild Life Protection & New York Zool.
Soc., Bronx, New York, Spec. Publ. no. 21. 86 pp. --Mammalia--Peru
Grobler, H., Hall-Martin, A., & Walker, C., 1989.
Predators of Southern Africa: a field guide. 2.ed. Southern
Book Pubs., Johannesburg. 134 pp. --Carnivora
Gromov, I.M., & Baranova, G.I. [=Z.I.], eds., 1981.
Katalog mlekopitaiushchikh SSSR: pliotsen-sovremennost'
[Catalogue of mammals of the USSR: Pliocene to the present
day]. Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Leningrad. 455 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Gromov, I.M., & Poliakov, I.IA., 1992. Voles (Microtinae).
E.J. Brill, Leiden & New York, Fauna of the USSR,
Mammals Vol. 3(8). 725 pp. --Arvicolidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
Gromov, I.M., Bibikov, D.I., Kalabukhov, N.I., &
Meyer, M.N., 1965. Nazemnye belich'i, Marmotinae. Instit.
Zool., AN SSSR, Moskva & Leningrad, Fauna SSSR,
Mlekopitaiushchie Vol. 3(2). 466 pp. --Sciuridae--Russia--Soviet
Gromov, I.M., Gureev, A.A., Novikov, G.A., Sokolov,
I.I., Strelkov, P.P., & Chapskii, K.K., 1963. Mlekopitaiushchie
fauny SSSR [Mammalian fauna of the USSR]. 2 v. Instit.
Zool., AN SSSR, Moskva, Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR nos.
82-83. 1100 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Gross, C., 1987. Mammals of the southern Gulf. Motivate
Pub., Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 80 pp. --Mammalia--Arabian
Groundwater, W., 1974. Birds and mammals of Orkney.
Kirkwall Press, Kirkwall, Orkney. 299 pp. --Mammalia--Scotland--British
Groves, C.P., 1967. On the rhinoceroses of South-East
Asia. Saug. Mitt. 15(3): 221-237. --Rhinocerotidae--Southeast
Groves, C.P., 1971. Pongo pygmaeus. Mammalian Species
no. 4. 6 pp. --Pongidae--Indonesia
Groves, C.P., 1972. Ceratotherium simum. Mammalian Species
no. 8. 6 pp. --Rhinocerotidae--Africa
Groves, C.P., 1974. Horses, asses and zebras in the
wild. Ralph Curtis Books, Hollywood, FL. 192 pp. --Equidae--Old
Groves, C.P., 1975. The taxonomy of Moschus (Mammalia,
Artiodactyla), with particular reference to the Indian
Region. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., J. 72(3): 662-676.
Groves, C.P., 1976. The origin of the mammalian fauna
of Sulawesi (Celebes). Zeit. fur Saug. 41(4): 201-216.
Groves, C.P., 1981. Ancestors for the pigs: taxonomy
and phylogeny of the genus Sus. Dept. of Prehistory,
Res. School of Pacific Stud., Austr. Natl. Univ., Canberra,
Tech. Bull. no. 3. 96 pp. --Suidae--Old World
Groves, C.P., 1982. The systematics of tree kangaroos
(Dendrolagus; Marsupialia, Macropodidae). Austr. Mamm.
5(3-4): 157-186. --Queensland--Australia--New Guinea
Groves, C.P., 1985. An introduction to the gazelles.
Chinkara 1(1): 4-16. --Bovidae--Old World
Groves, C.P., 1986. The taxonomy, distribution, and
adaptations of Recent equids. Beihefte zum Tubinger
Atlas des Vorderen Orients: Reihe A (Wiesbaden) nr.
19(1): 11-65. --Equidae
Groves, C.P., & Feng Zuo-jian, 1986. The status
of musk-deer from Anhui Province. Acta Theriol. Sinica
6(2): 101-106. --Moschidae--China
Groves, C.P., & Grubb, P., 1987. Relationships of
living deer. in Wemmer, C.M., ed., Biology and management
of the Cervidae (Smithson. Instit. Press, Wash., D.C.,
& London): 21-59. --Cervidae--Moschidae
Groves, C.P., & Kurt, F., 1972. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis.
Mammalian Species no. 21. 6 pp. --Rhinocerotidae--South
Asia; Southeast Asia
Groves, C.P., & Mazak, V., 1967. On some taxonomic
problems of Asiatic wild asses; with the description
of a new subspecies (Perissodactyla; Equidae). Zeit.
fur Saug. 32(6): 321-355. --Equidae--Central Asia--Asia
Groves, C.P., Ziccardi, F., & Toschi, A., 1966.
Sull'asino selvatico Africano. Ricerche di Zool. Applicata
alla Caccia Suppl. 5(1): 1-30. --Equidae--East Africa
Groves, C.R., & Marks, J.S., 1985. Annotated checklist
of Idaho vertebrates. Tebiwa 22: 10-27. --Mammalia
Grubb, P., 1981. Equus burchelli. Mammalian Species
no. 157. 9 pp. --Equidae--Africa
Grubb, P., & Groves, C.P., 1983. Notes on the taxonomy
of the deer (Mammalia, Cervidae) of the Philippines.
Zool. Anz. (Jena) 210(1-2): 119-144.
Grubb, P., Jones, T.S., Davies, A.G., & Edberg,
E., in press. Mammals of Ghana, Sierra Leone and The
Gambia. Trendrine Press, Zennor, St. Ives, Cornwall,
England. --Mammalia
Gruber, U.F., 1969. Tiergeographische, okologische und
bionomische Untersuchungen an kleinen Saugetieren in
Ost-Nepal. Ergebnisse der Forschunternehmens Nepal Himalaya
3: 197-312. --small mammals--Himalayas--Nepal
Grzimek, B., ed., 1968-1972. Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia.
Vols. 10-13. Mammals. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New
York, etc. [in paperback, 1984] --Mammalia
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Pub. Co., New York, etc. --Mammalia
Gu Jing-he, & Gao Xing-yi, 1985. The wild two-humped
camel in the Lop-Nor region. in Kawamichi, ed.: 117-120.
Guggisberg, C.A.W., 1967. S. O. S. rhino. October House
Inc., New York. 174 pp. --Rhinocerotidae
Guggisberg, C.A.W., 1975. Wild cats of the world. Taplinger
Pub. Co., New York. 328 pp. --Felidae
Gunderson, H.L., & Beer, J.R., 1953. The mammals
of Minnesota. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Occas. Paper no. 6. 190 pp. --Mammalia
Gureev, A.A., 1964. Zaitseobraznye, Lagomorpha. Instit.
Zool., AN SSSR, Moskva & Leningrad, Fauna SSSR,
Mlekopitaiushchie Vol. 3(2). 275 pp. --Russia--Soviet
Gureev, A.A., 1971. Zemleroiki (Soricidae) fauny mira
[Shrews (Soricidae): world fauna]. Instit. Zool., AN
SSSR, Leningrad. 254 pp.
Gureev, A.A., 1979. Nasekomoiadnye (Mammalia, Insectivora):
ezhi, kroty i zemleroiki (Erinaceidae, Talpidae, Soricidae).
Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Leningrad, Fauna SSSR, Mlekopitaiushchie
Vol. 4(2). 501 pp. --Russia--Soviet Union
Gurung, K.K., 1983. Heart of the jungle: the wildlife
of Chitwan, Nepal. A. Deutsch, London; Tiger Tops, Katmandu.
197 pp. --Mammalia
Gvozdev, E.V., ed., 1986. Redkie zhivotnye Kazakhstana:
materialy ko vtoromu izdaniiu krasnoi knigi Kazakhskoi
SSR [Rare animals of Kazakhstan: materials for the 2.ed.
of the Red Data Book]. Instit. Zool., ANKaz SSR, Alma-Ata.
252 pp. --Mammalia
Gvozdev, E.V., 1989. Kniga geneticheskogo fonda fauny
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Habibi, K., 1977. The mammals of Afghanistan:
their distribution and status. Food and Agric. Organization
of the United Nations, United Nations Development Prog.,
& Ministry of Agric., Kabul. 91 pp. --Mammalia
Hafner, M.S., 1991. Evolutionary genetics and zoogeography
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J. of Mamm. 72(1): 1-10. --Geomyidae--Mexico--Colombia--Central
America--Middle America
Hahn, H., 1934. Die Familie der Procaviidae. Zeit. fur
Saug. 9(2): 207-358. --Old World
Hahn, H., 1959. Von Baum-, Busch und Klippschliefern
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Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 246. 88 pp. --Old World
Haigh, C., ed., 1981. Kangaroos and other macropods
of New South Wales. New South Wales Natl. Parks and
Wildl. Serv., Sydney. 64 pp. --Macropodidae--Australia
Haim, A., & Tchernov, E., 1974. The distribution
of myomorph rodents in the Sinai Peninsula. Mammalia
38(2): 201-223. --Rodentia--Egypt
Hainard, R., 1987. Mammiferes sauvages d'Europe. 1.
Insectivores, cheiropteres, carnivores. nouv.ed. Delachaux
& Niestle, Neuchatel. 322 pp. --Insectivora--Chiroptera--Carnivora--Europe
Hainard, R., 1988. Mammiferes sauvages d'Europe. 2.
Pinnipedes, ongules, rongeurs, cetaces. 4.ed. Delachaux
& Niestle, Neuchatel & Paris. 347 pp. --Pinnipedia--Artiodactyla--Rodentia--Cetacea--Europe
Halder, U., 1976. Okologie und Verhalten des Banteng
(Bos javanicus) in Java: e. Feldstudie. Parey, Hamburg
& Berlin, Mammalia Depicta Heft 10. 124 pp. --Bovidae--Indonesia
Haley, D., ed., 1986. Marine mammals of eastern North
Pacific and Arctic waters. 2.rev.ed. Pacific Search
Press, Seattle. 295 pp. --North Pacific Ocean--Arctic
Hall, E.R., 1946. Mammals of Nevada. Univ. of Calif.
Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles. 710 pp. --Mammalia
Hall, E.R., 1951. American weasels. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. Vol. 4. 466 pp. --Mustelidae--New
Hall, E.R., 1981. The mammals of North America. 2 v.
2.ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York, etc. --Mammalia--Middle
Hall, E.R., & Dalquest, W.W., 1963. The mammals
of Veracruz. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence, Publ. 14(14): 165-362. --Mammalia--Mexico
Hall, E.R., & Villa R., B., 1949. An annotated check
list of the mammals of Michoacan, Mexico. Mus. of Natur.
Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 1(22): 431-472.
Hall, L.S., 1981. The biogeography of Australian bats.
in Keast, ed., Vol. 3: 1557-1583. --Chiroptera--Australia
Hall, L.S., 1987. Identification, distribution and taxonomy
of Australian flying-foxes (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae).
Austr. Mamm. 10(2): 75-79. --Australia
Hall, L.S., & Richards, G.C., 1979. Bats of eastern
Australia. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, Booklet no. 12.
66 pp. --Chiroptera
Halls, L.K., ed., 1984. White-tailed deer: ecology and
management. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA. 870 pp.
--Cervidae--North America
Haltenorth, T., 1979. British and European mammals,
amphibians and reptiles. Chatto & Windus, London.
143 pp. --Mammalia--British Isles--Europe
Haltenorth, T., & Diller, H., 1977. Saugetiere Afrikas
und Madagaskars. BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft, Munchen, etc.
403 pp. --Mammalia--Africa--Madagascar
Hamilton, W.J., Jr., & Whitaker, J.O., Jr., 1979.
Mammals of the eastern United States. 2.ed. Comstock
Pub. Associates, div. of Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca
& London. 346 pp. --Mammalia
Hampton, J.W.F., Howard, A.E., Poynton, J., & Barnett,
J.L, 1982. Records of the Mammal Survey Group of Victoria,
1966-80, on the distribution of terrestrial mammals
in Victoria. Austr. Wildl. Res. 9(2): 177-201. --Mammalia--Australia
Han Cunzhi, 1982. [The status of the research on the
Chinese river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer) in China].
Acta Theriol. Sinica 2(2): 245-252. --Platanistidae--Yangzte--China
Hanak, V., 1967. Verzeichnis der Saugetiere der Tschechoslowakei.
Saug. Mitt. 15(3): 193-221. --Mammalia--Czech Republic--Slovakia
Hanak, V., & Elgadi, A., 1984. On the bat fauna
(Chiroptera) of Libya. Vestnik Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti
Zool. 48(3): 165-187.
Hanak, V., & Mazak, V., 1979. The illustrated encyclopedia
of mammals. Octopus Books, London. 352 pp. --Mammalia
Hanak, V., Horacek, I., & Gaisler, J., eds., 1989.
European bat research 1987. Proceedings, Fourth European
Bat Research Symposium. Charles Univ. Press, Praha.
718 pp. --Chiroptera--Europe
"Handbook of species endangered in New Mexico", 1988.
5.ed. New Mexico Dept. of Game and Fish, Santa Fe. 250
pp. --Mammalia
Handley, C.O., Jr., 1966. Checklist of mammals of Panama.
in Wenzel, R.L., & Tipton, V.J., eds., Ectoparasites
of Panama (Field Mus. of Natur. Hist., Chicago): 753-795.
Handley, C.O., Jr., 1976. Mammals of the Smithsonian
Venezuelan project. Brigham Young Univ. Sci. Bull. (Biol.
Ser.) 20(5). 91 pp. --Mammalia--Venezuela
Handley, C.O., Jr., 1991. Mammals. in Terwilliger, K.,
coordinator, Virginia's endangered species; proceedings
of a symposium (McDonald & Woodward Pub. Co., Blacksburg,
VA): 539-616. --Mammalia--Virginia
Handley, C.O., Jr., & Patton, C.P., 1947. Wild mammals
of Virginia. Commonwealth of Virginia Commission of
Game and Inland Fisheries, Richmond. 220 pp. --Mammalia
Hanney, P.W., 1965. The Muridae of Malawi (Africa: Nyasaland).
J. of Zool. (London) 146: 577-633.
Hanson, R.P., & Karstad, L., 1959. Feral swine in
the southeastern United States. J. of Wildl. Mngmnt.
23(1): 64-74. --Suidae
Hanzak, J., 1970. Nasi savci [Czechoslovakian mammals].
Albatros, Praha. 347 pp. --Mammalia--Czech Republic--Slovakia
Hanzak, J., 1974. Mammals of Britain and Europe: a concise
guide in colour. Hamlyn, London & New York. 236
pp. --Mammalia--British Isles--Europe
Happold, D.C.D., 1978. Large mammals of West Africa.
Longman Group, London. 105 pp.
Happold, D.C.D., 1984. Small mammals. in Cloudsley-Thompson,
J.L., ed., (Key environments:) Sahara Desert (pub. for
IUCN by Pergamon Press, Oxford, etc.): 251-275. --North
Happold, D.C.D., 1985. Geographical ecology of Nigerian
mammals. Mus. Roy. de l'Afr. Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium,
Ann. (Ser. 8o, Sci. Zool.) 246: 5-49. --Mammalia--Nigeria
Happold, D.C.D., 1987. The mammals of Nigeria. Oxford
Univ. Press, Oxford. 402 pp. --Mammalia
Happold, D.C.D., & Happold, M., 1989. The bats (Chiroptera)
of Malawi, Central Africa: checklist and keys for identification.
Natl. Fauna Preservation Soc. of Malawi, Zomba, Nyala
14(2): 89-112.
Happold, D.C.D., Happold, M., & Hill, J.Edw., 1987.
The bats of Malawi. Mammalia 51(3): 337-414. --Chiroptera
Harcourt, C., & Thornback, J., compilers, 1990.
Lemurs of Madagascar and the Comoros: the IUCN Red Data
Book. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 240 pp. --Lemuridae--Indriidae--Daubentoniidae--Cheirogaleidae--Primates
Harmel, D.E., project leader, 1975. Habitat preference
of exotics. Texas Parks and Wildl. Dept., Austin, Kerr
Wildl. Mngmnt. Area Res. Job Performance Rept., Job
no. 18. 20 pp. --Mammalia--Texas
Harper, F., 1956. The mammals of Keewatin [Canada].
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Misc.
Publ. no. 12. 94 pp. --Mammalia--Arctic
Harper, F., 1961. Land and fresh-water mammals of the
Ungava Peninsula. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence, Misc. Publ. no. 27. 178 pp. --Mammalia--Quebec--Canada
Harrington, F.A., Jr., compiler, 1977. A guide to the
mammals of Iran. Dept. of the Envir., Tehran. 88 pp.
Harrington, F.H., & Paquet, P.C., eds., 1982. Wolves
of the world; perspectives of behavior, ecology and
conservation. Noyes Publs., Park Ridge, NJ. 474 pp.
Harris, C.J., 1968. Otters: a study of the Recent Lutrinae.
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London. 397 pp. --Mustelidae
Harris, D.R., 1962. The distribution and ancestry of
the domestic goat. Linnean Soc. of London, Proc. 173(2):
79-91. --Bovidae
Harris, G., 1998. A guide to the birds and mammals of
coastal Patagonia. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
NJ. 231 pp. --Mammalia--Argentina
Harrison, D.L., 1977. Mammals obtained by the expedition,
with a checklist of the mammals of the Sultanate of
Oman. in The scientific results of the Oman flora and
fauna survey 1975 (Ministry of Inform. and Culture,
Oman, J. of Oman Stud., Spec. Rept. no. 1): 13-26. --Mammalia
Harrison, D.L., 1980. The mammals obtained in Dhofar
by the 1977 Oman Flora and Fauna Survey. Ministry of
Inform. and Culture, Oman, J. of Oman Stud., Spec. Rept.
no. 2: 387-397. --Mammalia
Harrison, D.L., 1981. Mammals of the Arabian Gulf. George
Allen & Unwin, London. 92 pp. --Mammalia--Arabian
Harrison, D.L., & Bates, P.J.J., 1991. The mammals
of Arabia. 2.ed. Harrison Zool. Mus., Sevenoaks, Kent,
England. 354 pp. --Mammalia--Arabian Peninsula--Southwest
Harrison, J.L., 1964. An introduction to the mammals
of Sabah. The Sabah Soc., Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. 244
pp. [reprint, 1973] --Mammalia--Borneo--Indonesia
Harrison, J.L., 1974. An introduction to mammals of
Singapore and Malaya. Malayan Nature Soc., Singapore.
340 pp. --Mammalia--Malaysia
Harrison, R., & Bryden, M.M., eds., 1990. Whales,
dolphins and porpoises. Facts on File, New York. 240
pp. --Cetacea
Harvey, M.J., 1981. Endangered bats of Arkansas: distribution,
status, ecology, and management. Ecol. Res. Center,
Dept. of Biol., Memphis St. Univ., Memphis. 80 pp. --Chiroptera
Harvey, M.J., 1992. Bats of the eastern United States.
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Little Rock. 46 pp.
Harvey, M.J., & Pride, T.E., 1986. Distribution
and status of endangered bats in Tennessee. Tennessee
Wildl. Resources Agency, Nashville, Tech. Rept. 88-3.
81 pp. --Chiroptera
Hasenyager, R.N., 1980. Bats of Utah. Utah St. Div.
of Wildl. Resources, Salt Lake City, Publ. no. 80-15.
109 pp. --Chiroptera
Hassinger, J.D., 1973. A survey of the mammals of Afghanistan.
Fieldiana Zool. Vol. 60. 195 pp. --Mammalia
Hatough-Bouran, A., & Disi, A.M., 1991. History,
distribution, and conservation of large mammals and
their habitats in Jordan. Envir. Conserv. 18(1): 19-32.
Hatt, R.T., 1939. Lagomorpha and Rodentia other than
Sciuridae, Anomaluridae, and Idiuridae collected by
the American Museum Congo Expedition. Amer. Mus. of
Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 76(9): 457-604. --Zaire
Hatt, R.T., 1959. The mammals of Iraq. Mus. of Zool.,
Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Misc. Publ. no. 106. 113
pp. --Mammalia
Hausser, J., & Bourquin, J.-D., eds., 1988. Atlas
des mammiferes de Suisse. Repartition de douze especes
de mammiferes de Suisse. Soc. Suisse pour l'Etude de
la Faune Sauvage, Lausanne. 88 pp. --Mammalia--Switzerland
Hayman, R.W., 1963. Mammals from Angola, mainly from
the Lunda District. Companhia de Diamantes de Angola,
Lisboa, Publ. Culturais no. 66: 81-139. --Mammalia
Hayman, R.W., Misonne, X., & Verheyen, W., 1966.
The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi. Mus.
Roy. de l'Afr. Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, Ann. (Ser.
8o, Sci. Zool.) no. 154. 105 pp. --Chiroptera--Central
Hazard, E.B., 1982. The mammals of Minnesota. Univ.
of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. 280 pp. --Mammalia
Heaney, L.R., 1984. Mammalian species richness on islands
on the Sunda Shelf, Southeast Asia. Oecologia 61(1):
11-17. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Heaney, L.R., 1985. Systematics of Oriental pygmy squirrels
of the genera Exilisciurus and Nannosciurus (Mammalia,
Sciuridae). Mus. of Zool., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor,
Misc. Publ. no. 170. 58 pp. --Indonesia--Philippines
Heaney, L.R., 1986. Biogeography of mammals in SE Asia:
estimates of rates of colonization, extinction and speciation
[with faunal lists for Philippine islands]. Linnean
Soc. of London, Biol. J. 28: 127-165. --Mammalia--Philippines--Indonesia--Southeast
Heaney, L.R., 1991. An analysis of patterns of distribution
and species richness among Philippine fruit bats (Pteropodidae).
Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 206: 145-167.
Heaney, L.R., & Rabor, D.S., 1982. Mammals of Dinagat
and Siargao Islands, Philippines. Mus. of Zool., Univ.
of Mich., Ann Arbor, Occas. Paper no. 699. 30 pp. --Mammalia
Heaney, L.R., Gonzales, P.C., & Alcala, A.C., 1987.
An annotated checklist of the taxonomic and conservation
status of land mammals in the Philippines. Silliman
J. 34(1-4): 32-66. --Mammalia
Heaney, L.R., Gonzales, P.C., Utzurrum, R.C.B., &
Rickart, E.A., 1991. The mammals of Catanduanes Island:
implications for the biogeography of small land-bridge
islands in the Philippines. Biol. Soc. of Wash., Proc.
104(2): 399-415. --Mammalia
Heath, M.E., 1992. Manis pentadactyla. Mammalian Species
no. 414. 6 pp. --Manidae--China--South Asia--Southeast
Heath, M.E., 1992. Manis temminckii. Mammalian Species
no. 415. 5 pp. --Manidae--Africa
Heck, L., & Raschke, G., 1985. Die Wildsauen: Naturgeschichte,
Okologie, Hege und Jagd. 2.ed. Paul Parey, Berlin. 223
pp. --Suidae--Old World
Heim de Balsac, H., 1936. Biogeographie des mammiferes
et des oiseaux de l'Afrique du Nord. Bull. Biol. de
France et Belgique, Suppl. 21. 446 pp. --Mammalia--North
Heim de Balsac, H., 1966. Contribution a l'etude des
Soricidae de Somalie. Monitore Zool. Ital. Suppl. 74:
196-220. --Somalia
Heim de Balsac, H., 1968. Les Soricidae dans le milieu
desertique Saharien. Bonner Zool. Beitr. 19(3-4): 181-188.
--Sahara--North Africa--Southwest Asia
Helle, E., & Kauhala, K., 1991. Distribution history
and present status of the raccoon dog in Finland. Holarctic
Ecol. 14(4): 278-286. --Canidae
Helversen, O.von, 1989. New records of bats (Chiroptera)
from Turkey. Zool. in the Middle East (Heidelberg) 3:
Hemmer, H., 1972. Uncia uncia. Mammalian Species no.
20. 5 pp. --Felidae--Central Asia
Henning, K., & Wiberg, H., 1966. Svenska daggdjur
[Swedish mammals]. Bergvall, Stockholm. 140 pp. --Mammalia--Sweden
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., 1956. Fauna pozvonochnykh
zhivotnykh Badkhyza (iuzhnyi Turkmenistan) [Vertebrate
fauna of Badghyz (southern Turkmenistan)]. Instit. Biol.,
ANTur SSR, Ashkhabad. 333 pp. --Mammalia
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., ed., 1968. Issledovaniia po
faune Sovetskogo Soiuza: mlekopitaiushchie [Investigations
on the fauna of the USSR: mammals]. Zool. Muzei, Moskovskogo
Univ., Moskva, Sbornik Trudov Vol. 10. 223 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., ed., 1972. Issledovaniia po
faune Sovetskogo Soiuza: mlekopitaiushchie [Investigations
on the fauna of the USSR: mammals]. Zool. Muzei, Moskovskogo
Univ., Moskva, Sbornik Trudov Vol. 13. 187 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., 1974. Seekuhe und Raubtiere.
Gustav Fischer, Jena, Die Saugetiere der Sowjetunion
Band 2 [Vol. 2(1) in original numbering]. 1006 pp. --Carnivora--Dugongidae--Russia--Soviet
Union--North Pacific Ocean
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., & Nasimovich, A.A., 1974.
Der Elch: Alces alces. 2.ed. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg
Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 386. 239 pp.
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., & Sludskii, A.A., 1980.
Raubtiere (Feloidea). Gustav Fischer, Jena, Die Saugetiere
der Sowjetunion Band 3 [Vol. 2(2) in original numbering].
607 pp. --Felidae--Hyaenidae--Russia--Soviet Union
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., & TSalkin, V.I., 1947.
Oleni [Deer] SSSR: sistematika i zoogeografiia. Moskovskoe
Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody, Moskva, Otdelenie Zool.
no. 10 (n.s.). 175 pp. --Cervidae--Russia--Soviet Union
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., Nasimovich, A.A., & Bannikov,
A.G., 1988. Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla. Smithson.
Instit. Libraries & Natl. Sci. Foundation, Wash.,
D.C., Mammals of the Soviet Union Vol. 1. 1147 pp. --Russia
Heptner [=Geptner], V.G., Chapskii, K.K., Arsen'ev,
V.A., & Sokolov, V.E., 1976. [Pinnipeds & toothed
whales]. Vysshaia Shkola, Moskva, Mlekopitaiushchie
Sovetskogo Soiuza 2(3). 718 pp. --Pinnipedia--Cetacea--Russia--Soviet
Union--Arctic Ocean--North Pacific Ocean
Herd, R.M., 1983. Pteronotus parnelli. Mammalian Species
no. 209. 5 pp. --Mormoopidae--Neotropics
Herington, J.G., 1977. Wildlife introduced and imported
into Papua New Guinea. Wildl. Branch, Dept. of Natur.
Resources, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Wildl. in Papua
New Guinea, Wildl. Publ. 77/2. 9 pp. --Mammalia
Herrero, S., ed., 1972. Bears--their biology and management.
IUCN, Morges, Switzerland, IUCN Publs. New Ser. no.
23. 371 pp. --Ursidae
Herrmann, M., 1991. Saugetiere im Saarland. Verbreitung,
Gefahrdung, Schutz. Ottweiler Druckerei und Verlag,
Ottweiler. 151 pp. --Mammalia--Germany
Herselman, J.C., & Norton, P.M., 1985. The distribution
and status of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the Cape
Province. Cape Prov. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), Grahamstown,
Ann. 16(4): 73-126. --South Africa
Hershkovitz, P., 1947. Mammals of northern Colombia.
Preliminary report no. 1: squirrels (Sciuridae). U.S.
Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C., Proc. 97: 1-46.
Hershkovitz, P., 1948. Mammals of northern Colombia.
Preliminary report no. 2: spiny rats (Echimyidae), with
supplemental notes on related forms. U.S. Natl. Mus.,
Wash., D.C., Proc. 97: 125-240.
Hershkovitz, P., 1950. Mammals of northern Colombia.
Preliminary report no. 6: rabbits (Leporidae), with
notes on the classification and distribution of the
South American forms. U.S. Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C.,
Proc. 100: 327-375. --South America
Hershkovitz, P., 1954. Mammals of northern Colombia,
preliminary report no. 7: tapirs (genus Tapirus), with
a systematic review of American species. U.S. Natl.
Mus., Wash., D.C., Proc. 103: 465-496. --Tapiridae--Neotropics
Hershkovitz, P., 1962. Evolution of Neotropical cricetine
rodents (Muridae) with special reference to the phyllotine
group. Fieldiana Zool. Vol. 46. 524 pp. --Cricetidae--Neotropics
Hershkovitz, P., 1966. Catalog of living whales. U.S.
Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C., Bull. 246. 259 pp. --Cetacea
Hershkovitz, P., 1977. Living New World monkeys (Platyrrhini):
with an introduction to Primates. Vol. 1. Univ. of Chicago
Press, Chicago. 1117 pp. --Cebidae--Callithricidae--Callimiconidae--Neotropics
Hershkovitz, P., 1982. Neotropical deer (Cervidae).
Pt. 1. Pudus, genus Pudu Gray. Fieldiana Zool. no. 11
(n.s.). 86 pp. --Andes--South America
Hershkovtiz, P., 1983. Two new species of night monkeys,
genus Aotus (Cebidae, Platyrrhini): a preliminary report
on Aotus taxonomy. Amer. J. of Primatology 4(3): 209-243.
--South America
Hershkovitz, P., 1984. Taxonomy of squirrel monkeys
genus Saimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini): a preliminary
report with description of a hitherto unnamed form.
Amer. J. of Primatology 7(2): 155-210. --Costa Rica--Panama--South
Hershkovitz, P., 1987. The taxonomy of South American
sakis, genus Pithecia (Cebidae: Platyrrhini): a preliminary
report and critical review with the description of a
new species and a new subspecies. Amer. J. of Primatology
12(4): 387-468. --South America
Hershkovitz, P., 1990. Titis, New World monkeys of the
genus Callicebus (Cebidae, Platyrrhini): a preliminary
taxonomic review. Fieldiana Zool. no. 55 (n.s.). 109
pp. --South America
Hershkovitz, P., 1992. The South American gracile mouse
opossums, genus Gracilinanus Gardner and Creighton,
1989 (Marmosidae, Marsupialia): a taxonomic review with
notes on general morphology and relationships. Fieldiana
Zool. no. 70 (n.s.). 56 pp. --Didelphidae--South America
Hewer, H.R., 1974. British seals. Collins, St. James's
Place, London. 256 pp. --Pinnipedia--British Isles--North
Atlantic Ocean
Heyning, J.E., & Dahlheim, M.E., 1988. Orcinus orca.
Mammalian Species no. 304. 9 pp. --Delphinidae
Hickin, N., 1979. Animal life of the Galapagos: An illustrated
guide for visitors. Ferendune Books, Faringdon, England.
236 pp. --Mammalia--Pacific Ocean
Hickman, G.C., 1981. National mammal guides: a review
of references to Recent families. Mammal Rev. 11(2):
53-85. --Mammalia
Hill, D.S., & Phillipps, K., 1981. A colour guide
to Hong Kong animals. Government Printer, Hong Kong.
281 pp. --Mammalia--China
Hill, J.Edw., 1960. The Robinson Collection of Malaysian
mammals. Raffles Mus., Singapore, Bull. no. 29. 112
pp. --Mammalia--Malaysia--Indonesia--Southeast Asia
Hill, J.Edw., 1961. Indo-Australian bats of the genus
Tadarida. Mammalia 25(1): 29-56. --Molossidae--Old World
Hill, J.Edw., 1963. A revision of the genus Hipposideros.
Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London, Bull. (Zool.) 11(1).
129 pp. --Hipposideridae--Old World
Hill, J.Edw., 1967. The bats of the Andaman and Nicobar
Islands. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., J. 64(1): 1-9. --Chiroptera--India
Hill, J.Edw., 1974. A review of Scotoecus (Chiroptera:
Vespertilionidae). Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London,
Bull. (Zool.) 27(4): 167-188. --Old World
Hill, J.Edw., 1974. A new family, genus and species
of bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Thailand. Brit. Mus.
(Natur. Hist.), London, Bull. (Zool.) 27(7): 301-336.
Hill, J.Edw., 1977. A review of the Rhinopomatidae (Mammalia:
Chiroptera). Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London, Bull.
(Zool.) 32(2): 29-43. --Old World
Hill, J.Edw., 1982. A review of the leaf-nosed bats
Rhinonycteris, Cloeotis and Triaenops (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae).
Bonner Zool. Beitr. 33(2-4): 165-186. --Madagascar--Africa--Southwest
Hill, J.Edw., 1983. Further records of bats from the
Central African Republic. Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
Pittsburgh, Ann. 52(3): 55-58. --Chiroptera
Hill, J.Edw., 1983. Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from
Indo-Australia. Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London, Bull.
(Zool.) 45(3): 103-208. --Old World
Hill, J.Edw., & Daniel, M.J., 1985. Systematics
of the New Zealand short-tailed bat Mystacina Gray,
1843 (Chiroptera: Mystacinidae). Brit. Mus. (Natur.
Hist.), London, Bull. (Zool.) 48(4): 279-300.
Hill, J.Edw., & Smith, J.D., 1992. Bats: a natural
history. Univ. of Texas Press, Austin. 243 pp. --Chiroptera
Hill, J.Edw., & Smith, S.E., 1981. Craseonycteris
thonglongyai. Mammalian Species no. 160. 4 pp. --Craseonycteridae
Hill, J.Edw., & Thonglongya, K., 1972. Bats from
Thailand and Cambodia. Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London,
Bull. (Zool.) 22(6): 173-196. --Chiroptera
Hill, J.Er., & Carter, T.D., 1941. The mammals of
Angola, Africa. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York,
Bull. 78(1). 211 pp. --Mammalia
Hill, W.C.O., 1953. Strepsirhini. Interscience Pubs.,
New York; Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, Primates
Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy I. 798 pp. --Primates--Old
Hill, W.C.O., 1955. Haplorhini: Tarsioidea. Interscience
Pubs., New York; Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, Primates
Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy II. 347 pp. --Tarsiidae--Philippines--Indonesia
Hill, W.C.O., 1957. Pithecoidea. Platyrrhini (families
Hapalidae and Callimiconidae). Interscience Pubs., New
York; Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, Primates Comp.
Anatomy and Taxonomy III. 354 pp. --Callithricidae--Neotropics
Hill, W.C.O., 1960. Cebidae. Part A. Interscience Pubs.,
New York; Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, Primates
Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy IV. 523 pp. --Neotropics
Hill, W.C.O., 1962. Cebidae. Part B. Interscience Pubs.,
New York; Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, Primates
Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy V. 537 pp. --Neotropics
Hill, W.C.O., 1966. Catarrhini. Cercopithecoidea. Cercopithecinae.
Interscience, New York, Primates Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy
VI. 757 pp. --Cercopithecidae--Old World
Hill, W.C.O., 1970. Cynopithecinae. Wiley-Interscience,
New York, Primates Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy VIII.
680 pp. --Cercopithecidae--Old World
Hill, W.C.O., 1974. Cynopithecinae. John Wiley &
Sons, New York. Primates Comp. Anatomy and Taxonomy
VII. 934 pp. --Cercopithecidae--Old World
Hillman, J.C., 1982. Wildlife information booklet. Dept.
of Wildl. Mngmnt., Juba, Sudan. 143 pp. --Mammalia--Sudan
Hinton, H.E., & Dunn, A.M.S., 1967. Mongooses: their
natural history and behaviour. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh
& London. 144 pp. --Herpestidae
Hoagland, D.B., Horst, G.R., & Kilpatrick, C.W.,
1989. Biogeography and population biology of the mongoose
in the West Indies. in Woods, ed.: 611-634. --Herpestidae
Hodgdon, H.E., & Larson, J.S., 1980. A bibliography
of the recent literature on beaver. Massachusetts Agric.
Experiment Station, Coll. of Food and Natural Resources,
Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst, Res. Bull. no. 665.
