Malvina Reynolds: Song Lyrics and Poems  

What's Your Name

Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1959 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1987.

Hello Ingery Pingery! Ingery Pingery's not my name.
Hello Goopery Boopery! Goopery Boopery's not my name.
What's your name? What's your name?
Richard, Richard, that's my name.
Hello, Richard!

Hello Ingery Pingery! Ingery Pingery's not my name.
Hello Goopery Boopery! Goopery Boopery's not my name.
What's your name? What's your name?
Nancy, Nancy, that's my name.
Hello, Nancy!

Malvina Reynolds songbook(s) in which the music to this song appears:
---- [none]

Malvina Reynolds recording(s) on which this song is performed:
---- [none]

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This page copyright 2006 by Charles H. Smith and Nancy Schimmel. All rights reserved.

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