Malvina Reynolds: Song Lyrics and Poems  

One of the Family

Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1958 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1986.

Sleep's a-coming, say hello,
Lay your head on his shoulder-o.
He will rock you soft and fine,
Sleep is a friend of mine.

Sleep, sleep is a friend of mine,
One of the family,
Brings the stars and makes them shine,
Blows the wind in the tree.

Sleep's a-coming, say hello,
Lay your head on his shoulder-o,
In his pocket you will find
Dreams of a wonderful kind.

Malvina Reynolds songbook(s) in which the music to this song appears:
---- Little Boxes and Other Handmade Songs

Malvina Reynolds recording(s) on which this song is performed:
---- [none]

Recordings by other artists on which this song is performed:
---- Nancy Raven: Singing, Prancing & Dancing (Pacific Cascade Records LPL 7038, 1984)

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This page copyright 2006 by Charles H. Smith and Nancy Schimmel. All rights reserved.

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