128 pp. --Castoridae--Nearctic--Palearctic
Hoeck, H.N., 1984. Introduced fauna. in Perry, ed.:
233-245. --Mammalia--Galapagos Islands--Pacific Ocean
Hoefs, M., ed., 1985. Wild sheep: distribution, abundance,
management and conservation of the sheep of the world
and closely related mountain ungulates. Northern Wild
Sheep and Goat Council, Whitehorse, Yukon. 218 pp. --Bovidae
Hoesch, W., & Lehmann, E.von, 1956. Zur Saugetier-Fauna
Sudwestafrikas. Bonner Zool. Beitr. 7(1-3): 8-57. --Mammalia--Namibia
Hoffmann, R.S., 1984. A review of the shrew-moles (genus
Uropsilus) of China and Burma. Mammalogical Soc. of
Japan, Tokyo, J. 10(2): 69-80. --Talpidae--East Asia
Hoffmann, R.S., 1985. A review of the genus Soriculus
(Mammalia: Insectivora). Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., J.
82(3): 459-481. --Soricidae--Asia
Hoffmann, R.S., 1987. A review of the systematics and
distribution of Chinese red-toothed shrews (Mammalia:
Soricinae). Acta Theriol. Sinica 7(2): 100-139. --Soricidae--China
Hoffmann, R.S., & Pattie, D.L., 1968. A guide to
Montana mammals: identification, habitat, distribution
and abundance. Univ. of Montana, Missoula. 133 pp. --Mammalia
Hoffmeister, D.F., 1971. Mammals of Grand Canyon. Univ.
of Illinois Press, Urbana, IL, etc.. 183 pp. --Mammalia--Arizona
Hoffmeister, D.F., 1986. Mammals of Arizona. Univ. of
Arizona Press & Arizona Game and Fish Dept., Tucson.
602 pp. --Mammalia
Hoffmeister, D.F., 1989. Mammals of Illinois. Univ.
of Illinois Press, Urbana & Chicago. 348 pp. --Mammalia
Hoffmeister, D.F., & Mohr, C.O., 1972. Fieldbook
of Illinois mammals. Dover Publs., New York. 233 pp.
Hoi-Leitner, M.K., 1989. Zur Veranderung der Saugetierfauna
des Neusiedlersee-gebietes im Verlauf der letzten drei
Jahrzehnte. Bonner Zool. Monogr. nr. 29. 104 pp. --Mammalia--Austria--Hungary
"Hokuman yasei honyuruishi [Mammals of northern Manchuria]",
1939. Koa Shoin, Tokyo. 473 pp. --Mammalia--China
Holden, P., 1982. The wild pig in New Zealand. Hodder
& Stoughton, Auckland. 257 pp. --Suidae
Honacki, J.H., Kinman, K.E., & Koeppl, J.W., eds.,
1982. Mammal species of the world; a taxonomic and geographic
reference. Allen Press & Assoc. of Systematics Collections,
Lawrence, Kansas. 694 pp. --Mammalia
Hood, C.S., & Jones, J.K., Jr., 1984. Noctilio leporinus.
Mammalian Species no. 216. 7 pp. --Noctilionidae--Neotropics
Hood, C.S., & Pitocchelli, J., 1983. Noctilio albiventris.
Mammalian Species no. 197. 5 pp. --Noctilionidae--Neotropics
Hoogmoed, M.S., 1983. De Verspreiding van Sylvilagus
brasiliensis (L., 1785) (Leporidae) in Suriname. Lutra
26: 35-45. --Leporidae--Suriname--South America
Hoogstraal, H., 1962-1964. A brief review of the contemporary
land mammals of Egypt (including Sinai) [3 parts]. Egyptian
Public Health Assoc., Cairo, J. 37: 143-162; 38: 1-35;
39: 205-239. --Mammalia
Hooper, E.T., & Hart, B.S., 1962. A synopsis of
Recent North American microtine rodents. Mus. of Zool.,
Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Misc. Publ. no. 120. 68 pp.
--Arvicolidae--North America
Hope, J.H., 1973. Mammals of the Bass Strait islands.
Roy. Soc. of Victoria, Melbourne, Proc. 85(2): 163-195.
--Mammalia--Australia--New Guinea
Horwood, J., 1987. The sei whale: population, biology,
ecology and management. Croom Helm, London & New
York. 375 pp. --Balaenopteridae
Horwood, J., 1990. Biology and exploitation of the minke
whale. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 238 pp. --Balaenopteridae
Howell, A.B., 1929. Mammals from China in the collections
of the United States National Museum. U.S. Natl. Mus.,
Wash., D.C., Proc. 75(1). 82 pp. --Mammalia
Hoyt, E., 1984. The whales of Canada. Camden House,
Camden East, ON. 127 pp. --Cetacea--North Atlantic Ocean--North
Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Hsiao Tseng-hu, ed., 1988. Liao-ning tung wu chih. Shou
lei. [Fauna Liaoningica. Mammalia]. Liao-ning k'o hsueh
chi shu ch'u pan she, Shen-yang. 242 pp. --China
Hu Jinchu, & Wang Youzhi, eds., 1984. Ssu-ch'uan
tzu yuan tung wu chih [Sichuan Fauna Economica], Vol.
2. [Sichuan People's Press], Ch'eng-tu. 365 pp. --Mammalia--China
Hudson, W.S., & Wilson, D.E., 1986. Macroderma gigas.
Mammalian Species no. 260. 4 pp. --Megadermatidae--Australia
Huey, L.M., 1964. The mammals of Baja California. San
Diego Soc. of Natur. Hist., Trans. 13: 85-168. --Mammalia--Mexico
Hufnagl, E., 1972. Libyan mammals. Oleander Press, Stoughton,
WI. 85 pp. --Mammalia--Libya
"Humpback Whale Conference" [papers from conference
held Sept. 1990 in Brisbane], 1990. Queensland Mus.,
Brisbane, Mem. 30(2): 243-354. --Balaenidae
Humphrey, S.R., 1974. Zoogeography of the nine-banded
armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the United States.
Bioscience 24: 457-462. --Dasypodidae
Humphrey, S.R., ed., 1992. Mammals. Univ. Press of Florida,
Gainesville, Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida Vol.
1. 392 pp. --Mammalia
Humphrey, S.R., & Bain, J.R., 1990. Endangered animals
of Thailand. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, FL.
468 pp. --Mammalia
Hunsaker, D.H., ed., 1977. The biology of marsupials.
Academic Press, New York. 537 pp. --Marsupialia
Hurka, L., 1988. Die Saugetierfauna des westlichen Teils
der Tschechischen Sozialistischen Republik. 1. Die Insektenfresser
(Insectivora). Folia Mus. Rerum Naturalium Bohemiae
Occidentalis: Zool. no. 28. 74 pp. --Czech Republic--Slovakia
Hurka, L., 1989. Die Saugetierfauna des westlichen Teils
der Tschechischen Sozialistischen Republik. 2. Die Fledermause
(Chiroptera). Folia Mus. Rerum Naturalium Bohemiae Occidentalis:
Zool. no. 29. 61 pp. --Czech Republic--Slovakia
Hurka, L., 1990. Die Saugetierfauna des westlichen Teils
der Tschechischen Sozialistischen Republik. 3. Rodentia.
Folia Mus. Rerum Naturalium Bohemiae Occidentalis: Zool.
no. 31. 59 pp. --Czech Republic--Slovakia
Husar, S.L., 1977. Trichechus inunguis. Mammalian Species
no. 72. 4 pp. --Trichechidae--Amazon--South America
Husar, S.L., 1978. Dugong dugon. Mammalian Species no.
88. 7 pp. --Dugongidae--Old World
Husar, S.L., 1978. Trichechus senegalensis. Mammalian
Species no. 89. 3 pp. --Trichechidae--Africa
Husar, S.L., 1978. Trichechus manatus. Mammalian Species
no. 93. 5 pp. --Trichechidae--Neotropics--West Indies--Southeastern
United States
Husayn, 'A.M.'A. al-S., 1990. Al-Laba'in al-'Iraqiyah.
Baghdad. 130 pp. --Mammalia--Iraq
Hussenot, E., & Prieur, D., 1984. Mammiferes et
oiseaux de nos cotes [French Atlantic coast]. Editions
Maritimes et d'Outre-mer, Paris. 191 pp. --marine mammals--France--North
Atlantic Ocean
Husson, A.M., 1955. Tabel voor het determineren van
de landzoogdieren van Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. Zool.
Bijdragen (Leiden) no. 1. 35 pp. [English translation,
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Husson, A.M., 1960. De zoogdieren van de Nederlandse
Antillen. M. Nijhoff, The Hague, Fauna Nederlandse Antillen
no. 2. 170 pp. --Mammalia--West Indies
Husson, A.M., 1962. The bats of Suriname. Zool. Verhandl.
(Leiden) no. 58. 282 pp. --Chiroptera--Suriname
Husson, A.M., 1978. The mammals of Suriname. Rijksmuseum
van Natuur. Hist., Leiden, Zool. Monogr. no. 2. 569
pp. --Mammalia--Suriname
Hutterer, R., 1986. The species of Crocidura (Soricidae)
in Morocco. Mammalia 50(4): 521-534.
Hutterer, R., & Happold, D.C.D., 1983. The shrews
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nr. 18. 79 pp.
Hutterer, R., & Harrison, D.L., 1988. A new look
at the shrews (Soricidae) of Arabia. Bonner Zool. Beitr.
39(1): 59-72. --Arabian Peninsula--Saudi Arabia
Hutterer, R., Van der Straeten, E., & Verheyen,
W.N., 1987. A checklist of the shrews of Rwanda and
biogeographical considerations on African Soricidae.
Bonner Zool. Beitr. 38(3): 155-172. --Africa
Hutton, J.M., 1986. The status and distribution of bats
in Zimbabwe. Cimbebasia (Ser. A) 8(26): 219-236. --Chiroptera
Hvass, H., ed., 1972(?). "Pattedyr [Mammals]". Rosenkilde
og Bagger, Kobenhavn, Danmarks dyreverden [Danish fauna]
Vols. 9-10. --Mammalia--Denmark
Hyett, J., 1980. Australian mammals: A field guide for
New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania.
Nelson, Melbourne. 270 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
IAnushevich, A.I., 1966. Vrednye gryzuny
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Kyrgyz SSR Ilimder Akad., Frunze. 122 pp. --Rodentia--Kirghizia
IAnushevich, A.I., et al., 1972. Mlekopitaiushchie Kirgizii.
Instit. Biol., ANKir SSR, Frunze. 461 pp. --Mammalia--Kirghizia
Ibanez, C., & Fernandez, R., 1985. Murcielagos (Mammalia,
Chiroptera) de las Islas Canarias. Donana: Acta Vertebrata
(Sevilla, Spain) 12(2): 307-315. --Canary Islands--North
Atlantic Ocean
Ibarra, J.A., 1959. Mamiferos de Guatemala. Editorial
del Ministerio de Educ. Publica Jose de Pineda Ibarra,
Guatemala. 201 pp. --Mammalia
IJsseling, M.A., & Scheygrond, A., 1950. De zoogdieren
van Nederland. 2 v. 2.ed. W.J. Thieme, Zutphen. 544
pp. --Mammalia--Netherlands
IJsseling, M.A., & Scheygrond, A., 1962. Onze zoogdieren
[Netherlands], Vol. 1. 3.ed. W.J. Thieme & Cie,
Zutphen. 310 pp. --Mammalia--Netherlands
IJsseling, M.A., & Scheygrond, 1977. Wat is dat
voor een dier?: een dierengids voor West- en Midden-Europa,
waarin opgenomen alle in Nederland en Belgie inheemse
zoogdieren, reptielen en amfibieen. W.J. Thieme, Zutphen.
256 pp. --Mammalia--Netherlands--Belgium--Europe
Ikehara, S., Yonashiro, Y., Miyagi, K., & Toyama,
M., 1984. Riku no sekitsui dobutsu [Land vertebrates
of Okinawa]. Shinsei Tosho Shuppan, Naha, Okinawa. 351
pp. --terrestrial mammals--Japan
Imaizumi, Y., 1949. Bunrui to seitai Nihon honyu dobutsu
zusetsu [The natural history of Japanese mammals]. Tokyo.
348 pp. --Mammalia--Japan
Imaizumi, Y., 1961. Genshoku Nihon honyurui zukan [Colored
illustrations of the mammals of Japan]. Hoikusha, Osaka.
196 pp. --Mammalia
Imaizumi, Y., 1970. Nihon honyu dobutsu zusetsu [The
handbook of Japanese land mammals. Vol. I.]. Shin-Shicho-Sha,
Tokyo. 350 pp. --Mammalia--Japan
Ingle, N.R., & Heaney, L.R., 1992. A key to the
bats of the Philippine Islands. Fieldiana Zool. no.
69 (n.s.). 44 pp. --Chiroptera--Philippines
Ingles, L.G., 1965. Mammals of the Pacific states: California,
Oregon, and Washington. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford.
506 pp. --Mammalia--United States
Ingram, G.J., & Raven, R.J., eds, 1991. An atlas
of Queensland's frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Board of Trustees, Queensland Mus., Brisbane. 391 pp.
Inskipp, T., & Bardzo, J., compilers, 1987. World
checklist of threatened mammals. Nature Conservancy
Council, Petersborough, England. 125 pp. --Mammalia
"ISIS mammal abstract", 1990. Intern. Species Inform.
System, Apple Valley, MN. --Mammalia
"IUCN Directory of Afrotropical protected areas", 1987.
IUCN Conserv. Monitoring Centre, IUCN Commission on
Natl. Parks and Protected Areas, Gland, Switzerland.
1034 pp. --Mammalia--Africa
"IUCN Directory of Neotropical protected areas", 1982.
IUCN Commission on Natl. Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA).
pub. for IUCN by Tycooly Intern. Pub., Dublin. 436 pp.
"(1990) IUCN Red List of threatened animals", 1990.
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, England. 192
pp. --Mammalia
"International Whaling Statistics" [series], 1930-1988.
Intern. Whaling Commission, Cambridge, England. --Cetacea
"Inventaire des ressources en faune sauvage et etude
economique sur son utilisation en zone rurale. Haute-Volta.
Conclusions et recommandations du projet", 1983. UNDP/FAO,
Rome. --Mammalia--Burkina Faso
Ionescu, V., 1968. Vertebratele din Romania. Editura
Academici Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucuresti.
496 pp. --Mammalia
Ishunin, G.I., 1987. [Game animals of Uzbekistan]. Mekhnat,
Tashkent. 240 pp. --Mammalia
Israel, S., & Sinclair, T., eds., 1987. Indian wildlife
[in wildlife reserves]: Sri Lanka, Nepal. APA Publs.,
Singapore. 363 pp. --Mammalia--India
IUdin [=Yudin], B.S., ed., 1977. Fauna i sistematika
pozvonochnykh [vertebrates] Sibiri. Instit. Biol., Sibirskoe
Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, Trudy no. 31. 303 pp.
--Mammalia--Russia--Siberia--Soviet Union
IUdin [=Yudin], B.S., ed., 1987. Fauna, taksonomiia,
ekologiia mlekopitaiushchikh i ptits [of Siberia]. Instit.
Biol., Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 223
pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
IUdin [=Yudin], B.S., 1989. Nasekomoiadnye mlekopitaiushchie
Sibiri [Insectivorous mammals of Siberia]. Instit. Biol.,
Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 360 pp. --Insectivora--Russia--Soviet
IUdin [=Yudin], B.S., Galkina, L.I., & Potapkina,
A.F., 1979. Mlekopitaiushchie Altae-Saianskoi gornoi
strany [Mammals of the Altai & Sayan Mountains].
Instit. Biol., Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk.
296 pp. --Mammalia--Soviet Union--Central Asia--Siberia
IUdin [=Yudin], B.S., Krivosheev, V.G., & Beliaev,
V.G., 1976. Melkie mlekopitaiushchie severa Dal'nego
Vostoka [Small mammals of the northern Soviet Far East]:
fauna i ekologiia. Instit. Biol., Sibirskoe Otdelenie,
AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 268 pp. --Russia--Soviet Union
IUssi [=Jussi], F., 1985. Chas lisitsy [Hour of the
fox]. Periodika, Tallin. 159 pp. --Canidae--Estonia
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Akad. Zool. ir Parazitologijos Instit., Vilnius. 339
pp. --Mammalia
Ivanescu, S., 1983. Padurea, vinatoarea si turismul
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Bucuresti. 261 pp. --Mammalia--Romania
Ivanter, E.V., ed., 1976. Ekologiia ptits i mlekopitaiushchikh
Severo-Zapada SSSR [Ecology of birds & mammals of
the northwestern USSR]. Instit. Biol., Karel'skii Filial
AN SSSR, Petrozavodsk. 148 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Ivanter, E.V., ed., 1978. Fauna i ekologiia ptits i
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of the northwestern USSR]. Instit. Biol., Karel'skii
Filial AN SSSR, Petrozavodsk. 192 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Ivanter, E.V., ed., 1983. Fauna i ekologiia ptits i
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ecology of birds & mammals of the northwestern USSR].
Instit. Biol., Karel'skii Filial AN SSSR, Petrozavodsk.
158 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Ivanter, E.V., ed., 1988. Fauna i ekologiia nazemnykh
pozvonochnykh [Faunistics & ecology of terrestrial
vertebrates [of Karelia]]. Instit. Biol., Karel'skii
Filial AN SSSR, Petrozavodsk. 176 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
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Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 504 pp. --Mammalia
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mammals of India. Central Marine Fisheries Res. Inst.,
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Fisheries Inform. Serv. Tech. and Extension Ser. no.
71. 13 pp. --marine mammals--Indian Ocean
Jameson, E.W., Jr., & Jones, G.S., 1977. The Soricidae
of Taiwan. Biol. Soc. of Wash., Proc. 90(3): 459-482.
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mammals. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley. 403 pp. --Mammalia
Jamsheed, R., 1976. Big game animals of Iran (Persia).
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Jansen, E., et al., eds., 1982. Discover Aruba's wildlife:
introduction to birds, amphibians and reptiles, mammals,
plants. STINAPA (Curacao) no. 26. 61 pp. --Mammalia--West
Janson, T., 1981. Animales de Centroamerica en peligro.
Editorial Piedra Santa, Guatemala. 122 pp. --Mammalia--Central
Jarrell, G.H., & MacDonald, S.O., 1989. Checklist
to the mammals of Alaska. Univ. of Alaska Mus., Fairbanks.
4 pp. --Mammalia
Jarvis, J.U.M., & Bennett, N.C. 1990. The evolutionary
history, population biology and social structure of
African mole-rats: family Bathyergidae. in Nevo &
Reig, eds. (Progress in Clinical and Biol. Res. Vol.
335): 97-128. --Africa
Jeannin, A., 1936. Les mammiferes sauvages du Cameroun.
Paul Lechevalier, Paris. 255 pp. --Mammalia--Cameroon
Jenkins, P.D., 1976. Variation in Eurasian shrews of
the genus Crocidura (Insectivora: Soricidae). Brit.
Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London, Bull. (Zool.) 30(7): 269-309.
--Old World
Jenkins, S.H., & Busher, P.E., 1979. Castor canadensis.
Mammalian Species no. 120. 8 pp. --Castoridae--Nearctic
Jensen, B., 1988. [Danish bats]. Natur og Museum (Arhus)
27(2). 31 pp. --Chiroptera--Denmark
Johns, J.H.G., & MacGibbon, R.J., 1986. Wild animals
in New Zealand. rev.ed. Reed Methuen, Auckland. 152
pp. --Mammalia
Johnsen, P., 1953. Birds and mammals of Peary Land in
North Greenland: including notes from Northeast Greenland.
Meddelelser om Gronland (Kobenhavn) 128(6). 135 pp.
--Mammalia--Arctic Ocean
Johnsgard, P.A., 1982. Teton wildlife: observations
of a naturalist. Colorado Associated Univ. Press, Boulder,
CO. 128 pp. --Mammalia--Wyoming
Jolly, A., 1986. Lemur survival. in Benirschke, ed.:
71-98. --Lemuridae--Indriidae--Daubentoniidae--Cheirogaleidae--Comoro
Jolly, A., Oberle, P., & Albignac, R., eds., 1984.
(Key environments:) Madagascar. pub. for IUCN by Pergamon
Press, Oxford, etc. 239 pp. --Mammalia
Jones, C., 1971. The bats of Rio Muni, West Africa.
J. of Mamm. 52(1): 121-140. --Chiroptera--Equatorial
Jones, C., & Carter, C.H., 1989. Annotated checklist
of the Recent mammals of Mississippi. Mus., Texas Tech.
Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 128. 9 pp. --Mammalia
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Entomology, B.P. Bishop Mus., Honolulu. 238 pp. --terrestrial
Jones, J.K., Jr., 1964. Distribution and taxonomy of
mammals of Nebraska. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of
Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 16(1). 356 pp. --Mammalia
Jones, J.K., Jr., & Birney, E.C., 1988. Handbook
of mammals of the North-Central states. Univ. of Minnesota
Press, Minneapolis. 346 pp. --Mammalia--United States
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of the porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum, in Mexico. Mammalia
32(4): 709-711. --Erethizontidae--Nearctic
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Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 9(22): 551-578. --Insectivora
Jones, J.K., Jr., & Johnson, D.H., 1965. Synopsis
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Jones, J.K., Jr., & Lawlor, T.E., 1965. Mammals
from Isla Cozumel, Mexico, with description of a new
species of harvest mouse. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ.
of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 16(3): 411-419. --Mammalia
Jones, J.K., Jr., & Owen, R.D., 1986. Checklist
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Tech Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 106. 13 pp. --Nicaragua
Jones, J.K., Jr., Armstrong, D.M., & Choate, J.R.,
1985. Guide to mammals of the Plains States. Univ. of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln & London. 371 pp. --Mammalia--United
Jones, J.K., Jr., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., & Owen, R.D.,
1988. Revised checklist of bats (Chiroptera) of Mexico
and Central America. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock,
Occas. Paper no. 120. 34 pp.
Jones, J.K., Jr., Genoways, H.H., & Lawlor, T.E.,
1974. Annotated checklist of mammals of the Yucatan
Peninsula, Mexico. II. Rodentia. Mus., Texas Tech Univ.,
Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 22. 24 pp.
Jones, J.K., Jr., Genoways, H.H., & Smith, J.D.,
1974. Annotated checklist of mammals of the Yucatan
Peninsula, Mexico. III. Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates,
Edentata, Lagomorpha. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock,
Occas. Paper no. 23. 12 pp.
Jones, J.K., Jr., Smith, J.D., & Genoways, H.H.,
1973. Annotated checklist of mammals of the Yucatan
Peninsula, Mexico. I. Chiroptera. Mus., Texas Tech Univ.,
Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 13. 31 pp.
Jones, J.K., Jr., Armstrong, D.M., Hoffmann, R.S., &
Jones, C., 1983. Mammals of the northern Great Plains.
Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln & London. 379 pp.
--Mammalia--United States
Jones, J.K., Jr., Manning, R.W., Jones, C., & Hollander,
R.R., 1988. Mammals of the northern Texas panhandle.
Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 126.
54 pp. --Mammalia
Jones, J.K., Jr., Hoffmann, R.S., Rice, D.W., Jones,
C., Baker, R.J., & Engstrom, M.D., 1992. Revised
checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico,
1991. Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper
no. 146. 23 pp. --Mammalia--United States--Canada
Jones, M.L., Swartz, S.L., & Leatherwood, S., eds.,
1984. The gray whale Eschrichtius robustus. Academic
Press, Inc., Orlando, etc. 600 pp. --Eschrichtiidae--North
Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Jones, S., 1982. The present status of the Gangetic
susu, Platanista gangetica (Roxburgh), with comments
on the Indus susu, P. minor Owen. in Mammals in the
seas (Food and Agric. Organization of the United Nations,
Rome), Vol. IV: 97-115. --Platanistidae--South Asia
Jordan, P.A., 1982. Wildlife of Isle Royale: check lists
of all vertebrate animals known at Isle Royale including
their current status. rev.ed. [original ed. by Johnsson,
R.G., 1960]. Isle Royale Natur. Hist. Assoc., Houghton,
MI. 43 pp. --Mammalia--Great Lakes--Michigan
Jorgensen, C.D., & Hayward, C.L., 1965. Mammals
of the Nevada test site. Brigham Young Univ. Sci. Bull.
(Biol. Ser.) 6(3). 81 pp. --Mammalia
Joubert, E., & Mostert, P.K.N., 1975. Distribution
patterns and status of some mammals in South West Africa.
Madoqua 9(1): 5-44. --Mammalia--Namibia
Junck, C., 1992. [Inventory of small mammals from southwestern
Luxembourg]. Soc. des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois, Luxembourg,
Bull. 93: 163-168.
Junge, J.A., & Hoffmann, R.S., 1981. An annotated
key to the long-tailed shrews (genus Sorex) of the United
States and Canada, with notes on Middle American Sorex.
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Occas.
Paper no. 94. 48 pp. --Soricidae--New World
Kahmann, H., 1981. Zur Naturgeschichte
des Loffelbilches, Eliomys melanurus Wagner, 1840. Spixiana
4(1): 1-37. --Gliridae--North Africa--Southwest Asia
Kahmann, H., & Vesmanis, I., 1977. Zur Kenntnis
des Wanderigels (Erinaceus algirus Lereboullet, 1842)
auf der Insel Formentera (Pityusen) und im nordafrikanischen
Verbreitungsgebiet. Spixiana 1(2): 105-135. --Erinaceidae--Balearic
Islands--Spain--North Africa
Kaill, M., 1984. Field guide to Alaskan whales. Anchorage
Audubon Soc., Anchorage. 28 pp. --Cetacea--North Pacific
Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Kalk, M., McLachlan, A.J., & Howard-Williams, C.,
eds., 1979. Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical
ecosystem. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr. Biol. Vol. 35.
462 pp. --Mammalia--Malawi
Kamilov, G.K. (ed. by Sadiakov, A.S., et al.), 1983.
Krasnaia kniga Uzbekskoi SSR [Red Data Book of the Uzbek
SSR] Vol. 1, Pozvonochnye zhivotnye [Vertebrates]. Instit.
Zool. i Parazitologii, ANUzb SSR, Tashkent. 128 pp.
Kano, T., 1984. Distribution of pygmy chimpanzees (Pan
paniscus) in the central Zaire Basin. Folia Primatologia
43(1): 36-52. --Pongidae--Zaire--Central Africa
Kao Yueh-ting, 1962. [Mammals of the Hsi-Shuan-Pan-Na
area in southern Yunnan]. Acta. Zool. Sinica 14(2):
180-196. --Mammalia--China
Kartikasari, S.N., & Whitten, A.J., 1989. [The natural
resources, ecology & environment of Java & Bali:
a bibliography]. [Envir. Mngmnt. Development in Indonesia],
Jakarta. 320 pp. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Kasuya, T., & Nishiwaki, M., 1975. Recent status
of the population of the Indus dolphin. Whales Res.
Instit., Tokyo, Sci. Rept. no. 27: 81-94. --Platanistidae--Pakistan
Katona, S.K., 1992. Field guide to whales, porpoises
and seals. Macmillan, New York. 288 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia
Katona, S.K., Rough, V., & Richardson, D.T., 1991.
A field guide to the whales, porpoises, and seals of
the Gulf of Maine and eastern Canada: Cape Cod to Newfoundland.
4.ed. Scribner, New York. 255 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--North
Atlantic Ocean
Kavanaugh, J., 1991. Nature Alberta: an illustrated
guide to common plants and animals. Lone Pine Pub.,
Edmonton. 191 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Kawamichi, T., ed., 1985. Contemporary mammalogy in
China and Japan. Mammalogical Soc. of Japan, Osaka(?).
194 pp. --Mammalia
Keast, A., ed., 1981. Ecological biogeography of Australia.
3 v. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr. Biol. Vol. 41. --Mammalia
Keast, A., Erk, F.C., & Glass, B., eds., 1972. Evolution,
mammals, and southern continents. St. Univ. of New York
Press, Albany. 543 pp. --Mammalia
Keith, A.R., 1969. The mammals of Martha's Vineyard.
The Dukes County Intelligencer (Edgartown, MA) 11(2):
47-98. [also as reprint] --Mammalia--Massachusetts
Keith, L.B., 1990. Dynamics of snowshoe hare populations.
in Genoways, H.H., ed., Current Mammalogy Vol. 2 (Plenum
Press, New York & London): 119-195. --Leporidae--Nearctic
Kellert, S.R., & Berry, J.K., 1985. A bibliography
of human/animal relations. Univ. Press of America, Lanham,
MD, etc. 200 pp. --Mammalia
Kellogg, R., 1937. Annotated list of West Virginia mammals.
U.S. Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C., Proc. 84: 443-479. --Mammalia
Kellogg, R., 1939. Annotated list of Tennessee mammals.
U.S. Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C., Proc. 86: 245-303. --Mammalia
Kelsall, J.P., 1987. The distribution and status of
moose (Alces alces) in North America. Swedish Wildl.
Res., Suppl. 1(1): 1-10. --Cervidae
Kelt, D.A., & Martinez, D.R., 1989. Notes on distribution
and ecology of two marsupials [Dromiciops australis
& Rhyncholestes raphanurus] endemic to the Valdivian
forests of southern South America. J. of Mamm. 70(1):
220-224. --Microbiotheriidae--Caenolestidae--Chile--Argentina
Kempf, C., & Baumgart, G., eds., 1980. Mammiferes
d'Alsace. Les Guides Gesta, Strasbourg, Collection Patrimoine
Naturel. 336 pp. --Mammalia--France
Kenmuir, D., & Williams, R., 1975. Wild mammals:
a field guide and introduction to the mammals of Rhodesia.
Longman Rhodesia, Salisbury. 136 pp. --Mammalia--Zimbabwe
Kennedy, M., compiler, 1992. Australasian marsupials
and monotremes: an action plan for their conservation.
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 103 pp. --Marsupialia--Monotremata
Kennedy, M.L., 1991. Annotated checklist of the mammals
of western Tennessee. Tennessee Acad. of Sci., Nashville,
J. 66(4): 183-185. --Mammalia
Kennedy, M.L., Randolph, K.N., & Best, T.L., 1974.
A review of Mississippi mammals. Natur. Sci. Res. Instit.,
Eastern New Mexico Univ., Portales, Stud. in Natur.
Sci. 2(1). 36 pp. --Mammalia
Kenyon, K.W., 1970. The sea otter in the eastern Pacific
Ocean. Fish and Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior,
Wash., D.C., North Amer. Fauna no. 68. 352 pp. --Mustelidae--North
Pacific Ocean
Khabilov, T.K., 1989. The bats of Tajikistan: species
composition, distribution and protection. in Hanak et
al., eds.: 415-419. --Chiroptera--Tadjikistan
Khajuria, H., 1979. Studies on the bats (Chiroptera:
Mammalia) of Madhya Pradesh, India. Pt. 1. Families
Pteropidae, Rhinopomatidae, and Emballonuridae. Rec.
of the Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta, Misc. Publ. Occas.
Paper no. 13. 59 pp. --Pteropodidae
Khajuria, H., 1980. Taxonomic and ecological studies
on the bats of Jabalpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Pt. 2. Families Megadermatidae, Rhinolophidae, and Vespertilionidae.
Rec. of the Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta, Misc. Publ.
Occas. Paper no. 19. 69 pp.
Khan, M.A.R. [=Reza Khan, M.A.], 1982. Wildlife of Bangladesh;
a checklist. Univ. of Dhaka, Dhaka. 173 pp. --Mammalia
Khan, M.A.R. [=Reza Khan, M.A.], 1985. Mammals of Bangladesh:
a field guide. Nazma Reza, Dhaka. 92 pp. --Mammalia
Khan, M.A.R. [=Reza Khan, M.A.], 1989(?). [Mammals].
Bangla Acad., Dhaka, Bangladesher Bonnyoprani, Vol.
III. --Bangladesh--Mammalia
Kiili, J., 1989. Eesti terioloogia: ajalugu arengutendentsid
[Estonian theriology: history of its development]. Ed.
Vilde nim. Tallinna Pedagoogiline Instit., Tallinn.
45 pp. --Mammalia--Estonia
King, C.M., 1989. The natural history of weasels and
stoats. Christopher Helm, London; Comstock Pub. Associates,
Ithaca, NY. 253 pp. --Mustelidae
King, C.M., ed., 1990. The handbook of New Zealand mammals.
Oxford Univ. Press, Auckland, etc. 600 pp. --Mammalia
King, J.E., 1991. Seals of the world. 2.ed. Comstock
Pub. Associates, Ithaca, NY. 240 pp. --Pinnipedia
Kingdon, J., 1971-1982. East African mammals; an atlas
of evolution in Africa. 3 v. in 7 parts. Academic Press,
London & New York. --Mammalia--East Africa
Kingdon, J., 1991. Arabian mammals: a natural history.
Academic Press, London, etc. 279 pp. [in English &
Arabic] --Mammalia--Saudi Arabia--Arabian Peninsula--Southwest
Kipp, H., 1965. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Conepatus
Molina, 1782. Zeit. fur Saug. 30(4): 193-232. --Mustelidae--New
Kirkpatrick, R.D., & Cartwright, A.M., 1975. List
of mammals known to occur in Belize. Biotropica 7(2):
136-140. --Mammalia
Kitchener, D.J., & Vicker, E., 1981. Catalogue of
modern mammals in the Western Australian Museum 1895
to 1981. West. Austr. Mus., Perth. 184 pp. --Mammalia
Kitchener, D.J., Caputi, N., & Jones, B., 1986.
Revision of Australo-Papuan Pipistrellus and of Falsistrellus
(Microchiroptera: Vespertilionidae). West. Austr. Mus.,
Perth, Rec. 12(4): 435-495.
Kitchener, D.J., Jones, B., & Caputi, N., 1987.
Revision of Australian Eptesicus (Microchiroptera: Vespertilionidae).
West. Austr. Mus., Perth, Rec. 13(4): 427-500. --Australia
Kitchener, D.J., Boeadi, Charlton, L., & Maharadatunkamsi,
1990. Wild mammals of Lombok Island, Nusa Tenggara,
Indonesia: systematics and natural history. West. Austr.
Mus., Perth, Rec., Suppl. no. 33. 129 pp. --Mammalia
Kleiman, D.G., ed., 1977. The biology and conservation
of the Callitrichidae. Smithson. Instit. Press, Wash.,
D.C. 354 pp. --Callithricidae--Neotropics
Kleinenberg, S.E., 1978. Mammals of the Black Sea and
the Sea of Azov: results of joint biological-commercial
dolphin whaling studies. Fisheries and Marine Serv.,
Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. 428 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia
Kleinenberg, S.E., Yablokov, A.V., Bel'kovich, B.M.,
& Taresevich, M.N., 1969. Beluga (Delphinapterus
leucas): investigation of the species. Israel Prog.
for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 376 pp. --Monodontidae--North
Pacfic Ocean--North Atlantic Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Klinowska, M., compiler, 1991. Dolphins, porpoises and
whales of the world: the IUCN Red Data Book. IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland & Cambridge, England. 429 pp. --Cetacea
Knystautas, A., 1987. The natural history of the USSR.
McGraw-Hill, New York. 224 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Kobayashi, T., Maeda, K., & Harada, M., 1980. Studies
on the small mammal fauna of Sabah, East Malaysia 1.
Order Chiroptera and genus Tupaia (Primates). Biol.
Laboratory, Kyoto Univ., Contrib. 26(1): 67-82. --small
Koch-Weser, S., 1984. Fledermause aus Obervolta, W-Afrika
(Mammalia: Chiroptera). Senck. Biol. 64(4-6): 255-311.
--Chiroptera--Burkina Faso
Kock, D., 1969. Die Fledermaus-Fauna des Sudan. Senck.
Naturf. Gesell., Frankfurt am Main, Abhandl. nr. 521.
238 pp. --Chiroptera
Kock, D., 1970. Die Verbreitungsgeschichte des Flusspferdes,
Hippopotamus amphibius Linne, 1758, im unteren Nilgebiet.
Ein Beitrag zur Zoogeographie Nordafrikas. Saug. Mitt.
18(1): 12-25. --Hippopotamidae--Africa
Kock, D., 1977. Vergleichende Untersuchung einiger Saugetiere
in sudlichen Niger (Mammalia: Insectivora, Chiroptera,
Lagomorpha, Rodentia). Senck. Biol. 58(3-4): 113-136.
