Played by Chris Harmon
11 Games Played
Created 12/09/2010
The Liberati
Phoenix Gaming Club
Male Goliath Unaligned Medium Level 3
Class Barbarian Paragon Path None Epic Destiny None
Theme Primal Guardian Background Mountain Tribe  
Ability Score Mod +1/2 Lvl
STR 19 17 base +2 race +0 level +4 +5
DEX 14 14 base +0 race +0 level +2 +3
CON 14 12 base +2 race +0 level +2 +3
INT 10 10 base +0 race +0 level +0 +1
WIS 10 10 base +0 race +0 level +0 +1
CHA 11 11 base +0 race +0 level +0 +1
Hit Points Healing Surges
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
4114 Con score plus 27 class levels 20 1010 one-quarter hit points □□□□□|□□□□□
Current HP
Second Wind 1/encounter Used
standard action ♦ +2 all Defenses til start turn ♦ spend healing surge
Death Saving Throw Failures
Saving Throw Mods
AC 17 11 10 + 1/2 level +2 Dex or Int +3 armor +0 shield +1 class +0 feat +0 enhancement
FORT 17 11 10 + 1/2 level +4 Str or Con +2 class +0 feat +0 enhancement
REF 14 11 10 + 1/2 level +2 Dex or Int +0 shield +1 class +0 feat +0 enhancement
WILL 12 11 10 + 1/2 level +0 Wis or Cha +0 class +0 feat +0 enhancement +1 Mountain's Tenacity racial ability
Attack   Damage
Total 1/2 Lvl Abil Class Prof Feat Enh Misc Total W Abil Feat Enh Misc Misc
flaming greataxe +1 ♦ high crit ♦ STR vs. AC +1d6 fire and +1d12 on critical
+8 +1 +4 +0 +2 +0 +1 +0 1d12+7 1d12 +4 +2 +1 +0 +0
handaxe ♦ off-hand, heavy thrown ♦ STR vs. AC range 5/10; +1d6 on critical
+8 +1 +4 +0 +2 +0 +1 +0 1d6+5 1d6 +4 +0 +1 +0 +0
obsidian dagger ♦ off-hand ♦ STR vs. AC +1d6 on critical
+9 +1 +4 +0 +3 +0 +1 +0 1d4+5 1d4 +4 +0 +1 +0 +0
thrown obsidian dagger ♦ off-hand ♦ DEX vs. AC range 5/10; +1d6 on critical
+7 +1 +2 +0 +3 +0 +1 +0 1d4+3 1d4 +2 +0 +1 +0 +0
unarmed strike ♦ STR vs. AC +1d6 on critical
+6 +1 +4 +0 +0 +0 +1 +0 1d4+5 1d4 +4 +0 +1 +0 +0
Workarea Workarea
  Vision normal
  passive Insight 1110 base +1 Insight score
  passive Perception 1610 base +6 Perception score

Power Points
 Max PP 0 | Current PP
Action Points
Actions Points
Additional Action Point Effects
Initiative +3+2 Dex +1 half-level
Speed 66 race -0 armor
Experience Points 3,515 of 3,750

