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Daggerford Introduction
Situated on the flood plains of the Delimbiyr and built against the side of a low hill, Daggerford is a small, walled community dominated by the small castle of the local duke. The city is sparsely inhabited but strategically located where the Trade Way crosses the Delimbiyr River on the south side of the ford.
This self-styled city is a town of about 500 folk. The town is the largest stop on the Trade Way between Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate. It is home to human craftsmen, a few halflings, and a handful of folk of other races. There are about 20 farming hamlets within a day's walk of Daggerford (15-20 miles), each of which is home to around five families. Each hamlet has a fortified building where the residents retreat in case of raids. There are also isolated farms and a few estates of minor nobility. In all, about 1,200 people depend on the Daggerford market for goods they can't make themselves.
Daggerford lies approximately one hundred twenty miles southeast of Waterdeep and forty miles from the Sword Coast. To the north grows the Ardeep Forest and the Misty Forest spawls to the east. Beyond lies the High Moor, a desolate land overlooked by dreaded Dragonspear Castle. Not far to the west lies the Lizard Marsh, a dangerous stretch of swampland where the River Delimbiyr empties into the ocean. The nearest settlements include the City of Splendors itself, Waterdeep, as well as small towns such as Secomber and Red Larch. Far to the southwest (approximately three hundred sixty miles) stands Baldur's Gate, and beyond it (approximately five hundred miles) stands the great library of the Realms, Candlekeep.
For years, Daggerford was peacefully ruled by Duke Pwyll "Greatshout" Daggerford. Unfortunately, two years ago (1372 DR), the Duke, his sister Lady Bronwyn, and his bastard brother, Lord Llewellyn Longhand, were assassinated by unknown enemies. Because the Duke left no heir, the Town Council elected Lanod Ondabar of Irieabor (brother to respected local wizard Delfen "Yellowknife" Ondabar) as Governor-Mayor. Lanod wasted no time in appointing his old adventuring companion, Cubbin, as sheriff and began selling political favors from the former duke's castle to the highest bidder. In a mere 24 months, Daggerford has become synonymous with vice and exploitation.
By agreement with the previous duke, the town maintains its own militia, trained by Sherlen Spearslayer. Every healthy human resident of the town between the ages of 15 and 35 is required to be a member of the militia. Halflings between 22 and 60, dwarves between 35 and 120, gnomes between 50 and 250, and elves between 150 and 500 must also serve 20 years in the militia. Only pregnant women and mothers with young children are excused, and then only until the children are five years old. The territory around Daggerford is occasionally besieged by evil invaders, and everyone must be ready to defend their homes and lives.
Transients of the right age find themselves either training with the militia or asked to leave town. If a person stays longer than two weeks, a soldier shows up to induct him. Of course, the person can try to evade this duty, but this is difficult in a town the size of Daggerford. Anyone can avoid the duty by paying the expenses of another militiaman, but most residents spend the time rather than the money.
The main teacher of magic in the area is Delfen "Yellowknife" Ondabar, a mage who lives in a small tower on the wall of Daggerford. Delfen takes in apprentices, and he generally has three or four students at any one time. He is contracted to the town of Daggerford to provide training for novice spellcasters. He also trains his apprentices in knife fighting.
Local temples include a large temple of Chauntea and smaller house of worship dedicated to Lathander. There are also shrines to Tymora and Tempus, dutifully tended by a handful of priests. A shrine to Tyr lies within a day's travel of town as well. A couple of religious sects are active in the area, including the Bronzewood Lodge of Silvanus, the Cult of Ascended Lovers (venerating Kelemvor and Mystra) and the Old Order.