--small mammals
Kock, D., 1985. Die saharischen Vorkommen von Eliomys
Wagner, 1840. Zeit. fur Saug. 50(1): 51-54. --Gliridae--Sahara--North
Kock, D., & Posamentier, H., 1983. Cannomys badius
(Hodgson, 1842) in Bangladesh (Rodentia: Rhizomyidae).
Zeit. fur Saug. 48(5): 314-316.
Koehler, C.E., & Richardson, P.R.K., 1990. Proteles
cristatus. Mammalian Species no. 363. 6 pp. --Protelidae--Africa
Koford, C.B., 1957. The vicuna and the puna. Ecol. Monogr.
27(2): 153-219. --Camelidae--Andes--South America
Kohncke, M., & Leonhardt, K., 1986. Cryptoprocta
ferox. Mammalian Species no. 254. 5 pp. --Viverridae--Madagascar
Konig, C., 1969. Wildlebende Saugetiere Europas. C.
Belser, Stuttgart. 256 pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Konstantinov, O.K., 1984. [Rodents & bats of Guinea
& their medical significance]. Moskovskoe Obshchestvo
Ispytatelei Prirody, Moskva, Doklady MOIP (Zool. i Botanika)
1984: 16-19. --Rodentia--Chiroptera--Guinea
Kontrimavicius, V.L., ed., 1978. Fauna i zoogeografiia
mlekopitaiushchikh Severo-Vostoka [northeastern] Sibiri.
Biologo-pochvennyi Instit., DVNTS AN SSSR, Vladivostok.
168 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union--Siberia
Kontrimavicius, V.L., et al., eds., 1988. Zinduoliai
[Mammals]. Mokslas, Vilnius, Lietuvos [Lithuanian] Fauna
Vol. 1. 293 pp. --Mammalia--Lithuania
Koopman, K.F., 1975. Bats of the Sudan. Amer. Mus. of
Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 154(4): 353-443. --Chiroptera
Koopman, K.F., 1978. Zoogeography of Peruvian bats,
with special emphasis on the role of the Andes. Amer.
Mus. Novit. no. 2651. 33 pp. --Chiroptera--Peru
Koopman, K.F., 1982. Biogeography of the bats of South
America. in Mares & Genoways, eds.: 273-302. --Chiroptera
Koopman, K.F., 1984. Taxonomic and distributional notes
on tropical Australian bats. Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 2778.
48 pp. --Chiroptera--Australia
Koopman, K.F., 1989. Distributional patterns of Indo-Malayan
bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 2942.
19 pp. --South Asia--Southeast Asia
Koopman, K.F., 1989. Systematic notes on Liberian bats.
Amer. Mus. Novit. no 2946. 11 pp. --Chiroptera--Liberia
Koopman, K.F., 1989. A review and analysis of the bats
of the West Indies. in Woods, ed.: 635-644. --Chiroptera
Koopman, K.F., & Gordon, L.K., 1992. Systematic
notes on a collection of bats from Halmahera (Indonesia:
Moluccas). Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 3035. 8 pp. --Chiroptera
Koopman, K.F., & Gudmundsson, F., 1966. Bats in
Iceland. Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 2262. 6 pp. --Vespertilionidae
Kowalski, K., ed., 1964. Ssaki = Mammalia. Panstwowe
Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, Klucze do Oznaczania
Kregowcow Polski [Keys for the Identification of Polish
vertebrates] no. 5. 280 pp. --Poland
Kowalski, K., 1987. A history of mammalogy in Poland.
in Sterling, ed.: 25-61. --Mammalia
Kowalski, K., & Rzebik-Kowalska, B., 1991. Mammals
of Algeria. Zaklad Narodowy Imienia Ossolinskich--Wydawnictwo,
Wroclaw. 370 pp. --Mammalia
Kramer, R.J., 1971. Hawaiian land mammals. Charles E.
Tuttle Co., Rutland, VT, & Tokyo. 347 pp. --terrestrial
Kratochvil, J., ed., 1968. Recent distribution of the
lynx in Europe. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Brno 2(5-6)
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Kratochvil, J., & Obrtel, R., eds., 1974. Symposium
theriologicum II: proceedings of the International Symposium
of Species and Zoogeography of European Mammals. Ceskoslovenska
Akad. Ved, Praha. 394 pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Kratochvil, J., Rodrigues, L., & Barus, V., 1978.
Capromyinae (Rodentia) of Cuba I. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium
Brno 12(11). 60 pp. --Capromyidae
Krishna Raju, K.S.R., et al., 1987. Status of wildlife
and habitat conservation in Andhra Pradesh. Bombay Natur.
Hist. Soc., J. 84(3): 605-619. --Mammalia--India
Kristiansson, H., 1981. Distribution of the European
hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus L.) in Sweden and Finland.
Ann. Zool. Fennici 18(2): 115-119. --Erinaceidae
Kritzman, E.B., 1977. Little mammals of the Pacific
Northwest. Pacific Search Press, Seattle. 120 pp. --small
mammals--North America
Krumbiegel, I., 1940. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 2. Ameisenbaren [Myrmecophagidae].
Zool. Anz. (Leipzig) 131(7-8): 161-188. --South America
Krumbiegel, I., 1940. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 5. Schwimmbeutler [Chironectes]. Zool.
Anz. (Leipzig) 132(1-2): 63-72. --Didelphidae--South
Krumbiegel, I., 1940. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 6. Wasserschweine und Viscaciidae.
Zool. Anz. (Leipzig) 132(5-6): 97-115. --Hydrochaeridae--Chinchillidae--South
Krumbiegel, I., 1941. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 9. Maras [Dolichotis]. Zool. Anz.
(Leipzig) 134(1-2): 18-26. --Chinchillidae--South America
Krumbiegel, I., 1941. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 13. Kammratten (Ctenomys). Zool. Anz.
(Leipzig) 135(5-6): 125-133. --Ctenomyidae--South America
Krumbiegel, I., 1942. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 15. Baumstachler und Tapetis. Zool.
Anz. (Leipzig) 137(1-2): 18-29. --Leporidae--Erethizontidae--South
Krumbiegel, I., 1942. Die Saugetiere der Sudamerika-Expeditionen
Prof. Dr. Kriegs. 17. Hyrare und Grisons (Tayra und
Grison). Zool. Anz. (Leipzig) 139(5-6): 81-108. --Mustelidae--South
Krutzsch, P.H., 1954. North American jumping mice (genus
Zapus). Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence,
Publ. 7(4): 351-472. --Zapodidae--Nearctic
Krystufek, B., & Tvrtkovic, N., 1988. Insectivores
and rodents of the central dinaric karst of Yugoslavia.
Prirodoslovni Muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana, Scopolia no.
15: 1-59. --Insectivora--Rodentia
Krzanowski, A., 1977. The easternmost occurrence of
bats in Polynesia. Acta Theriol. 22: 271-272. --Pteropodidae--Pacific
Kucheruk, V.V., 1991. [Distribution of the black rat
in the USSR: the European USSR & the Caucasus].
Moskovskoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody, AN SSSR,
Moskva, Byulleten (Otdelenie Biol.) 96(6): 19-30. --Muridae--Russia--Soviet
Kuhbier, H., Alcover, J.A., & d'Arellano Tur, C.G.,
eds., 1984. Biogeography and ecology of the Pityusic
Islands. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr. Biol. Vol. 52.
704 pp. --Mammalia--Balearic Islands--Spain
Kuhn, H.-J., 1965. A provisional check-list of the mammals
of Liberia. Senck. Biol. 46(5): 321-340. --Mammalia
Kullmann, E., Niethammer, J., & Meyer-Ohme, D.,
1965. [The mammals of Afghanistan]. Science (Faculty
of Science, Kabul Univ.), August 1965: 1-58. --Mammalia
Kulzer, E., Bastian, H.V., & Fiedler, M., 1987.
Fledermause in Baden-Wurttemberg: Ergebnisse einer Kartierung
in den Jahren 1980-1986 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fledermausschutz
Baden-Wurttemberg. Instit. fur Okologie und Naturschutz,
Landesanstalt fur Umweltschutz Baden-Wurttemberg, Karlsruhe,
Beiheft Veroffentlichung Band 50. 152 pp. --Chiroptera--Germany
Kumar, K., 1991. Penang and Langkawi. in Bernard &
Brooke, eds.: 150-151. --Mammalia--Malaysia
Kumerloeve, H., 1967. Zur Verbreitung kleinasiatischer
Raub-und Huftiere sowie einiger Grossnager. Saug. Mitt.
15(4): 337-409. --Mammalia--Southwest Asia
Kumerloeve, H., 1975. Die Saugetiere (Mammalia) der
Turkei. Zool. Staatssammlung Munchen, Veroffentlichung
18: 69-158. --Turkey
Kumerloeve, H., 1975. Die Saugetiere (Mammalia) Syriens
und des Libanon. Zool. Staatssammlung Munchen, Veroffentlichung
18: 159-225. --Syria--Lebanon
Kumerloeve, H., 1986. Bibliographie der Saugetiere und
Vogel der Turkei (rezente Fauna). Bonner Zool. Monogr.
nr. 21. 132 pp. --Mammalia--Turkey
Kunkel, G., ed., 1976. Biogeography and ecology in the
Canary Islands. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr. Biol. Vol.
30. 511 pp. --Mammalia--North Atlantic Ocean
Kunkel, R., 1989. Elephants. Abradale Press/H.N. Abrams,
New York. 255 pp. --Elephantidae--Old World
Kuroda, N., 1938. Nihon san honyurui mokuroku [A list
of the Japanese mammals, including Saghalien, Korea,
Formosa & Micronesia]. pub. privately, Tokyo. 122
pp. --Mammalia--Japan
Kuroda, N., 1940. Genshoku Nihon honyurui zusetsu [A
monograph of the Japanese mammals, exclusive of Sirenia
& Cetacea]. Sansiedo Co., Tokyo & Osaka. 311
pp. --Mammalia--Japan
Kuroda, N., 1954(?). [A monograph of the mammals of
Japan]. Tokyo(?). 177 pp. --Mammalia
Kuroda, N., 1955. The present status of the introduced
mammals in Japan. Mammalogical Soc. of Japan, J. 1(2):
13-18. --Mammalia
Kurskov, A.N., 1981. Rukokrylye [Bats of] Belorussii.
Instit. Zool., ANBel SSR, Minsk. 135 pp. --Chiroptera--Byelorussia
Kurup, G.U., 1968. Mammals of Assam and adjoining areas.
2. A distributional list. Zool. Soc. of Calcutta, Proc.
21: 79-99. --Mammalia--India
Kurup, G.U., 1974. Mammals of Assam and the mammal-geography
of India. in Mani, ed.: 585-613. --Mammalia
Kuziakin, V.A., 1985. [Wild Ungulata resources [of the
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13: 5-65. --ungulates--Russia--Soviet Union
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Otdelenie Zool. no. 12 (n.s). 208 pp. --Mammalia--Kirghizia
Kuznetsov, B.A., 1948. Mlekopitaiushchie Kazakhstana.
Moskovskoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody, Moskva,
Otdelenie Zool. no. 13 (n.s.). 225 pp. --Mammalia--Kazakhstan
Kuznetsov, B.A., 1954. Materialy po faune mlekopitaiushchikh
Latviiskoi SSR [Materials on the mammalian fauna of
Latvia]. Moskovskoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody,
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Labuschagne, R.J., 1977. Mammals of
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Parks Board of Trustees of the Republic of South Afr.,
Pretoria. 166 pp. --Mammalia--South Africa
Lagace, M., Blais, L., & Banville, D., eds., 1983.
Liste de la faune vertebree du Quebec. Ministere du
Loisir, de la Chasse et de la Peche, Quebec. 100 pp.
Lamba, B.S., 1987. Fauna of Corbett National Park: mammals,
birds & reptiles. Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta,
Fauna of Conserv. Areas 2. 86 pp. --Mammalia
Lampe, R.P., & Bowles, J.B., 1985. Annotated checklist
of the mammals of the Loess Hills of western Iowa. Iowa
Acad. of Sci., Cedar Falls, Proc. 92(5): 176-179. --Mammalia
Lanfranco, G.G., 1969. Maltese mammals (central Mediterranean).
Progress Press, Malta. 28 pp. --Mammalia--Malta
Lang, E.M., Schenkel, R., Schaefer, H., & Meyer,
H., 1989. Nashorner. Naturhist. Mus. Basel, Veroffentlichung
nr. 23. 16 pp. --Rhinocerotidae--Old World
Lange, J., 1972. Studien an Gazellenschadeln. Ein Beitrag
zur Systematik der kleineren Gazellen, Gazella (De Blainville,
1816). Saug. Mitt. 20(3): 193-249. --Bovidae--Old World
Lange, R.B., & Jablonski, E.F., 1979. Roedores do
Parana. Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Parana, Curitiba,
Estudos de Biol. no. 2: 1-15. --Rodentia
Langguth, A., 1969. Die sudamerikanischen Canidae unter
besonderer Berucksichtigung des Mahnenwolfes Chrysocyon
brachyurus Illiger (morphologische, systematische und
phylogenetische Untersuchungen). Zeit. fur Wissenschaftliche
Zool. (Abteilung A) 179: 1-188. --South America
Langguth, A., & Anderson, S., 1980. Manual de identificacion
de los mamiferos del Uruguay. Depto. de Zool. de los
Vertebrados, Facultad de Humanidades y Cienc., Univ.
de la Republica, Montevideo. 65 pp. --Mammalia
Langham, N.P.E., 1977. Pengenalan pendek dan pedoman
kerjaluar mengenai haiwan mamalia biasa di Pulau Pinang
[translation of "Short introduction & field guide
to the common mammals of Penang Island", published earlier].
Pulau Pinang. 68 pp. --Mammalia--Malaysia
Lanza, B., & Finotello, P.L., 1985. Biogeografia
dei chirotteri italiani. Mus. Regionale di Sci. Natur.,
Torino, Boll. 3(2): 389-419. --Chiroptera--Italy
Laptev, I.P., 1958. Mlekopitaiushchie taezhnoi zony
Zapadnoi Sibiri [Mammals of the West Siberia taiga zone].
Tomskii Gosudarstvennyi Univ., Tomsk. 284 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Largen, M.J., Kock, D., & Yalden, D.W., 1974. Catalogue
of the mammals of Ethiopia. 1. Chiroptera. Monitore
Zool. Ital. Suppl. 5(16) (n.s.): 221-298.
Larrison, E.J., 1970. Washington mammals; their habits,
identification and distribution. Seattle Audubon Soc.,
Seattle. 243 pp. --Mammalia
Larrison, E.J., 1976. Mammals of the Northwest: Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia. Seattle Audubon
Soc., Seattle. 256 pp. --Mammalia
Larrison, E.J., & Johnson, D.R., 1981. Mammals of
Idaho. Univ. Press of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 166 pp. --Mammalia
Larson, J.S., & Gunson, J.R., 1983. Status of the
beaver in North America. Acta Zool. Fennica 174: 91-93.
Laubach, C.M., Bowles, J.B., & Laubach, R., 1988.
A guide to the bats of Iowa. Iowa Dept. of Natur. Resources,
Des Moines. 20 pp. --Chiroptera
Laubier, L., Gautier, S., & Martin, I., eds., 1989.
Actes du colloque sur la recherche francaise dans les
terres australes (Kerguelan, Crozet, Saint-Paul et Amsterdam)
et a partir des navires qui les desservent. Comite Natl.
Francais des Recherches Antarctiques, Tours, France.
562 pp. --marine mammals--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Southern
Laudenslayer, W.F., Jr., Grenfell, W.E., Jr., &
Zeiner, D.C., 1991. A check-list of the amphibians,
reptiles, birds, and mammals of California. Calif. Fish
and Game 77(3): 109-141. --Mammalia
Laurie, E.M.O., & Hill, J.Edw., 1954. List of land
mammals of New Guinea, Celebes and adjacent islands
1758-1952. Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.),
London. 175 pp. --terrestrial mammals--Indonesia
Laurie, W.A., Lang, E.M., & Groves, C.P., 1983.
Rhinoceros unicornis. Mammalian Species no. 211. 6 pp.
--Rhinocerotidae--South Asia
Laursen, L., & Bekoff, M., 1978. Loxodonta africana.
Mammalian Species no. 92. 8 pp. --Elephantidae--Africa
LaVal, R.K., 1973. A revision of the neotropical bats
of the genus Myotis. Natur. Hist. Mus. of L.A. Co.,
Sci. Bull. no. 15. 54 pp. --Vespertilionidae--Neotropics
Laws, R.M., 1984. Seals. in Laws, R.M., ed., Antarctic
ecology (2 v., Academic Press, London & Orlando),
Vol. 2: 621-715. --Pinnipedia--Antarctica
Lay, D.M., 1967. A study of the mammals of Iran. Fieldiana
Zool. Vol. 54. 282 pp. --Mammalia
Lay, D.M., 1983. Taxonomy of the genus Gerbillus (Rodentia:
Gerbillinae) with comments on the applications of generic
and subgeneric names and an annotated list of species.
Zeit. fur Saug. 48(6): 329-354. --Cricetidae--Old World
Layne, J.N., 1974. The land mammals of South Florida.
in Gleason, P.J., ed., Environments of South Florida:
present and past (Miami Geol. Soc., Miami, Mem. 2):
386-413. --terrestrial mammals
Lazell, J.D., Jr., 1989. Wildlife of the Florida Keys:
a natural history. Island Press, Wash., D.C. 253 pp.
Leader-Williams, N., 1988. Reindeer on South Georgia:
the ecology of an introduced population. Cambridge Univ.
Press, New York. 319 pp. --Cervidae--Southern Ocean
Leatherwood, S., compiler, 1986. Whales, dolphins and
porpoises of the Indian Ocean Cetacean Sanctuary: a
catalogue of available information. United Nations Envir.
Prog., Nairobi, Kenya. 206 pp. [reprint, 1990] --Cetacea
Leatherwood, S., & Dahlheim, M.E., 1978. Worldwide
distribution of pilot whales and killer whales. Naval
Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, Tech. Rept. 443. 39
pp. --Delphinidae
Leatherwood, S., & Reeves, R.R., 1983. The Sierra
Club handbook of whales and dolphins. Sierra Club Books,
San Francisco. 302 pp. --Cetacea
Leatherwood, S., & Reeves, R.R., eds., 1990. The
bottlenose dolphin [Tursiops truncatus]. Academic Press,
San Diego, etc. 653 pp. --Delphinidae
Leatherwood, S., Caldwell, D.K., & Winn, H.E., 1976.
Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the western North
Atlantic: a guide to their identification. NOAA Tech.
Rept., NMFS Circular no. 396. 176 pp. --Cetacea--North
Atlantic Ocean
Leatherwood, S., Reeves, R.R., Perrin, W.F., & Evans,
W.E., 1988. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the eastern
North Pacific and adjacent Arctic waters: a guide to
their identification. rev.ed. Dover Publs., New York.
245 pp. --Cetacea--North Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Le Berre, M., 1990. Mammiferes. Lechevalier-Raymond
Chabaud, Paris, Faune du Sahara Vol. 2. 360 pp. --Mammalia--North
Lechleitner, R.R., 1967. Mammals of Glacier National
Park. Glacier Natur. Hist. Assoc., West Glacier, MT,
Spec. Bull. no. 6. 92 pp. --Mammalia--Montana
Lechleitner, R.R., 1969. Wild mammals of Colorado: their
appearance, habits, distribution, and abundance. Pruett
Pub. Co., Boulder. 254 pp. --Mammalia
Lee, A.K., Handasyde, K.A., & Sanson, G.D., eds.,
1991. Biology of the koala. Surrey Beatty & Sons,
Chipping Norton, NSW. 336 pp. --Phascolarctidae--Australia
Lee, D.S., Funderburg, J.B., Jr., & Clark, M.K.,
1982. A distributional survey of North Carolina mammals.
North Carolina Biol. Surv., Raleigh, Occas. Paper 1982-10.
70 pp. --Mammalia
Lee, P.C., Thornback, J., & Bennett, E.L., compilers,
1988. Threatened Primates of Africa: the IUCN Red Data
Book. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 153 pp.
Lefebvre, L.W., O'Shea, T.J., Rathbun, G.B., & Best,
R.C., 1989. Distribution, status, and biogeography of
the West Indian manatee. in Woods, ed.: 567-610. --Trichechidae--Neotropics--West
Indies--Southeastern United States
LeFranc, M.N., Jr., Moss, M.B., Patnode, K.A., &
Sugg, W.C., eds., 1987. Grizzly bear compendium. Natl.
Wildl. Federation, Wash., D.C. 540 pp. --Ursidae--Nearctic
Lehmann, E.von, 1955. Die Saugetiere aus Fukien (S.O.-China)
im Museum A. Koenig, Bonn. Bonner Zool. Beitr. 6(3-4):
147-170. --Mammalia--China
Lehmann, E.von, 1962. Die Saugetiere des Furstentums
Liechtenstein. Historischer Verein fur das Furstentum
Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Jahrb. 62: 159-362. --Mammalia
Leitch, W.C., 1990. South America's national parks:
a visitor's guide. The Mountaineers, Seattle. 286 pp.
Le Lourarn, H., & Saint Girons, M.-C., 1977. Les
rongeurs de France. Instit. Natl. de la Recherche Agronomique,
Paris. 159 pp. --Rodentia
Lemke, T.O., 1986. Distribution and status of the sheath-tailed
bat (Emballonura semicaudata) in the Mariana Islands.
J. of Mamm. 64(4): 743-746. --Emballonuridae--West Pacific
Lent, P.C., 1988. Ovibos moschatus. Mammalian Species
no. 302. 9 pp. --Bovidae--Alaska--Canada--Greenland--Arctic
Leopold, A.S., 1972. Wildlife of Mexico: the game birds
and mammals. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley. 568 pp.
LeTallec, J., 1979. La grande faune du Senegal: les
mammiferes. Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, Dakar,
etc. 111 pp. --large mammals
Leuthold, W., 1977. African ungulates: a comparative
review of their ethology and behavioral ecology. Springer
Verlag, Berlin & New York, Zoophysiology and Ecol.
Vol. 8. 307 pp. --Africa
Lever, C., 1977. The naturalized animals of the British
Isles. Hutchinson & Co., London. 600 pp. --Mammalia
Lever, C., 1986. Naturalized mammals of the world. Longman,
London & New York. 487 pp. --Mammalia
Lewis, R.E., Lewis, J.H., & Atallah, S.I., 1967.
A review of Lebanese mammals. Lagomorpha and Rodentia.
J. of Zool. (London) 153: 45-70. --Lebanon
Lewis, R.E., Lewis, J.H., & Atallah, S.I., 1968.
A review of Lebanese mammals. Carnivora, Pinnipedia,
Hyracoidea and Artiodactyla. J. of Zool. (London) 154:
517-531. --Lebanon
Lian Congqi, 1986. [Wildlife of Xinjiang]. [Forestry
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Lichter, A., & Hooper, A., 1984. Guia para el reconocimiento
de cetaceos del mar Argentino. Fundacion Vida Silvestre
Argentina, Buenos Aires. 96 pp. --Cetacea--Argentina--South
Atlantic Ocean
Lidicker, W.Z., Jr., ed.. 1989. Rodents: a world survey
of species of conservation concern. IUCN Species Survival
Commission (SSC), Gland, Switzerland, Occas. Paper no.
4. 60 pp. --Rodentia
Lien, J., Fawcett, L., & Staniforth, S., 1985. Wet
and fat: whales and seals of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Breakwater, St. John's, Newfoundland. 136 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Canada--North
Atlantic Ocean
Linares, O.J., 1987. Murcielagos de Venezuela. Depto.
de Relaciones Publicas de Lagoven, Caracas. 121 pp.
Linares, O.J., 1998. Mamiferos de Venezuela. Sociedad
Conservacionista Audubon de Venezuela, Caracas. 691
pp. --Mammalia
Ling, J.K., & Bryden, M.M., eds., 1985. Studies
of sea mammals in south latitudes. South Austr. Mus.,
Adelaide. 132 pp. --marine mammals--Southern Ocean
Ling, J.K., & Bryden, M.M., 1992. Mirounga leonina.
Mammalian Species no. 391. 8 pp. --Phocidae--Southern
Linzey, A.V., & Linzey, D.W., 1971. Mammals of Great
Smoky Mountains National Park. Univ. of Tennessee Press,
Knoxville. 114 pp. --Mammalia--Tennessee--North Carolina
"Lista Roja de los vertebrados de Espana", 1986. Instit.
Nac. para la Conserv. de la Naturaleza, Ministerio de
Agric., Pesca, y Alimentacion, Madrid. 400 pp. --Mammalia--Spain
Liu Chunsheng, Li Chuanbin, Wu Wanneng, & Meng Jihui,
1985. [The faunal distribution & geographical divisions
of rodents in Anhui Province]. Acta Theriol. Sinica
5(2): 111-118. --Rodentia--China
Liu Hsien, 1984. Mi hou shih chia [Chinese macaques].
Shang-hai. 70 pp. --Cercopithecidae--China
Llona Larrauri, J., 1982. Mamiferos salvajes del Pais
Vasco. Caja de Ahorros Vizcaina, Bilbao. 111 pp. --Mammalia--Spain
Lobin, W., ed., 1982-. Fauna und Flora der Kapverdischen
Inseln [continuing series]. Senck. Naturf. Gesell.,
Frankfurt am Main. --Mammalia--Cape Verde Islands--North
Atlantic Ocean
Loevinsohn, M.E., & Green, A.A., 1981. Les mammiferes
du Parc National de la Pendjari [Benin]. FAO, Rome,
Rapport Technique no. 2. --Mammalia--Benin
Loggers, C.O., Thevenot, M., & Aulagnier, S., 1992.
Status and distribution of Moroccan wild ungulates [Bovidae].
Biol. Conserv. 59(1): 9-18. --Morocco
Long, C.A., 1965. The mammals of Wyoming. Mus. of Natur.
Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 14(18): 495-758.
Long, C.A., 1974. Mammals of the Lake Michigan drainage
basin. Center for Envir. Stud., Argonne Natl. Laboratory,
Argonne, IL. 108 pp. --Mammalia--United States
Long, C.A., & Killingley, C.A., 1983. The badgers
of the world. Charles C. Thomas Pubs., Springfield,
Illinois. 404 pp. --Mustelidae
Lopez-Gonzalez, C., 1998. Systematics and zoogeography
of the bats of Paraguay. Ph.D. Diss., Texas Tech Univ.,
Lubbock TX. 395 pp. --Chiroptera
Loset, F., & Spikkeland, O.K., 1984. [Northern birch
mouse Sicista betulina in Norway]. Fauna (Oslo) 37:
89-93. --Zapodidae
Lord, R., 1999. Wild mammals of Venezuela. Armitano
Editores, Caracas. 344 pp. --Mammalia
Lotze, J.-H., & Anderson, S., 1979. Procyon lotor.
Mammalian Species no. 119. 8 pp. --Procyonidae--North
America--Central America
Louette, M., 1987. Poissons dulcaquicoles, batraciens,
reptiles et mammiferes de l'archipel des L Comores.
Ya Mkobe (Moroni, RFI Comores) 3: 4-7. --Mammalia--Comoro
Lovari, S., ed., 1985. The biology and management of
mountain ungulates. Croom Helm, London, etc. 271 pp.
Lowe, C.H., ed., 1980. The vertebrates of Arizona: landscapes
and habitats, fishes, amphibians and reptiles, birds,
mammals. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson. 270 pp. --Mammalia
Lowery, G.H., Jr., 1974. The mammals of Louisiana and
its adjacent waters. pub. for Louisiana Wild Life and
Fisheries Commission by Louisiana St. Univ. Press, Baton
Rouge. 565 pp. --Mammalia
Lu Hao-quan, 1985. Preliminary researches on the mammal
fauna of Shandong Province. in Kawamichi, ed.: 161-162.
Lubke, R.A., Gess, F.W., & Bruton, M.N., eds., 1988.
A field guide to the eastern Cape coast. Grahamstown
Centre of the Wildl. Soc. of South. Afr., Grahamstown.
520 pp. --Mammalia--South Africa
Lucero, M.M., 1983. Lista y distribucion de aves y mamiferos
de la provincia de Tucuman [Argentina]. Fundacion Miguel
Lillo, Tucuman, Miscelanea no. 75. 61 pp. --Mammalia
Lutz, W., 1984. Die Verbreitung des Waschbaren (Procyon
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fur Jagdwissenschaft 30(4): 218-228. --Procyonidae--Europe
Luz del Carmen Colmenero, R., & Elia Hoz Zavala,
M., 1986. Distribucion de los manaties: situacion y
su conservacion en Mexico. Instit. de Biol., Univ. Nac.
Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F., Anales (Ser. Zool.)
56(3): 955-1020. --Trichechidae
Luz Mathias, M.da, 1988. An annotated list of the mammals
recorded from the Madeira Islands. Mus. Municipal do
Funchal, Funchal, Madeira, Bol. 40(201): 111-137. --Mammalia--North
Atlantic Ocean
Luz Mathias, M.da, 1989. Os mamiferos na area de Lisboa.
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Orange Free State, South Africa. Nasionale Mus., Bloemfontein,
Navorsinge 3(6): 109-139. --Mammalia
Lynch, C.D., 1981. The status of the Cape grey mongoose,
Herpestes pulverulentus Wagner 1839 (Mammalia: Viverridae).
Nasionale Mus., Bloemfontein, Navorsinge 4(5): 121-168.
--Herpestidae--South Africa
Lynch, C.D., 1983. The mammals of the Orange Free State.
Nasionale Mus., Bloemfontein, Mem. no. 18. 218 pp. --Mammalia--South
Lynch, C.D., 1989. The mammals of the north-eastern
Cape Province. Nasionale Mus., Bloemfontein, Mem. no.
25. 116 pp. --Mammalia--South Africa
Lynch, C.D., & Watson, J.P., 1990. The mammals of
Sehlabathebe Park, Lesotho. Nasionale Mus., Bloemfontein,
Navorsinge 6(12): 524-554. --Mammalia
Lyneborg, L., 1973. Pattedyr i farver [[European] Mammals
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F.E., 1988. Taxonomy, distribution, and status of gibbons
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29(2): 277-286. --Hylobatidae--Southeast Asia
Ma Yi-ching, 1983. The status of bears in China. Acta
Zool. Fennica 174: 165-166. --Ursidae
Ma Yi-ching et al., 1986. [Fauna Heilongjiangica. Mammalia.].
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520 pp. --China
Ma Yung et al., eds., 1987. Hsin-chiang pei pu ti ch'u
nieh ch'ih tung wu ti fen lei ho fen pu [Glires (rodents
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Maa, T.C., & Marshall, A.G., 1981. Diptera puripara
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and ecology. Taiwan Mus., Taipei, Quarterly J. 34(3-4):
213-232. --Chiroptera--South Pacific Ocean
Macdonald, D.W., ed., 1984. The encyclopedia of mammals.
Facts on File, Inc., New York. 895 pp. --Mammalia
MacDonald, S.O., & Jones, C., 1987. Ochotona collaris.
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MacFadden, B.J., 1980. Rafting mammals or drifting islands?:
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and Solenodon. J. of Biogeogr. 7(1): 11-22. --Nesophontidae--Solenodontidae--West
Machado, A., 1969. Mamiferos de Angola ainda nao citados
ou pouco conbecidos. Companhia de Diamantes de Angola,
Lisboa, Publ. Culturais no. 46: 93-231. --Mammalia
MacKinnon, J.R., 1971. The orang-utan in Sabah today.
Oryx 11(2-3): 141-191. --Pongidae--Borneo--Indonesia
MacKinnon, K., 1986. The conservation status of nonhuman
Primates in Indonesia. in Benirschke, ed.: 99-126.
MacPhee, R.D.E., 1987. The shrew tenrecs of Madagascar:
systematic revision and Holocene distribution of Microgale
(Tenrecidae, Insectivora). Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 2889.
45 pp.
Madhavan, A., & Gopala Krishna, A., in press. Bats
from Kerala. Part 1. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., J. --Chiroptera--India
Madureira, M.L., & Magalhaes, C.M.P.de, 1980. Small
mammals of Portugal. Mus. Bocage, Lisboa, Arq. 7(13)
(2.s.): 179-214.
Madureira, M.L., & Ramalhinho, M.G., 1981. Notas
sobre a distribuicao, diagnose e ecologia dos Insectivora
e Rodentia portugueses. Mus. Bocage, Lisboa, Arq. (Ser.
A) 1(10): 165-263. --Portugal
Maeda, K., 1982. Studies on the classification of Miniopterus
in Eurasia, Australia and Melanesia. Honyurui Kagaku
[=Mammalian Science], Suppl. no. 1. 176 pp. --Vespertilionidae--Old
Majupuria, T.C., ed., 1981. Wild is beautiful: introduction
to the magnificent, rich and varied fauna and wildlife
of Nepal. S. Devi, Gwalior, India. 507 pp. --Mammalia
Majupuria, T.C., ed., 1986. Wildlife wealth of India:
resources and management. 2.rev.ed. Tecpress Service,
Bangkok. 667 pp. --Mammalia
Makin, D., 1989. The status of bats in Israel. in Hanak
et al., eds.: 403-408. --Chiroptera
Makridin, V.P., et al., 1978. Krupnye khishchniki i
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& their ungulate prey: the forest & its inhabitants.].
Lesnaia Promyshlennost', Moskva. 294 pp. --Carnivora--ungulates--Russia--Soviet
Maksimov, A.A., 1977. Tipy vspyshek i prognozy massovogo
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Biol., Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 189
pp. --Arvicolidae--Russia--Soviet Union--Siberia
Malbrant, R., 1952. Faune du Centre Africain Francais
(mammiferes et oiseaux). 2.ed. Paul Lechevalier, Paris,
Encyclopedie Biologique XV. 616 pp. --Mammalia--Central
Malbrant, R., & Maclatchy, A., 1949. Mammiferes.
Paul Lechevalier, Paris, Faune de l'Equateur Africain
Francais t. 2. 323 pp. --Mammalia--Gabon--Congo
Mallon, D.P., 1985. The mammals of the Mongolian People's
Republic. Mammal Rev. 15(2): 71-102. --Mammalia--Mongolia
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Biologo-pochvennyi Instit., DVNTS AN SSSR, Vladivostok.
358 pp. --Russia--Soviet Union
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history (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago & London):
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"Les mammiferes sauvages de Normandie: statut et repartition",
1988. Groupe Mammalogique Normand, Rouen. 276 pp. --Mammalia--France
Mani, M.S., ed., 1974. Ecology and biogeography in India.
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Mann Fischer, G., 1978. Los pequenos mamiferos de Chile:
marsupiales, quiropteros, edentados y roedores. Gayana
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Manning, T.H., 1971. Geographical variation in the polar
bear Ursus maritimus Phipps. Canada Wildl. Serv., Ottawa,
Rept. Ser. no. 13. 27 pp. --Ursidae--Canada--Alaska--Russia--Arctic--Arctic
Manning, T.H., 1976. Birds and mammals of the Belcher,
Sleeper, Ottawa and King George Islands, and Northwest
Territories. Canadian Wildl. Serv., Ottawa, Occas. Paper
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of Alaskan mammals. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildl.,
Wash., D.C., Circular 211. 74 pp. --Mammalia--Alaska
Marchessaux, D., 1989. The biology, status and conservation
of the monk seal (Monachus monachus). Council of Europe,
Strasbourg. 46 pp. --Phocidae--Mediterranean Sea
Marchessaux, D., 1989. Distribution et statut des populations
du phoque moine Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779). Mammalia
53(4): 621-642. --Phocidae--Mediterranean Sea
Marchessaux, D., & Muller, N., 1987. Le phoque moine,
Monachus monachus: distribution, statut et biologie
sur la cote saharienne. Parc Natl. de Port-Cros, Hyeres,
France, Sci. Rept. 13: 25-84. --Phocidae--Mediterranean
Marcuzzi, G., & Pilleri, G., 1971. On the zoogeography
of Cetacea. Investigations on Cetacea (Bern, Switzerland)
3(1): 101-170.
Mares, M.A., & Braun, J.K., 1986. An international
survey of the popular and technical literature of mammalogy.
Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 55(9):
145-205. --Mammalia
Mares, M.A., & Genoways, H.H., eds., 1982. Mammalian
biology in South America. Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecol.,
Univ. of Pittsburgh, Spec. Publ. Ser. Vol. 6. 539 pp.
Mares, M.A., & Schmidly, D.J., eds., 1991. Latin
American mammalogy: history, biodiversity, and conservation.
Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Norman & London. 468 pp.
--Mammalia--Latin America--Neotropics
Mares, M.A., Ojeda, R.A., & Barquez, R.M., 1989.
Guide to the mammals of Salta Province, Argentina. Univ.
of Oklahoma Press, Norman & London. 303 pp. [in
English & Spanish] --Mammalia
Mares, M.A., Ojeda, R.A., & Kosco, M.P., 1981. Observations
on the distribution and ecology of the mammals of Salta
Province, Argentina. Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
Pittsburgh, Ann. 50(6): 151-206. --Mammalia
Mares, M.A., Willig, M.R., Streilein, K.E., & Lacher,
T.E., Jr., 1981. The mammals of northeastern Brazil:
a preliminary assessment. Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
Pittsburgh, Ann. 50(4): 81-137. --Mammalia
Marineros, L., & Martinez Gallegos, F., 1988. Mamiferos
silvestres de Honduras. Asoc. Hondurena de Ecol., Tegucigalpa.
129 pp. --Mammalia
Markham, B.J., 1971. Catalogo de los anfibios, reptiles,
aves y mamiferos de la Provincia de Magallanes (Chile).
Instit. de la Patagonia, Punta Arenas, Chile. 64 pp.
Markov, G., 1957. Nasekomoiadnite bozainitsi v Bulgariia
[Insectivora of Bulgaria]. Izdanie na Bulgarskata Akad.
na Naukite, Sofiia, Fauna na Bulgariia 3. 287 pp.
Markov, G.N., 1959. Bozainitsite v Bulgariia [Mammals
in Bulgaria]. Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofiia. 155 pp. --Mammalia
Marlow, B.J., 1958. A survey of the marsupials of New
South Wales. C.S.I.R.O. Wildl. Res. 3(2): 71-114. --Marsupialia--Australia
Marlow, B.J., 1968. Marsupials of Australia. rev.ed.
Jacaranda Press, Brisbane. 141 pp. --Marsupialia
Marquez Sanchez, F., 1987(?). Mamiferos, anfibios y
reptiles. Serv. de Publs. de la Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla-La Mancha, Fauna de Castilla-La Mancha Vol.
2. --Mammalia--Spain
Marsh, C.W., & Mittermeier, R.A., eds., 1987. Primate
conservation in the tropical rain forest. A.R. Liss,
New York, Monogr. in Primatology Vol. 9. 365 pp. --Primates
Marsh, C.W., & Wilson, W.L., 1981. A survey of primates
in Peninsular Malaysian forests: final report for the
Malaysian Primates Research Program. Univ. Kebangsaan
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge,
England. 107 pp. --Malaysia
Marsh, H., ed., 1981. The dugong; proceedings of a seminar/workshop.
Dept. of Zool., James Cook Univ., Queensland. 400 pp.
--Dugongidae--Old World
Marshall, J.T., Jr., 1977. A synopsis of Asian species
of Mus (Rodentia, Muridae). Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
New York, Bull. 158(3): 175-220. --Asia
Marshall, J.T., & Sugardjito, J., 1986. Gibbon systematics.
in Swindler, D., & Erwin, J., eds., Comparative
primate biology, Vol. 1: systematics, evolution, and
anatomy (A.R. Liss, New York): 137-185. --Hylobatidae--China--South
Asia--Southeast Asia
Marshall, L.G., 1977. Lestodelphys halli. Mammalian
Species no. 81. 3 pp. --Didelphidae--Argentina
Marshall, L.G., 1978. Dromiciops australis. Mammalian
Species no. 99. 5 pp. --Microbiotheriidae--Chile--Argentina
Marshall, L.G., 1980. Systematics of the South American
marsupial family Caenolestidae. Fieldiana Geol. no.
5 (n.s.). 145 pp. --Andes--South America
Marshall, L.G., 1982. Systematics of the South American
marsupial family Microbiotheriidae. Fieldiana Geol.
no. 10 (n.s.). 75 pp. --Chile--Argentina
Marshall, P., 1968. Wild mammals of Hong Kong. Oxford
Univ. Press, London, etc. 64 pp. --Mammalia
Martin, A., Hutterer, R., & Corbet, G.B., 1984.
On the presence of shrews (Soricidae) in the Canary
Islands. Bonner Zool. Beitr. 35(1-3): 5-14. --North
Atlantic Ocean
Martinez-Sanchez, J.C., Morales Velazquez, S., &
Castaneda Mendoza, E.A., 2000. Lista patron de los mamiferos
de Nicaragua. Fundacion Cocibolca, Managua. 35 pp. --Mammalia
Marvin, M.IA., 1959. Mlekopitaiushchie Karelii [Mammals
of Karelia]. Karel'skii Filial, AN SSSR, Petrozavodsk.
238 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Maser, C.O., & Storm, R.M., 1970. A key to Microtinae
of the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho).
Oregon St. Univ. Book Stores, Corvallis, OR. 162 pp.
Maser, C., et al., 1984. Natural history of Oregon coast
[i.e., marine] mammals. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ.
of Oregon, Eugene, Spec. Publ. 496 pp. --marine mammals--North
Pacific Ocean
Mason, I.L., ed., 1984. Evolution of domesticated animals.
Longman, London & New York. 452 pp. --Mammalia
Massoia, E., 1976. Mammalia. Fundacion para la Educ.,
la Cienc. y la Cultura, Buenos Aires, Coleccion Fauna
de Agua Dulce de la Republica Argentina Vol. 44. 128
pp. --Argentina
Massoia, E., 1980. Mammalia de Argentina. I. Los mamiferos
silvestres de la Provincia de Misiones. Iguazu (Buenos
Aires) 1: 15-43.
Mathiasson, S., & Dalhov, G., 1990. In the wild:
wildlife in Great Britain and Europe. Swan Hill Press,
Shrewsbury, England. 275 pp. --Mammalia--British Isles
Matson, J.O., & Baker, R.H., 1986. Mammals of Zacatecas.
Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 24.
88 pp. --Mammalia--Mexico
Matthews, J.R., & Moseley, C.J., eds., 1990. The
official World Wildlife Fund guide to endangered species
of North America. 2 v. Beacham Pub., Wash., D.C. 1180
pp. --Mammalia
Matthews, L.H., 1968. British mammals. 2.ed. Collins,
London. 410 pp. --Mammalia--British Isles
Matthews, L.H., 1982. Mammals in the British Isles.
Collins, London. 207 pp. --Mammalia
Mayer, J.J., & Brandt, P.N., 1982. Identity, distribution,
and natural history of the peccaries, Tayassuidae. in
Mares & Genoways, eds.: 433-455. --New World
Mayer, J.J., & Brisbin, I.L., Jr., 1991. Wild pigs
in the United States: their history, comparative morphology,
and current status. Univ. of Georgia Press, Athens &
London. 313 pp. --Suidae
Mayer, J.J., & Wetzel, R.M., 1986. Catagonus wagneri.
Mammalian Species no. 259. 5 pp. --Tayassuidae--Paraguay--Argentina--Bolivia
Mayer, J.J., & Wetzel, R.M., 1987. Tayassu pecari.
Mammalian Species no. 293. 7 pp. --Tayassuidae--Neotropics
Maynes, G.M., 1987. Bibliography of New Guinea bat literature.
Macroderma (Canberra) 3(2): 39-62. --Chiroptera
Mazak, V., 1967. Notes on Siberian long-haired tiger,
Panthera tigris altaica (Temminck, 1844), with a remark
on Temminck's mammal volume of the "Fauna Japonica".
Mammalia 31(4): 537-573. --Felidae--China--Russia
Mazak, V., 1979. Der Tiger: Panthera tigris. 2.ed. A.
Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei
Heft 356. 228 pp. --Felidae--Asia
Mazak, V., 1981. Panthera tigris. Mammalian Species
no. 152. 8 pp. --Felidae--Asia
Mazunin, N., 1982. Svodnyi opredelitel' pozvonochnykh
zhivotnykh Kazakhstana [Comprehensive key to identification
of vertebrates of Kazakhstan]. 2.rev.ed. Mektep, Alma-Ata.
185 pp. --Mammalia
McBee, K., & Baker, R.J., 1982. Dasypus novemcinctus.
Mammalian Species no. 162. 9 pp. --Dasypodidae--New
McCullough, D.R., 1974. Status of larger mammals in
Taiwan: a report to World Wildlife Fund, Washington,
D.C., U.S.A. Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Communications.
Tourism Bureau, Taipei. 36 pp. --large mammals
McDowell, S.B., Jr., 1958. The Greater Antillean insectivores.
Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 115(3):
113-214. --Insectivora--West Indies
McHugh, T., 1979. The time of the buffalo. Univ. of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln & London. 340 pp. --Bovidae--Nearctic
McKenzie, N.L., ed., 1983. Wildlife of the Dampier Peninsula,
south-west Kimberley, Western Australia. Wildl. Res.
Bull. West. Austr. no. 11. 83 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
McKenzie, N.L., & Burbidge, A.A., 1979. The wildlife
of some existing and proposed nature reserves in the
Gibson, Little Sandy and Victoria Deserts, Western Australia.
Wildl. Res. Bull. West. Austr. no. 8. 35 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
McKenzie, N.L., & Robinson, A.C., eds., 1987. A
biological survey of the Nullarbor region, South and
Western Australia, in 1984. Adelaide. 413 pp. --Mammalia--South
McKenzie, N.L., & Youngson, W.K., 1983. Part III.
Mammals. in Burbidge & McKenzie, eds.: 62-93. --Mammalia--Australia
McKenzie, N.L., Chapman, A., & Youngson, W.K., 1975.
Mammals. in Miles, J.M., & Burbidge, A.A., eds.,
A biological survey of the Prince Regent River Reserve,
north-west Kimberley, Western Australia (Wildl. Res.
Bull. West. Austr. no. 3): 69-74. -Mammalia--Australia
McKenzie, N.L., Johnston, R.B., & Kendrick, P.G.,
eds., 1991. Kimberley rainforests of Australia. Surrey
Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW. 490 pp. --Mammalia--Western
McKenzie, N.L., Burbidge, A.A., Chapman, A., & Youngson,
W.K., 1978. Mammals. in Burbidge, A.A., & McKenzie,
N.L., eds., The islands of north-west Kimberley, Western
Australia (Wildl. Res. Bull. West. Austr. no. 7): 22-28.
McKnight, T.L., 1958. The feral burro in the United
States: distribution and problems. J. of Wildl. Mngmnt.
22(2): 163-179. --Equidae
McKnight, T.L., 1959. The feral horse in Anglo-America.
Geogr. Rev. 49(4): 506-525. --Equidae--North America
McKnight, T.L., 1964. Feral livestock in Anglo-America.
Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Geogr. no. 16. 87 pp. --Mammalia--North
McKnight, T.L., 1969. The camel in Australia. Univ.
of Melbourne Press, Melbourne. 154 pp. --Camelidae
McKnight, T.L., 1976. Friendly vermin; a survey of feral
livestock in Australia. Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Geogr.
no. 21. 104 pp. --Mammalia
McLaughlin, C.A., 1959. Mammals of Los Angeles County,
California. 2.ed. L.A. Co. Mus., Los Angeles, Sci. Ser.
no. 21. 34 pp. --Mammalia
McLaughlin, M., 1982. Marine mammals of the Lancaster
Sound region. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa,
Envir. Stud. no. 23. 73 pp. --Canada--Arctic Ocean
McManus, J.J., 1974. Didelphis virginiana. Mammalian
Species no. 40. 6 pp. --Didelphidae--North America
McPherson, A.B., 1985. A biogeographical analysis of
factors influencing the distribution of Costa Rican
rodents. Brenesia (San Jose) 23: 97-273. --Rodentia--Costa
Mead, J.G., Heyning, J.G., & Brownell, R.L., 1988.
Distribution and exploitation of beaked whales in the
Northern Hemisphere. IWC/SC/40/SM 21. --Ziphiidae
Mead, J.I., 1989. Nemorhaedus goral. Mammalian Species
no. 335. 5 pp. --Bovidae--Himalayas--Pakistan--India--Nepal--Sikkim--Bhutan
Meade, R.H., & Koehnken, L., 1991. Distribution
of the river dolphin, tonina Inia geoffrensis, in the
Orinoco River basin of Venezuela and Colombia. Interciencia
(Caracas) 16(6): 300-312, 356, 358, 360. --Platanistidae
Meagher, M.M., 1986. Bison bison. Mammalian Species
no. 266. 8 pp. --Bovidae--Nearctic
Meaney, C.A., ed., 1991. Colorado mammal distribution
latilong study. Colorado Div. of Wildl., Denver. 31
pp. --Mammalia
Mech, L.D., 1974. Canis lupus. Mammalian Species no.
37. 6 pp. --Canidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
Medvedev, L.N., ed., 1982. Zhivotnyi mir V'etnama [Animal
world of Vietnam]. Nauka, Moskva. 166 pp. --Mammalia
Lord Medway, 1966. Observations on the fauna of Pulau
Tioman and Pulau Tulai. 2. The mammals. Natl. Mus. of
Singapore, Bull. no. 34: 9-32. --Mammalia--Malaysia
Lord Medway, 1977. Mammals of Borneo: field keys and
an annotated checklist. 2.ed. Malaysian Branch of the
Roy. Asiatic Soc., Kuala Lumpur, Monogr. no. 7. 172
pp. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Lord Medway, & Marshall, A.G., 1975. Terrestrial
vertebrates of the New Hebrides: origin and distribution.
Roy. Soc. of London, Philosophical Trans. (Ser. B) 272:
423-465. --Mammalia--South Pacific Ocean
Meester, J.A.J., 1962. Some mammals from the Namib Desert.
Transvaal Mus., Pretoria, Ann. 24: 241-248. --Mammalia--Namibia
Meester, J.A.J., 1963. A systematic revision of the
shrew genus Crocidura in Southern Africa. Transvaal
Mus., Pretoria, Mem. no. 13. 127 pp. --Soricidae
Meester, J.A.J., & Setzer, H.W., eds., 1971-1977.
The mammals of Africa; an identification guide. Smithson.
Instit. Press, Wash., D.C. --Mammalia
Meester, J.A.J., Rautenbach, I.L., Dippenaar, N.J.,
& Baker, C.M., 1986. Classification of Southern
African mammals. Transvaal Mus., Pretoria, Monogr. no.
5. 359 pp. --Mammalia--Southern Africa
Mehlum, F., 1989. Svalbards fugler og pattedyr [Svalbard
birds & mammals]. Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo, Polarhandbok
nr. 3. 139 pp. --Mammalia--Arctic Ocean
Meldgaard, M., 1986. The Greenland caribou: zoogeography,
taxonomy, and population dynamics. Commission for Scientific
Res. in Greenland, Copenhagen, Meddelelser om Gronland,
Bioscience 20. 88 pp. --Cervidae--Arctic
Mello, M.T.de, ed., 1984. A primatologia no Brasil:
anais do 1o. Congresso Brasileiro de Primatologia. Soc.
Brasileira de Primatologia, Brasilia. 402 pp. --Primates--Brazil
Mello, M.T.de, ed., 1986. A primatologia no Brasil--2:
anais do 2o. Congresso Brasileiro de Primatologia. Soc.
Brasileira de Primatologia, Brasilia. 530 pp. --Primates--Brazil
Mendelssohn, H., & Yom-Tov, T., eds., 1987. Yonkim
[Mammals]. Soc. for the Protection of Nature & Ministry
of Defence Pub. House, Jerusalem, Ha-Hai veha-tsomeah
shel Erets-Yisrael [Plants & animals of the land
of Israel, an illustrated encyclopedia] Vol. 7. 295
pp. --Mammalia--Israel
Mendez, E., 1970. Los principales mamiferos silvestres
de Panama. pub. privately, Panama. 283 pp. --Mammalia
Menkhorst, K.A., & Woinarski, J.C.Z., 1992. Distribution
of mammals in monsoon forests of the Northern Territory.
Wildl. Res. (Austr.) 19(3): 295-316. --Mammalia--Australia
Mentis, M.T., 1974. Distribution of some wild animals
in Natal. Natal Parks Board, Pietermaritzburg, Lammergeyer
no. 20. 68 pp. --Mammalia--South Africa
Menzies, J.I., 1991. A handbook of New Guinea marsupials
and monotremes. Kristen Press, Madang, Papua New Guinea.
138 pp. --Marsupialia--Tachyglossidae
Menzies, J.I., & Dennis, E., 1979. Handbook of New
Guinea rodents. Wau Ecol. Instit., Wau, Papua New Guinea,
Handbook no. 6. 68 pp. --Rodentia
Menzies, J.I., & Pernetta, J.C., 1986. A taxonomic
revision of cuscuses allied to Phalanger orientalis
(Marsupialia: Phalangeridae). J. of Zool. (London) Ser.
B 1(3): 551-618. --Indonesia--New Guinea--Bismarck Archipelago--Solomon
Menzies, J.I., & Pernetta, J.C., 1987. An annotated
bibliography of keys to the genera and species of vertebrates
in New Guinea. Sci. in New Guinea (Port Moresby) 13(1):
37-44. --Mammalia--New Guinea
Merritt, J.F., 1987. Guide to the mammals of Pennsylvania.
Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh. 408 pp. --Mammalia
Michaelis, B., 1972. Die Schleichkatzen (Viverridae)
Afrikas. Saug. Mitt. 20(1-2): 1-110. --Africa
Miller, S.D., & Everett, D.D., eds., 1986. Cats
of the world: biology, conservation, and management.
Natl. Wildl. Federation, Wash., D.C. 501 pp. --Felidae
Miller, S.D., & Rottmann, J., 1976. Guia para el
reconocimiento de los mamiferos chilenos. Editora Nac.
Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile. 200 pp. --Mammalia--Chile
Mills, G., & Haagner, C., 1989. Guide to the Kalahiri
Gemsbok National Park. Southern Book Pubs., Johannesburg.
102 pp. --Mammalia--Namibia--Botswana--South Africa
Minasian, S.M., Balcomb, K.C. III, & Foster, L.,
1984. The world's whales: the complete illustrated guide.
Smithson. Books, Wash., D.C. 224 pp. --Cetacea
Miric, D., 1970. Kljuci za dolocevanje zivali. Sesalci.
Mammalia. [Keys for identification of animals. Mammals.].
Instit. za Biol., Univ. v Ljubljani & Drustvo Biol.
Solvenije, Ljubljana. 132 pp. --Yugoslavia
Misonne, X., 1959. Analyse zoogeographique des mammiferes
de l'Iran. Instit. Roy. de Sci. Natur. Belgique, Bruxelles,
Mem. fasc. 59 (2.s.). 157 pp. --Mammalia
Misonne, X., 1963. Les rongeurs du Ruwenzori et des
regions voisines. Instit. des Parcs Nationaux du Congo
et du Rwanda, Bruxelles, Exploration du Parc National
Albert fasc. 14 (2.s.). 164 pp. --Rodentia--Zaire
Misonne, X., 1969. African and Indo-Australian Muridae
evolutionary trends. Mus. Roy. de l'Afr. Centrale, Tervuren,
Belgium, Ann. (Ser. 8o, Sci. Zool.) no. 172. 219 pp.
--Old World
Misonne, X., 1986. Sur la repartition de quelques mammiferes
desertiques. Rev. de Zool. Afr. 100: 13-28. --Mammalia--Old
Mitchell, G.C., Powe, F.L., Seiler, M.L., & Mitchell,
H.N., 1989. An annotated bibliography on rodent research
in Latin America, 1960-1985. FAO, Rome, FAO Plant Production
and Protection Paper no. 98. 363 pp. --Rodentia--Neotropics
Mitchell, G.J., 1980. The pronghorn antelope in Alberta.
Fish and Wildl. Div., Alberta Dept. of Lands and Forests.
165 pp. --Antilocapridae--Canada
Mitchell, R.M., 1975. A checklist of Nepalese mammals
(excluding bats). Saug. Mitt. 23(2): 152-157. --Mammalia--Nepal
Mitchell, R.M., 1978. A checklist of Nepalese bats.
Saug. Mitt. 26(1): 75-78. --Chiroptera--Nepal
Mitropolskii, O.V., ed., 1985. Mlekopitaiushchie i ptitsy
Uzbekistana [Mammals & birds of Uzbekistan]. FAN,
Tashkent. 119 pp. --Mammalia
Mittermeier, R.A., Rylands, A.B., & Coimbra-Filho,
A.F., 1988. Systematics: species and subspecies--an
update. in Mittermeier, et al., eds.: 13-75. --Cebidae--Callithricidae--Callimiconidae--Neotropics
Mittermeier, R.A., Rylands, A.B., Coimbro-Filho, A.F.,
& Fonseca, G.A.B.da, eds., 1988. Ecology and behavior
of Neotropical Primates Vol. 2. World Wildl. Fund, Wash.,
D.C. 610 pp. --Cebidae--Callithricidae--Callimiconidae--Neotropics
Miyazaki, N., 1983. Catch statistics of small cetaceans
taken in Japanese waters. in Thirty-third report of
the Intern. Whaling Commission (Cambridge, England):
621-631. --Cetacea--Japan--North Pacific Ocean
"Mlekopitaiushchie Ural'skikh Gor [Mammals of the Ural
Mountains]", 1979. Instit. Ekologii Rastenii i Zhivotnykh,
UNTS AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk. 94 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Mohr, E., 1954. Die freilebenden Nagetiere Deutschlands
und der Nachbarlander. 3.ed. Gustav Fischer, Jena. 212
pp. --Rodentia--Germany--Central Europe
Mohr, E., 1960. Wilde Schweine. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg
Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 247. 156 pp.
--Suidae--Old World
Mohr, E., 1965. Altweltliche Stachelschweine. A. Ziemsen,
Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft
350. 164 pp. --Hystricidae--Old World
Mohr, E., & Volf, J., 1984. Das Urwildpferd Equus
przewalskii. 3.ed. Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 249.
128 pp. --Equidae--China--Mongolia--Central Asia
Mok, W.Y., Wilson, D.E., Lacey, L.A., & Luizao,
R.C.C., 1982. Lista atualizada de quiropteros da Amazonia
brasileira. Acta Amazonica 12(4): 817-823. --Chiroptera--Brazil
Molnar, R.E., Hall, L.S., & Mahoney, J.H., 1984.
New fossil localities for Macroderma Miller, 1906 (Chiroptera:
Megadermatidae) in New South Wales and its past and
present distribution in Australia. Austr. Mamm. 7: 63-73.
Mones, A., 1981. Sinopsis sistematica preliminar de
la familia Dinomyidae (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviomorpha).
in Sanguinetti, Y.T., ed., Anais: II Congresso Latino-Americano
de Paleontologia (2 v., Editora Pallotti, Porto Alegre,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil), Vol. 2(2): 605-619. --South
Mones, A., 1991. Monografia de la familia Hydrochoeridae
(Mammalia: Rodentia): sistematica, paleontologia, filogenia,
bibliografia. Senck. Naturf. Gesell., Frankfurt am Main.
235 pp. --Hydrochaeridae--Panama--South America
Mones, A., & Ojasti, J., 1986. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris.
Mammalian Species no. 264. 7 pp. --Hydrochaeridae--Panama--South
Monfort, A., 1992. Premiere liste commentee des mammiferes
du Rwanda. J. of Afr. Zool. [=Rev. de Zool. Afr.] 106(2):
141-151. --Mammalia
Monfort, N., 1985. Les mammiferes du Rwanda. Rotary-Club
de Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda. 142 pp. --Mammalia
Monod, T., 1958. Majabat al-Koubra; contribution a l'etude
de l'"Empty Quarter" ouest-saharien. Instit. Francais
d'Afr. Noire, Dakar, Mem. no. 52. 406 pp. --Mammalia--Saudi
Arabia--Arabian Peninsula
Monson, G., & Sumner, L., eds., 1980. The desert
bighorn; its life history, ecology & management.
Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson. 370 pp. --Bovidae--Nearctic
Montes, G., et al., 1984. Mamiferos. Centro Editor de
America Latina, Buenos Aires, Fauna Argentina Vol. 1.
192 pp. [series; additional species accounts published
individually] --Mammalia
Montgomery, G.G., ed., 1986. The evolution and ecology
of armadillos, sloths, and vermilinguas. Smithson. Instit.
Press, Wash., D.C. & London. 451 pp. --Edentata--New
Montulet, J.-P., 1984. Les cervides du monde entier.
Editions Lechevalier, Paris. 208 pp. --Cervidae
Moojen, J., 1948. Speciation in the Brazilian spiny
rats (genus Proechimys, family Echimyidae). Mus. of
Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 1(19):
301-406. --Neotropics
Moojen, J., 1952. Os roedores do Brasil. Instit. Nac.
do Livro, Rio de Janeiro, Biblioteca Cientifica Brasileira
Ser. A-II. 214 pp. --Rodentia--Brazil
Moore, J.C., & Tate, G.H.H., 1965. A study of the
diurnal squirrels, Sciurinae, of the Indian and Indochinese
subregions. Fieldiana Zool. Vol. 48. 351 pp. --Sciuridae--South
Asia--China--Southeast Asia
Mora, J.M., & Moreira, I., 1984. Mamiferos de Costa
Rica. Editorial Univ. Estatal a Distancia, San Jose.
175 pp. --Mammalia
Morales Agacino, E., 1945. Algunos datas sobre ciertos
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Natur., Madrid, Bol. 43: 199-216. --Mammalia--Western
Sahara--North Africa
Morales-Jimenez, A.L., 2004. Mamiferos terrestres y
voladores de Colombia: guia de campo. Bogota. 248 pp.
--Mammalia Moreau, R.E., & Pakenham, R.H.W., 1940.
The land vertebrates of Pemba, Zanzibar, and Mafia:
a zoogeographical study. Zool. Soc. of London, Proc.
(Ser. A) 110: 97-128. --terrestrial mammals--East Africa
Morgan, J., compiler & ed., 1980. Mammalian status
manual: a state by state survey of the endangered and
threatened mammals of the United States. Linton, North
Eastham, PA. --Mammalia--United States
Morris, B.F., 1981. Living marine resources of the Chukchi
Sea: a resource report for the Chukchi Sea oil and gas
lease sale number 85. NOAA Tech. Memorandum NMFS F/AKR
3. 118 pp. --Mammalia--Arctic Ocean
Morris, B.F., 1987. Living marine resources of the Shumagin
region: a resource report for the Shumagin oil and gas
lease sale 86. NOAA Tech. Memorandum NMFS F/AKR 8. 196
pp. --marine mammals--North Pacific Ocean
Morris, B.F., Alton, M.S., & Braham, H.W., 1983.
Living marine resources of the Gulf of Alaska: a resource
assessment for the Gulf of Alaska / Cook Inlet proposed
oil and gas lease sale 88. NOAA Tech. Memorandum NMFS
F/AKR 5. 232 pp. --Mammalia--North Pacific Ocean
Morrison, P., 1991. Mammals of Great Britain and Europe.
Aston Publ., Bourne End. 160 pp. --Mammalia--British
Morrison-Scott, T.C.S., 1948. The insectivorous genera
Microgale and Nesogale (Madagascar). Zool. Soc. of London,
Proc. 118(3): 817-822. --Tenrecidae
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Baldwin, J.A., eds., 1987. Fruit bats (Megachiroptera)
of the world: a bibliography. Forest Serv., U.S. Dept.
of Agric., Bibliography and Literature of Agric. 58.
38 pp. --Pteropodidae--Old World
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/ Mammals (Mammalia). in Klekowski, R.Z., & Weslawski,
J.M., eds., Atlas of the marine fauna of southern Spitsbergen.
Volume 1, Vertebrates. (Ossolineum, Wroclaw, Poland):
89-97 / 53-299. --Arctic Ocean
Moss, S.A., 1988. Natural history of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Columbia Univ. Press, New York. 208 pp. --Mammalia--Antarctica
Mount, R.H., ed., 1986. Vertebrate animals of Alabama
in need of special attention. Alabama Agric. Experiment
Station, Auburn. 124 pp. --Mammalia
Moutou, F., 1981. Les mammiferes sauvages de l'ile de
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de la Reunion 18: 29-42. --Mammalia--Indian Ocean
Moutou, F., 1982. Note sur les chiropteres de l'ile
de la Reunion (Ocean Indien). Mammalia 46(1): 35-51.
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Moutou, F., 1985. Presentation des Iles Maldives. Soc.
de Biogeogr., Paris, Compte Rendu des Seances 61(3):
101-109. --Mammalia--Indian Ocean
Movsesian, S.O., & Airumian, K.A., eds., 1987. Krasnaia
kniga Armianskoi SSR [Red Data Book of the Armenian
SSR]. Instit. Zool., ANArm SSR, Erevan. 123 pp. --Mammalia--Armenia
Moynihan, M., 1976. The New World Primates: adaptive
radiation and the evolution of social behavior, languages,
and intelligence. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton.
262 pp. --Cebidae--Callithricidae--Callimiconidae--Neotropics
Mukherjee, A.K., 1982. Endangered animals of India.
Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta. 122 pp. --Mammalia
Muller, P., 1973. The dispersal centres of terrestrial
vertebrates in the Neotropical Realm. Dr. Junk, The
Hague, Biogeographica Vol. 2. 244 pp. --Mammalia--Neotropics
Munoz, J., 2001. Los murcielagos de Colombia. Editorial
Univ. de Antioquia, Medellin. 391 pp. --Chiroptera
Munoz Pedreros, A., & Yanez V., J., eds., 2000.
Mamiferos de Chile. Ediciones CEA, Valdivia. 464 pp.
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Natur. 'Grigore Antipa', Bucuresti, Trav. 26: 251-261.
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National Park]. 5.ed. Alaska Natur. Hist. Assoc. 58
pp. --Mammalia--Alaska
Murie, O.J., 1959. Mammals. in Fauna of the Aleutian
Islands and Alaska Peninsula (U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv.,
Dept. of the Interior, Wash., D.C., North Amer. Fauna
no. 61): 262-339. --Mammalia--North Pacific Ocean
Musser, G.G., 1987. The mammals of Sulawesi. in Whitmore,
ed.: 73-93. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Musser, G.G., & Dagosto, M., 1987. The identity
of Tarsius pumilus, a pygmy species endemic to the montane
mossy forests of central Sulawesi. Amer. Mus. Novit.
no. 2867. 53 pp. --Tarsiidae--Indonesia
Musser, G.G., & Heaney, L.R., 1985. Philippine Rattus:
a new species from the Sulu Archipelago. Amer. Mus.
Novit. no. 2818. 32 pp. --Muridae--Philippines
Musser, G.G., & Newcomb, C., 1983. Malaysian murids
and the giant rat of Sumatra. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
New York, Bull. 174(4): 327-598. --Muridae--Southeast
Myers, N., 1975. The cheetah Acinonyx jubatus in Africa:
report of a survey in Africa from the Sahara southwards.
IUCN, Morges, Switzerland, Monogr. no. 4. 90 pp. --Felidae
Myers, N., 1976. The leopard Panthera pardus in Africa:
report of a survey of the present status and future
prospects of the species throughout Africa south of
the Sahara. IUCN, Morges, Switzerland, Monogr. no. 5.
79 pp. --Felidae
Myers, P., 1982. Origins and affinities of the mammal
fauna of Paraguay. in Mares & Genoways, ed.: 85-93.
Myers, P., & Wetzel, R.M., 1983. Systematics and
zoogeography of the bats of the Chaco Boreal. Mus. of
Zool., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Misc. Publ. no. 165.
59 pp. --Chiroptera--Paraguay
Myhulin, O.O., 1938. Zviri URSR (materialy do fauny)
[Studies on the mammals of Ukraine RSR]. Instytut Zool.
ta Biol., ANUkr RSR, Kyiv. 421 pp. --Mammalia
Myung Hee Yoon & Sung Won Son, 1989. [Studies on
the taxonomy and phylogeny of bats inhabiting Korea
1. Taxonomical review of one rhinolophid & six vespertilionid
bats, & the Korean microchiropteran faunal succession].
Korean J. of Zool. 32(4): 374-392. --Chiroptera
Nadachowski, A., Rzebik-Kowalska, B.,
& Kadhim, A.-H.H., 1977. [The mammals of Iraq].
Przeglad Zool. (Wroclaw) 21(2): 170-181. --Mammalia
Nader, I.A., 1975. On the bats (Chiroptera) of the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. J. of Zool. (London) 176: 331-340.
--Arabian Peninsula
Nader, I.A., 1984. First records of rodents from the
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of the mammals of the State. Zeit. fur Saug. 49(2):
117-121. --Rodentia--Mammalia
Nader, I.A., 1990. Checklist of the mammals of Arabia.
Fauna of Saudi Arabia 11: 329-381. --Mammalia--Arabian
Nader, I.A., & Kock, D., 1983. A new slit-faced
bat from central Saudi Arabia (Mammalia: Chiroptera:
Nycteridae). Senck. Biol. 63(1-2): 9-15.
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Eliomys melanurus (WAGNER 1839) and Praomys fumatus
(PETERS 1878) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Senck.
Biol. 62(5-6): 313-324. --Gliridae--Muridae
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Vorontsov, N.N., 1973. Cytogenetic differentiation,
geographic distribution, and domestication in Palearctic
sheep Ovis. Zeit. fur Saug. 38(2): 109-125. --Bovidae
Nagorsen, D.W., 1990. The mammals of British Columbia:
a taxonomic catalogue. Roy. Brit. Columbia Mus., Victoria,
Mem. no. 4. 140 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Napier, J.R., & Napier, P.H., 1967. A handbook of
living Primates. Academic Press, London & New York.
456 pp.
Napier, P.H., 1976, 1981, 1985. Catalogue of Primates
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London. 121, 203 & 111 pp.
Nash, L.T., Bearder, S.K., & Olson, T.R., 1989.
Synopsis of Galago species characteristics. Intern.
J. of Primatology 10(1): 57-80. --Galagidae--Africa
Nasimovich, A.A., & TSalkin, V.I., eds., 1963. Biologiia,
biogeografiia i sistematika mlekopitaiushchikh SSSR.
Moskovskoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody, Moskva,
Trudy Vol. 10. 238 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Naumann, C., & Nogge, G., 1973. Die Grossauger Afghanistans.
Zeit. des Kolner Zoo 16(3): 79-93. --large mammals--Afghanistan
Negi, S.S., 1985. Himalayan wild life: an introduction.
Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India. 149
pp. --Mammalia--Himalayas--India--Nepal--Bhutan--Tibet
Nellis, D.W., 1989. Herpestes auropunctatus. Mammalian
Species no. 342. 6 pp. --Herpestidae--Asia
Nellis, D.W., & Everard, C.O.R., 1983. The biology
of the mongoose in the Caribbean. Stud. on the Fauna
of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands Vol. 64. 162
pp. --Herpestidae--West Indies
Neronov, V.M., 1976. [A zoogeographical analysis of
the rodent fauna of Iran]. Moskovskoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelei
Prirody, AN SSSR, Moskva, Byulleten (Otdelenie Biol.)
81(2): 32-47. --Rodentia
Nettmann, H.-K., Hellbernd-Tiemann, L., & Roschen,
A., 1991. [On the distribution of mammals (except bats)
in Bremen]. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Bremen,
Abhandl. 41(3): 641-660. --Mammalia--Germany
Nevo, E., & Reig, O.A., eds., 1990. Evolution of
subterranean mammals at the organismal and molecular
levels. Wiley-Liss, New York, Progress in Clinical and
Biol. Res. Vol. 335. 422 pp. --Mammalia
Nevo, E., Ben-Shlomo, R., Beiles, A., Jarvis, J.U.M.,
& Hickman, G.C., 1987. Allozyme differentiation
and systematics of the endemic subterranean molerats
of South Africa. Biochemical Systematics and Ecol. 15(4):
489-502. --Bathyergidae--Southern Africa
Newsom, W.M., 1937. Mammals on Anticosti Island. J.
of Mamm. 18(4): 435-442. --Mammalia--Canada
Nicoll, M.E., & Racey, P.A., 1981. The Seychelles
fruit bat, Pteropus seychellensis seychellensis. Afr.