Ongoing Effects

 Armor Check Penalty -1-1 armor -0 shield
 Skills Acrobatics +2 (+2 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -1 armor), Arcana +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl), Athletics +13 (+4 Str, +1 half-lvl, +2 background, +2 racial, +5 trained, -1 armor), Bluff +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Diplomacy +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Dungeoneering +1 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl), Endurance +7 (+2 Con, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained, -1 armor), Heal +1 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl), History +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl), Insight +1 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl), Intimidate +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Nature +3 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl, +2 racial), Perception +6 (+0 Wis, +1 half-lvl, +5 trained), Religion +1 (+0 Int, +1 half-lvl), Stealth +2 (+2 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -1 armor), Streetwise +1 (+0 Cha, +1 half-lvl), Thievery +2 (+2 Dex, +1 half-lvl, -1 armor)
 Feats Armor Proficiency (cloth, leather, hide), Goliath Greatweapon Prowess, Weapon Expertise (axes), Weapon Proficiency (military melee, simple melee)
Combat Features
  • Barbarian Agility – While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex. The bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
  • Fixed Enhancement Bonuses – You gain an automatic enhancement bonus of +1 to Attack and Damage rolls as well as a +0 enhancement bonus to all Defenses. On a critical hit, you deal 1d61d6 per fixed enhancement bonus to the attack roll extra damage. This does not stack with other enhancement bonuses and goes into effect even if an item does not have an enhancement bonus of its own.
  • Goliath Greatweapon Prowess – You gain proficiency with all simple and military two-handed melee weapons and a +2+2 at 1st level, +3 at 11th level, +4 at 21st level feat bonus to damage rolls with such weapons.
  • Rage – A rage power allows you to enter a rage specified in the power. A rage lasts until you enter a new rage or until the end of the encounter.
  • Rageblood Vigor – Whenever your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. The number of temporary hit points equals 5 + your Constitution modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Constitution modifier at 21st level.
  • Rampage – ( □ ) 1/round – When you score a critical hit with a barbarian attack power, you can immediately make a melee basic attack as a free action. You do not have to attack the same target that you scored a critical hit against.
  • Weapon Expertise – When using an axe, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with any weapon power you use with a weapon from that group. The bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and +3 at 25th level.
At-Will Powers
  • Devastating Strike – barbarian attack ♦ Primal, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Requirement you must be wielding a two-handed weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + 1d8 + Strength modifier damage. ♦ Effect Until the start of your next turn, any attacker gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against you. If you are raging, attackers do not gain this bonus.Advances levels 11 and 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 50.
  • Know Direction – Psionic ♦ Minor ActionPersonalEffect You determine which way is north. For 1 hour, you gain a +2 power bonus to checks to navigate natural terrain using either Perception or Nature.Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 81.
  • Recuperating Strike – barbarian attack ♦ Primal, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Requirement you must be wielding a two-handed weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. If you are raging, the number of temporary hit points you gain equals 5 + your Constitution modifier. ♦ Advances levels 11 and 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 51.
Encounter Powers
  • Avalanche Strike – barbarian attack ♦ Primal, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Rageblood Vigor The attack deals extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier. ♦ Effect Until the start of your next turn, any attacker gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against you. ♦ Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 51.
  • Blood Strike – Primal, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. If you or the target is bloodied, the attack deals 1[W] extra damage. Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 52.
  • Mark of Thunder – Primal, Thunder, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Primary ability vs. AC ♦ Hit 1[W] + ability modifier thunder damage ♦ Effect You mark the target until the end of your next turn. Until the mark ends, if the target makes an attack that does not include you, it takes 5 thunder damage.Advances levels 11 & 21 ♦ Reference Dark Sun Campaign Setting, pg. 58.
  • Stone's EnduranceMinor ActionPersonalEffect You gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.Advances levels 11 & 21 ♦ Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 12.
  • Swift Charge – Primal ♦ Free ActionPersonalTrigger Your attack renduces an enemy to 0 hit points. ♦ Effect You charge an enemy. Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 50.
Daily Powers
  • Bloodhunt Rage – barbarian attack ♦ Primal, Rage, Weapon ♦ StdMelee weapon ♦ Target one creature ♦ Attack Strength vs. AC ♦ Hit 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. ♦ Miss half damage ♦ Effect You enter the rage of the bloodhunt. Until the rage ends, you gain a bonus to melee damage rolls equal to your Constitution modifier if either you or your target is bloodied. Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 51.
  • Primal Vitality – Primal ♦ Minor ActionPersonalEffect You gain temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Constitution modifier. If you are raging, the number of temporary hit points you gain equals one-half your level + twice your Constitution modifier. Reference Player's Handbook 2, pg. 52.
Special Features
  • Powerful Athlete – When you make an Athletics check to jump or climb, roll twice and use either result.
Miscellaneous Information
 History Fenris Ymir "A man with no tribe, is barely a man at all." After his tribe was conquered by followers of Kalak, he planned to spend his life getting retribution. However, upon his recent death, and the freeing of all slaves, Fenris finds himself short a cause. So adventuring was his calling, and he plans to make a name for himself.
Why did you become an adventurer? Village was destroyed by templars when they would not pledge allegience to King Kalak.
Where did you learn your class skills? In the mountains as part of warring goliath tribe.
How did you acquire your equipment, and does any of it have special meaning? He is not partial to equipment, as he takes items from those who fall before him in battle.
What's the worst event in your life? Being left for dead and seeing his village burned.
What's the best event in your life? Every time he wins a battle!
Do you have survivng family? Mother? Father? Siblings? Spouse? Do you stay in touch? Entire tribe was killed off.
What is your biggest fear? Being taken as a slave to serve Kalak.
What makes you laugh out loud? Cityfolk lost in mountains without proper gear.
What makes you angry? Being told what to do, nature wasted on city folk.
What talent would you most like to have? Intimidation.
What is your opinion of the Sorcerer Kings? Don't like authority, especially dogma of Kalak.
What would be your theme music? "The Mountain" by Tonic

