House Rules
  1. Have fun.

    The point of the game is to have fun, please always keep that in mind. Your behavior can affect the enjoyment of others. If your player dies, it is not the end of the world, this is a game of high magic, resurrection, raise dead, and divine intervention. The end is not always the end. If you react poorly, your character is much more likely to remain dead.

  2. The Dungeon Master's word is law.

    It is okay to disagree with a DM's decision and calmly make your case, including relevant rules from the books; however, the DM is in charge of the game, once he says he has made a final ruling, it is final.

  3. Multiple characters.

    With the Leadership feat, players may play a character and a cohort. Every cohort is considered half of a character in terms of experience division.

  4. Non-reality.

    This is a game. A character's actions are not the same as those of a player. Your best friend may be playing a ruthless rogue character and stab you in the back. This does not mean that your friend would betray you, he was role-playing his character! Please keep events in the game separate from real life relationships.

  5. Drugs, Alcohol, and Cigarettes.

    Several of the players choose not to consume alcoholic beverages, and many are non-smokers. Unless the group is meeting at your home, please refrain from smoking during the game, or do your smoking outside. Also, please refrain from bringing and/or consuming alcohol during the game. If you want to visit a bar after the game, feel free to do so, but please don't bring it to the game. This is simple curtesy for those who would prefer not to partake.

    Use or possession of illegal drugs is probably not a necessary topic to discuss. However, any player possessing or using any illegal drugs during the game will be immediately and permanently banned from game night. There is no appeal.

  6. No Weapons.

    So your favorite character carries a two-handed sword with a 5-foot blade, you as a player don't need to carry one yourself! Please leave all swords, knives, axes, throwing stars, clubs, baseball bats, razor blades, firearms, explosives, nunchucks, brass knuckles, and other forms of weaponry at home.

  7. Character sheets.

    All characters will be on digital (HTML) character sheets. These sheets will be printed out before the game so each player will always have a nice, clean character sheet (no more orange "Cheesy Poof" fingerprints over your hit points!). After each game, all character sheets will be turned in to the Dungeon Master so that he may make the necessary changes to the online character. You have access to your online character sheet at all times. You won't have to worry about forgetting your character sheet ever again!

  8. Character Generation.

    For ability scores, roll 4d6 and add together the highest three rolls. Do this six times. These are the scores to use for your six abilities (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma), and you can arrange the scores in any order that you wish. If you are not satisfied with the scores you rolled, you have the option of using the standard array of 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 in any order you desire.

  9. Allowable races, classes, spells, and feats.

    For standard games, all races and classes from the Player's Handbook are allowed for players to use. Also, the prestige classes from the Dungeon Master's Guide are allowable. For prestige classes that require an evil alignment (such as Assassin), you must have the DM's approval beforehand. Most races, classes, spells, and feats from official Dungeons & Dragons 3.5E products released by Wizards of the Coast are allowed in the game; however, always check with the DM first. He has the final say on what is allowed in the game.

    Material from 3rd party d20 publishers may be allowed, at the DM's discretion. Please keep in mind that 3rd party material is not always as balanced as official Wizards material, so the DM is perfectly within his rights to disallow any and/or all 3rd party material.

    The DM may allow exotic races with higher than average Effective Character Levels into the game. Examples of these include drow, aasimar, ogres, etc. They will be allowed on a case by case basis and only one at a time. It is hard to judge the effect a new race will have on the party, so only one new race will be allowed in at one time. Exotic characters must abide by the Effective Character Level rules (i.e. a character with an ECL of +2 joining a party of 4th-level characters would only be allowed two levels in a character class. His race is equivalent of the other two.)

  10. Spellcasters and material components.

    Spellcasters need material components to cast spells. If the caster has a spell component pouch, it is assumed he has any necessary material needed for spells when the material has no listed cost. If, in the spell description, there is a cost listed, the character must purchase those spell components. Without the necessary component, the spell cannot be cast.

  11. Experience points.

    Characters gain experience as derived from the standard 3.5 rules. The total is divided among each character evenly, and cohorts count as half a character. Thus, every single cohort reduces the amount of experience earned by each character.

  12. Spreading the love.

    Can you invite others to game night? Yes. Be sure to always tell the Dungeon Master BEFORE game night, as well as the person whose house we are meeting at to play. The DM may have plans for the party, don't spring a new player on him unannounced!

    Everyone joining the game must have a character BEFORE game night, and it must be approved by the DM. There are pre-generated characters available on the website for guests to use. They may use new characters as well, but they need to have them generated before game night. There will be no characters transferred in from other games.

    Guests who become regulars may adopt pre-generated PCs as their own. New pre-gens will be made to replace them.

  13. Playtesting.

    The DM, Charles Plemons, is a freelance RPG writer. From time to time, he may have the opportunity to bring in unpublished material from various d20 companies for playtesting. If the group agrees to playtest the material, everyone will need to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements, which disallows you from discussing the material with anyone outside the playtest group. This is a legal restriction and will be strictly enforced. Anyone violating this policy will not be allowed to playtest additional material.

    Playtesters are often given credit in products they test. You might get to see your name in print. Sorry, companies won't pay you for playtesting, but you get to play material before anyone else as well as influence the end products!