J. of Ecol. 19(4): 361-364. --Pteropodidae--Indian Ocean
Nicoll, M.E., & Rathbun, G.B., compilers, 1988.
African Insectivora and elephant-shrews: an action plan
for their conservation. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 53
pp. --Macroscelididae--Africa
Niemitz, C., ed., 1984. Biology of tarsiers. Gustav
Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart & New York. 357 pp. --Tarsiidae--Indonesia
Niethammer, G., 1963. Die Einburgerung von Saugetieren
und Vogeln in Europa: Ergebnisse und Aussichten. P.
Parey, Hamburg. 319 pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Niethammer, J., 1962. Die Saugetiere von Korfu. Bonner
Zool. Beitr. 13(1-3): 1-49. Mammalia--Greece
Niethammer, J., 1969. Zur Taxonomie der Ohrenigel in
Afghanistan (Gattung Hemiechinus). Zeit. fur Saug. 34(5):
257-274. --Erinaceidae
Niethammer, J., 1973. Zur Kenntnis der Igel (Erinaceidae)
Afghanistans. Zeit. fur Saug. 38(5): 271-276.
Niethammer, J., 1974. Zur Verbreitung und Taxonomie
griechischer Saugetiere. Bonner Zool. Beitr. 25(1-3):
28-55. --Mammalia--Greece
Niethammer, J., & Krapp, F., eds., 1978. Rodentia
I. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden, Handbuch
der Saugetiere Europas Band 1. 476 pp. --Rodentia--Europe
Niethammer, J., & Krapp, F., eds., 1982. Rodentia
II. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden, Handbuch
der Saugetiere Europas Band 2/I. 649 pp. --Rodentia--Europe
Niethammer, J., & Krapp, F., eds., 1986. Paarhufer-Artiodactyla
(Suidae, Cervidae, Bovidae). AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden,
Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas, Band 2/II. 462 pp.
Niethammer, J., & Krapp, F., eds., 1990. Insektenfresser--Insectivora;
Herrentiere--Primates. AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden, Handbuch
der Saugetiere Europas, Band 3/I. 523 pp. --Europe
Ni Lamhna, E., ed., 1983. Provisional distribution atlas
of amphibians, reptiles and mammals in Ireland. 2.ed.
Foras Forbartha, Dublin. 76 pp. --Mammalia--British
Nishiwaki, M., 1967. Distribution and migration of marine
mammals in the North Pacific area. Ocean Res. Instit.,
Univ. of Tokyo, Bull. no. 1. 64 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--North
Pacific Ocean
Nishiwaki, M., Kasuya, T., Miyazaki, N., Tobayama, T.,
& Kataoka, T., 1979. Present distribution of the
dugong in the world. Whales Res. Instit., Tokyo, Sci.
Rept. 31: 133-141. --Dugongidae--Old World
Nishiwaki, M., Yamaguchi, M., Shokita, S., Uchida, S.,
& Kataoka, T., 1982. Recent survey on the distribution
of the African manatee. Whales Res. Instit., Tokyo,
Sci. Rept. 34: 137-147. --Trichechidae--Africa
Nitsche, K.A., 1988. Bibliographie uber Biber-Literatur
[in 6 parts]. in Pilleri, G., ed., Investigations on
beavers (Brain Anatomy Instit., Bern), Vol. 6: 33-197
& Vol. 7: 15-142. --Castoridae
Noblet, J.-F., ed., 1987. Les mammiferes en Corse: especes
eteintes et actuelles. Parc Natur. Regional de la Corse,
Ajaccio. 164 pp. --Mammalia--Corsica--France--Mediterranean
Noblet, J.-F., & Berthoud, G., 1985. Les chauves-souris
de France. Etude et protection. Federation Rhone-Alpes
de Protection de la Nature, Section Isere, Grenoble.
60 pp. --Chiroptera
Norris, K.S., ed., 1966. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles. 789
pp. --Cetacea
Northcott, T.H., 1974. The land mammals of insular Newfoundland.
Wildl. Div., Dept. of Tourism, St. John's. 90 pp. --terrestrial
Novikov, G.A., 1962. Carnivorous mammals of the fauna
of the USSR. Israel Prog. for Scientific Translations,
Jerusalem. 283 pp. --Carnivora--Russia--Soviet Union
Novikov, G.A., et al., 1970. Zveri Leningradskoi oblasti:
fauna, ekologiia i prakticheskoe znachenie [Mammals
of the Leningrad region: faunistics, ecology & practical
importance]. Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo Univ., Leningrad.
359 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Nowak, E., 1981. Die Saugetiere der Lander der Euopaischen
Gemeinschaft: Artenkatalog mit Angaben uber Vorkommen
und gesetzlichen Schutzstatus. Kilda-Verlag, Greven,
Germany. 147 pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Nowak, R.M., 1974. The cougar in the United States and
Canada. Office of Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and
Wildl. Serv., Wash., D.C. 190 pp. --Felidae
Nowak, R.M., 1991. Walker's mammals of the world. 2
v. 5.ed. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore &
London. --Mammalia
Nurgel'dyev, O.N., 1969. Ekologiia mlekopitaiushchikh
ravninnoi Turkmenii [Ecology of mammals of the Turkmenistan
plains]. Instit. Zool., ANTur SSR, Ashkhabad. 259 pp.
Nurgel'dyev, O.N., et al., 1986. Mlekopitaiushchie zony
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[eastern Turkmenistan]]. Instit. Zool., ANTur SSR, Ashkhabad.
63 pp. --Mammalia
Nurgel'dyev, O.N., et al., 1988. Mlekopitaiushchie mezhdurech'ia
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Rivers area [Turkmenistan & Afghanistan]]. Instit.
Zool., ANTur SSR, Ashkhabad. 119 pp. --Mammalia
Obara, H., 1972. Nihon yasei dobutsuki
[Japanese wild animals]. 2 v. --Mammalia--Japan
Odajima, M., 1982. Hokkaido no yasei dobutsu [Wild animals
of Hokkaido]. Hokkaido Shinbunsha, Sapporo. 246 pp.
Odinaschoev, A., 1987. [Lagamorpha & rodents of
the Pamirs]. Donish, Dushanbe. 172 pp. --Rodentia--Tadzhikistan--Central
O'Gara, B.W., 1978. Antilocapra americana. Mammalian
Species no. 90. 7 pp. --Antilocapridae--Nearctic
Ognev, S.I., 1962-1966. Mammals of Eastern Europe and
Northern Asia (Vols. 1 & 2) / Mammals of the U.S.S.R.
and adjacent countries (Vols. 3-7). Vol. 1. Insectivora
and Chiroptera.; Vols. 2 & 3. Carnivora.; Vols.
4-7. Rodentia. Israel Prog. for Scientific Translations,
Jerusalem. --Palearctic--Russia--Soviet Union
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distribution of all species of deer (Tragulidae, Moschidae
and Cervidae) in China. Mammal Rev. 20(2-3): 125-144.
Oijen, G.A.M., 1968. Onze roofdieren [i.e., of Netherlands].
L.J. Veen, Amsterdam. 88 pp. --Carnivora--Netherlands
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de Cienc. Natur. 'La Salle', Caracas, Mem. 32(93): 159-204.
Ojasti, J., 1973. Estudio biologico del chiguire o capibara.
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273 pp. --Hydrochaeridae--Panama--South America
Ojasti, J., 1983. Ungulates and large rodents of South
America. in Bourliere, F., ed., Tropical savannas (Elsevier
Scientific Pub. Co., Amsterdam & New York, Ecosystems
of the World Vol. 13): Chapter 13. --Rodentia
Ojeda, R.A., & Mares, M.A., 1989. A biogeographic
analysis of the mammals of Salta Province, Argentina:
patterns of species assemblage in the Neotropics. Mus.,
Texas Tech. Univ., Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 27. 66 pp.
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ecology of the terrestrial vertebrates of the southern
Soviet Far East]. Biologo-pochvennyi Instit., DVNTS
AN SSSR, Vladivostok, Trudy Vol. 17 (n.s.). 204 pp.
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Olds, N., & Shoshani, J., 1982. Procavia capensis.
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Olin, G., 1988. Mammals of the Southwest mountains and
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Oliver, W.L.R., & Santos, I.B., 1991. Threatened
endemic mammals of the Atlantic forest region of south-east
Brazil. Jersey Wildl. Preservation Trust, Jersey, Channel
Islands, Spec. Scientific Rept. no. 4. 126 pp. --Mammalia
Olivier, R.C.D., 1978. Distribution and status of the
Asian elephant. Oryx 14(4): 379-424. --Elephantidae--South
Asia--Southeast Asia
Olrog, C.C., & Lucero, M.M., 1981. Guia de los mamiferos
Argentinos. Ministerio de Cultura y Educ., Fundacion
Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina. 151
pp. --Mammalia--Argentina
Ondrias, J.C., 1965. Die Saugetiere Griechenlands. Saug.
Mitt. 13(3): 109-127. --Mammalia--Greece
Ondrias, J.C., 1966. The taxonomy and geographical distribution
of the rodents of Greece. Saug. Mitt. 14, Suppl. 136
pp. --Rodentia
Oren, D.C., 1984. Resultados de uma nova expedicao zoologica
a Fernando de Noronha. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi,
Belem, Bol. (Ser. Zool.) 1(1): 19-44. --Mammalia--South
Atlantic Ocean
Orlov, V.N., Lobanov, N.V., & Klimov, V.V., 1986.
[Russian, Soviet & Mongolian publications on Przewalski
horse survival]. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper
(Rome) 61: 177-181. --Equidae--China--Mongolia--Central
O'Rourke, F.J., 1970. The fauna of Ireland: an introduction
to the land vertebrates. Mercier Press, Cork. 175 pp.
--terrestrial mammals
Orr, Rich., & Pope, J., 1986. Mammals of Britain
& Europe. Peerage, London. 176 pp. --Mammalia--British
Orr, Rob.T., 1949. Mammals of Lake Tahoe. Calif. Acad.
of Sci., San Francisco. 127 pp. --Mammalia--California--Nevada
Orr, Rob.T., 1971. Mammals of North America. Doubleday,
New York. 250 pp. --Mammalia
Orr, Rob.T., & Helm, R.C., 1989. Marine mammals
of California. new & rev.ed. Univ. of Calif. Press,
Berkeley. 93 pp. --Pinnipedia--Cetacea--Mustelidae--North
Pacific Ocean
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jerboas, and dormice of Turkey. Mammalia 28(4): 573-592.
Osborn, D.J., 1965. Hedgehogs and shrews of Turkey.
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Osborn, D.J., 1966. Rodents of subfamilies Murinae,
Gerbillinae, and Cricetinae from Turkey. Egyptian Public
Health Assoc., Cairo, J. 40: 401-424. --Muridae--Cricetidae
Osborn, D.J., & Helmy, I., 1980. The contemporary
land mammals of Egypt (including Sinai). Fieldiana Zool.
no. 5 (n.s.). 579 pp. --terrestrial mammals
Osborne, R., Calambokidis, J., & Dorsey, E.M., 1988.
A guide to marine mammals of Greater Puget Sound. Island
Pubs., Anacortes, WA. 191 pp. --Pinnipedia--Cetacea--North
Atlantic Ocean--Washington--British Columbia
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description of a new genus from Chile. Field Mus. of
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Osgood, W.H., 1932. Mammals of the Kelley-Roosevelts
and Delacour Asiatic Expeditions. Field Mus. of Natur.
Hist., Chicago, Zool. Ser. 18(10): 191-339. --Mammalia--Asia
Osgood, W.H., 1943. The mammals of Chile. Field Mus.
of Natur. Hist., Chicago, Zool. Ser., Vol. 30. 268 pp.
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Robinson, J.G., 1988. Distribution, status, and traditional
significance of the West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus
in Venezuela. Biol. Conserv. 46(4): 281-301. --Trichechidae
Ottenwalder, J.A., & Genoways, H.H., 1982. Systematic
review of the Antillean bats of the Natalus micropus-complex
(Chiroptera: Natalidae). Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
Pittsburgh, Ann. 51(2): 17-38. --West Indies
Ovington, D., 1978. Australian endangered species: mammals,
birds, and reptiles. Cassell Austr., Stanmore, NSW.
183 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Owen, J.G., Jones, J.K., Jr., & Baker, R.J., 1991.
Annotated checklist of land mammals of El Salvador.
Mus., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, Occas. Paper no. 139.
17 pp. --terrestrial mammals
Owen, R.D., & Schnell, G.D., 1989. Oklahoma mammalogy:
an annotated bibliography and checklist. Univ. of Oklahoma
Press, Norman. 230 pp. --Mammalia
Owen, R.P., 1977. Terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the
Palau Islands [unpub. report]. Office of the Chief Conservationist,
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Koror, Palau.
15 pp. --Mammalia--West Pacific Ocean
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Vivar, E., Ascorra, C., & Arana, Y.R., in press.
Lista anotada de los mamiferos Peruanos. Mus. de Hist.
Natur., Univ. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Publs.
(Ser. A, Zool.). --Mammalia--Peru
Page, F.J.T., ed., 1982. Field guide to British deer.
3.ed. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, England. 95 pp.
--Cervidae--British Isles
Pages, E., 1965. Note sur les pangolins du Gabon. Biol.
Gabonica 1(3): 209-238. --Manidae
Pages, E., 1970. Sur l'ecologie et les adaptations de
l'orycterope et des pangolins sympatriques du Gabon.
Biol. Gabonica 6(1): 27-92. --Orycteropodidae--Manidae
Paine, J.R., compiler, 1991. IUCN directory of protected
areas in Oceania. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. 447 pp.
--Mammalia--West Pacific Ocean--South Pacific Ocean
Pakenham, R.H.W., 1984. The mammals of Zanzibar and
Pemba Islands. pub. privately, Harpendon, Hertford,
England. 81 pp. --Mammalia--East Africa
Palazzo Junior, J.T., & Both, M. do C., 1988. Guia
dos mamiferos marinhos do Brasil. SAGRA, Porto Alegre.
156 pp. --marine mammals--Brazil--South Atlantic Ocean
Palmeirim, J.M., 1990. Bats of Portugal: zoogeography
and systematics. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence, Publ. no. 82. 53 pp. --Chiroptera
Palmeirim, J.M., & Hoffmann, R.S., 1983. Galemys
pyrenaicus. Mammalian Species no. 207. 5 pp. --Talpidae--Pyrenees--Spain--Portugal--France
Panouse, J.B., 1951. Les chauves-souris du Maroc. Instit.
Sci. Cherifien, Rabat, Trav. (Ser. Zool.) no. 1. 120
pp. --Chiroptera--Morocco
Panouse, J.B., 1957. Les mammiferes du Maroc; primates,
carnivores, pinnipedes, artiodactyles. Instit. Sci.
Cherifien, Rabat, Trav. (Ser. Zool.) no. 5. 206 pp.
Panteleev, P.A., Terekhina, A.N., & Varshavskii,
A.A., 1990. Ekogeograficheskaia izmenchivost' gryzunov
[Ecogeographic variation in [Palaearctic] rodents].
Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii i Ekologii Zhivotnykh,
AN SSSR, Moskva. 372 pp. --Rodentia--Soviet Union--Russia
Paradiso, J.L., 1969. Mammals of Maryland. Fish and
Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Wash., D.C.,
North Amer. Fauna no. 66. 193 pp. --Mammalia
Paradiso, J.L., 1972. Status report on cats (Felidae)
of the world, 1971. U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Wildl., U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Spec. Scientific
Rept.: Wildl. no. 157. 43 pp.
Parera, A., & Erize, F., 2002. Los mamiferos de la Argentina y la region austral de Sudamerica. El Ateneo, Buenos Aires. 453 pp. --Mammalia--Chile--Uruguay
Parker, H.C., 1952. Mammals of Yosemite National Park.
Yosemite Natur. Hist. Assoc., Yosemite Natl. Park, CA.
105 pp. --Mammalia--California
Parker, S.A., 1973. An annotated checklist of the native
land mammals of the Northern Territory. South Austr.
Mus., Adelaide, Rec. 16(11). 57 pp. --terrestrial mammals--Australia
Parnell, J.F., Webster, W.D., & Quay, T.L., 1992.
Birds and mammals of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore:
thirty-five years of change. UNC Sea Grant Coll. Prog.,
North Carolina St. Univ., Raleigh. 96 pp. --Mammalia--North
Parshad, V.R., 1984. Mammalian fauna of Punjab [India].
in Atwal, A.S., Bains, S.S., & Dhindsa, M.S., eds.,
Status of wildlife in Punjab (Indian Ecol. Soc., Ludhiana):
25-39. --Mammalia
Patch, S.P, & Busch, W.-D.N., eds., 1984. The St.
Lawrence River, past and present: a review of historical
natural resources information and habitat changes in
the international section of the St. Lawrence River.
pub. for U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Cortland Field
Office, by Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo. 340 pp.
--Mammalia--Canada--United States
Patterson, B.D., & Gallardo, M.H., 1987. Rhyncholestes
raphanurus. Mammalian Species no. 286. 5 pp. --Caenolestidae--Chile
Patterson, B.D., & Timm, R.M., eds., 1987. Studies
in neotropical mammalogy: essays in honor of Philip
Hershkovitz. Fieldiana Zool. no. 39 (n.s.). 506 pp.
Pattie, D.L., & Hoffmann, R.S., 1990. Mammals of
the North American parks and prairies. D.L. Pattie,
Edmonton. 600 pp. --Mammalia--North America
Patton, J.L., 1987. Species groups of spiny rats, genus
Proechimys (Rodentia: Echimyidae). in Patterson &
Timm, eds. [Fieldiana Zool. 39 (n.s.)]: 305-345. --Neotropics
Patton, J.L., & Emmons, L.H., 1985. A review of
the genus Isothrix (Rodentia, Echimyidae). Amer. Mus.
Novit. no. 2817. 14 pp. --South America
Patton, J.L., & Gardner, A.L., 1972. Notes on the
systematics of Proechimys (Rodentia: Echimyidae), with
emphasis on Peruvian forms. Mus. of Zool., Louisiana
St. Univ., Baton Rouge, Occas. Paper no. 44. 30 pp.
Pavlinov, I.IA., & Rossolimo, O.L., 1987. Sistematika
mlekopitaiushchikh SSSR [Systematics of the mammals
of the USSR]. Zool. Muzei, Moskovskogo Univ., Moskva,
Sbornik Trudov Vol. 25. 284 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Pavlinov, I.IA., Dubrovskii, IU.A., Rossolimo, O.L.,
& Potapova, E.G., 1990. Peschanki mirovoi fauny
[Gerbils of the world]. Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii
i Ekologii Zhivotnykh, AN SSSR, Moskva. 364 pp. --Cricetidae--Old
Payne, J., Francis, C.M., & Phillipps, K., 1985.
A field guide to the mammals of Borneo. The Sabah Soc.
with World Wildl. Fund Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
332 pp. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Payne, S.F., 1981. The marine mammals of Puerto Rico:
a bibliography. Earth Sciences Div., Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley. 9 pp. --Pinnipedia--Cetacea--Sirenia--West
Payne, S.F., 1981. The marine mammals of Hawaii: a bibliography.
Earth Sciences Div., Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Univ.
of Calif., Berkeley. 17 pp. --Pinnipedia--Cetacea--North
Pacific Ocean
Paz, O.de, & Benzal, J., 1989. Clave para la identificacion
de los murcielagos de la Peninsula Iberica (Mammalia,
Chiroptera). Mus. de Zool., Barcelona, Miscelanea Zoologica
13: 153-176. --Spain--Portugal
Pearson, O.P., 1951. Mammals in the highlands of southern
Peru. Mus. of Comp. Zool., Harvard Univ., Cambridge,
Bull. 106(3): 117-174. --Mammalia--Andes
Pedersen, A., 1957. Der Eisbar. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg
Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 201. 64 pp.
--Ursidae--Canada--Alaska--Russia--Arctic--Arctic Ocean
Pedersen, A., 1959. Der Eisfuchs, Alopex lagopus Linne.
A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei
Heft 235. 43 pp. --Canidae--Canada--Alaska--Russia--Arctic
Pedersen, A., 1962. Das Walross. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg
Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 306. 60 pp.
--Odobenidae--North Pacific Ocean--North Atlantic Ocean--Arctic
Pedersen, A., 1967. Polar [Greenland] animals. Taplinger
Pub. Co., New York. 188 pp. --Mammalia--Arctic
Pedersen, A., 1974. Die nordpolaren Robben. A. Ziemsen,
Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft
485. 64 pp. --Pinnipedia--Arctic Ocean
Pefaur, J.E., & Caceres-Pefaur, B., 1976. Bibliografia
sobre mamiferos terrestres Chilenos: 1942-1972. Soc.
Biol. de Concepcion, Bol. 50: 157-172. --terrestrial
Pelikan, J., Gaisler, J., & Rodl, P., 1979. Nasi
savci [Czechoslovakian mammals]. Ceskoslovenska Akad.
Ved, Praha. 163 pp. --Mammalia--Czech Republic--Slovakia
Penas-Patino, X.M., & Pineiro Seage, A., 1989. Cetaceos,
focas e tartarugas marinas das costas ibericas. Santiago
de Compostela, Spain. 379 pp. --marine mammals--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Spain--Portugal--Mediterranean
Sea--North Atlantic Ocean
Perez, E.M., 1992. Agouti paca. Mammalian Species no.
404. 7 pp. --Dasyproctidae--Neotropics
Perez-Hernandez, R., 1989. Distribution of the family
Didelphidae (Mammalia--Marsupialia) in Venezuela. in
Redford & Eisenberg, eds.: 363-410.
Pernetta, J.C., & Watling, D., 1978. The introduced
and native terrestrial vertebrates of Fiji. Pacific
Sci. 32(3): 223-244. --Mammalia--South Pacific Ocean
Perrin, M.R., 1988. Terrestrial mammals [of the eastern
Cape Province]. in Lubke et al., eds.: 289-314. --South
Perrin, W.F., Brownell, R.L., Jr., Zhou Kaiya, &
Liu Jiankiang, eds., 1989. Biology and conservation
of the river dolphins. Species Survival Commission,
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, Occas. Paper no. 3. 173 pp.
Perrin, W.F., et al., 1987. Revision of the spotted
dolphins, Stenella spp. Marine Mammal Sci. 3(2): 99-170.
Perry, R., ed., 1984. (Key environments:) Galapagos.
Pergamon Press, Oxford, etc. 321 pp. --Mammalia--Pacific
Peshev, Ts.C., 1987. A history of mammalogy in Bulgaria.
in Sterling, ed.: 131-151. --Mammalia
Peshev, Ts.C., & Boev, N., 1962. [Short key to the
vertebrates in Bulgaria]. Narodna Prosvetia, Sofiia.
Peters, G., & Hutterer, R., eds., 1990. Vertebrates
in the tropics: proceedings of the International Symposium.
Alexander Koenig Zool. Res. Instit. und Zool. Mus.,
Bonn. 424 pp. --Mammalia
Peters, J.L., Allen, G.M., Barbour, T., & Loveridge,
A., 1929. Vertebrates from the Corn Islands. Mus. of
Comp. Zool., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Bull. 69(7):
125-146. --Mammalia--Nicaragua
Peterson, N.E., & Pine, R.H., 1982. Chave para identificacao
de mamiferos da regiao amazonica brasileira com excecao
dos quiropteros e primatas. Acta Amazonica 12(2): 465-482.
Peterson, R.L., 1978. North American moose. Univ. of
Toronto Press, Toronto. 280 pp. --Cervidae--North America
Peterson, R.L., 1966. The mammals of eastern Canada.
Oxford Univ. Press, Toronto. 465 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Peterson, R.S., 1967. The land mammals of Unalaska Island:
present status and zoogeography. J. of Mamm. 48(1):
119-129. --terrestrial mammals--Alaska
Petrov, B.M., 1977. [Review of the mammal fauna of Serbia
& major tasks of its research]. Arhiv Biol. Nauka
(Beograd) 29(3-4): 113-129. --Mammalia--Yugoslavia
Petter, F., 1961. Repartition geographique et ecologie
des rongeurs desertiques (du Sahara occidental a l'Iran
oriental). Mammalia 25, Suppl. 222 pp. --Rodentia--Sahara--North
Africa--Southwest Asia
Petter, F., & Saint Girons, M.-C., 1965. Les rongeurs
du Maroc. Instit. Sci. Cherifien, Rabat, Trav. (Ser.
Zool.) no. 31. 58 pp. --Rodentia--Morocco
Petter, J.-J., Albignac, R., & Rumpler, Y., 1977.
Mammiferes lemuriens (Primates Prosimians). CNRS, ORSTOM,
Paris, Faune de Madagascar 44. 513 pp. --Lemuridae--Indriidae--Daubentoniidae--Cheirogaleidae--Comoro
Peyton, B., 1980. Ecology, distribution, and food habits
of spectacled bears, Tremarctos ornatus, in Peru. J.
of Mamm. 61(4): 639-652. --Ursidae--Andes
Pfeffer, P., 1967. Le mouflon de Corse (Ovis ammon musimon
Schreber, 1782); position systematique, ecologie et
ethologie comparees. Mammalia 31, Suppl. 262 pp. --Bovidae--Corsica--France--Mediterranean
Philbrick, R.N., ed., 1967. Proceedings of the symposium
on the biology of the California Islands. Santa Barbara
Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 363 pp. --Mammalia--North
Pacific Ocean
Philibosian, R., & Yntema, A., 1977. Annotated checklist
of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians of the Virgin
Islands and Puerto Rico. Inform. Serv., Frederikstad,
V.I. 48 pp. --Mammalia--West Indies
Philibosian, R., & Yntema, A., 1981. Endangered
and extinct vertebrate fauna of the Virgin Islands.
West Indies Laboratory, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., Contrib.
no. 54. 95 pp. --Mammalia--West Indies
Phillips, W.W.A., 1980-84. Manual of the mammals of
Sri Lanka. 3 parts. 2.rev.ed. Wildl. and Nature Protection
Soc. of Sri Lanka, Colombo. --Mammalia
Piccinini, R.S., 1974. Lista provisoria dos quiropteros
da colecao do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (Chiroptera).
Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belem, Bol. (Zool.) no.
77 (n.s.). 32 pp. --Chiroptera
Piechocki, R., & Haltenorth, T., 1990. Die Wildkatze:
Felis silvestris. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt,
Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 189. 232 pp. --Felidae--Old
Pierard, J., 1983. Mammalogie: mammiferes du Quebec.
nouv.ed. Editions M. Broquet, Laprairie, Quebec. 255
pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Pike, G.C., & MacAskie, I.B., 1969. Marine mammals
of British Columbia. Fisheries Res. Board of Canada,
Ottawa, Bull. no. 171. 54 pp. --Mustelidae--Pinnipedia--Cetacea--Canada
Pilleri, G., 1980. Forschungsreise nach China zum Studium
der Delphine des Chang Jiang (Yang Tze Kiang). Verlag
des Hirnanatomischen Instit., Waldau-Bern. 82 pp. --Platanistidae
Pilleri, G., & Gihr, M., 1977. Observations on the
Bolivian (Inia boliviensis d'Orbigny, 1834) and the
Amazonian bufeo (Inia geoffrensis de Blainville, 1817)
with description of a new subspecies (Inia geoffrensis
humboldtiana). Investigations on Cetacea (Bern, Switzerland)
8: 11-76. --Platanistidae--Amazon--South America
Pilleri, G., Marcuzzi, G., & Pilleri, O., 1982.
Speciation in the Platanistoidea. Investigations on
Cetacea (Bern, Switzerland) 14: 15-46. --Platanistidae
Pine, R.H., 1972. The bats of the genus Carollia. Texas
A & M Univ., College Station, TX, Tech. Monogr.
8. 125 pp. --Phyllostomidae--West Indies--Neotropics
Pine, R.H., 1977. Mammals (exclusive of bats) of Belem,
Para, Brazil. Acta Amazonica 3(2): 47-79. --Mammalia
Pine, R.H., Angle, J.P., & Bridge, D., 1978. Mammals
from the sea, mainland and islands at the southern tip
of South America. Mammalia 42(1): 105-114. --Mammalia--Chile--Argentina--Southern
Pine, R.H., Miller, S.D., & Schamberger, M.L., 1979.
Contributions to the mammalogy of Chile. Mammalia 43(3):
339-376. --Mammalia
Pinto Nolla, M., Zuniga, H., & Torres M., O.M.,
2002. Estudio sistematico del genero Cavia, Pallas,
1766 (Rodentia: Caviidae) en Colombia. Acad. Colombiana
de Ciencs. Exactas, Fisicas & Natur., Bogota. 212 pp.
Pocock, R.I., 1939. Mammalia. 2 v. 2.ed. Taylor &
Francis, London, The Fauna of Brit. India, including
Ceylon and Burma. [reprint, 1975] --South Asia
Poduschka, W., & Poduschka, C., 1985. Beitrage zur
Kenntnis der Gattung Podogymnura MEARNS, 1905 (Insectivora:
Echinosoricinae). Osterreichische Akad. der Wissenschaften,
Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungsberichte
Abteilung I, 194(1-5): 1-21. --Erinaceidae--Philippines
Poglayen-Neuwall, Ivo, & Poglayen-Neuwall, Ing.,
1965. Gefangenschafts-beobachtungen an Makibaren (Bassaricyon
Allen, 1876). Zeit. fur Saug. 30(6): 321-366. --Procyonidae--Neotropics
Poitevin, F., 1984. Biogeographie et ecologie des crocidures
mediterraneennes (Insectivores, Soricides) Crocidura
russula (Hermann, 1780) et Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas,
1811). Instit. de Montpellier, Montpellier, Mem. et
Trav. no. 14. 98 pp. --Soricidae--Mediterranean Sea--Europe--Southwest
Asia--North Africa
"Polar bears: proceedings of the [ ] Working Meeting
of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group" [continuing
series]. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. --Ursidae--Canada--Alaska--Russia--Arctic--Arctic
Poole, A.L., compiler, 1973. Wild animals in New Zealand.
2.ed. A.H. & A.W. Reed, Wellington, etc. 151 pp.
Poole, W.E., 1982. Macropus giganteus. Mammalian Species
no. 187. 8 pp. --Macropodidae--Australia
Pop, I., & Homei, V., 1973. Mamifere din Romania.
2 v. Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti. --Mammalia
Popa, L.L., 1989. Mlekopitaiushchie Moldavii: kratkii
spravochnik-opredelitel' [Mammals of Moldavia, a concise
guide]. Kartia Moldoveniaske, Kishinev. 160 pp. --Mammalia
Popov, M.V., 1977. Opredelitel' mlekopitaiushchikh IAkutii
[Guide to the mammals of Yakutia]. Instit. Biol., IAkutskii
Filial, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 423
pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union--Siberia
Popov, V.A., 1960. Mlekopitaiushchie Volzhsko-Kamskogo
kraia: nasekomoiadnye, rukokrylye, gryzuny [Mammals
of Volga-Kama territory: insectivores, bats, rodents].
Kazanskii Filial, AN SSSR, Kazan'. 467 pp. --Insectivora--Chiroptera--Rodentia--Russia--Soviet
Portenko, L.A., ed., 1963. Fauna Kamchatskoi oblasti.
Instit. Vulkanologii, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR,
Moskva. 116 pp. --Mammalia--Kamchatka--Russia--Soviet
Potts, M.K., & Grater, R.K., 1949. Mammals of Mount
Rainier National Park. Mount Rainier Natur. Hist. Assoc.,
Longmire, WA. 87 pp. --Mammalia--Alaska
Power, D.M., ed., 1980. The California islands: proceedings
of a multidisciplinary symposium. Santa Barbara Mus.
of Natur. Hist., Santa Barbara, CA. 787 pp. --Mammalia--North
Pacific Ocean
Prakash, I., & Ghosh, P.K., eds., 1975. Rodents
in desert environments. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr.
Biol. Vol. 28. 624 pp. --Rodentia
Prater, S.H., 1990. The book of Indian animals [mammals].
3.ed. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., Bombay. 324 pp. --Mammalia--India
Pratesi, F., & Tassi, F., 1973. Guida alla natura
della Sardegna. A. Mondadori, Milano. 338 pp. --Mammalia--Sardinia--Italy--Mediterranean
Pratesi, F., & Tassi, F., 1974. Guida alla natura
della Sicilia. A. Mondadori, Milano. 296 pp. --Mammalia--Sicily--Italy--Mediterranean
Prescott, Jacq., & Richard, P., 1982. Mammiferes
du Quebec et de l'est du Canada. 2 v. Ed. France-Amerique,
Montreal. 429 pp. --Mammalia
Prescott, J.H., & Fiorelli, P.M., 1980. Review of
the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the U.S.
northwest Atlantic. U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, Wash.,
D.C. 57 pp. --Phocoenidae--United States--North Atlantic
Prevost, J., & Mougin, J.L., 1971. Guide des oiseaux
et mammiferes des terres australes et antarctiques francaises.
Delachaux & Niestle, Neuchatel, Switzerland. 236
pp. --Mammalia--Southern Ocean
Pringle, J.A., 1974. The distribution of mammals in
Natal. Part 1. Primates, Hyracoidea, Lagomorpha (except
Lepus), Pholidota and Tubulidentata. Natal Mus., Pietermaritzburg,
Ann. 22(1): 173-186. --Procaviidae--South Africa
Pringle, J.A., 1977. The distribution of mammals in
Natal. Part 2. Carnivora. Natal Mus., Pietermaritzburg,
Ann. 23(1): 93-115. --South Africa
Pringle, L., 1983. Feral; tame animals gone wild. Macmillan,
New York; Collier Macmillan, London. 110 pp. --Mammalia
"Proceedings of the [ ] International Muskox Symposium".
[continuing series; various publishers] --Bovidae--Arctic
"Proceedings of the [ ] (Biennial) Pronghorn Antelope
Workshop". [continuing series; various publishers] --Antilocapridae--Nearctic
Prusaite, J., 1972. Lietuvos zinduoliai [Lithuanian
mammals]. Zool. ir Parazitologijos Instit., Lietuvos
TSR Mokslu Akad., Vilnius. 71 pp. --Mammalia--Lithuania
Pryde, P.R., 1987. The distribution of endangered fauna
in the USSR. Biol. Conserv. 42(1): 19-37. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
"The Przewalski horse and restoration to its natural
habitat in Mongolia", 1986. Food and Agric. Organization
of the United Nations, Rome. 181 pp. --Equidae--China--Mongolia--Central
Pucek, Z., ed., 1984. Klucz do oznaczania ssakow Polski:
praca zbiorowa [Keys to Polish vertebrates: mammals].
2.ed. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa. 383 pp.
[English translation of 1.ed., 1981] --Mammalia--Poland
Pucek, Z., & Raczynski, J., eds., 1983. Atlas rozmieszczenia
ssakow w Polsce [Distribution atlas of Polish mammals].
2 v. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa. --Mammalia--Poland
Pulliainen, E., 1974. Suomen suurpedot [Large Finnish
carnivores]. Tammi, Helsinki. 263 pp. --Carnivora--Finland
Punt, A., Bree, P.J.H.van, De Vlas, J., & Wiersema,
G.J., 1974. De Nederlandse vleermuizen. Koninklijke
Nederlandse Natuurhist. Vereniging, Hoogwoud, Wetenschappelijke
Meded. no. 104. 48 pp. --Chiroptera--Netherlands
Putman, R.J., 1988. The natural history of deer. Comstock
Pub. Associates, Ithaca, NY. 191 pp. --Cervidae
Putman, R.J., ed., 1989. Mammals as pests. Chapman &
Hall, New York & London. 271 pp. --Mammalia
Puyo, J., 1978. Oiseaux et mammiferes de la France d'outre-mer:
Guyane, Martinique, Guadeloupe. Stepolde, Papeete, Tahiti.
181 pp. --Mammalia--Guyana
Qin Changyu, 1991. [On the faunistics
& regionalization of Glires in Ningxia Autonomous
Region, China]. Acta Theriol. Sinica 11(2): 143-151.
