History 419/G Tudor-Stuart England

Tudor-Stuart England is the study of the social, political, and intellectual developments in English History from 1485-1714. Through class lecture, class discussion, in depth reading of contemporary documents and secondary materials, films, and living history presentations, this class will seek to develop knowledge and appreciation for one of the most exhilarating and formative periods of British history.

TEXTS: John Guy, Tudor England
Carol Levin, The Heart & Stomach of a King
Barry Coward, The Stuart Age
E. Cochrane, Early Modern Europe, VI

REQUIREMENTS: Midterm test: September 26. The test will be taken on this date. Make-ups will be a 1-question, no choice test. To be taken on Wed., December 3.

FINAL, Dec. 12 @8:00 a.m.

Living History Presentation & paper, due in late October. Assume the personality of T-S character, and tell the class in an ORAL PRESENTATION about yourself: background, personality, motivation, successes, failures, final resting place, etc. Be prepared to field questions from the class. Turn in a first person paper and bibliography of at least 15 sources--both primary and secondary--on the day of the presentation. You may come in costume if you would like, and you should be prepared to talk for at least 15 minutes. DUE OCTOBER 20, 22, & 24. MUST BE DONE TO PASS COURSE.

TERM PAPER, 10 to 15 pages in length, dealing with the topics: "Order and/or Disorder in Tudor or Stuart England, or "Science and /or Medicine in Tudor or Stuart England". MUST BE DONE TO PASS COURSE. DUE IN DECEMBER.

GRADS: See professor for additional assignment

Weekly (weakly readings) 75 pages/125 pages per week, NOT FROM TEXTS. Turn in a 1-page overview from notes that you have takesn on books & articles. Due on MONDAY of each week. MUST BE DONE TO PASS COURSE.

For uniformity, use the following forms to cite your readings. Put citation at top of page on which you begin your summary. For a book, give author's name, title underlined or italicized, place of publication, date of publication, and number of pages read.

EXAMPLE: Smith, Lacy Baldwin, Henry VII, The Mask of Royalty (Boston, 1971):1-100.

For an article, provide the author's name, title in quotes, source underlined or italicized, volume, date, and number of pages.

EXAMPLE: Alas, Stephen G. "Tudor Policy and the Kildare Ascendancy in the Lordship of Ireland, 1496-1534", English Historical Review 20(March, 1977):235-271.

VALUE: Immeasurable!!!!!

Test 25%
Final 25%
Liv His/paper 20%
Paper 20%
Readings 10%

Dr. Carol Crowe Carraco, Cherry Hall #208
e-mail: carol.crowecarraco@wku.edu