Played by Shane Bradley
11 Games Played
Created 12/09/2010
The Liberati
Phoenix Gaming Club
Male Thri-Kreen Good Medium Level 3
Class Ranger Paragon Path None Epic Destiny None
Theme Gladiator Background Southern Wastes (Tamwar Dervish)  
Ability Score Mod +1/2 Lvl
STR 17 15 base +2 race +0 level +3 +4
DEX 19 17 base +2 race +0 level +4 +5
CON 12 12 base +0 race +0 level +1 +2
INT 10 10 base +0 race +0 level +0 +1
WIS 11 11 base +0 race +0 level +0 +1
CHA 8 8 base +0 race +0 level -1 +0
Hit Points Healing Surges
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
3412 Con score plus 22 ranger class levels 17 88 one-quarter hit points □□□□□|□□
Current HP
Second Wind 1/encounter Used
standard action ♦ +2 all Defenses til start turn ♦ spend healing surge
Death Saving Throw Failures
Saving Throw Mods
AC 18 11 10 + 1/2 level +4 Dex or Int +3 armor +0 shield +0 class +0 feat +0 enhancement
FORT 16 11 10 + 1/2 level +3 Str or Con +1 class +0 feat +1 enhancement
REF 17 11 10 + 1/2 level +4 Dex or Int +0 shield +1 class +0 feat +1 enhancement
WILL 12 11 10 + 1/2 level +0 Wis or Cha +0 class +0 feat +1 enhancement
Attack   Damage
Total 1/2 Lvl Abil Class Prof Feat Enh Misc Total W Abil Feat Enh Misc Misc
carrikal ♦ brutal 2 ♦ STR vs. AC +1d6 on critical
+7 +1 +3 +0 +2 +0 +1 +0 1d8+4 1d8 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0
obsidian dagger ♦ off-hand ♦ STR vs. AC +1d6 on critical
+8 +1 +3 +0 +3 +0 +1 +0 1d4+4 1d4 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0
thrown obsidian dagger1 ♦ off-hand ♦ DEX vs. AC range 5/10; +1d6 on critical
+9 +1 +4 +0 +3 +0 +1 +0 1d4+5 1d4 +4 +0 +1 +0 +0
longbow1 ♦ load free ♦ DEX vs. AC range 20/40; +1d6 on critical
+8 +1 +4 +0 +2 +0 +1 +0 1d10+6 1d10 +4 +1 +1 +0 +0
unarmed strike ♦ STR vs. AC +1d6 on critical
+5 +1 +3 +0 +0 +0 +1 +0 1d4+4 1d4 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0
Workarea Workarea
1 With ranged basic attack, add +2 item bonus to damage due to bracers of perfect shot. Does not apply to powers.
  Vision normal, low-light vision
  passive Insight 1110 base +1 Insight score
  passive Perception 1610 base +6 Perception score

Power Points
 Max PP 0 | Current PP
Action Points
Actions Points
Additional Action Point Effects
Initiative +5+4 Dex +1 half-level
Speed 77 race -0 armor
Experience Points 3,515 of 3,750