Quartier, A.A., 1976. Faune neuchateloise: mammiferes
sauvages. Centre d'Arts Graphiques, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
117 pp. --Mammalia--Switzerland
Qumsiyeh, M.B., 1985. The bats of Egypt. Mus., Texas
Tech Univ., Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 23. 102 pp. --Chiroptera
Qumsiyeh, M.B., & Jones, J.K., Jr., 1986. Rhinopoma
hardwickii and Rhinopoma muscatellum. Mammalian Species
no. 263. 5 pp. --Rhinopomatidae--Old World
Qumsiyeh, M.B., & Schlitter, D.A., 1981. Bat records
from Mauritania, Africa (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Carnegie
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 50(13): 345-351.
Qumsiyeh, M.B., & Schlitter, D.A., 1982. The bat
fauna of Jabal Al Akhdar, northeast Libya. Carnegie
Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 51(19): 377-389.
Rabinowitz, A., 1982. Chiroptera of
the Great Smoky Mountains: bibliography with indexes
by species and major subject areas. Natur. Sci. and
Res. Div., Southeast Regional Office, Natl. Park Serv.,
Atlanta. 24 pp. --Tennessee--North Carolina
Rabor, D.S., 1977. Philippine birds & mammals. Univ.
of the Philippines Sci. Educ. Center, Quezon City. 284
pp. --Mammalia--Philippines
Rabor, D.S., 1986. Birds; mammals. Natur. Resources
Mngmnt. Center, Ministry of Natur. Resources, &
Univ. of the Philippines, Quezon City, Guide to Philippine
Flora and Fauna Vol. 11. 211 pp. --Mammalia--Philippines
Raevskii, V.V., 1982. Pozvonochnye zhivotnye severnogo
Zaural'ia [Vertebrates of the northern trans-Urals].
Moskovskoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelei Prirody, Moskva.
147 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Rahim, M.A., 1979. Biology of the Arabian Peninsula;
a bibliographic study. Biol. Soc. of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh.
180 pp. --Mammalia--Saudi Arabia--Southwest Asia
Rahm, U., 1966. Les mammiferes de la foret equatoriale
de l'est du Congo. in Raum & Christiaensen: 37-121.
Rahm, U., 1967. Les murides des environs du Lac Kivu
et des regions voisines (Afrique Centrale) et leur ecologie.
Rev. Suisse de Zool. 74(2): 439-519. --Cricetidae--Rhizomyidae--Muridae--Gliridae--Zaire--Rwanda
Rahm, U., 1976. Die Saugetiere der Schweiz. Naturhist.
Mus. Basel, Veroffentlichung nr. 9. 87 pp. --Mammalia--Switzerland
Rahm, U., 1980. Die Afrikanische Wurzelratte: Tachyoryctes
[Rhizomyidae]. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die
Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 528. 60 pp. --East Africa
Rahm, U., & Christiaensen, A., 1963. Les mammiferes
de la region occidentale du Lac Kivu. Mus. Roy. de l'Afr.
Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, Ann. (Ser. 8o, Sci. Zool.)
no. 118. 83 pp. --Mammalia--Zaire
Rahm, U., & Christiaensen, A., 1966. Les mammiferes
de l'ile Idjwi (Lac Kivu, Congo). Mus. Roy. de l'Afr.
Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, Ann. (Ser. 8o, Sci. Zool.)
no. 149. 121 pp. --Mammalia--Zaire
Rahmani, A.R., 1990. Distribution of the Indian gazelle
or Chinkara Gazella bennetti (Sykes) in India. Mammalia
54(4): 605-619. --Bovidae
Prince Rainier III of Monaco & Bourne, G.H., eds.,
1977. Primate conservation. Academic Press, New York.
658 pp. --Primates
Ramirez-Pulido, J., & Castro-Campillo, A., 1990.
Bibliografia reciente de los mamiferos de Mexico, 1983-1988
[with checklist]. Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana y Unidad
Iztapalapa, Mexico, D.F. 120 pp. --Mammalia
Ramirez-Pulido, J., Britton, M.C., Perdomo, A., &
Castro, A., 1986. Guia de los mamiferos de Mexico: referencias
hasta 1983. Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana y Unidad Iztapalapa,
Mexico, D.F. 720 pp. --Mammalia
Ramirez-Pulido, J., Lopez-Wilchis, R., Mudespacher,
C., & Lira, I.E., 1982. Catalogo de los mamiferos
terrestres nativos de Mexico. Editorial Trillas &
Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico, D.F. 126 pp. --terrestrial
Ramirez-Pulido, J., Lopez-Wilchis, R., Mudespacher,
C., & Lira, I.E., 1983. Lista y bibliografia reciente
de los mamiferos de Mexico. Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana
y Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico, D.F. 363 pp. --Mammalia
Ranck, G.L., 1968. The rodents of Libya. U.S. Natl.
Mus., Wash., D.C., Bull. 275. 264 pp. --Rodentia
Rand, A.L., 1948. Mammals of the eastern Rockies and
western plains of Canada. Natl. Mus. of Canada, Ottawa,
Bull. no. 108. 237 pp. --Mammalia--United States--Rocky
Ranjitsinh, M.K., 1989. The Indian blackbuck [Antilope
cervicapra]. Natraj Pubs., Dehra Dun, India. 155 pp.
--Bovidae--South Asia
Rashid, S.M.A., Khan, A., & Khan, M.A.R., 1990.
Mammals of Cox's Bazar Forest Division (South) Bangladesh,
with notes on their status and distribution. Bombay
Natur. Hist. Soc., J. 87(1): 62-67. --Mammalia
Raun, G.G., 1962. A bibliography of the Recent mammals
of Texas. Texas Memorial Mus., Austin. 81 pp. --Mammalia
Rausch, R.L., & Rausch, V.R., 1975. Taxonomy and
zoogeography of Lemmus spp. (Rodentia: Arvicolinae),
with notes on laboratory-reared lemmings. Zeit. fur
Saug. 40(1): 8-34. --Arvicolidae--Nearctic--Palearctic--Arctic
Rautenbach, I.L., 1982. Mammals of the Transvaal. ECOPLAN,
Pretoria, Monogr. no. 1. 211 pp. --Mammalia--South Africa
Raven, H.C., 1935. Wallace's Line and the distribution
of Indo-Australian mammals. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
New York, Bull. 68(4): 179-293. --Mammalia--Indonesia--Malaysia--New
Ravkin, IU.S., & Luk'ianova, I.V., 1976. Geografiia
pozvonochnykh iuzhnoi taigi zapadnoi Sibiri: (ptitsy,
melkie mlekopitaiushchie i zemnovodnye) [Geography of
vertebrates of the lower taiga of western Siberia: (birds,
small mammals & amphibians)]. Biol. Instit., Sibirskoe
Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 338 pp. --Russia--Soviet
Rearden, J., ed., 1981. Alaska mammals. Alaska Geographic
(Anchorage) 8(2). 184 pp. --Mammalia
Reardon, T.B., & Flavel, S.C., 1987. A guide to
the bats of South Australia. South Austr. Mus., Adelaide.
87 pp. --Chiroptera
Redford, K.H., & Eisenberg, J.F., eds., 1989. Advances
in neotropical mammalogy. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville,
FL. 614 pp. --Mammalia--Neotropics
Redford, K.H., & Eisenberg, J.F., 1992. Mammals
of the Neotropics. Vol. 2, The southern cone: Chile,
Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. Univ. of Chicago Press,
Chicago & London. 430 pp. --Mammalia
Reeves, R.R., & Tracey, S., 1980. Monodon monoceros.
Mammalian Species no. 127. 7 pp. --Monodontidae--North
Atlantic Ocean--North Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Reeves, R.R., Leatherwood, S., & Stewart, B.S.,
1992. The Sierra Club handbook of seals and sirenians.
Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. 358 pp. --Pinnipedia--Sirenia
Reich, L.M., 1981. Microtus pennsylvanicus. Mammalian
Species no. 159. 8 pp. --Arvicolidae--Nearctic
Reichholf, J., 1984. Saugetiere [of Europe]. Mosaik
Verlag, Munchen. 287 pp. --Mammalia
Reichstein, H., 1963. Beitrag zur systematischen Gliederung
des genus Arvicola Lacepede 1799. Zeit. fur Zool. Systematik
und Evolutions-forschung 1(1-2): 155-204. --Arvicolidae--Palearctic
Reig, O.A., Busch, C., Ortells, M.O., & Contreras,
J.R., 1990. An overview of evolution, systematics, population
biology, cytogenetics, molecular biology and speciation
in Ctenomys. in Nevo & Reig, eds. (Progress in Clinical
and Biol. Res. Vol. 335): 71-96. --Ctenomyidae--South
Reijnders, P.J.H., & Lankester, K., 1990. Status
of marine mammals in the North Sea. Netherlands J. of
Sea Res. 26(2-4): 427-435. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--North
Atlantic Ocean
Reijnders, P.J.H., & Wolff, W.J., eds., 1982. Marine
mammals of the Wadden Sea. Balkema, Rotterdam. 64 pp.
--Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Netherlands--North Atlantic Ocean
Reilly, S.B., & Thayer, V.G., 1990. Blue whale (Balaenoptera
musculus) distribution in the eastern tropical Pacific.
Marine Mammal Sci. 6(4): 265-277. --Balaenopteridae
Reimers, N.F., 1966. Ptitsy i mlekopitaiushchie iuzhnoi
taigi Srednei Sibiri [Birds & mammals of the lower
taiga of Central Siberia]. Sakhalinskii Kompleksnyi
Nauchno-issledovatel'skii Instit., Sibirskoe Otdelenie,
AN SSSR, Leningrad. 419 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Reimers, N.F., & Voronov, G.A., 1963. Nasekomoiadnye
i gryzuny verkhnei Leny [Insectivores & rodents
of the upper Lena Valley]. Irkutskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel'stvo,
Irkutsk. 191 pp. --Insectivora--Rodentia--Russia--Soviet
Reimov, R., 1985. [Mammals of the southern Aral region
(ecology, conservation, & rationalization)]. FAN,
Tashkent. 95 pp. --Mammalia--Uzbekistan
Reimov, R., 1987. Gryzuny iuzhnogo priaral'ia (sistematika,
ekologiia i khoziaistvennoe znachenie) [Rodents of the
southern Aral region (systematics, ecology & economic
importance)]. FAN, Tashkent. 124 pp. --Rodentia--Uzbekistan
Reis, N.R. dos, ed., 2007. Morcegos do Brasil. Nelio R. dos Reis, Londrina. 253 pp. --Chiroptera--Brazil
Reis, N.R. dos, & Peracchi, A.L., 1987. Quiropteros
da regiao de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil (Mammalia, Chiroptera).
Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belem, Bol. (Ser. Zool.)
3(2): 161-182. --Brazil
Reis, N.R. dos, & Schubart, H.O.R., 1979. Notas
preliminares sobre os morcegos do Parque Nacional da
Amazonia (Medio Tapajos). Acta Amazonica 9(3): 507-515.
Revin, IU.V., 1989. Mlekopitaiushchie iuzhnoi IAkutii
[Mammals of lower Yakutia]. IAkutskii Instit. Biol.,
Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 319 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Revin, IU.V., Popov, M.V., & Khaimi, O.S., 1986.
Zhivotnyi mir IAkutii: bibliograficheskii ukazatel',
1948-1980. Instit. Biol., IAkutskii Filial, Sibirskoe
Otdelenie, AN SSSR, IAkutsk. 182 pp. --Mammalia--Siberia--Russia--Soviet
Reyment, R.R., 1983. Palaeontological aspects of island
biogeography: colonization and evolution of mammals
on Mediterranean islands. Oikos 41(3): 299-306. --Mammalia--Mediterranean
Reynolds, J.E. III, & O'Dell, D.K., 1991. Manatees
and dugongs. Facts on File, New York & Oxford, England.
192 pp. --Sirenia
Rice, D.W., 1977. A list of the marine mammals of the
world (third edition). NOAA Tech. Rept. NMFS SSRF-711.
15 pp. --Sirenia--Pinnipedia--Cetacea
Richard, P.R., & Campbell, R.R., 1988. Status of
the Atlantic walrus, Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus, in
Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 102(2): 337-350. --Odobenidae--Arctic
Ride, W.D.L., 1970. A guide to the native mammals of
Australia. Oxford Univ. Press, London. 249 pp. --Mammalia
Rideout, C.B., & Hoffmann, R.S., 1975. Oreamnos
americanus. Mammalian Species no. 63. 6 pp. --Bovidae--Canada--United
Ridgway, S.H., & Harrison, R.J., eds., 1981. Handbook
of marine mammals. Volume 1. The walrus, sea lions,
fur seals and sea otter. Academic Press, London. 235
pp. --Odobenidae--Otariidae--Mustelidae
Ridgway, S.H., & Harrison, R.J., eds., 1981. Handbook
of marine mammals. Volume 2. Seals. Academic Press,
London. 359 pp. --Phocidae
Ridgway, S.H., & Harrison, R.J., eds., 1985. Handbook
of marine mammals. Volume 3. The sirenians and baleen
whales. Academic Press, London, etc. 362 pp. --Sirenia--Eschrichtiidae--Balaenidae--Balaenopteridae
Ridgway, S.H., & Harrison, Sir R., eds., 1989. Handbook
of marine mammals. Volume 4. River dolphins and the
larger toothed whales. Academic Press, London, etc.
442 pp. --Platanistidae--Cetacea
Riedman, M., 1990. The pinnipeds. Seals, sea lions,
and walruses. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, etc.
439 pp. --Pinnipedia
Riedman, M., & Estes, J.A., 1990. The sea otter
(Enhydra lutris): behavior, ecology, and natural history.
Fish and Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Wash.,
D.C., Biol. Rept. 90(14). 126 pp. --Mustelidae--North
America--North Pacific Ocean
Rieger, I., 1981. Hyaena hyaena. Mammalian Species no.
150. 5 pp. --Hyaenidae--Old World
Riese, D., & Venegas S., W., 1987. Catalogue of
records, localities and biotopes from research work
on small mammals in Chile and Argentina [Marsupialia
& Rodentia]. Gayana Zool. 51(1-4): 103-129.
Robbins, C.B., 1975. The systematics, ecology, and zoogeography
of the African gerbils, Taterillus (Rodentia: Cricetidae).
Ph.D. Diss., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson. 250 pp. --Africa
Robbins, C.B., 1980. Small mammals of Togo and Benin.
I. Chiroptera. Mammalia 44(1): 83-88.
Robbins, C.B., Vree, F.de, & Cakenberghe, V.van,
1985. A systematic revision of the African bat genus
Scotophilus (Vespertilionidae). Mus. Roy. de l'Afr.
Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, Ann. (Ser. 8o, Sci. Zool.)
246: 53-84. --Africa
Robbins, L.W., 1983. Evolutionary and biogeographical
relationships in the family Emballonuridae (Mammalia:
Chiroptera). Ph.D. Diss., Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock.
44 pp.
Roberts, A., 1954. The mammals of South Africa. 2.ed.
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Roberts, M., 1991. Origin, dispersal routes, and geographic
distribution of Rattus exulans, with special reference
to New Zealand. Pacific Sci. 45(2): 123-130. --Muridae--Southeast
Asia--New Guinea--West Pacific Ocean--South Pacific
Roberts, M.S., & Gittleman, J.L., 1984. Ailurus
fulgens. Mammalian Species no. 222. 8 pp. --Ailuridae--Himalayas--China--Burma--Sikkim--Nepal
Roberts, T.J., 1977. The mammals of Pakistan. Ernest
Benn Ltd., London. 361 pp. --Mammalia
Robineau, D., 1989. Les cetaces des iles Kerguelen.
Mammalia 53(2): 265-278. --Cetacea--Southern Ocean
Robineau, D., & Rose, J.-M., 1984. Les cetaces de
Djibouti. Bilan de connaissances actuelles sur la faune
cetologique de la Mer Rouge et du Golfe d'Aden. Mus.
Natl. d'Hist. Natur., Paris, Bull. (Sec. A, 4.s.) 6(1):
219-249. --Cetacea
Robyns de Schneidauer, T., 1982. Guide-nature de l'ocean
Indien: Madagascar, Comores, Seychelles, Maurice, Reunion.
Instit. Roy. des Sci. Natur. de Belgique, Bruxelles.
264 pp. --Mammalia--Comoros--Mauritius--Indian Ocean
Rode, P., 1943-1944. Mammiferes ongules de l'Afrique
noire. 2 parts. Librairie Larose, Paris. --ungulates--Africa
Rode, P., 1947. Les chauves-souris de France. Editions
N. Boubee, Paris, Atlas des Vertebres no. 6. 69 pp.
Rode, P., & Didier, R., 1946. Atlas des mammiferes
de France. N. Boubee & Co., Paris. 219 pp. --Mammalia
Rodeck, H.G., 1972. Guide to the mammals of Colorado.
Univ. of Colorado Mus., Boulder. 72 pp. --Mammalia
Rodin, V.E., et al., eds., 1984. Morskie mlekopitaiushchie
Dal'nego Vostoka [Marine mammals of the Soviet Far East].
Tikhookeanskii Nauchno-issledovatel'skii Instit. Rybnogo
Khoziaistva i Okeanografii, Vladivostok. 149 pp. --Cetacea--Pinnipedia--Russia--Soviet
Union--North Pacific Ocean
Roer, H., 1978. Die Fledermaus-Fauna von Sudwestafrika.
I. Teil: Microchiroptera. South West Africa Scientific
Soc., Windhoek, J. 32: 131-179. --Pteropodidae--Namibia
Rogacheva, E.V., ed., 1988. Materialy po faune Srednei
Sibiri i prilezhashchikh raionov Mongolii [Papers on
the fauna of Central Siberia & adjacent regions
of Mongolia]. Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii i Ekologii
Zhivotnykh, AN SSSR, Moskva. 188 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Rogers, D.S., & Schmidly, D.J., 1982. Systematics
of spiny pocket mice (genus Heteromys) of the desmarestianus
species group from Mexico and northern Central America.
J. of Mamm. 63(3): 375-386. --Heteromyidae
Roig, V.G., 1991. Desertification and distribution of
mammals in the southern cone of South America. in Mares
& Schmidly, eds.: 239-279. --Mammalia
Romer, J.D., 1974. Annotated checklist with keys to
the bats of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Natur. Hist. Soc.,
Mem. no. 9. 6 pp. --Chiroptera--China
Romero, A., Mayayo, A., & Agudo, I., 1991. Los cetaceos
recientes de Venezuela. Soc. de Cienc. Natur. 'La Salle',
Caracas, Mem. 51(135-136): 169-180. --Cetacea--Caribbean
Ronald, K., & Duguy, R., eds., 1979. The Mediterranean
monk seal. Pergamon Press, Oxford, etc. 183 pp. --Phocidae--Mediterranean
Ronald, K., & Duguy, R., eds., 1984. Monk seals:
proceedings of the second international conference.
Soc. Sci. Natur. Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, France,
Ann., Suppl. 120 pp. --Phocidae--Hawaii--West Indies--Mediterranean
Ronald, K., Hanly, L.M., Healey, P.J., & Selley,
L.J., 1976. An annotated bibliography of the Pinnipedia.
Intern. Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Charlottenlund,
Denmark. 785 pp. [Suppl. I, 1983; Suppl. II, 1991]
Ronnefeld, U., 1969. Verbreitung und Lebensweise afrikanischer
Feloidea (Felidae et Hyaenidae). Saug. Mitt. 17(4):
285-350. --Africa
Rookmaaker, L.C., 1980. The distribution of the rhinoceros
in eastern India, Bangladesh, China, and the Indo-Chinese
region. Zool. Anz. (Jena) 205(3-4): 253-268. --Rhinocerotidae--Southeast
Rookmaaker, L.C., 1983. Bibliography of the rhinoceros:
an analysis of the literature on the recent rhinoceros
in culture, history, and biology. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
292 pp. --Rhinocerotidae
Roonwal, M.L., & Mohnot, S.M., 1977. Primates of
South Asia. Ecology, sociology, and behavior. Harvard
Univ. Press, Cambridge. 421 pp.
Roots, C., 1976. Animal invaders. Universe Books, New
York. 203 pp. --Mammalia
Rosenberger, A.L., & Coimbra-Filho, A.F., 1984.
Morphology, taxonomic status and affinities of the lion
tamarins, Leontopithecus (Callitrichinae, Cebidae).
Folia Primatologia 42(3-4): 149-179. --Callithricidae--Brazil
Rosenthal, M., ed., 1989. Proceedings of the First International
Symposium on the Spectacled Bear. Instit. of Mus. Serv.,
Lincoln Park Zool. Soc., Chicago. 318 pp. --Ursidae--Andes--South
Rosevear, D.R., 1953. Checklist and atlas of Nigerian
mammals. The Government Printer, Lagos. 133 pp. --Mammalia--Nigeria
Rosevear, D.R., 1965. The bats of West Africa. Trustees
of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London. 418 pp. --Chiroptera
Rosevear, D.R., 1969. The rodents of West Africa. Trustees
of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London. 604 pp. --Rodentia
Rosevear, D.R., 1974. The carnivores of West Africa.
Trustees of the Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), London. 548
pp. --Carnivora
Ross, G.J.B., 1984. The smaller cetaceans of the south
east coast of Southern Africa. Cape Prov. Mus., Grahamstown,
Ann. 15(2): 173-410. --Cetacea--South Africa--Indian
Rossolimo, O.L., ed., 1979. Mlekopitaiushchie: issledovaniia
po faune Sovetskogo Soiuza [Mammals: investigations
on the fauna of the Soviet Union]. Zool. Muzei, Moskovskogo
Univ., Moskva, Sbornik Trudov Vol. 18. 280 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Roth, H.H., 1964. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Tremarctos
ornatus (Cuvier). Zool. Garten (Leipzig) 29(3): 107-129.
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Roth, H.H., & Douglas-Hamilton, I., 1991. Distribution
and status of elephants in West Africa. Mammalia 55(4):
489-527. --Elephantidae
Roth, H.H., & Merz, G., 1986. Vorkommen und relative
Haufigkeit von Saugetieren im Tai-Regenwald der Elfenbeinkuste.
Saug. Mitt. 33(2-3): 171-193. --Mammalia--Ivory Coast
Roth, V., 1953. Notes and observations on animal life
in British Guiana, 1907-1941; a popular guide to colonial
Mammalia. Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, Brit. Guiana.
164 pp. --Guyana
Rounsevell, D.E., Taylor, R.J., & Hocking, G.J.,
1991. Distribution records of native terrestrial mammals
in Tasmania. Wildl. Res. (Austr.) 18(6): 699-717.
Rowe-Rowe, D.T., 1978. The small carnivores of Natal.
Natal Parks Board, Pietermaritzburg, Lammergeyer no.
25. 48 pp. --Carnivora--South Africa
Rowlands, I.W., 1974. Mountain viscacha. in The biology
of hystricomorph rodents (Zool. Soc. of London, Symposium
no. 34): 131-141. --Chinchillidae--Andes--South America
Roze, U., 1989. The North American porcupine. Smithson.
Instit. Press, Wash., D.C., & London. 261 pp. --Erethizontidae--Nearctic
Rudge, A.J.B., 1980. A world review of the Cetacea.
Nature Conservancy Council, London. 390 pp.
Rue, L.L. III, 1989. The deer of North America. 2.ed.
Grolier Book Clubs, Inc., Danbury, CT. 544 pp. --Cervidae
Ruiu, D., 1986. Compagni di viaggio: vita degli animali
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pp. --Mammalia--Sardinia--France--Mediterranean Sea
Rupp, H., 1980. Beitrage zur Systematik, Verbreitung
und Okologie athiopischer Nagetiere. Ergebnisse mehrerer
Forschungsreisen. Saug. Mitt. 28(2): 81-123. --Rodentia--Ethiopia
Russell, R.J., 1968. Evolution and classification of
the pocket gophers of the subfamily Geomyinae. Mus.
of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Publ. 16(6):
473-579. --Geomyidae--North America
Russell, R.J., 1968. Revision of pocket gophers of the
genus Pappogeomys. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence, Publ. 16(7): 581-776. --Geomyidae--Mexico--United
Russo, R., 1991. Mountain state mammals. Nature Study
Guide, Berkeley, CA. 132 pp. --Mammalia--Rocky Mountains--United
Rustamov, A.K., ed., 1985. Turkmenistan SSR-ning Gyzyl
kitaby [Red Data Book of the Turkmen SSR], Vol. 1 [Vertebrates
& higher plants]. Turkmenistan SSR Ylymlar Akad.,
Ashgabat [Ashkhabad]. 412 pp. --Mammalia--Turkmenistan
Ryan, P.F., 1968. A guide to Insectivora and Dermoptera
of South Vietnam. Formosan Sci. 22: 79-92.
Ryan, R.M., 1968. Mammals of Deep Canyon, Colorado Desert,
California. Desert Mus., Palm Springs, CA. 137 pp. --Mammalia
Rybin, S.N., Horacek, I., & Cerveny, J., 1989. Bats
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in Hanak et al., eds.: 421-441. --Chiroptera
Rydell, J., & Strann, K.-B., 1992. [Bats in Troms
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Rylands, A.B., ed., in press. Marmosets and tamarins:
systematics, behaviour, and ecology. Oxford Univ. Press,
Oxford, etc. --Callithricidae--Neotropics
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Saemundsson, B., 1939. Mammalia. E. Munksgaard, Kobenhavn
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76. 52 pp. --Iceland
Sage, B.L., 1986. The arctic and its wildlife. Croom
Helm, London. 190 pp. --Mammalia
Saint Girons, M.-C., 1973. Les mammiferes de France
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Saint Girons, M.-C., 1986. Bibliographie des mammiferes
du palearctique occidental: 1850-1980. Mus. Natl. d'Hist.
Natur., Paris, Inventaires de Faune et de Flore 28.
440 pp. --Mammalia--Palearctic
Saint Girons, M.-C., 1989. Les mammiferes en France.
Sang de la Terre, Paris. 245 pp. --Mammalia
Sanborn, C.C., 1929. The land mammals of Uruguay. Field
Mus., Chicago, Zool. Ser. 17(4): 147-165. --terrestrial
Sanborn, C.C., 1937. American bats of the subfamily
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321-354. --Emballonuridae--Neotropics
Sanborn, C.C., 1947. The sheath-tailed bat [Emballonura]
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59-62. --Emballonuridae--West Pacific Ocean
Sanborn, C.C., 1949. Mammals from the Rio Ucayali, Peru.
J. of Mamm. 30(3): 277-288. --Mammalia
Sanborn, C.C., & Hoogstraal, H., 1953. Some mammals
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Sanderson, I.T., 1940. The mammals of the North Cameroons
forest area. Zool. Soc. of London, Trans. 24(7): 623-725.
Sands, M., & McDowell, R.E., 1979. A world bibliography
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NY, Cornell Intern. Agric. Mimeo 70. 112 pp. --Bovidae
Sans-Coma, V., Fons, R., & Vesmanis, I., 1980. Eine
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Suncus etruscus (SAVI, 1822) aus Sud-Frankreich (Mammalia,
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Dresden, Zool. Abhandl. 37: 1-31. --France
Santiapillai, C., & Sukohadi Ramono, W., 1990. The
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Indonesia. Tigerpaper (Bangkok) 17(4): 6-11. --Tapiridae
Sarker, S.U., & Sarker, N.J., 1984. Mammals of Bangladesh--their
status, distribution and habitat. Tigerpaper (Bangkok)
11(1): 8-13. --Mammalia
Saunders, D.A., 1988. Adirondack mammals. Adirondack
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Savage, A., & Savage, C.S., 1981. Wild mammals of
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Savic, I.R., & Nevo, E., 1990. The Spalacidae: evolutionary
history, speciation and population biology. in Nevo
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Vol. 335): 129-153. --Palearctic
Sayer, J.A., & Green, A.A., 1984. The distribution
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Bologna. 124 pp. --Chiroptera--Italy
Scaramella, D., Russo, L.F., & D'Errico, F.P., 1974.
I mammiferi della Somalia (a livello della sottospecie).
Soc. di Naturalisti in Napoli, Boll. 83: 269-331. --Mammalia
Schaer, J.-P., Veyret, P., Favarger, C., Chatenet, G.du,
Hainard, R., & Paccaud, O., 1989. Guide du naturaliste
dans les Alpes. 2.ed. Delachaux & Niestle, Neuchatel
& Paris. 448 pp. --Mammalia--Alps--Central Europe
Schaller, G.B., 1977. Mountain monarchs: wild sheep
and goats of the Himalayas. Univ. of Chicago Press,
Chicago. 425 pp. --Bovidae--Central Asia
Schaller, G.B., Dang Nguyen Xuan, Thuy Le Dinh, &
Son Vo Thanh, 1990. Javan rhinoceros in Vietnam. Oryx
24(2): 77-80. --Rhinocerotidae
Schaller, G.B., Hu Jinchu, Pan Wenshi, & Zhu Jing,
1985. The giant pandas of Wolong. Univ. of Chicago Press,
Chicago & London. 298 pp. --Ailuropodidae--China
Schamberger, M.L., 1975. Mount Rainier's mammals. pub.
privately, Longmire, WA. 79 pp. --Mammalia--Washington
Scheffer, V.B., 1946. Mammals of the Olympic Peninsula,
Washington. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Portland, OR. 248
pp. --Mammalia
Scheffer, V.B., 1958. Seals, sea lions and walruses;
a review of the Pinnipedia. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford.
179 pp.
Schilling, D., & Singer, D., 1983. Saugetiere: 181
Arten Europas. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munchen. 286
pp. --Mammalia--Europe
Schlawe, L., 1980. Zur geographischen Verbreitung der
Ginsterkatzen Gattung Genetta G. CUVIER, 1816. Staatliche
Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Faunistiche Abhandl. 7:
148-161. --Viverridae--Old World
Schlawe, L., 1980. Material, Fundorte, Text- und Bildquellen
als Grundlagen fur eine Artenliste zur Revision der
Gattung Genetta G. Cuvier, 1816 (Mammalia, Carnivora,
Viverridae). Staatliche Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden,
Zool. Abhandl. 37: 85-182. --Old World
Schliemann, H., 1982. Nachweis wilder Meerschweinchen
fur Ecuador und Beschreibung von Cavia aperea patzelti
subsp. nov. Zeit. fur Saug. 47(2): 79-90. --Caviidae
Schliemann, H., & Maas, B., 1978. Myzopoda aurita.
Mammalian Species no. 116. 2 pp. --Myzopodidae--New
Schlitter, D.A., & DeBlase, A.F., 1974. Taxonomy
and geographic distribution of Rhinopoma microphyllum
(Chiroptera: Rhinopomatidae) in Iran, with the description
of a new subspecies. Mammalia 38(4): 657-665. --Rhinopomatidae
Schlitter, D.A., Robbins, L.W., & Buchanan, S.A.,
1982. Bats of the Central African Republic (Mammalia:
Chiroptera). Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh,
Ann. 51(8): 133-155.
Schmidly, D.J., 1977. The mammals of Trans-Pecos Texas.
Texas A & M Press, College Station, TX. 225 pp.
Schmidly, D.J., 1981. Marine mammals of the southeastern
United States coast and the Gulf of Mexico. Office of
Biol. Serv., Fish and Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, Wash., D.C. 165 pp. --Sirenia--Pinnipedia--Cetacea
Schmidly, D.J., 1983. Texas mammals east of the Balcones
Fault Zone. Texas A & M Univ. Press, College Station,
TX. 400 pp. --Mammalia
Schmidly, D.J., 1991. The bats of Texas. Texas A &
M Univ. Press, College Station, TX. 188 pp. --Chiroptera
Schmidly, D.J., & Melcher, B.A., 1974. Annotated
checklist and key to the cetaceans of Texas waters.
Southwestern Naturalist 18(4): 453-464. --Cetacea--Gulf
of Mexico
Schmidt, H., 1944. Argentinische Saugetiere. Hans Schmidt,
San Andres, Argentina. 257 pp. --Mammalia--Argentina
Schmidt, J.L., & Gilbert, D.L., eds., 1980. Big
game of North America; ecology and management. rev.
printing. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA. 494 pp. --large
Schmidt, U., 1978. Vampirfledermause, Familie Desmodontidae
(Chiroptera). A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die
Neue Brehm-Bucherei Heft 515. 99 pp. --Phyllostomidae--New
Schmook, A., 1965. In Lappis Wildmarken. Ein Tierbuch
aus Finnisch-Lappland. K.P. Hofmann, Fulda, Germany.
149 pp. --Mammalia--Lapland--Finland--Arctic
Schnapp, B., 1963. The mammals of the Rumanian People's
Republic. Mus. d'Hist. Natur. 'Grigore Antipa', Bucuresti,
Trav. 4: 473-496. --Mammalia--Romania
Schober, W., & Grimmberger, E., 1989. A guide to
bats of Britain and Europe. Michelin House, Hamlyn Pub.
Group, London. 224 pp. --Chiroptera--British Isles--Europe
Schouteden, H., 1947. Les mammiferes du Congo Belge
et du Ruanda-Urundi. 3 parts. Mus. Roy. du Congo Belge,
Tervuren, Belgium, Ann. C--Zool. t. 3 (2.s.). 576 pp.
Schouteden, H., 1948. Faune du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi.
I. Mammiferes. Mus. Roy. de l'Afr. Centrale, Tervuren,
Belgium, Ann. (Ser. 8o, Sci. Zool.) 1. 331 pp. --Mammalia--Zaire--Rwanda--Burundi
Schreiber, A., et al., 1989. Weasels, civets, mongooses,
and their relatives: an action plan for the conservation
of mustelids and viverrids. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
100 pp. --Mustelidae--Herpestidae--Viverridae
Schropfer, R., Feldmann, R., & Vierhaus, H., 1984.
Die Saugetiere Westfalens. Westfalisches Mus. fur Naturkunde,
Munster. 393 pp. --Mammalia--Germany
Schultze-Westrum, T., 1963. Die Wildziegen der agaischen
Inseln. Saug. Mitt. 11(4): 145-182. --Bovidae--Aegean
Schulze, G., 1987. Die Schweinswale: Familie Phocoenidae.
A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei
Heft 583. 167 pp.
Schwartz, C.W., & Schwartz, E.R., 1981. The wild
mammals of Missouri. rev.ed. Univ. of Missouri Press,
Columbia & London, & Missouri Dept. of Conserv.,
Jefferson City. 356 pp. --Mammalia
Schwartz, J., 1978. Amphibians, reptiles and mammals
of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Cooperative
Natl. Park Resources Stud. Unit, Dept. of Biol. Sci.,
Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas. 72 pp. --Mammalia--Nevada--Arizona
Schwartz, J.H., ed., 1988. Orang-utan biology. Oxford
Univ. Press, New York. 383 pp. --Pongidae--Sumatra--Borneo--Indonesia
Schwarz, E., 1948. Revision of the Old-World moles of
the genus Talpa Linnaeus. Zool. Soc. of London, Proc.
118: 36-48. --Talpidae--Palearctic
Scortecci, G., 1940. Biologia sahariana. Edizioni della
Mostra d'Oltremare, Napoli. 205 pp. --Mammalia--Sahara--North
"Sea turtles and marine mammals of the Gulf of Mexico:
proceedings of a workshop", 1990. Gulf of Mexico OCS
Region, Minerals Mngmnt. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior,
New Orleans. 210 pp. --Sirenia--Pinnipedia--Cetacea
Seal, U.S., Thorne, E.T., Bogan, M.A., & Anderson,
S.H., eds., 1989. Conservation biology and the black-footed
ferret. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven. 302 pp. --Mustelidae--Nearctic
Sealander, J.A., & Heidt, G.A., 1990. Arkansas mammals,
their natural history, classification, and distribution.
rev.ed. Univ. of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville. 308 pp.
Seebeck, J.H., Brown, P.R., Wallis, R.L., & Kemper,
C.M., eds., 1990. Bandicoots and bilbies. Surrey Beatty
& Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW. 392 pp. --Peramelidae--Thylacomyidae--Australasia--Australia
Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, O.I., 1982. [Mammals of the Murmansk
region]. Murmanskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel'stvo, Murmansk.
