Shadowrun Logo THE ROCK
Phoenix Gaming Club Mercenary
10 Games Played
Created 11/14/2009
Metatype Troll Ethnicity Caucasian Gender Male
Body 9 9 base +0 augmentation +0 karma
Agility 3(4) 3 base +1 Muscle Toner +0 karma
Reaction 3(5) 3 base +2 Wired Reflexes +0 karma
Strength 9 9 base +0 augmentation +0 karma
Charisma 2 2 base +0 augmentation +0 karma
Intuition 3 3 base +0 augmentation +0 karma
Logic 2 2 base +0 augmentation +0 karma
Willpower 3 3 base +0 augmentation +0 karma
Total Edge 2 (Natural max 6, or 7 for humans)
Current Edge □□
Essence 2.8 6 base - cyberware [0.1 datajack - 3 wired reflexes] - 1/2 bioware [0.2 muscle toner]
Magic/Resonance 0 (Max 6 + Initiation Grade or Submersion Grade)
Initiative 6(8) 3 Reaction + 3 Intuition + 0 Reflex Enhancers
Initiative Passes 1(3) 1 Base
Matrix Initiative 0 0 Response + 0 Intuition
Astral Initiative 0 0 x2 Intuition
Speed walk 8 | 18 run
Stun Damage
Track Characters have 8 + (Will / 2, round up) boxes on the stun damage track; black out extra boxes.

Ballistic Impact
98 armor jacket + 1 natural armor 76 armor jacket + 1 natural armor
Physical Damage
Track Characters have 8 + (Body / 2, round up) boxes on the physical damage track; black out extra boxes.
Skills — Active

Close Combat Skill Group (Blades, Clubs, Unarmed Combat) 4, Con 2, Dodge 3, Etiquette (Mafia) 1(+2), Firearms Skill Group (Automatics, Long Arms, Pistols) 4, Forgery 3, Infiltration 1, Intimidation 3, Palming 3, Pilot Ground Craft (Car) 1(+2), Shadowing 3

Skills — Knowledge

Academic (Logic)—None | Interests (Intuition)—None | Professional (Logic)—None | Street (Intuition)—Gang Turf 4, Mafia Politics 2, Mafia Safe Houses 2, Number Running 5, Racing Odds 2

Skills — Language

English (native)

Qualities — Positive

  • Home Ground Gianelli Family interests in Puyallup, Seattle; gain +2 dice pool bonus on Active Skill Tests and +4 dice pool bonus on Knowledge skills.
  • Toughness Gain +1 dice pool bonus to Body Tests to make Damage Resistance Tests.

Qualities — Negative

  • Mild Addiction to BTL At least once weekly. Suffer -2 dice pool penalty on Willpower or Body Tests to resist.
  • Scorched Suffer -2 dice pool penalty to Willpower-related Tests against Black IC or BTL.
  • Uncouth The cost for learning or improving Social skills is twice normal for Uncouth characters (including at character creation), and they may never learn any Social skill groups. Additionally, Uncouth characters are treated as "unaware" in any Social skills that they do not possess at Rating 1 or higher. The gamemaster may require the character to make Success Tests for social situations that normal people would have no problems with.

Metatype Abilities

  • +1 Natural Armor
  • +1 Reach
  • Thermographic Vision

Melee Weapons

  • Baseball Bat | DV 6P | AP — | Reach 2
  • Monofilament Sword | DV 8P | AP -1 | Reach 2
  • Unarmed | DV 5S | AP — | Reach 2
Ranged Weapons

  • Ares Predator IV | DV 5P | AP -1 | Mode SA | Recoil — | Range 0-5 / 6-20 / 21-40 / 41-60 | Ammo 15(c)
    Concealable Holster (-1 Concealability) (75¥)
    Internal Smartgun System (+2 dice pool ranged attacks)
    attached — Silencer (-4 dice pool to Perception Tests to notice weapon use or locate operator) (200¥)
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Heavy Pistol Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□

  • AK-97 | DV 6P | AP -1 | Mode SA/BF/FA | Recoil 3(4) | Range 0-50 / 51-150 / 151-350 / 351-550 | Ammo 38(c)
    Gas-Vent 3 System (+3 Recoil Compensation) (400¥)
    Internal Smartgun System (+2 dice pool ranged attacks) (500¥)
    Low-Light Flashlight (200¥)
    Shock Pad (+1 Recoil Compensation) (50¥)
    Sling (15¥)
    loaded — Clip (Explosive Cased Assault Rifle Ammunition; +1 damage) □□□□□|□□□□□|□□□□□

  • Remington 990 Shotgun | DV 7P | AP -1 | Mode SA | Recoil (1) | Range 0-10 / 11-25 / 26-40 / 41-60 | Ammo 8(m)
    External Smartgun System (+2 dice pool ranged attacks) (400¥)
    loaded — Magazine (Cased Shotgun Ammunition) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Cased Shotgun Ammunition) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Cased Shotgun Ammunition) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□
    loaded — Magazine (Flechette Cased Shotgun Ammunition; +2 damage, +5 Impact armor) □□□□□|□□□