 Languages Common, Giant
 Home Region Ringing Mountains
 Height 7 ft. 2 in. | Weight 300 lb. | Age 23 | Skin Brown | Hair None | Eyes Blue (gleaming)

 Personality Traits Social—Big, 50/50, Skeptical at Best | Decision Points—Impatient, Chaotic, Hard-Hearted | Dire Straits—Competitive, Stoic, Restless.
 Mannerisms Describe.
 Appearance Big, bald, brown, speckled with lithoderms, husky, gleeming blue eyes.
 Tattoos, Scars, or Piercings Describe.

 Last Played March 8, 2011

Defeated Enemy Record
  Baazrag Gnawer, Dwarf Conscript (2), Elf Peddler, Elf Scout, Gith Hobbler (2), Halfling Master Slinger, Human Bandit, Human Defiler, Human Slave, Id Fiend, Jhakar Tracker, Mul Gladiator (Romulus), Silk Wyrm Adult, Skeletal Archer (2), Ssurran Shaman, Tiefling Scofflaw, Zombie
Equipment & Possessions
  Daily Item Powers Per Day

 Magic Items Equipped WEAPON—flaming greataxe +1 (lvl 5; +2 proficiency; 1d10 damage; 12 lb. weight; axe, polearm; reach; +1 enhancement attack and damage; +1d6 fire damage on critical) (Power: At-Will, Fire - Free Action - All damage dealt by this weapon is fire damage. Another free action returns the damage to normal.) (Power: Daily, Fire - Free Action - Use this power when you hit with the weapon. Deal an extra 1d6 fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).) (1,000 gp), ARMOR—None, ARMS—None, FEET—None, HANDS—None, HEAD—None, NECK—None, RING (left)—None, RING (right)—None, WAIST—None

 Magic Items Carried None

 Exotic Fruits fruit of healing (lvl 5; minor action; Eat this fruit and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.) (50 gp)

 Nonmagical Items backpack (2 gp), bedroll (1 sp), belt pouch (1 gp), fire kit (1 gp), greataxe (+2 proficiency; 1d12 damage; axe; high crit; 12 lb.) (30 gp), 2 handaxe (+2 proficiency; 1d6 damage; range 5/10; axe; off-hand, heavy thrown; 3 lb.) (5 gp), hempen rope (50 ft.) (1 gp), hide armor (+3 armor; -1 check; 25 lb.; armor slot) (30 gp), obsidian dagger (+3 proficiency; 1d4 damage; 5/10 range; light blade; off-hand, light thrown; 1 lb.) (1 gp), surival day (5 gp), torches (bright light 5 squares; 1 hour duration; 1 lb.) (1 sp)

 pp 0, gp 273, sp 0, cp 0
 Other Wealth None
 Debt None

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