174 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Serafinski, W., 1977. Ssaki Polski [[Atlas of] Polish
mammals]. 3.ed. Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne,
Warszawa. 101 pp. --Mammalia--Poland
Servheen, C., 1990. The status and conservation of the
bears of the world. Intern. Conference on Bear Res.
and Mngmnt. Monogr. Ser. no. 2. 32 pp. --Ursidae
Serzhanin, I.N., 1961. Mlekopitaiushchie Belorussii.
2.ed. Otdelenie Zool. i Parazitologii, ANBel SSR, Minsk.
318 pp. --Mammalia--Byelorussia--Soviet Union
Serzhanin, I.N., Serzhanin, IU.I., & Slesarevich,
V.V., 1967. Opredelitel' mlekopitaiushchikh Belorussii
[Key to the mammals of Byelorussia]. Nauka i Tekhnika,
Minsk. 120 pp. --Mammalia--Byelorussia--Soviet Union
Setzer, H.W., 1956. Mammals of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
U.S. Natl. Mus., Wash., D.C., Proc. 106: 447-587. --Mammalia
Setzer, H.W., 1957. A review of Libyan mammals. Egyptian
Public Health Assoc., Cairo, J. 32(2): 41-82. --Mammalia--Libya
Seymour, K.L., 1989. Panthera onca. Mammalian Species
no. 340. 9 pp. --Felidae--New World
Sheldon, J.W., 1992. Wild dogs: the natural history
of the nondomestic Canidae. Academic Press, San Diego,
etc. 248 pp.
Sheldon, W.G., 1975. The wilderness home of the giant
panda. Univ. of Massachusetts Press, Amherst. 196 pp.
Shelley, S., 1989. Safari guide to the mammals of East
and Central Africa. Macmillan, London. 184 pp. --Mammalia--East
Shen, S.-c., 1963. [Faunal characteristics of Tibetan
mammals and the history of their organization]. Acta
Zool. Sinica 15(1): 139-150. --Mammalia--Tibet
Shidlovskii, M.V., 1976. Opredelitel' gryzunov Zakavkazia
[Guide to the rodents of Transcaucasia]. 2.ed. Metzniereba,
Tbilisi. 255 pp. --Rodentia--Georgia--Armenia--Azerbaijan
Shirai, S., 1986. Ecological encyclopedia of the marine
animals of the Indo-Pacific. Vol. 1. Vertebrata (mammals-reptiles-fishes).
Shin Nippon Kyoiku Tosho Co., Tokyo. 352 pp. --marine
mammals--Indian Ocean--Pacific Ocean
Shortridge, G.C., 1934. The mammals of South West Africa.
2 v. William Heinemann, London. --Mammalia--Namibia
Shoshani, J., & Eisenberg, J.F., 1982. Elephas maximus.
Mammalian Species no. 182. 8 pp. --Elephantidae--Africa
Shoshani, J., Goldman, C.A., & Thewissen, J.G.M.,
1988. Orycteropus afer. Mammalian Species no. 300. 8
pp. --Orycteropodidae--Africa
Shou Chen-huang, 1958. Mao p'i shou t'u shuo [Illustrated
fur bearing animals]. [Sci. Press], Pei-ching. 142 pp.
Shou Chen-huang, ed., 1964. Chung-kuo ching chi tung
wu chih: shou lei [Handbook of economic animals of China.
Mammals]. [Sci. Press], Pei-ching. 554 pp. --Mammalia--China
Shrestha, T.K., 1983. Wildlife of Nepal: a study of
renewable resources of Nepal Himalayas. Curriculum Development
Centre, Tribhuvan Univ., Kathmandu, Nepal. 734 pp. --Mammalia
Shvetsov, IU.G., Smirnov, M.N., & Monakhov, G.I.,
1984. Mlekopitaiushchie basseina ozera Baikal [Mammals
of the Lake Baikal Basin]. Instit. Biol., Sibirskoe
Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 256 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Siddiqi, M.S., 1961. Checklist of mammals of Pakistan
with particular reference to the mammalian collection
in the British Museum (Natural History), London. Biologia
(Lahore) 7: 93-225. --Mammalia
Siddiqi, N.A., 1979. An annotated bibliography of the
wildlife of Bangladesh. Forest Res. Instit., Chittagong,
Wildl. Ser. Bull. 1. 11 pp. --Mammalia
Sidiyene, E.A., & Tranier, M., 1990. Donnees recentes
sur les mammiferes de l'Adrar des Iforas (Mali). Mammalia
54(3): 471-477. --Mammalia--Sahara--North Africa
Sidney, J., 1965. The past and present distribution
of some African ungulates. Zool. Soc. of London, Trans.
Vol. 30. 396 pp. --Africa
Sielfeld K., W., 1983. Mamiferos marinos de Chile. Ediciones
de la Univ. de Chile, Santiago. 199 pp. --marine mammals--Cetacea--Pinnipedia
Sigurjonsson, J., 1990. Whale stocks off Iceland. Assessment
and methods. North Atlantic Stud. (Aarhus) 2(1-2): 64-76.
--Cetacea--North Atlantic Ocean
Sigurjonsson, J., & Leatherwood, S., eds., 1988.
North Atlantic killer whales. Rit Fiskideildar (Reykjavik)
Vol. 11. 316 pp. --Delphinidae--North Atlantic Ocean
Siivonen, L., 1956. Suuri nisakaskirja [Great book of
[Finnish] mammals]. Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, Helsingissa.
800 pp. --Mammalia--Finland
Siivonen, L., ed., 1972. Suomen nisakkaat [Mammals of
Finland]. 2 v. Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, Helsingissa.
Siivonen, L., 1977. Pohjolan nisakkaat [Mammals of Northern
Europe]. 5.ed. Otava, Helsingissa. 196 pp. --Mammalia
Silva, F., 1984. Mamiferos silvestres do Rio Grande
do Sul [Brasil]. Pub. Fundacao Zoobotanica do Rio Grande
do Sul, Porto Alegre. 245 pp. --Mammalia--Brazil
Silva, J.A., 1956. Animais selvagens: contribuicao para
o estudo da fauna de Mocambique. Imprensa Nac. de Mocambique,
Lourenco Marques. 266 pp. --Mammalia--Mozambique
Silva, S.N.da, 1970. A grande fauna selvagem de Angola.
Edicao da Direccao Prov. dos Serv. de Veterinaria, Luanda.
151 pp. --large mammals
Silva Taboada, G., 1983. Los murcielagos de Cuba: taxonomia,
morfologia, distribucion, biogeografia, ecologia, importancia
economica. Editorial Cientifico-Tecnica, La Habana,
Cuba. 423 pp. --Chiroptera
Simionescu, V., 1987. A history of mammalogy in Romania.
in Sterling, ed.: 101-129. --Mammalia
Simonetta, A.M., 1968. A new golden mole from Somalia
with an appendix on the taxonomy of the family Chrysochloridae
(Mammalia, Insectivora). Monitore Zool. Ital. Suppl.
2 (n.s.): 27-55.
Sinha, Y.P., 1980. The bats of Rajasthan: taxonomy and
zoogeography. Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta, Rec. 76(1-4):
7-63. --Chiroptera--India
Sinha, Y.P., 1986. The bats of Bihar: taxonomy and field
ecology. Rec. of the Zool. Surv. of India, Calcutta,
Misc. Publ. Occas. Paper no. 77. 60 pp. --Chiroptera--India
Siniff, D.B., & Ralls, K., eds., 1988. Population
status of California sea otters. Pacific OCS Region,
Minerals Mngmnt. Serv., U.S. Dept. of the Interior,
Los Angeles. 368 pp. --Mustelidae--North Atlantic Ocean
Sirhal, A.'A., 1985. Hayawanat Lubnan al-barriyah: al-thadiyyat
[Wild animals of Lebanon: mammals]. Bisat(?), Bayrut.
151 pp. --Mammalia
Sjogren, B., 1971. Sma daggdjur i Norden [Small mammals
of Scandinavia]. Zinderman, Goteborg. 158 pp. --Northern
Skaren, U., & Kaikusalo, A., 1966. Suomen pikkunisakkaat
[Small mammals of Finland]. Otava, Helsingissa. 227
Skinner, J.D., & Smithers, R.H.N., 1990. The mammals
of the Southern African subregion. 2.ed. Univ. of Pretoria,
Pretoria. 771 pp. --Mammalia--Southern Africa
Skottsberg, C., ed., 1920-1956. The natural history
of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. 2 v. Almqvist &
Wiksells, Uppsala. --Mammalia--East Pacific Ocean
Sludskii, A.A., ed., 1969-1985. Mlekopitaiushchie Kazakhstana.
4 v. in 9 parts. Instit. Zool., ANKaz SSR, Alma-Ata.
Sludskii, A.A., ed., 1973. Promyslovye mlekopitaiushchie
Kazakhstana [Game mammals of Kazakhstan]. Instit. Zool.,
ANKaz SSR, Alma-Ata, Trudy Vol. 34. 212 pp. --large
Smal, C.M., & Fairley, J.S., 1984. The spread of
the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus in Ireland. Mammal
Rev. 14(2): 71-78. --Arvicolidae--British Isles
Smet, K.J.M.de, 1989. [Large mammal distribution, by
biotope, in Algeria, within nature conservation studies].
Rijksuniversitet, Gent. 355 pp. --large mammals
Smit, C.J., & Wijngaarden, A.van, 1981. Threatened
mammals in Europe. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft,
Wiesbaden. 259 pp. --Mammalia
Smith, A., & Hume, I.D., eds., 1984. Possums and
gliders. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton,
NSW. 598 pp. --Marsupialia--Australia--Australasia
Smith, A.T., 1974. The distribution and dispersal of
pikas: consequences of insular population structure.
Ecology 55(5): 1112-1119. --Ochotonidae--Nearctic
Smith, A.T., & Weston, M.L., 1990. Ochotona princeps.
Mammalian Species no. 352. 8 pp. --Ochotonidae--Nearctic--Canada--United
Smith, H.C., 1989. A checklist of the mammals of Alberta
(revised 1989). Prov. Mus. of Alberta, Edmonton, Natur.
Hist. Occas. Paper no. 11. 7 pp. --Mammalia
Smith, J.D., 1972. Systematics of the chiropteran family
Mormoopidae. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence, Misc. Publ. no. 56. 132 pp. --Neotropics--West
Smith, Step.J., 1985. The atlas of Africa's principal
mammals. Natural History Books, Fourways, South Afr.
241 pp. --Mammalia--Africa
Smith, Stev.J., 1981. The Tasmanian tiger 1980: a report
on an investigation of the current status of thylacine
Thylacinus cynocephalus. Natl. Parks and Wildl. Serv.,
Tasmania, Wildl. Div. Tech. Rept. 81/1. 133 pp. --Thylacinidae--Tasmania
Smith, Stev.J., 1990. Checklist of the vertebrate animals
of Tasmania: names of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians
and freshwater fish, with a unique numerical code for
each species. St. David's Park, Hobart(?). 50 pp. --Mammalia
Smith, T.G., & Hammill, M.O., 1990. A bibliography
of the white whale, Delphinapterus leucas. Arctic Biol.
Station, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Ste. Anne de
Bellevue, Quebec, Canadian Manuscript Rept. of Fisheries
and Aquatic Sci. no. 2060. 45 pp. --Monodontidae--North
Pacific Ocean--North Atlantic Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Smith, T.G., Hammill, M.O., Burrage, D.J., & Sleno,
G.A., 1985. Distribution and abundance of belugas, Delphinapterus
leucas, and narwhals, Monodon monoceros, in the Canadian
High Arctic. Canadian J. of Fish and Aquatic Sci. 42(4):
676-684. --Monodontidae--Canada--Arctic Ocean
Smith, W.P., 1991. Odocoileus virginianus. Mammalian
Species no. 388. 13 pp. --Cervidae--New World
Smithers, R.H.N., 1966. The mammals of Rhodesia, Zambia
and Malawi. Collins, London. 159 pp. --Mammalia--Zimbabwe
Smithers, R.H.N., 1968. A check list and atlas of the
mammals of Botswana (Africa). Trustees of the Natl.
Mus. of Rhodesia, Salisbury. 169 pp. --Mammalia
Smithers, R.H.N., 1971. The mammals of Botswana. Trustees
of the Natl. Mus. of Rhodesia, Salisbury, Mus. Mem.
no. 4. 340 pp. --Mammalia
Smithers, R.H.N., 1975. Guide to the rats and mice of
Rhodesia. Trustees of the Natl. Mus. and Monuments of
Rhodesia, Salisbury. 50 pp. --Cricetidae--Muridae--Zimbabwe
Smithers, R.H.N., 1986. South African Red Data Book:
terrestrial mammals. Foundation for Res. Development,
Council for Scientific and Industrial Res., Pretoria.
216 pp. --South Africa
Smithers, R.H.N., 1992. Land mammals of Southern Africa;
a field guide. rev.ed. Southern Book Pubs., Johannesburg.
229 pp. --terrestrial mammals
Smithers, R.H.N., & Lobao Tello, J.L.P., 1976. Check
list and atlas of the mammals of Mocambique. Trustees
of the Natl. Mus. and Monuments of Rhodesia, Salisbury.
184 pp. --Mammalia--Mozambique
Smithers, R.H.N., & Wilson, V.J., 1979. Check list
and atlas of the mammals of Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Trustees
of the Natl. Mus. and Monuments of Rhodesia, Salisbury,
Mus. Mem. no. 9. 193 pp. --Mammalia
Sokolov, G.A., 1979. Mlekopitaiushchie kedrovykh lesov
Sibiri [Mammals of the Siberian forest]. Instit. Lesa
i Drevesiny, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk.
256 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union--Siberia
Sokolov, I.I., 1959. Kopytnye zveri [hoofed mammals,
otriady Perissodactyla i Artiodactyla. Instit. Zool.,
AN SSSR, Moskva & Leningrad, Fauna SSSR, Mlekopitaiushchie
1(3). 639 pp. --ungulates--Russia--Soviet Union
Sokolov, V.E., 1974. Saiga tatarica. Mammalian Species
no. 38. 4 pp. --Bovidae--Asia--Palearctic
Sokolov, V.E., ed., 1986. Fauna i ekologiia mlekopitaiushchikh
i ptits V'etnama [Faunistics & ecology of mammals
& birds of Vietnam]. Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii
i Ekologii Zhivotnykh, AN SSSR, Moskva. 156 pp. --Mammalia
Sokolov, V.E., ed., 1988. Slovar' nazvanii zhivotnykh.
Mlekopitaiushchie. [Dictionary of animal names in five
languages. Mammals.]. 2.ed. Russkii Iazyk, Moskva. 349
pp. --Mammalia
Sokolov, V.E., ed., 1990. Redkie i ischezaiushchie vidy
mlekopitaiushchikh SSSR: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Rare
& endangered mammals of the USSR: a collection of
studies]. Nauchnyi Sovet po Problemam Biosfery, AN SSSR,
Moskva. 126 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Sokolov, V.E., 1994. Mlekopitaiushchie Peruanskoi Amazonii.
Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii i Ekologii Zhivotnykh,
Moskva. 298 pp. --Mammalia--Peru
Sokolov, V.E., & Orlov, V.N., 1980. Opredelitel'
mlekopitaiushchikh Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respubliki [Guide
to mammals of the Mongolian People's Republic]. Instit.
Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii i Ekologii Zhivotnykh, AN
SSSR, Moskva. 351 pp. --Mammalia--Mongolia
Sokolov, V.E., & Tembotov, A.K., 1989. Pozvonochnye
Kavkaza: mlekopitaiushchie nasekomoiadnye [Vertebrates
of the Caucasus: insectivorous mammals]. Izdatel'stvo
Nauka, Moskva. 547 pp. --Insectivora--Russia--Georgia--Azerbaijan--Soviet
Sokolov, V.E., Shvetsov, IU.G., & Litvinov, N.I.,
1985. Melkie mlekopitaiushchie lesov Mongol'skoi Narodnoi
Respubliki: Insectivora, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia
[Small mammals of the forests of the Mongolian People's
Republic]. Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii i Ekologii
Zhivotnykh, AN SSSR, Moskva. 101 pp. --Mongolia
Sokolov, V.E., Baskevich, M.I., Luk'ianova, I.V., Tarasov,
M.A., & Kuriatnikov, N.N., 1987. [Distribution of
birch mice (Rodentia, Zapodidae) of the Caucasus]. Zool.
Zhurnal 66(11): 1730-1735. --Russia--Georgia--Azerbaijan--Soviet
Sokur, I.T., 1960. Ssavtsi fauny Ukrainy i ikh hospodars'ke
znachennia [Mammals of Ukraine and their economic significance].
Radians'ka Shkola, Kyiv. 210 pp. --Mammalia
"The Sonoran pronghorn", 1981. Game Branch, Arizona
Game and Fish Dept., Phoenix, Spec. Rept. no. 10. 58
pp. --Antilocapridae--Arizona--Mexico
Soper, J.D., 1965. The mammals of Alberta. Hamly Press,
Edmonton. 402 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Soper, J.D., 1970. The mammals of Jasper National Park,
Alberta. Canadian Wildl. Serv., Ottawa, Rept. Ser. no.
10. 80 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Soper, J.D., 1973. The mammals of Waterton Lakes National
Park, Alberta. Canadian Wildl. Serv., Ottawa, Rept.
Ser. no. 23. 57 pp. --Mammalia--Canada
Sosnovskii, I.P., 1987. Redkie i ischezaiushchie zhivotnye:
po stranitsam krasnoi knigi SSSR [Rare & endangered
animals, from the pages of the Red Data Book of the
USSR]. Lesnaia Promyshlennost', Moskva. 366 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Soukup, J., 1960-1965. Materiales para el catalogo de
los mamiferos Peruanos [multiple parts]. Biota (Lima)
3: 31-44, 68-84, 133-161, 240-276, 277-324, 325-331;
5: 341-374. --Mammalia--Peru
"Southern African wildlife: a guide to our mammals,
birds, reptiles, insects, fishes, amphibians, invertebrates",
1989. Reader's Digest Assoc. South Afr., Cape Town.
431 pp. --Mammalia--Southern Africa
Sowls, L.K., 1984. The peccaries. Univ. of Arizona Press,
Tucson. 251 pp. --Tayassuidae--New World
Sparks, E.A., compiler, 1974. Checklist of Utah wild
mammals. Div. of Wildl. Resources, Utah Dept. of Natur.
Resources, Salt Lake City, Publ. no. 74-3. 33 pp. --Mammalia
Sparks, E.A., compiler, 1981. Species list of vertebrate
wildlife that inhabit Utah. Div. of Wildl. Resources,
Utah Dept. of Natur. Resources, Salt Lake City, Publ.
no. 81-2. 61 pp. --Mammalia
Spinage, C.A., 1986. The natural history of antelopes.
Croom Helm, London. 203 pp. --Bovidae--Old World
Spitzenberger, F., 1977-1978. Die Saugetierfauna Zyperns
[2 parts]. Naturhist. Mus. in Wien, Ann. 81: 401-441;
82: 439-465. --Mammalia--Cyprus--Mediterranean Sea
Spitzenberger, F., 1988. Kurzmonographien ausgewahlter
Saugetierarten. Grune Reihe des Bundesministeriums fur
Umwelt, Jugend und Familie (Wien) 8: 146-193. --Mammalia--Austria
Squires, W.A., 1968. The mammals of New Brunswick. New
Brunswick Mus., Saint John, Monogr. Ser. no. 5. 57 pp.
Stallings, J.R., 1988. Small mammal inventories in an
eastern Brazilian park. Florida St. Mus., Gainesville,
Bull. (Biol. Sci.) 34(4): 153-200. --small mammals--Brazil
Starck, D., 1974. Die Saugetiere Madagaskars, ihre Lebensraume
und ihre Geschichte. Wissenschaftliche Gesell. Johann
Wolfgang Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt am Main, Sitzungsberichte
11(3): 68-124. --Mammalia--Madagascar
"Status of the African elephant", 1990. U.S. General
Publs. Office, Wash., D.C. 99 pp. --Elephantidae--Africa
Stebbings, R.E., 1988. The conservation of European
bats. Christopher Helm, London. 246 pp. --Chiroptera--Europe
Stebbings, R.E., & Griffith, F., 1986. Distribution
and status of bats in Europe. Instit. of Terrestrial
Ecol., Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, England. 142 pp. --Chiroptera
Stelfox, B., Wasel, S., & Hunt, L., 1992. Field
guide to the hoofed mammals: Jasper and Banff National
Parks. Parks & People, Jasper, Alberta. 72 pp. --ungulates--British
Sterling, K.B., ed., 1987. An international history
of mammalogy. Volume One. Eastern Europe and Fennoscandia,
I. One World Press, Bel Air, MD. 198 pp. --Mammalia--Scandinavia--Finland
Stevenson, M.F., & Rylands, A.B., 1988. The marmosets,
genus Callithrix. in Mittermeier et al., eds.: 131-222.
--Callithricidae--South America
Stewart, B.E., & Stewart, R.E.A., 1989. Delphinapterus
leucas. Mammalian Species no. 336. 8 pp. --Monodontidae--North
Atlantic Ocean--North Pacific Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Stewart, D.R.M., 1963. The Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx
Pallas). East Afr. Wildl. J. 1: 103-118. --Bovidae--Saudi
Arabia--Arabian Peninsula
Stirling, I., 1988. Polar bears. Univ. of Mich. Press,
Ann Arbor. 220 pp. --Ursidae--Canada--Alaska--Russia--Arctic--Arctic
Stirling, I., Kingsley, M., & Calvert, W., 1982.
The distribution and abundance of seals in the eastern
Beaufort Sea, 1974-79. Canadian Wildl. Serv., Edmonton,
Occas. Paper no. 47. 25 pp. --Pinnipedia--Arctic Ocean
Stoddart, D.R., ed., 1984. Biogeography and ecology
of the Seychelles Islands. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr.
Biol. Vol. 55. 691 pp. --Mammalia--Indian Ocean
Stoddart, D.R., & Taylor, J.D., eds., 1971. Geography
and ecology of Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Archipelago.
Atoll Res. Bull. no. 149. 237 pp. --Mammalia--Indian
Stonehouse, B., & Gilmore, D., eds., 1977. The biology
of marsupials. Macmillan, London, & Univ. Park Press,
Baltimore. 486 pp. --Marsupialia
Strahan, R., ed., 1988. (The Australian Museum) Complete
book of Australian mammals. corrected ed. Angus &
Robertson, North Ryde, NSW. 530 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Strahan, R., 1987. What mammal is that? Angus &
Robertson, North Ryde, NSW. 270 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Strange, I.J., 1987. The Falkland Islands and their
natural history. David & Charles, Newton Abbot,
England. 160 pp. --Mammalia--South Atlantic Ocean
Street, J.M., 1962. Feral animals in Hispaniola. Geogr.
Rev. 52(3): 400-406. --Mammalia--Haiti--Dominican Republic--West
Street, P., 1961. Mammals in the British Isles. R. Hale,
London. 185 pp. --Mammalia
Strelkov, P.P., ed., 1983. Fauna, sistematika i biologiia
mlekopitaiushchikh [Fauna, systematics & biology
of mammals [especially, bats & rodents of USSR]].
Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Leningrad, Trudy Vol. 119. 149
pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Strelkov, P.P., & Shajmardanov, R.T., 1983. [New
data on the distribution of bats (Chiroptera) in Kazakhstan].
in Strelkov, ed.: 3-37.
Streubel, D., 1989. Small mammals of the Yellowstone
ecosystem. Roberts Rinehart, Boulder, CO. 152 pp. --Wyoming--Montana--Idaho
Strien, N.J.van, 1983. A guide to the tracks of the
mammals of western Indonesia. School of Envir. Conserv.
Mngmnt., Ciawi, Bogor. 44 pp. --Mammalia
Strien, N.J.van, 1986. Abbreviated checklist of the
mammals of the Australasian Archipelago. School of Envir.
Conserv. Mngmnt., Ciawi, Bogor. 91 pp. --Mammalia--Indonesia--New
Strien, N.J.van, 1986. The Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus
sumatrensis (Fischer, 1814) in the Gunung Leuser National
Park, Sumatra, Indonesia: its distribution, ecology
and conservation. Parey, Hamburg, Mammalia Depicta Heft
12. 200 pp. --Rhinocerotidae
Stroganov, S.U., 1948. Sistematika krotovych [Systematics
of moles]. Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Leningrad, Trudy
8(2): 284-405. --Talpidae
Stroganov, S.U., 1949. Opredelitel' mlekopitaiushchikh
Karelii [Guide to the mammals of Karelia]. Petrozavodsk.
--Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Stroganov, S.U., 1957. Zveri Sibiri: nasekomoiadnye
[Mammals of Siberia: insectivores]. Zapadno-Sibirskii
Filial, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. 267 pp. --Insectivora--Russia--Soviet
Stroganov, S.U., 1969. Carnivorous mammals of Siberia.
Israel Prog. for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem.
522 pp. --Carnivora--Russia--Soviet Union
Strong, J.T., 1988. Status of the narwhal, Monodon monoceros,
in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101(2): 391-398.
--Monodontidae--North Atlantic Ocean--North Pacific
Ocean--Arctic Ocean
Stuart, C.T., 1975. Preliminary notes on the mammals
of the Namib Desert Park. Madoqua 4 (2.s.): 5-68. --Mammalia--Namibia
Stuart, C.T., 1980. The distribution and status of Manis
temmincki Smuts, 1832 (Pholidota: Manidae). Saug. Mitt.
28(2): 123-129. --Manidae--Africa
Stuart, C.T., 1981. Notes on the mammalian carnivores
of the Cape Province, South Africa. Dept. of Nature
and Envir. Conserv., Cape Town, Bontebok no. 1. 58 pp.
Stuart, C.T., & Stuart, T., 1988. Field guide to
the mammals of Southern Africa. C. Struik, Cape Town.
272 pp. --Mammalia
Stuart, C.T., & Stuart, T., 1989. Guide to Southern
African game and nature preserves. C. Struik, Cape Town.
352 pp. --Mammalia--Southern Africa
Stuart, C.T., & Wilson, V.J., 1988. The cats of
Southern Africa: a summary of the current knowledge
of the seven cat species occurring in Southern Africa,
with emphasis on conservation and status. IUCN/SSC Cat
Specialist Group, Afr. Carnivore Surv. & Chipangali
Wildl. Trust, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. --Felidae
Stuart, C.T., Macdonald, I.A.W., & Mills, M.G.L.,
1985. History, current status and conservation of large
mammalian predators in Cape Province, Republic of South
Africa. Biol. Conserv. 31(1): 7-19. --Carnivora
Stuart, S.N., Jenkins, M., & Adams, R.J., 1990.
Biodiversity in sub-saharan Africa and its islands:
conservation, management and sustainable use. IUCN,
Gland, Switzerland, Occas. Papers of the IUCN Species
Survival Commission (SSC) no. 6. 242 pp. --Mammalia--Africa
Stubbe, M., & Chotolchu, N., 1968. Zur Saugetierfauna
der Mongolei. Zool. Mus., Berlin, Mitt. 44(1): 5-121.
Suarez Caabro, J.A., 1985. Mamiferos marinos en Puerto
Rico. Prog. Institucional Sea Grant de la Univ. de Puerto
Rico, Mayaguez. 32 pp. --marine mammals--West Indies
Suarez Morales, O., 1986. Parques nacionales y afines
de Bolivia. La Paz(?). 134 pp. --Mammalia
Sukumar, R., 1989. The Asian elephant: ecology and management.
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge & New York. 251
pp. --Elephantidae--South Asia--Southeast Asia
Sumner, L., & Dixon, J.S., 1953. Birds and mammals
of the Sierra Nevada; with records from Sequoia and
Kings Canyon National Parks. Univ. of Calif. Press,
Berkeley. 484 pp. --Mammalia--California
Suvatti, C., 1950. Fauna of Thailand. Dept. of Fisheries,
Bangkok. 1100 pp. --Mammalia
Swanepoel, P., & Genoways, H.H., 1978. Revision
of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphylla (Mammalia:
Phyllostomatidae). Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh,
Bull. no. 12. 53 pp. --Phyllostomidae--West Indies
Swanepoel, P., Smithers, R.H.N., & Rautenbach, I.L.,
1980. A checklist and numbering system of the extant
mammals of the Southern African subregion. Transvaal
Mus., Pretoria, Ann. 32(7): 155-196. --Mammalia--Southern
Sweeney, R.C.H., 1959. A preliminary annotated check
list of the mammals of Nyasaland. Nyasaland Soc., Blantyre(?).
71 pp. --Mammalia--Malawi
Swepston, D.A., & Thompson, B.C., 1986. Texas furbearer
bibliography, 1851-1985. Fur-Bearing Animal Prog., Wildl.
Div., Texas Parks and Wildl. Dept., Austin. 114 pp.
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the Zanzibar Protectorate. East Afr. Natur. Hist. Soc.,
J. 20: 274-392. --terrestrial mammals--Tanzania
Sylvestre, J.-P., 1990. Guide des dauphins et marsouins.
Delachaux & Niestle, Neuchatel & Paris. 159
pp. --Cetacea
Syroechkovskii, E.E., ed., 1987. Fauna i ekologiia ptits
i mlekopitaiushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Faunistics &
ecology of birds & mammals of Central Siberia].
Instit. Evoliutsionnoi Morfologii i Ekologii Zhivotnykh,
AN SSSR, Moskva. 231 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Taddei, V.A., Seixas, R.B.de, &
Dias, A.L., 1986. Noctilionidae (Mammalia, Chiroptera)
do sudeste Brasileiro. Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo)
38(5): 904-916. --Brazil
Talice, R.V., 1969. Mamiferos autoctonos. Editorial
Nuestra Tierra, Montevideo, Nuestra Tierra 5. 68 pp.
Tamarin, R.H., ed., 1985. Biology of New World Microtus.
Amer. Soc. of Mammalogists, Stillwater, OK, Spec. Publ.
no. 8. 893 pp. --Arvicolidae
Tamayo, F., 1987. Los llanos de Venezuela. 2.ed. Monte
Avila Editores, Caracas. 232 pp. --Mammalia
Tamayo, M.H., & Frassinetti, D.C., 1980. Catalogos
de los mamiferos fosiles y vivientes de Chile. Mus.
Nac. de Hist. Natur., Santiago de Chile, Bol. 37: 323-399.
Tamayo, M.H., Nunez, H., & Yanez, J., 1987. Lista
sistematica actualizada de los mamiferos vivientes en
Chile y sus nombres comunes. Mus. Nac. de Hist. Natur.,
Santiago de Chile, Noticiario Mensual no. 312. 13 pp.
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Primates in China. Primate Conserv. no. 5: 63-81.
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Ch'uan Yen-yun, 1985. Chung-kuo ti chen ch'in i shou
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ch'ing nien ch'u pan she, Pei-ching. 225 pp. --Mammalia
Tashliev, A.O., & Marinina, L.S., eds., 1977. Voprosy
ekologii mlekopitaiushchikh i presmykaiushchikhsia Turkmenistana
[Problems in the ecology of the mammals & reptiles
of Turkmenistan]. Instit. Zool., ANTur SSR, Ashkhabad.
162 pp. --Mammalia
Tassi, F., 1984. Fauna dell'Appennino. Giunti Martello,
Firenze. 159 pp. --Mammalia--Italy
Tatarinov, K.A., 1956. Zviri zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy:
materialy do vyvchennia fauny Ukrains'koi RSR [Materials
on the animals of the western region of Ukraine]. ANUkr
RSR, Kyiv. 186 pp. --Mammalia
Tate, G.H.H., 1932. Distribution of the South American
shrews. J. of Mamm. 13(3): 223-228. --Soricidae--South
Tate, G.H.H., 1933. A systematic revision of the marsupial
genus Marmosa, with a discussion of the adaptive radiation
of the murine opossums (Marmosa). Amer. Mus. of Natur.
Hist., New York, Bull. 66(1): 1-250. --Didelphidae--Neotropics
Tate, G.H.H., 1935. Rodents of the genera Rattus and
Mus from the Pacific islands, collected by the Whitney
South Sea Expedition, with a discussion of the origin
and races of the Pacific island rat. Amer. Mus. of Natur.
Hist., New York, Bull. 68(3): 145-178. --Muridae--Pacific
Tate, G.H.H., 1936. Some Muridae of the Indo-Australian
Region. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull.
72(6): 501-728. --Southeast Asia--Australasia
Tate, G.H.H., 1939. The mammals of the Guiana Region.
Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 76(5): 151-229.
--Mammalia--South America
Tate, G.H.H., 1941. Results of the Archbold Expeditions.
A review of the genus Hipposideros with special reference
to Indo-Australian species. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
New York, Bull. 78(5): 353-393. --Hipposideridae--Old
Tate, G.H.H., 1945. Results of the Archbold Expeditions.
No. 52. The marsupial genus Phalanger. Amer. Mus. Novit.
no. 1283. 41 pp. --Phalangeridae--Indonesia--New Guinea--Australia--Bismarck
Archipelago--Solomon Islands--Australasia
Tate, G.H.H., 1947. Results of the Archbold Expeditions.
No. 56. On the anatomy and classification of the Dasyuridae
(Marsupialia). Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York,
Bull. 88(3): 97-155. --Indonesia--New Guinea--Australia--Australasia
Tate, G.H.H., 1947. Mammals of Eastern Asia. Macmillan,
New York. 366 pp. --Mammalia--East Asia
Tate, G.H.H., 1948. Results of the Archbold Expeditions.
No. 59. Studies on the anatomy and phylogeny of the
Macropodidae (Marsupialia). Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
New York, Bull. 91(2): 233-352. --New Guinea--Australia--Australasia
Tate, G.H.H., 1948. Studies in the Peramelidae (Marsupialia).
Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 92(6): 313-346.
Tate, G.H.H., 1951. Results of the Archbold Expeditions.
No. 65. The rodents of Australia and New Guinea. Amer.
Mus. of Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 97(4): 183-430.
Tate, G.H.H., 1951. The banded anteater, Myrmecobius
Waterhouse (Marsupialia). Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 1521.
8 pp. --Myrmecobiidae--Australia
Tate, G.H.H., 1951. The wombats (Marsupialia, Phascolomyidae).
Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 1525. 18 pp. --Vombatidae--Australia
Tate, G.H.H., & Archbold, R., 1937. Results of the
Archbold Expeditions. No. 16. Some marsupials of New
Guinea and Celebes. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist., New
York, Bull. 73(1): 331-476. --Marsupialia--Indonesia
Tate, G.H.H., & Archbold, R., 1939. Results of the
Archbold Expeditions. No. 23. A revision of the genus
Emballonura (Chiroptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 1035.
14 pp. --Emballonuridae--Madagascar--Southeast Asia--New
Guinea--West Pacific Ocean--South Pacific Ocean
Tattersall, I., 1982. The primates of Madagascar. Columbia
Univ. Press, New York. 382 pp.
Taub, D.M., 1977. Geographic distribution and habitat
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Folia Primatologia 27: 108-133. --Cercopithecidae--Morocco--Algeria
Taurins, E., 1982. Latvijas ziditajdzivnieki [Mammals
of Latvia]. Zvaigzne, Riga. 252 pp. --Mammalia
Tavrovskii, V.A., ed., 1971. Mlekopitaiushchie IAkutii
[Mammals of Yakutia]. Instit. Biol., IAkutskii Filial,
Sibirskoe Otdelenie, AN SSSR, Moskva. 660 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet
Taylor, E.H., 1934. Philippine land mammals. Philippine
Bureau of Sci., Manila, Monogr. 30. 548 pp. --terrestrial
Taylor, J.M., & Horner, B.E., 1973. Results of the
Archbold Expeditions. No. 98. Systematics of native
Australian Rattus (Rodentia, Muridae). Amer. Mus. of
Natur. Hist., New York, Bull. 150(1): 1-130. --Australia
Taylor, J.M., Calaby, J.H., & Van Deusen, H.M.,
1982. A revision of the genus Rattus (Rodentia, Muridae)
in the New Guinea region. Amer. Mus. of Natur. Hist.,
New York, Bull. 173(3): 177-336. --New Guinea--Australasia
Taylor, R.J., O'Neill, M.G., & Reardon, T., 1987.