Ongoing Effects

 Armor Check Penalty -1-1 armor -0 shield
 Skills Acrobatics +9 (+4 Dex, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained, -1 armor), Arcana +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl), Athletics +10 (+3 Str, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained, +2 racial, -1 armor), Bluff +0 (-1 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Diplomacy +0 (-1 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Dungeoneering +6 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained), Endurance +6 (+1 Con, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained, -1 armor), Heal +1 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl), History +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl), Insight +1 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl), Intimidate +0 (-1 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Nature +5 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl, +2 background, +2 racial), Perception +6 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained), Religion +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl), Stealth +4 (+4 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -1 armor), Streetwise +0 (-1 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Thievery +4 (+4 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -1 armor)
 Feats Agile Hunter, Armor Proficiency (cloth, leather, hide), Defensive Mobility, Weapon Focus (+1+1 at 1st level, +2 at 11th level, +3 at 21st level damage with bows), Weapon Proficiency (military melee, military ranged, simple melee, simple ranged)
Combat Features
  • Defensive Mobility – You gain a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.
  • Fixed Enhancement Bonuses – You gain an automatic enhancement bonus of +1 to Attack and Damage rolls as well as a +0 enhancement bonus to all Defenses. On a critical hit, you deal 1d61d6 per fixed enhancement bonus to the attack roll extra damage. This does not stack with other enhancement bonuses and goes into effect even if an item does not have an enhancement bonus of its own.
  • Hunter's Quarry – ( □ ) 1/turn – As a minor action, designate nearest enemy as quarry. Once per round, you deal +1d61d6 Ranger levels extra damage to your quarry. If you can make multiple attacks in a round, you decide which attack to apply the extra damage to after all the attacks are rolled. The hunter's quarry effect remains active until the end of the encounter, until the quarry is defeated, or until you designate a different target as your quarry. You can designate one enemy as your quarry at a time. When you score a critical hit with a melee attack against the target of your Hunter's Quarry, you can shift as a free action, and the enemy takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn.From Agile Hunter feat.
  • Multiple Arms – Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item stored on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.
  • Prime Shot – If none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, you receive a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that target.
At-Will Powers
  • Careful Attack – Martial, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon or Ranged weapon ♦ Requirement You must be wielding two melee weapons or a ranged weapon. ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength +2 vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity +2 vs. AC (ranged) ♦ Hit 1[W] damage. Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 105.
  • Far Hearing – Psionic ♦ Minor ActionPersonalEffect Choose one square you can see that is within 10 squares of you. Until the end of your next turn, you can hear as if you occupied that square.Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 81.
  • Nimble Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ StdRanged weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Special Shift 1 square before or after you attack ♦ Attack Dexterity vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 105.
Encounter Powers
  • Disrupting Advance – Martial, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 2[W] + ability modifier damage, and you push the target 2 squares. The target and each enemy adjacent to the target at the end of the push are slowed until the end of your next turn.Advances levels 11 & 21 ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 50.
  • Evasive Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ StdMelee or Ranged weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Special You can shift a number of squares equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier either before or after the attack ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged) ♦ Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (ranged). Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 105.
  • Go With the Flow – Martial ♦ Immediate ReactionPersonalTrigger an enemy within 5 squares of you that you can see move willingly ♦ Target the triggering enemy ♦ Effect You shift half your speed and gain combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn.Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 51.
  • Thri-Kreen Claws – ♦ Minor ActionMelee 1 ♦ Target one, two, or three enemies ♦ Attack Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom +3 vs. AC ♦ Hit 1d8 + Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom modifier damage. You gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to the number of targets.Advances levels 11 & 21 ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 22.
  • Thundertusk Boar Strike – Martial, Weapon ♦ StdMelee or Ranged weapon ♦ Requirement You must be wielding two melee weapons or a ranged weapon. ♦ Targets one or two creatures ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC (melee; main weapon and off-hand weapon) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged), two attacks ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (ranged) per attack. With each hit, you push the target 1 square. If both attacks hit the same target, you push the target a number of squares equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier.Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 107.
Daily Powers
  • Split the Tree – Martial, Weapon ♦ StdRanged weapon ♦ Targets two creatures within 3 squares of each other ♦ Attack Dexterity vs. AC. Make two attack rolls, take the higher result, and apply it to both targets. ♦ Hit 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. Advances level 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook, pg. 106.
Special Features
  • Natural Jumper – A thri-kreen is always considered to have a running start when jumping.
  • Torpor – Rather than sleep, thri-kreen enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and you require only 4 hours of torpor (rather than 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.
Miscellaneous Information
 History Gengadagon Gen's greatest strength is his love for his clutch. He comes from a powerful group that is surprisingly thriving in the desert. He has been sent to head into the world to gain more knowledge and skill of the other lands. Gen could return to a leadership position if able to return a potent warrior and with offers for the clutch leaders.
Why did you become an adventurer? Thrill of the hunt.
Where did you learn your class skills? My clutch.
How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? Got it from winning a challenge.
What's the worst event in your life? Losing in combat to a younger brother.
What's the best event in your life? Fought off a group of scavengers that tried to kill clutch leaders at night.
Do you have survivng family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? Lots, the clutch takes care of itself. I'm to return sometime.
What is your biggest fear? Returning to find my family gone or dead.
What makes you laugh out loud? Humans, really any of them.
What makes you angry? Thieves, pirates, and evil doers.
What talent would you most like to have? Sharpshooting.
What is your opinion of the Sorcerer Kings? I followed "The Great One", I don't care about Kings.
What would be your theme music? "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse

 Languages Common, Thri-Kreen
 Home Region Southern Wastes
 Height 6 ft. 4 in. | Weight 195 lb. | Age 17 | Skin Brown | Hair None | Eyes Yellow

 Personality Traits Social—Relaxed, Self-Assured, Suspicious | Decision Points—Commanding, Dutiful, Protective | Dire Straits—Fierce, Vengeful, Patient.
 Mannerisms Always on the lookout, shifting view from side to side.
 Appearance Like a bug, but big.
 Tattoos, Scars, or Piercings Scar on middle left arm.

 Last Played March 8, 2011

Defeated Enemy Record
  Baazrag Gnawer, Crawling Claw (5), Elf Archer, Elf Meddler, Elf Sniper (2), Gith Hobbler, Gith Savage (3), Hive Ant Soldier, Human Bandit, Human Berserker, Human Rogue (Tamal), Human Slave (5), Human Warlord (Lasciel), Kank Spitter, Kenku Ruffian (2), Silt Runner Darter, Silt Runner Rager, Ssurran Greenscale Savage, Ssurran Savage, Tarek Earth Shaman, Tiefling Rogue, Tiefling Scofflaw (5)
Equipment & Possessions
  Daily Item Powers Per Day

 Magic Items Equipped WEAPON—None, ARMOR—None, ARMS—bracers of the perfect shot (lvl 3; When you hit with a ranged basic attack, you gain a +2 item bonus to the damage roll.) (680 gp), FEET—None, HANDS—None, HEAD—None, NECK—cloak of resistance (lvl 2; neck slot; +1 enhancement Fortitude, Reflex, and Will) (Power: Daily - Minor Action - Gain resist 5 to all damage until the start of your next turn.) (520 gp), RING (left)—None, RING (right)—None, WAIST—None

 Magic Items Carried None

 Exotic Fruits fruit of clarity (Level 5 ♦ Consumable ♦ Minor Action ♦ Eat this fruit and spend a healing surge. You do not regain hit points as normal. Instead, once during this encounter as a free action, you can reroll a d20 roll you just made, gaining a +1 bonus on the reroll. You must use the result of the reroll.Adventurer's Vault, pg. 188) (50 gp), fruit of healing (Level 5 ♦ Consumable, Healing ♦ Minor Action ♦ Eat this fruit and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.Player's Handbook, pg. 255) (50 gp)

 Nonmagical Items | | | | | | | | | | | arrows, backpack (2 gp), bedroll (1 sp), belt pouch (1 gp), carrikal (+2 proficiency; 1d8 damage; axe; brutal 2; 6 lb.) (15 gp), 12 chatkcha (+2 proficiency; 1d6 damage; light blade; light thrown; 1 lb.) (10 gp), longbow (+2 proficiency; 1d10 damage; 20/40 range; bow; load free; 3 lb.) (30 gp), fire kit (1 gp), hempen rope (50 ft.) (1 gp), hide armor (+3 armor; -1 check; 25 lb.; armor slot) (30 gp), longbow (+2 proficiency; 1d10 damage; 20/40 range; bow; load free; 3 lb.) (30 gp), obsidian dagger (+3 proficiency; 1d4 damage; 5/10 range; light blade; off-hand, light thrown; 1 lb.) (1 gp), surival day (5 gp), torches (bright light 5 squares; 1 hour duration; 1 lb.) (1 sp)

 pp 0, gp 541, sp 337, cp 0
 Other Wealth None
 Debt None

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