  • Muscle Toner | Rating 1 | Essence 0.2 | Notes Gain +1 Agility


  • Datajack | Rating — | Essence 0.1 | Notes
  • Wired Reflexes | Rating 2 | Essence 3 | Notes Free Action to turn on and off to gain +2 Reaction and +2 Initiative Passes

  • Frankie "Straw Law" Ferrari | Loyalty 1 | Connection 3 | Notes Mafia Consiglieri; Male Human
  • Simon "the Shark" Ramone | Loyalty 1 | Connection 1 | Notes BTL Dealer; Male Ork
  • Tony "Necktie" Gianelli | Loyalty 2 | Connection 1 | Notes Mafia Soldier; Male Human
Commlink Transys Avalon
  OS Renraku Ichi | Response 4 | System 2 | Signal 4 | Firewall 2 | Notes hot sim modified
  Programs None

Brock is a powerful, dangerous male troll who grew up in Puyallup district, Seattle. At an early age, he began working odd jobs for various small-time mob hoods. Eventually, he found work as a bodyguard and legbreaker. In fact, years ago his nickname was "Legs" because he broke so many. He still carries around a bat, in case the need arises.

Brock has a number of scars on his body and dermal plates, include half a dozen knife wounds, three pistol bullet wounds, and shotgun flechettes across his back right shoulder. He is a vicious melee fighter who uses his tremendous strength and size to his advantage. Against smaller foes, he likes a ground-and-pound approach; however, he also been know to just grab someone and slam them into the ground (or walls, or trees, or power poles) until unconscious. This ground-and-pound variation he has dubbed "The Rock Special." Against other trolls and large orks, he is a talented boxer with good hand movement.

Why did you become a shadowrunner? After breaking legs and learning the streets for years, it was time to put that experience to work and make some fast cash.
Where did you learn your skills? Working as a mafia enforcer and hit man and bodyguard for corporate executives.
How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Tools are tools; everything is disposable and replaceable.
What's the worst event in your life? Ork girlfriend, Sophia, gunned down in a cab in a hit meant for him.
What's the best event in your life? The first time he completed a mafia job and was paid.
Do you have surviving family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? Yes, parents are human and live in Puyallup.
What is your biggest fear? Afraid of ending up broke and living homeless in the Sprawl.
What makes you laugh out loud? Non-ork or troll "tough guys" who think they can take him man to man.
What makes you angry? People assuming because he is big that he's slow.
What are your sentiments toward magic? Doesn't trust magic and prefers to rely on hot lead and cold steel.
What are your sentiments toward metahumanity? Prefers the company of orks and trolls.
What are your sentiments toward cybernetics? Cybernetics are the ultimate edge.
What would be your theme music? "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath

Age 30 | Height 7 ft. 8 in. | Weight 683 lb. | Hair Black | Eyes Brown
Total Karma 23 | Current Karma 19 | Street Cred 2 | Notoriety 3 | Public Awareness 2
Mannerisms Gruff, tough, wise-guy who doesn't say much but has perfected saying "I'll break you" with a look.
Appearance Well-dressed mountain of muscle with short hair and sweeping horns.
Last Played February 11, 2010

Karma Expenditure Record

  • New Active Skill—Infiltration | 4 Karma | 12/09/2009

  • Real Name Jacob Russo | Nuyen 500¥ | Lifestyle None | Licenses None
  • Alias—Primary Brock Moretti | Nuyen 18,533¥ | Lifestyle High (1 month)| Licenses Fake SIN (Rating 3), Fake Gun License (Rating 4)

AR Gloves (250¥), Armor Jacket (Ballistic 8|6 Impact) (900¥), Baseball Bat (30¥), □□ BTL Chips, Flashlight (25¥), Glasses with Flare Compensation, Image Link, and Smartlink (600¥), Gloves, Lined Coat (Ballistic 6|4 Impact; -2 Concealability to items hidden underneath) (700¥), Metal Restraints (Armor/Structure 12) (20¥), Micro-Transceiver with Subvocal Microphone (Rating 3; Signal 3; -4 Perception Tests to overhear communication) (600¥), Ski Mask

Ammunition (loose)

2 (Cased Shotgun Ammunition), 194 (Regular Cased Assault Rifle Ammunition)

Defeated Enemies

Crimson Crush Goon (2), Crimson Crush Lieutenant, Crimson Crush Specialist, Dwarf Prime Runner, Ghoul (2), GM-Nissan Doberman Drone, Human Asian Young Bloods Ganger (2), Kingston Royals Armsman, Kingston Royals Bokor, Kingston Royals Enforcer, Kingston Royals Sergeant, Kingston Royals Soldier (3), Kingston Royals Street Samurai, Kingston Royals Zombi, Ork Asian Young Bloods Ganger, Renraku Security Corpsman (2), Renraku Security Specialist, Renraku Spider