Tasmanian bats: identification, distribution and natural
history. Roy. Soc. of Tasmania, Hobart, Papers and Proc.
121: 109-119. --Chiroptera--Tasmania
Teixeira, A.M.A.P., 1979. Marine mammals of the Portuguese
coast. Zeit. fur Saug. 44(4): 221-238. --Cetacea--Pinnipeida--Portugal--North
Atlantic Ocean
Tello, J., 1979. Mamiferos de Venezuela. Fundacion La
Salle de Cienc. Natur., Caracas. 192 pp. --Mammalia
Tembotov, A.K., 1960. Mlekopitaiushchie Kabardino-Balkarskoi
ASSR [Mammals of Kabardia]. Kabardino-Balkarskoe Izdatel'stvo,
Nal'chik. 195 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Tembotov, A.K., et al., eds., 1987. Fauna i ekologiia
mlekopitaiushchikh Kavkaza: mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik
nauchnykh trudov [Faunistics & ecology of mammals
of the Caucasus: interagency studies]. Kabardino-Balkarskii
Gosudarstvennyi Univ., Nal'chik. 231 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Georgia--Azerbaijan--Soviet
Tener, J.S., 1965. Muskoxen in Canada; a biological
and taxonomic review. Canadian Wildl. Serv., Ottawa,
Monogr. Ser. no. 2. 166 pp. --Bovidae--Arctic
Terborgh, J.W., Fitzpatrick, J.W., & Emmons, L.,
1984. Annotated checklist of bird and mammal species
of Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Manu National Park,
Peru. Fieldiana Zool. no. 21 (n.s.). 29 pp. --Mammalia
Tewes, M.E., & Schmidly, D.J., 1987. The Neotropical
felids: jaguar, ocelot, margay, and jaguarundi. in Novak,
M., ed., Wild furbearer management and conservation
in North America (Ontario Trappers Assoc., Ontario):
696-712. --Felidae--Neotropics
Thenius, E., 1992. Das Okapi (Mammalia, Artiodactyla)
von Zaire--'lebendes Fossil' oder sekundarer Urwaldbewohner?
Zeit. fur Zool. Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 30(3):
163-179. --Giraffidae
Thibault, J.-C., Delaugerre, M., & Noblet, J.-F.,
1984. Livre rouge des vertebres menaces de la Corse:
especes non exclusivement marines. Parc Natur. Regional
de la Corse, Ajaccio. 117 pp. --Mammalia--Corsica--France--Mediterranean
Thomas, H.S., 1979. The wild horse controversy. A.S.
Barnes & Co., South Brunswick, NJ. 284 pp. --Equidae
Thomas, J.A., Pastukhov, V., Elsner, R., & Petrov,
E., 1982. Phoca sibirica. Mammalian Species no. 188.
6 pp. --Phocidae--Lake Baikal--Russia--Soviet Union
Thomas, O., 1926. The Spedan Lewis South American Exploration.
II. On mammals collected in the Tarija Department, southern
Bolivia. Ann. and Mag. of Natur. Hist. 17 (9.s.): 318-328.
Thompson, E.F., Jr., 1982. A guide to the amphibians,
reptiles, and mammals of South Carolina. pub. privately.
150 pp. --Mammalia
Thompson, L.S., 1982. Distribution of Montana amphibians,
reptiles and mammals. Montana Audubon Council, Helena.
Thorington, R.W., Jr., & Heltne, P.G., eds., 1976.
Neotropical primates: field studies and conservation.
Natl. Acad. of Sci., Wash., D.C. 135 pp. --Cebidae--Callimiconidae--Callithricidae--Neotropics
Thornback, J., 1983. Wild cattle, bison and buffaloes,
their status and potential value. IUCN Conserv. Monitoring
Centre, Cambridge, England. 64 pp. --Bovidae
Thornback, J., & Jenkins, M., compilers, 1982. The
IUCN mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: Threatened mammalian
taxa of the Americas and the Australasian zoogeographic
region (excluding Cetacea). rev.ed. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
515 pp. --Mammalia
Thorpe, I., 1990. No frills guide to the Comoro Islands.
Bradt Publs., Chalfont St. Peter, Buckingham, England.
50 pp. --Mammalia--Indian Ocean
Thouless, C.R., Grainger, J.G., Shobrak, M., & Habibi,
K., 1991. Conservation status of gazelles in Saudi Arabia.
Biol. Conserv. 58(1): 85-98. --Bovidae--Arabian Peninsula
Tikader, B.K., 1983. Threatened animals of India. Zool.
Surv. of India, Calcutta. 307 pp. --Mammalia
Tikader, B.K., & Das, A.K., 1985. Glimpses of animal
life of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Zool. Surv. of
India, Calcutta. 170 pp. --Mammalia--India--Indian Ocean
Tilson, R.L., & Seal, U.S., eds., 1987. Tigers of
the world; the biology, biopolitics, management, and
conservation of an endangered species. Noyes Publs.,
Park Ridge, NJ. 510 pp. --Felidae--Asia
Timm, R.M., Albuja V., L., & Clauson, B.L., 1986.
Ecology, distribution, harvest, and conservation of
the Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis in Ecuador.
Biotropica 18(2): 150-156. --Trichechidae--Amazon
Timm, R.M., Wilson, D.E., Clauson, B.L., LaVal, R.K.,
& Vaughan, C.S., 1989. Mammals of the La Selva-Braulio
complex, Costa Rica. Fish and Wildl. Serv., U.S. Dept.
of the Interior, Wash., D.C., North Amer. Fauna no.
75. 162 pp. --Mammalia
Tinker, S.W., 1941. Animals of Hawaii: a natural history
of the amphibians, reptiles, and mammals living in the
Hawaiian Islands. 2.ed. Tongg Pub. Co., Honolulu. 190
pp. --Mammalia
Tinker, S.W., 1980. A list of the amphibians, reptiles,
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whales). pub. privately, Honolulu. 8 pp. --Mammalia--Hawaii
Tinker, S.W., 1988. Whales of the world. E.J. Brill,
Leiden, etc. 310 pp. --Cetacea
Tirira S., D., 2000. Listado bibliografico sobre los
mamiferos del Ecuador. EcoCiencia, Quito. 340 pp. --Mammalia
Tisdell, C.A., 1982. Wild pigs [of Australia]: environmental
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445 pp. --Suidae
Tohme, G., & Tohme, H.S., 1985. Les mammiferes sauvages
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Sci. Natur.) 16. 189 pp. --Mammalia--Lebanon
Toktosunov, A., 1958. Gryzuny Kirgizii [Rodents of Kirghizia].
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pp. --Rodentia
Tokuda, M., 1941. A revised monograph of the Japanese
and Manchou-Korean Muridae. Biogeographica (Tokyo) 4(1):
1-155. --Japan--East Asia
Tomich, P.Q., 1986. Mammals in Hawai`i--a synopsis and
notational bibliography. 2.ed. Bishop Museum, Honolulu,
Spec. Publ. 76. 375 pp. --Mammalia--Hawaii
Tomilin, A.G., 1967. Cetacea. Israel Prog. for Scientific
Translations, Jerusalem, Mammals of the USSR and Adjacent
Countries Vol. IX. 717 pp. --Russia--Palearctic--Arctic
Ocean--North Pacific Ocean
Tomo, A.P., 1972. Aves y mamiferos antarticos (guia
para su reconocimiento). Instit. Antartico Argentino,
Buenos Aires. 117 pp. --Mammalia--Antarctica--Southern
Topachevskii, V.A., 1976. Mole rats, Spalacidae. Amerind
Pub. Co., New Delhi, Fauna of the USSR, Mammals Vol.
3(3). 308 pp. --Palearctic
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okhrana: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Status of utilization
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of studies]. Instit. Zool., ANUkr SSR, Kiev. 132 pp.
Torbit, S.C., 1987. Large mammals of the central Rockies:
a guide to their locations and ecology. Bennet Creek
Publs., Monte Vista, CO. 72 pp. --Mammalia--Rocky Mountains
Torres, H., 1984. Distribucion y conservacion de la
vicuna (Vicugna vicugna). IUCN, Gland, Switzerland,
Spec. Rept. no. 1. 32 pp. --Camelidae--Andes--South
Torres, H., 1985. Distribucion y conservacion del guanaco
(Lama guanicoe). IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, Spec. Rept.
no. 2. 37 pp. --Camelidae--South America
Toschi, A., 1965. Mammalia: Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Carnivora,
Artiodactyla, Cetacea. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna,
Fauna d'Italia Vol. 7. 648 pp. --Italy
Toschi, A., & Lanza, B., 1959. Mammalia: generalita,
Insectivora, Chiroptera. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna,
Fauna d'Italia Vol. 4. 488 pp. --Italy
Tovar, S.A., 1971. Catalogo de mamiferos Peruanos. Univ.
Agraria, La Molina, Peru, Anales Cientificos 9(1-2):
18-37. --Mammalia--Peru
Triplehorn, J.H., & Johnson, L.E., 1980. Muskox
bibliography. Instit. of Arctic Biol., Univ. of Alaska,
Fairbanks, Occas. Publs. on Northern Life no. 3. 216
pp. --Bovidae--Arctic
Troughton, E., 1973. Furred animals of Australia. rev.
& abridged ed. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. 314
pp. --Mammalia
Trumler, E., 1959. Die Unterarten des Kiangs, Hemionus
kiang (Moorcroft, 1841). Saug. Mitt. 7(1): 17-24. --Equidae--Central
Tulgat, R., & Schaller, G.B., 1992. Status and distribution
of wild bactrian camels Camelus bactrianus ferus. Biol.
Conserv. 62(1): 11-19. --Camelidae--North Africa--Southwest
Tumlison, R., 1987. Felis lynx. Mammalian Species no.
269. 8 pp. --Felidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
Tun Yin U, 1967. Wild animals [mammals] of Burma. Rangoon
Gazette, Rangoon. 301 pp. --Mammalia
Tung Lu-mao, Chu-ko Yang, & Huang Mei-hua, eds.,
1989. Che-chiang tung wu chih. Shou lei. [Fauna of Zhejiang.
Mammalia.]. Che-chiang k'o hsueh chi shu ch'u pan she,
Hang-chou. 168 pp. --China
Turner, R.W., 1974. Mammals of the Black Hills of South
Dakota and Wyoming. Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas,
Lawrence, Misc. Publ. no. 60. 178 pp. --Mammalia
Tuttle, M.D., 1970. Distribution and zoogeography of
Peruvian bats, with comments on natural history. Univ.
of Kansas Sci. Bull. 49(2): 45-86. --Chiroptera--Peru
Tvrtkovic, N., Dulic, B., & Mrakovcic, M., 1985.
Distribution of Insectivora and Rodentia on the north-east
Adriatic coast (Yugoslavia). Acta Zool. Fennica 170:
Tweedie, M.W.F., 1978. Mammals of Malaysia. Longman
Malaysia, Singapore. 87 pp. --Mammalia
Twidale, C.R., Tyler, M.J., & Davies, M., eds.,
1985. Natural history of Eyre Peninsula. Roy. Soc. of
South Austr., Adelaide, Occas. Publ. no. 4. 229 pp.
--Mammalia--South Australia
Tyler, M.J., ed., 1979. The status of endangered Australian
wildlife. Roy. Zool. Soc. of South Austr., Adelaide.
210 pp. --Mammalia--Australia
Tyler, M.J., Twidale, C.R., & Ling, J.K., eds.,
1979. Natural history of Kangaroo Island. Roy. Soc.
of South Austr., Adelaide. 184 pp. --Mammalia--South
Ulrich, T.J., 1986. Mammals of the Northern
Rockies. rev.ed. Mountain Press Pub. Co., Missoula,
MT. 157 pp. --Mammalia--Rocky Mountains--North America
Ursing, B., 1968. Daggdjur och faglar [Identification
of Swedish mammals & birds]. 2.ed. Norstedt, Stockholm.
359 pp. --Mammalia--Sweden
Usher, M.B., Crawford, T.J., & Banwell, J.L., 1992.
An American invasion of Great Britain: the case of the
native and alien squirrel (Sciurus) species. Conserv.
Biol. 6(1): 108-115. --Sciuridae--British Isles
Valdez, R., 1982. The wild sheep of
the world. Wild Sheep and Goat Intern., Mesilla, NM.
186 pp. --Bovidae
Valdez, R., 1985. Lords of the pinnacles: wild goats
of the world. Wild Sheep and Goat Intern., Mesilla,
NM. 212 pp. --Bovidae
Valverde, J.A., 1957. Aves del Sahara Espanol. Instit.
de Estudios Africanos, Madrid. 487 pp. --Mammalia--Western
Van Deusen, H.M., 1971. Zaglossus, New Guinea's egg-laying
anteater. Fauna (Rancho Mirage, CA) no. 1: 13-19. --Tachyglossidae--New
Van Deusen, H.M., & George, G.G., 1969. Results
of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 90. Notes on the echidnas
(Mammalia, Tachyglossidae) of New Guinea. Amer. Mus.
Novit. no. 2383. 22 pp.
Van Gelder, R.G., 1968. The genus Conepatus (Mammalia:
Mustelidae): variation within a population. Amer. Mus.
Novit. no. 2322. 37 pp. --New World
Van Gelder, R.G., 1982. Mammals of the national parks.
Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore & London. 310
pp. --Mammalia--United States
Van Gelder, R.G., 1984. The mammals of the state of
New Jersey: a preliminary annotated list. New Jersey
Audubon Soc., Bernardsville, NJ. 19 pp. --Mammalia
Van Peenen, P.F.D., Ryan, P.F., & Light, R.H., 1969.
Preliminary identification manual for mammals of South
Vietnam. U.S. Natl. Mus., Smithson. Instit., Wash.,
D.C. 310 pp. --Mammalia
Van Weers, D.J., 1979. Notes on Southeast Asia porcupines
(Hystricidae, Rodentia) IV. On the taxonomy of the subgenus
Acanthion F. Cuvier, 1823 with notes on the other taxa
of the family. Beaufortia 29: 215-272.
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G., 1972. A systematic review of
the Nearctic and Neotropical river otters (genus Lutra,
Mustelidae, Carnivora). Life Sci. Div., Roy. Ontario
Mus., Toronto, Contrib. no. 80. 104 pp. --New World
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G., 1983. Handbook of Canadian mammals.
1. Marsupials and insectivores. Natl. Mus. of Natur.
Sci., Natl. Mus. of Canada, Ottawa. 210 pp. --Didelphidae--Insectivora--Canada
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G., 1985. Handbook of Canadian mammals.
2. Bats. Natl. Mus. of Natur. Sci., Natl. Mus. of Canada,
Ottawa. 212 pp. --Vespertilionidae--Canada
Van Zyll de Jong, C.G., 1986. A systematic study of
Recent bison, with particular consideration of the wood
bison (Bison bison athabascae Rhoads 1898). Natl. Mus.
of Natur. Sci., Natl. Mus. of Canada, Ottawa, Publ.
in Natur. Sci. no. 6. 69 pp. --Bovidae--Canada
Varona, L.S., 1974. Catalogo de los mamiferos vivientes
y extinguidos de las Antilles. Acad. de Cienc. de Cuba,
Havana. 139 pp. --Mammalia--West Indies
Varona, L.S., 1980. Mamiferos de Cuba. Editorial Gente
Nueva, Ciudad de La Habana. 109 pp. --Mammalia
Veevers-Carter, W., 1979. Land mammals of Indonesia
[1st English ed.]. PT Intermasa, Jakarta. 116 pp. --terrestrial
Venables, L.S.V., & Venables, U.M., 1955. Birds
and mammals of Shetland. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh.
391 pp. --Mammalia--Scotland--North Atlantic Ocean
Vereshchagin, N.K., 1967. The mammals of the Caucasus;
a history of the evolution of the fauna. Israel Prog.
for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 816 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Georgia--Azerbaijan
Vereshchagin, N.K., & Rusakov, O.S., 1979. Kopytnye
Severo-Zapada SSSR [Hoofed mammals of the northwestern
USSR]. Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Leningrad. 308 pp. --Artiodactyla--Russia--Soviet
Vergani, D.F., 1985. Comparative study of populations
in Antarctica and Patagonia of the southern elephant
seal, Mirounga leonina (Linne, 1758) and its methodology.
Instit. Antartico Argentino, Direccion Nac. del Antartico,
Buenos Aires, Publ. no. 15. 91 pp. --Phocidae--Southern
Ocean--Argentina--South Atlantic Ocean
Verheyen, W.N., 1963. Contribution a la systematique
du genre Idiurus (Rodentia-Anomaluridae). Rev. de Zool.
et de Botanique Afr. 73(1-2): 157-197. --Africa
Verheyen, W.N., 1968. The Anomalurinae of the Congo
(Rodentia: Anomaluridae). Rev. de Zool. et de Botanique
Afr. 77(3-4): 392-411. --Anomaluridae--Central Africa
Verheyen, W.N., & Van der Straeten, E., 1969. An
annotated bibliography of the African Muridae (Rodentia).
Mus. Roy. de l'Afr. Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, Documentation
Zool. no. 16. 237 pp. --Muridae--Cricetidae--Africa
Vericad, J.R., 1972. Estudio faunistico y biologico
de los mamiferos montaraces del Pirineo. Centro Pirenaico
de Biol. Experimental, Jaca, Spain, Publ. 4. 229 pp.
Veron, G., 1992. Histoire biogeographique du castor
d'Europe, Castor fiber (Rodentia, Mammalia). Mammalia
56(1): 87-108. --Castoridae--Palearctic
Verschuren, J., 1957. Ecologie et biologie et systematique
des cheiropteres. Instit. des Parcs Nationaux du Congo
Belge, Bruxelles, Exploration du Parc Natl. de la Garamba,
Mission H. de Saeger (1949-1952) fasc. 7. 473 pp. --Chiroptera--Zaire
Verschuren, J., 1958. Ecologie et biologie des grandes
mammiferes (primates, carnivores, ongules). Instit.
des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles, Exploration
du Parc Natl. de la Garamba, Mission H. de Saeger (1949-1952)
fasc. 9. 225 pp. --large mammals--Zaire
Verschuren, J., 1972. Contribution a l'ecologie des
Primates, Pholidota, Carnivora, Tubulidentata et Hyracoidea
(mammiferes). Fondation pour Favoriser les Recherches
Scientifiques en Afr., Bruxelles, Exploration du Parc
Natl. des Virunga. Mission F. Bourliere et J. Verschuren
fasc. 3. 61 pp. --Manidae--Orycteropodidae--Procaviidae--Zaire
Verschuren, J., 1978. Les grandes mammiferes du Burundi.
Mammalia 42(2): 209-224. --large mammals
Verschuren, J., 1987. Liste commentee des mammiferes
des Parcs Nationaux du Zaire, du Rwanda et du Burundi.
Instit. Roy. des Sci. Natur. de Belgique, Bruxelles,
Bull. (Biol.) 57: 17-39. --Mammalia
Verschuren, J., 1988. Notes sur l'evolution des habitats
et de la grande faune depuis 1948. Fondation pour Favoriser
les Recherches Scientifiques en Afrique, Bruxelles,
Exploration du Parc Natl. de la Kagera fasc. 3 (2.s.).
61 pp. --large mammals--Zaire
Verschuren, J., 1989. Habitats, mammiferes et conservation
au Congo. Instit. Roy. des Sci. Natur. de Belgique,
Bruxelles, Bull. (Biol.) 59: 169-179. --Mammalia
Verschuren, J., Van der Straeten, E., & Verheyen,
W., 1983. Rongeurs. Fondation pour Favoriser les Recherches
Scientifiques en Afr., Bruxelles, Exploration du Parc
Natl. des Virunga. Mission F. Bourliere et J. Verschuren
fasc. 4. 136 pp. --Rodentia--Zaire
Verts, B.J., & Carraway, L.N., 1984. Keys to the
mammals of Oregon. 3.ed. Oregon St. Univ. Book Stores,
Corvallis. 178 pp. --Mammalia
Vesmanis, I.E., 1979. Einige Bemerkungen uber Elephantulus
rozeti deserti Thomas, 1901 von Tunesien. Afr. Small
Mammal Newsletter no. 4: 1-7. --Macroscelididae--Tunisia
Vesmanis, I.E., 1985. Kleinsaugetiere aus Algerien (Mammalia:
Macroscelidea, Chiroptera, Carnivora, Rodentia). Staatliche
Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Zool. Abhandl. 40: 125-152.
--small mammals--Macroscelididae--Algeria
Vesmanis, I.E., & Vesmanis, A., 1980. Beitrag zur
Kenntnis der Crociduren-Fauna Marokkos (Mammalia, Insectivora,
Soricidae). 1. Die Wimperspitzmause aus den Sammlungen
des Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Staatliche
Mus. fur Tierkunde, Dresden, Zool. Abhandl. 36: 11-80.
Vielliard, J., 1974. Les chiropteres du Tchad. Rev.
Suisse de Zool. 81(4): 975-991. --Chiroptera--Chad
Vieira, C.O. da Cunha, 1942. Ensaio monografico sobre
os quiropteros do Brasil. Arq. de Zool. (Sao Paulo)
3(8): 219-471. --Chiroptera--Brazil
Vieira, C.O. da Cunha, 1946. Carnivoros do Estado de
Sao Paulo. Arq. de Zool. (Sao Paulo) 5(3): 135-175.
Vieira, C.O. da Cunha, 1949. Xenartros e marsupiais
do Estado de Sao Paulo. Arq. de Zool. (Sao Paulo) 7(4):
325-362. --Edentata--Didelphidae--Brazil
Vieira, C.O. da Cunha, 1953. Roedores e lagomorfos do
Estado de Sao Paulo. Arq. de Zool. (Sao Paulo) 8(5):
129-167. --Rodentia--Leporidae--Brazil
Vieira, C.O. da Cunha, 1955. Lista remissiva dos mamiferos
do Brasil. Arq. de Zool. (Sao Paulo) 8(11): 341-474.
Vilgon, L., 1990. Maldive and Laccadive Islands bibliography.
L. Vilgon, Stockholm. 103 pp. --Mammalia--India--Indian
Villa R., B., 1950. Los venados en Mexico. Direccion
General Forestal y de Caza, Mexico, D.F., Bol. de Divulgacion
no. 1. 32 pp. --Cervidae
Villa R., B., 1952. Mamiferos silvestres del Valle de
Mexico. Instit. de Biol., Univ. Nac. Autonoma de Mexico,
Mexico, D.F., Anales (Ser. Zool.) 23(1-2): 269-492.
Villa R., B., 1966. Los murcielagos de Mexico. Instit.
de Biol., Univ. Nac. Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
491 pp. --Chiroptera
Vincett, B.A.L., 1982. Animal life in Saudi Arabia.
Editore Garzanti. 252 pp. --Mammalia--Arabian Peninsula
Vinogradov, B.S., & Argiropulo, A.I., 1968. Key
to rodents. Israel Prog. for Scientific Translations,
Jerusalem, Fauna of the USSR, Vol. 11. 230 pp. --Rodentia--Russia--Soviet
Vinogradov, B.S., & Gromov, I.M., 1952. Gryzuny
fauny SSSR [Rodent fauna of the USSR]. Instit. Zool.,
AN SSSR, Moskva, Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR no. 48.
296 pp. --Rodentia--Russia--Soviet Union
Vinogradov, B.S., & Gromov, I.M., 1984. Kratkii
opredelitel' gryzunov fauny SSSR [A short guide to the
rodent fauna of the USSR]. 2.ed. Instit. Zool., AN SSSR,
Leningrad. 138 pp. --Rodentia--Russia--Soviet Union
Vinogradov, B.S., Novikov, G.A., & Portenko, L.A.,
1953. Atlas okhotnich'ikh i promyslovykh ptits i zverei
SSSR [Atlas of game & economic birds & mammals
of the USSR]. Tom vtoroi, Zveri. Instit. Zool., AN SSSR,
Moskva. 293 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union
Vinogradov, B.S., Pavlovskii, E.N., & Flerov, K.K.,
1935. Zveri Tadzhikistana, ikh zhizn' znachenie dlia
cheloveka [Mammals of Tadzhikistan, their lives &
importance]. Instit. Zool. i Parazitologii, AN SSSR,
Moskva, Trudy Tadzhikistanskoi Bazy Vol. 1. 276 pp.
Vizotto, L.D., & Taddei, V.A., 1973. Chave para
determinacao de quiropteros brasileiros. Bol. de Cienc.
(Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo) no. 1: 1-72. --Chiroptera--Brazil
Vogel, P., 1983. Contribution a l'ecologie et a la zoogeographie
de Micropotamogale lamottei (Mammalia, Tenrecidae).
Revue d'Ecol. (La Terre et la Vie) 38(1): 37-49. --West
Africa--Central Africa
Vohralik, V., 1981. Notes on the distribution and the
biology of small mammals in Bulgaria (Insectivora, Rodentia)
I. Acta Univ. Carolinae Biologica (5-6): 445-461.
Voronov, G.A., 1982. Akklimatizatsiia mlekopitaiushchikh
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[Acclimatization of mammals on Sakhalin & the Kurils:
results & perspectives]. Sakhalinskii Kompleksnyi
Nauchno-issledovatel'skii Instit., DVNTS AN SSSR, Moskva.
132 pp. --Mammalia--Russia--Soviet Union--North Pacific
Voronov, V.G., 1974. Mlekopitaiushchie Kuril'skikh ostrovov
[Mammals of the Kuril Islands]. Sakhalinskii Kompleksnyi
Nauchno-issledovatel'skii Instit., DVNTS AN SSSR, Leningrad.
161 pp.
Vorontsov, N.N., 1982. Nizshie khomiakoobraznye (Cricetidae)
mirovoi fauny [world fauna]: Chast' 1--Morfologiia i
ekologiia. Instit. Zool., AN SSSR, Leningrad, Fauna
SSSR, Mlekopitaiushchie Vol. 3(6). 451 pp.
Vorontsov, N.N., & Shenbrot, G.I., 1984. [A systematic
review of the genus Salpingotus (Rodentia, Dipodidae)
with a description of Salpingotus pallidus sp.n. from
Kazakhstan]. Zool. Zhurnal 63(5): 731-744. --Central
Voss, R.S., 1988. Systematics and ecology of ichthyomyine
rodents (Muroidea): patterns of morphological evolution
in a small adaptive radiation. Amer. Mus. of Natur.
Hist., New York, Bull. 188(2): 259-493. --Cricetidae--New
Voss, R.S., 1992. A revision of the South American species
of Sigmodon (Mammalia: Muridae) with notes on their
natural history and biogeography. Amer. Mus. Novit.
no. 3050. 56 pp. --Cricetidae--South America
Vshivkov, F.N., 1966. Zveri [[Crimean] mammals]. Simferopol'.
86 pp. --Mammalia--Crimea--Ukraine
Wagner, O.S., 1976. Vergleichende chorologische
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Wahrman, J., 1970. Distribution of land vertebrates.
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of Israel, Ministry of Labour, Jerusalem). --terrestrial
Wakefield, N.A., 1963. The Australian pigmy-possums.
Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 80: 99-116. --Burramyidae--Australia
Wallin, L., 1969. The Japanese bat fauna. Zool. Bidrag
fran Uppsala 37(3-4): 223-440. --Chiroptera--Japan
Wallmo, O.C., compiler & ed., 1981. Mule and black-tailed
deer of North America. Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
605 pp. --Cervidae
Walton, D.W., executive ed., 1988. Mammalia. Bureau
of Fauna and Flora, Canberra, Zool. Cat. of Austr. Vol.
5. 274 pp. --Australia
Walton, D.W., & Richardson, B.J., eds., 1989. Mammalia.
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Vol. 1B: 401-1227. --Australia
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Wang Ssu-po [=Sibo], & Yang Kan-yuan [=Ganyun],
1984. Hsin-chiang nieh ch'ih tung wu chih [Rodent fauna
of Xinjiang]. [Xinjiang People's Pub. House], Wu-lu-mu-ch'i.
223 pp. --Rodentia--China
Wang Ting-zheng, 1990. [On the fauna & the zoogeographical
regionalization of Glires (including rodents & lagomorphs)
in Shaanxi Province]. Acta Theriol. Sinica 10(2): 128-136.
Wang You-zhi, 1985. [A new genus & species of Gliridae
Chaetocauda sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov.]. Acta Theriol.
Sinica 5(1): 67-75. --China
Ward, O.G., & Wurster-Hill, D.H., 1990. Nyctereutes
procyonoides. Mammalian Species no. 358. 5 pp. --Canidae--East
Wardhaugh, A.A., 1987. Bats of the British Isles. Shire,
Princes Risborough, England. 24 pp. --Chiroptera
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Waters, J.H., & Rivard, C.J.-J., 1962. Terrestrial
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states. Standard-Modern Printing Co., Brockton, Mass.
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Watkins, L.C., Jones, J.K., Jr., & Genoways, H.H.,
1972. Bats of Jalisco, Mexico. Mus., Texas Tech Univ.,
Lubbock, Spec. Publ. no. 1. 44 pp. --Chiroptera
Watson, L., 1981. Sea guide to whales of the world.
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Watts, C.H.S., 1969. Distribution and habits of the
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Trans. 93: 135-141. --Thylacomyidae--Australia
Watts, C.H.S., ed., 1990. A list of the vertebrates
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& Dept. of Envir. and Planning, Adelaide. 83 pp.
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Wauer, R.H., & Riskind, D.H., eds., 1977. Transactions
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Webster, W.D., Parnell, J.F., & Biggs, W.C., Jr.,
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Univ. of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill & London.
255 pp. --Mammalia--North Carolina--South Carolina
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Ergebnisse der Forschunternehmens Nepal Himalaya 3:
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Weir, B.J., 1974. The tuco-tuco and plains viscacha.
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of London, Symposium no. 34): 113-130. --Chinchillidae--Ctenomyidae--Argentina--South
Weitkowitz, W., 1992. Sightings of whales and dolphins
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(Heidelberg) 6: 5-12. --Southwest Asia--Mediterranean
Sea--Indian Ocean
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D.C. 51 pp. --Phocoenidae
Wenzel, E., & Haltenorth, T., 1972. System der Schleichkatzen
(Viverridae). Saug. Mitt. 20(1-2): 110-127. --Old World
Werger, M.J.A., ed., 1978. Biogeography and ecology
of Southern Africa. 2 v. Dr. Junk, The Hague, Monogr.
Biol. Vol. 31. --Mammalia
Wetzel, R.M., 1975. The species of Tamandua Gray (Edentata,
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Wetzel, R.M., 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus wagneri
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Wetzel, R.M., 1982. Systematics, distribution, ecology,
and conservation of South American edentates. in Mares
& Genoways, eds.: 345-375. --Edentata--South America
Wetzel, R.M., & Avila-Pires, F.D.de, 1980. Identification
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Wetzel, R.M., & Lovett, J.W., 1974. A collection
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Storrs, Occas. Paper (Biol. Sci. Ser.) 2(13): 203-216.
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L. in Eisenberg, J.F., ed., Vertebrate ecology in the
northern Neotropics (Smithson. Instit. Press, Wash.,
D.C.): 43-63. --Dasypodidae--New World
Wheeler, M.E., 1979. Final report: the biology of the
Guam deer. Div. of Aquatic and Wildl. Resources, Dept.
of Agric., Territory of Guam, Agana, Tech. Publ. no.
3. 53 pp. --Cervidae--West Pacific Ocean
Wheeler, M.E., compiler, 1979. A bibliography of the
fruit bat genus Pteropus. Div. of Aquatic and Wildl.
Resources, Dept. of Agric., Territory of Guam, Agana,
Tech. Publ. no. 4. 30 pp. --Pteropodidae--Old World
Wheeler, M.E., 1980. The status of the Marianas fruit
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the eastern United States, excluding birds. Burgess
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guide to North American mammals. Alfred A. Knopf, New
York. 745 pp. --Mammalia--North America
Whitaker, J.O., Jr., & Wrigley, R.E., 1972. Napaeozapus
insignis. Mammalian Species no. 14. 6 pp. --Zapodidae--Nearctic
White, T.G., & Alberico, M.S., 1992. Dinomys branickii.
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Whitehead, G.K., 1964. The deer of Great Britain and
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Routledge & Kegan Paul, London. 597 pp. --Cervidae--British
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and Ireland. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, England.
184 pp. --Bovidae--British Isles
Whitehead, G.K., 1972. Deer of the world. Constable,
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of London, Biol. J. 9(2): 165-189. --Trichechidae--Brazil--South
Atlantic Ocean
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An annotated bibliography of Sirenia. Marine Res. Laboratory,
Florida Dept. of Natur. Resources, St. Petersburg. 44
Whitten, Tony [=A.J.], 1982. The gibbons of Siberut.
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The ecology of Sulawesi. Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. 777 pp. --Mammalia--Indonesia
Whitten, A.J., Damanik, S.J., Anwar, J., & Hisyam,
N., 1987. The ecology of Sumatra. 2.ed. Gadjah Mada
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Wijngaarden, A.van, 1975. De Nederlandse landroofdieren
(Carnivora). Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhist. Vereniging,
Hoogwoud, Wetenschappelijke Meded. no. 106. 28 pp. --Netherlands
Wijngaarden, A.van, Laar, V.van, & Trommel, M.D.M.,
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Ceratotherium simum (Burchell, 1817) for Southern Africa.
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Wiles, G.J., & Conry, P.J., 1990. Terrestrial vertebrates
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Micronesica 23(1): 41-66. --Mammalia--West Pacific Ocean
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bats Pteropus spp. on Guam and other Pacific islands.
Biol. Conserv. 38(2): 143-161. --Pteropodidae--West
Pacific Ocean--South Pacific Ocean
Wiles, G.J., Lemke, T.O., & Payne, N.H., 1989. Population
estimates of fruit bats (Pteropus mariannus) in the
Mariana Islands. Conserv. Biol. 3(1): 66-76. --Pteropodidae--West
Pacific Ocean
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Species no. 331. 10 pp. --Molossidae--New World
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Carnegie Mus. of Natur. Hist., Pittsburgh, Ann. 48(23):
425-433. --Mammalia
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national parks of East Africa. rev.ed. S. Greene Press,
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J. of Wildl. Mngmnt. 44(2): 489-494. --Tapiridae--Malaysia
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Results of the Alcoa Foundation-Suriname Expeditions.
VII. Records of mammals from central and southern Suriname.
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Willig, M.R., & Mares, M.A., 1989. Mammals from
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research. Rev. Brasileira de Biol. 49(2): 361-367. --Mammalia--Brazil
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Chapman, J.A., 1980. Ondatra zibethicus. Mammalian Species
no. 141. 8 pp. --Arvicolidae--Nearctic--Palearctic
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89: 305-311. --Thyropteridae--Neotropics
Wilson, D.E., 1978. Thyroptera discifera. Mammalian
Species no. 104. 3 pp. --Thyropteridae--Neotropics
Wilson, D.E., 1991. Mammals of the Tres Marias Islands.
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Wilson, D.E., & Findley, J.S., 1977. Thyroptera
tricolor. Mammalian Species no. 71. 3 pp. --Thyropteridae--Neotropics
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island flying foxes: proceedings of an international
conservation conference. Fish and Wildl. Serv., U.S.
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Res. Div., New Zealand Ministry of Agric. and Fisheries,
Wellington, Occas. Publ. no. 20. 39 pp. --Otariidae--South
Pacific Ocean--Southern Ocean
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Wilson, R.T., 1984. The camel. Longman, London. 223
pp. --Camelidae--Old World
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Rhodesia, Salisbury, Mus. Mem. no. 5. 147 pp. --Mammalia--Zimbabwe
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Chiu [=Zoological Research] 3(1): 59-68. --Mammalia--China
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of Hainan Island. in Kawamichi, ed.: 146-151. --Mammalia--China
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--marine mammals
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Ziegler, A.C., & Lidicker, W.Z., Jr., 1968. Keys
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Acad. of Sci., San Francisco, Proc. 36(2) (4.s.): 33-71.
--terrestrial mammals
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Pacific Ocean
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